510 research outputs found

    The impact of exercise in improving executive function impairments among children and adolescents with ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objective: he goal of this work was to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis evaluating and comparing exercise related improvements in various executive function (EF) domains among children and adolescents with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). Methods: A systematic literature research was conducted in PubMed, CENTRAL, and PsycInfo from October 1st, 2018 through January 30th, 2019 for original peer-reviewed articles investigating the relationship between exercise interventions and improvements in three domains of executive function (working memory, attention/set shifting, and response inhibition) among children and adolescents with ADHD, ASD, and FASD. Effect sizes (ES) were extracted and combined with random-effects meta-analytic methods. Covariates and moderators were then analyzed using meta-regression and subgroup analyses. Results: A total of 28 studies met inclusion criteria, containing information on 1,281 youth (N=1197 ADHD, N= 54 ASD, N=30 FASD). For ADHD, exercise interventions were associated with moderate improvements in attention/set-shifting (ES 0.38, 95% CI 0.01-0.75, k=14) and approached significance for working memory (ES 0.35, 95%CI -0.17-0.88, k=5) and response inhibition (ES 0.39, 95%CI -0.02-0.80, k=12). For ASD and FASD, exercise interventions were associated with large improvements in working memory (ES 1.36, 95%CI 1.08-1.64) and response inhibition (ES 0.78, 95%CI 0.21-1.35) and approached significance for attention/set-shifting (ES 0.69, 95% -0.28-1.66). There was evidence of substantial methodologic and substantive heterogeneity among studies. Sample size, mean age, study design, and the number or duration of intervention sessions did not significantly moderate the relationship between exercise and executive function. Conclusion: Exercise interventions among children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders were associated with moderate improvements in executive function domains. Of note, studies of youth with ASD and FASD tended to report higher effect sizes compared to studies of youth with ADHD, albeit few existing studies. Exercise may be a potentially cost-effective and readily implementable intervention to improve executive function in these populations

    New ground-based observational methods and instrumentation for asteroseismology

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    Space instrumentation like SOHO, MOST, CoRoT and Kepler has been and is being built to attain very high precision data to be used for asteroseismic analysis. Nonetheless, there is a very strong need for providing additional information, especially on mode identification. With this contribution I will review the efforts been put on new ground-based instrumentation and the methodology that can be used to achieve this aim.Comment: 6 pages. Review contribution to be published in Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings series (ASSP), in the proceedings of "20th Stellar Pulsation Conference Series: Impact of new instrumentation and new insights in stellar pulsations", 5-9 September 2011, Granada, Spai

    The Tien Shan vole (Microtus ilaeus; Rodentia: Cricetidae) as a new species in the Late Pleistocene of Europe

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    Abstract Grey voles (subgenus Microtus) represent a complex of at least seven closely related and partly cryptic species. The range of these species extends from the Atlantic to the Altai Mountains, but most of them occur east of the Black Sea. Using ancient DNA analyses of the Late Pleistocene specimens, we identified a new mtDNA lineage of grey voles in Europe. Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b sequences from 23 voles from three caves, namely, Emine?Bair?Khosar (Crimea, Ukraine), Cave 16 (Bulgaria), and Bacho Kiro (Bulgaria), showed that 14 specimens form a previously unrecognized lineage, sister to the Tien Shan vole. The average sequence divergence of this lineage and the extant Tien Shan vole was 4.8%, which is similar to the divergence of grey vole forms, which are considered distinct species or being on the verge of speciation; M. arvalis and M. obscurus or M. mystacinus and M. rossiaemeridionalis. We estimated the time to the most recent common ancestor of the grey voles to be 0.66 Ma, which is over twice the recent estimates, while the divergence of the extant Tien Shan vole and the new lineage to be 0.29 Ma. Our discovery suggests that grey voles may have been more diversified in the past and that their ranges may have differed substantially from current ones. It also underlines the utility of ancient DNA to decipher the evolutionary history of voles

    Etiopathogenetic parallels and unresolved issues of pathogenesis of comorbidity COPD and metabolic syndrome (review)

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    The review analyzes the etiological and pathogenetic factors (including immunopathogenesis factors) of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and metabolic syndrome (MS), cites data on clinical and pathogenetic characteristics of combined pathology, emphasizes the commonality of risk factors and individual links of pathogenesis in syntropy.The clinical and pathogenetic features of the comorbidity of COPD and MS are closely related to the severity of chronic “metabolic” inflammation induced by elements of adipose tissue. Functional and biochemical disorders recorded in metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia) are considered as factors contributing to dysfunction of the components of innate and adaptive immunity.The review formulates a number of unresolved issues of the pathogenesis of comorbid pathology, the study of which is necessary to search for the mutual aggravating effect of COPD and MS mechanisms. In view of the clinical and laboratory metabolic syndrome equivalents variety, the authors emphasize the relevance of future studies of the pathogenetic features of chronic inflammation associated with the comorbidity of the main components of metabolic syndrome and COPD, to develop effective methods of prevention and pathogenetic therapy of comorbid pathology


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    The article presents the results of obtaining protective coatings under SHS conditions. It has been established that the main criterion in determining the optimal technological parameters for obtaining protective coatings in the thermal self-ignition mode is the diffusion layer thickness (h, μm), the distribution of the diffusion element concentration over the layer thickness, the phase composition and layer properties (heat resistance, adhesive strength, corrosion resistance, wear resistance). The structure of the surface layers significantly depends on the composition of the saturating mixture, the choice of the coating temperature and the duration of the process. The main technological parameters affecting the formation of coatings in the thermal self-ignition mode are: ignition temperature (t*,ºC), maximum temperature (tm,ºC), isothermal holding temperature (t,ºC), isothermal holding time (τ, min) and heating rate (v, C/min). After carrying out the borochromoalitivan layer, it has a characteristic needle-like structure. Boride needles form a continuous layer of borides with aluminum inclusions. The microstructures of the borochromo-aluminized coating for different exposure times have the following phases (Fe, Cr, Al)2B under which there is an α-solid solution of Cr, Al and B in iron. The studies carried out at the pilot plant, consist of the following main functional systems: reaction equipment, gas supply system, process parameters control and regulation system. The kinetics of the formation of borochrome coatings was studied at a process temperature of 1050ºC for 60 minutes. A borochromoalitization coating with a thickness of 45-80 µm was obtained. With a microhardness of 15-17 · 103 MPa. As a result of the study on the friction machine SMT-1 to 5:00 of the experiment, it was found that samples with different types of coatings wear 155-175·10-4 g /m2.В статье приведены результаты получения защитных покрытий в условиях СВС. Установлено, что основными критериями при определении оптимальных технологических параметров получения защитных покрытий в режиме теплового самовоспламенения является толщина диффузионного слоя (h, мкм), распределение концентрации диффузионного элемента по толщине слоя, фазовый состав и свойства слоя (жаростойкость, адгезионная прочность, коррозионная стойкость, износостойкость). Строение поверхностных слоев существенно зависит от состава насыщающей смеси, выбора режима нанесения покрытий, температуры и продолжительности процесса. Основными технологическими параметрами, влияющими на процессы формирования покрытий в режиме теплового самовоспламенения являются: температура воспламенения (t*, ºC), максимальная температура (tм, ºC), температура изотермической выдержки (t, ºC), время изотермической выдержки (τ, мин.) и темп нагрева (v, C/мин.).  После проведения борохромоалитирования слой имеет характерную игольчатую структуру. Иглы боридов образуют сплошной слой боридов с включениями алюминия. Микроструктуры борохромоалитованного покрытия для различных времен выдержки имеют следующие фазы (Fe, Cr, Al)2B под которым находится α-твердый раствор Cr, Al и B в железе. Проведенные исследования на опытно-промышленной установке, состоят из следующих основных функциональных систем: реакционное оборудование, система газоснабжения, система контроля и регулирования технологических параметров. Исследована кинетика формирования борохромоалитированных покрытий при температуре процесса 1050 ºC 60 минут. Получено борохромоалитированные покрытия толщиной 45—80 мкм. с микротвердостью 15—17 103 МПа. В результате проведенных исследований на машине трения СМТ-1, в течение 5 часов  установлено, что образцы с различным типом покрытия имеют износ 155-175·10-4 г / м2.У статті наведено результати отримання захисних покриттів в умовах СВС. Встановлено, що основними критеріями при визначенні оптимальних технологічних параметрів одержання захисних покриттів в режимі теплового самозаймання є товщина дифузійного шару (h, мкм), розподіл концентрації дифузійного елемента по товщині шару, фазовий склад і властивості шару (жаростійкість, адгезійна міцність, корозійна стійкість, зносостійкість). Будова поверхневих шарів істотно залежить від складу насичуючої суміші, вибору режиму нанесення покриттів, температури і тривалості процесу. Основними технологічними параметрами, що впливають на процеси формування покриттів в режимі теплового самозаймання, є: температура займання (t*, ºC), максимальна температура процесу (tм, ºC), температура ізотермічної витримки (t, ºC), час ізотермічної витримки (τ, хв.) і темп нагріву (v, C/хв.). Після проведення борохромоалітування шар має характерну голчату будову. Голки боридів утворюють суцільний шар боридів з включеннями алюмінію. Мікроструктури борохромоалітованного покриття для різних часів витримки мають  наступні фази (Fe, Cr, Al)2B, під якими знаходиться α-твердий розчин Cr, Al та B в залізі. Проведені випробування на дослідно-промисловій установці, яка складається з наступних основних функціональних систем: реакційного обладнання, газопостачання, контролю і регулювання технологічними параметрами. Досліджено кінетику формування борохромоалітованих покриттів при температурі процесу 1050 ºC за 60 хвилин. Отримано борохромоалітовані покриття товщиною 45—80 мкм з мікротвердістю 15—17 ·103 МПа. В результаті проведення дослідження на машині тертя СМТ-1 за 5 годин експерименту встановлено, що зразки з різним типом покриття мають знос 155-175·10-4 г/м2

    Detection of gravity modes in the massive binary V380 Cyg from Kepler spacebased photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy

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    We report the discovery of low-amplitude gravity-mode oscillations in the massive binary star V380 Cyg, from 180 d of Kepler custom-aperture space photometry and 5 months of high-resolution high signal-to-noise spectroscopy. The new data are of unprecedented quality and allowed to improve the orbital and fundamental parameters for this binary. The orbital solution was subtracted from the photometric data and led to the detection of periodic intrinsic variability with frequencies of which some are multiples of the orbital frequency and others are not. Spectral disentangling allowed the detection of line-profile variability in the primary. With our discovery of intrinsic variability interpreted as gravity mode oscillations, V380 Cyg becomes an important laboratory for future seismic tuning of the near-core physics in massive B-type stars.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter