5,578 research outputs found

    Virtual restitution of the parietal decoration in the Sala del Mosaico de los Amores, Cástulo Archaelogical site (Linares, Spain)

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    The use of photogrammetry in the field of archaeology is increasingly widespread. In the case of restoration, the use of 3D contributes to facilitating the complex process of an intervention and bringing the artwork closer to the general public. This paper describes the application of 3D modelling techniques in the specific case of the Roman wall paintings from the Sala del Mosaico de los Amores, in Castulo Archaeological Site (Linares, province of Jaén). These paintings were found in 2011, collapsed over the mosaic pavement, and they were moved to the University of Granada for their restoration. After the intervention, the photogrammetric surveys of the different fragments and of the room to which they belong were developed, and the virtual restitution was generated, therefore making it possible for the general public to reliably appreciate how the room would look like with the parietal decoration located in-situ.Ministry of Economy and CompetitivenessEuropean Regional Development Fund (MINECO/FEDER, UE) HAR2015-66139-PResearch project "Chromatic treatments in architecture of Islamic tradition. Techniques and Conservation" by the Andalusian Regional Government, Department of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment P12 HUM 1941German Research Foundation (DFG

    The dilemmas of parental mediation: continuities from parenting in general

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    This article examines how much parent-child interactions around the online world reflect broader, more long-standing parent-child relations and parenting dilemmas. It does so through exploring the meanings that parents give to their parenting practices and the beliefs that underlie parental mediation their children's online activities as well as the reasons for any differences between their broader normative approach to parental mediation and their actual practices. Qualitative in-depth interviews conducted with 26 Spanish parents of children aged 9 to 16-years-old found that many parents favoured the managed progression of children towards more autonomy and gave reasons why it was important to trust older children. However, the analysis explores a range of dilemmas parents experience when trying to implement these ideals, where issues of privacy, trust and managing that progression all proved to be problematic

    Influencia de nuevas técnicas de desinfección de suelos sobre la precocidad y productividad del fresón ecológico.

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    Una pérdida del equilibrio del suelo puede presentar peligrosidad para el cultivo por la presencia de hongos patógenos, nemátodos parásitos, ácaros,…En agricultura ecológica se hace necesaria una rotación de cultivos para controlar la presión de los patógenos, que puede verse complementado con los tratamientos de biofumigación y solarización. Con este trabajo se pretende estudiar la influencia de nuevas técnicas de desinfección de suelos, como son la biofumigación y la solarización, en la precocidad y productividad en el cultivo ecológico de fresón. El ensayo se desarrolló durante las campañas 2003/04 y 2004/05 en una explotación comercial ecológica certificada de Almonte (Huelva). Para ello se diseñó un experimento en bloques al azar, con tres repeticiones en el que se dispusieron tres tratamientos: control (C), biofumigación (BF) y biofumigación+solarización (BF+S). Durante la campaña 2003-04 los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas en la producción de fresón de primera categoría comercial entre los tratamientos biofumigados y el tratamiento control, alcanzándose valores máximos de producción de 623,5 g planta-1 en el tratamiento biofumigación. La precocidad durante la primera campaña mostró diferencias significativas entre el tratamiento biofumigación+solarización y el tratamiento control. En la campaña 2004/05 la influencia de las heladas sobre el cultivo del fresón pudo ser la causa que provocó la ausencia de diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos, a pesar de ello se siguieron obteniendo las mayores producciones con los tratamientos biofumigados

    The complex structure of HH 110 as revealed from Integral Field Spectroscopy

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    HH 110 is a rather peculiar Herbig-Haro object in Orion that originates due to the deflection of another jet (HH 270) by a dense molecular clump, instead of being directly ejected from a young stellar object. Here we present new results on the kinematics and physical conditions of HH 110 based on Integral Field Spectroscopy. The 3D spectral data cover the whole outflow extent (~4.5 arcmin, ~0.6 pc at a distance of 460 pc) in the spectral range 6500-7000 \AA. We built emission-line intensity maps of Hα\alpha, [NII] and [SII] and of their radial velocity channels. Furthermore, we analysed the spatial distribution of the excitation and electron density from [NII]/Hα\alpha, [SII]/Hα\alpha, and [SII] 6716/6731 integrated line-ratio maps, as well as their behaviour as a function of velocity, from line-ratio channel maps. Our results fully reproduce the morphology and kinematics obtained from previous imaging and long-slit data. In addition, the IFS data revealed, for the first time, the complex spatial distribution of the physical conditions (excitation and density) in the whole jet, and their behaviour as a function of the kinematics. The results here derived give further support to the more recent model simulations that involve deflection of a pulsed jet propagating in an inhomogeneous ambient medium. The IFS data give richer information than that provided by current model simulations or laboratory jet experiments. Hence, they could provide valuable clues to constrain the space parameters in future theoretical works.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures Accepted in MNRA

    Modification of characters linked to Cucurbita maxima domestication. Using morphometry as a tool for identification

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    El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en reconocer patrones de variación morfométrica –mediante la aplicación de análisis multivariado para tamaño y forma- en semillas de C. maxima que sean diagnósticos para formas domesticadas, silvestres e híbridas actuales, a fin de aplicarlos a la identificación de semillas arqueológicas. Para lograr este objetivo se midieron con calibre digital 1317 semillas de las formas antedichas y de nueve sitios arqueológicos de Argentina y Perú. Se exploró el patrón de variación entre las mismas en tamaño y forma mediante análisis multivariado. Se identificó una tendencia general hacia la disminución de la variabilidad en forma y tamaño a lo largo del tiempo, con una primera etapa donde se mantuvieron ejemplares híbridos, generándose nuevas formas y una segunda donde se mantuvieron los rasgos de momentos previos y el aumento del tamaño de las semillas

    Convergent validity of two items to differentiate between active and sedentary students

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    Este estudio examina la validez y fiabilidad de dos ítems de actividad física (AF) incluidos en el CHIP-CE para discriminar entre escolares activos y sedentarios. Se realizó un estudio observacional-transversal, con 1.073 escolares de ambos sexos, de 10-13 años. Mediante los ítems 13 y 28 del CHIP-CE se clasificó a los escolares como activos o sedentarios. La validez convergente fue examinada utilizando como criterio variables de adiposidad, lipídicas, metabólicas, de presión arterial y de fitness. El coeficiente de correlación de Spearman entre los dos ítems fue de 0,60. Los coeficientes de correlación de Spearman entre la media de los dos items de AF y las variables de salud mostraron valores más altos con el % grasa corporal, la insulina basal, la frecuencia cardiaca de recuperación y el fitness. La escala de dos ítems extraída del CHIP-CE es un instrumento válido para clasificar a los escolares en activos o sedentarios.This study examined the validity and reliability of two physical activity Child Health and Illness Profile - Child Edition (CHIP-CE) items to differentiate between active and sedentary students. An observational cross-sectional study design was used with 1,073 students from 11 to 13 years old, from 20 schools in the province of Cuenca (Spain). Item 13 and item 28 of the CHIP-CE, a generic childhood quality of life instrument, were evaluated. Convergent validity was examined using adiposity, lipidic, metabolic, blood pressure and cardiorespiratory fitness variables as criteria. The Spearman coefficient of correlation between the two items was 0.60. The Spearman correlation coefficients between the physical activity items and the anthropometric, lipidic, metabolic, blood pressure and cardiorespiratory fitness variables showed higher values with percentage body fat, fasting insulin, recovery heart rate and cardiorespiratory fitness. Our two-item questionnaire exhibited acceptable validity and high internal consistency for classifying students as either active or sedentary.Este estudio fue financiado por la Consejería de Sanidad de Castilla-La Mancha (beca GC03060-00). Financiación adicional fue obtenida del Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Red de Investigación en Actividades Preventivas y de Promoción de Salud (grant RD06/0018/0038)

    Estudio de la calidad del árido reciclado y su relación con la resistencia a compresión del hormigón reciclado utilizando una base de datos

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    This work studies the physical and mechanical properties of recycled concrete aggregate (recycled aggregate from concrete waste) and their influence in structural recycled concrete compressive strength. For said purpose, a database has been developed with the experimental results of 152 works selected from over 250 international references. The processed database results indicate that the most sensitive properties of recycled aggregate quality are density and absorption. Moreover, the study analyses how the recycled aggregate (both percentage and quality) and the mixing procedure (pre-soaking or adding extra water) influence the recycled concrete strength of different categories (high or low water to cement ratios). When recycled aggregate absorption is low (under 5%), pre-soaking or adding extra water to avoid loss in workability will negatively affect concrete strength (due to the bleeding effect), whereas with high water absorption this does not occur and both of the aforementioned correcting methods can be accurately employed.El estudio analiza las propiedades físico-mecánicas de los áridos reciclados de hormigón (procedentes de residuos de hormigón) y su influencia en la resistencia a compresión del hormigón reciclado estructural. Para ello se ha desarrollado una base de datos con resultados de 152 trabajos seleccionados a partir de más de 250 referencias internacionales. Los resultados del tratamiento de la base indican que densidad y absorción son las propiedades más sensibles a la calidad del árido reciclado. Además, este estudio analiza cómo el árido reciclado (porcentaje y calidad) y el procedimiento de mezcla (presaturación o adición de agua extra) influyen en la resistencia del hormigón reciclado de diferentes categorías (alta o baja relación agua-cemento). Cuando la absorción es baja (inferior al 5%) presaturar o añadir agua para evitar pérdidas de trabajabilidad afectan negativamente a la resistencia (debido al bleeding), mientras que cuando es alta esto no sucede y ambos métodos son adecuados

    Etiopathology of chronic tubular, glomerular and renovascular nephropathies: Clinical implications

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) comprises a group of pathologies in which the renal excretory function is chronically compromised. Most, but not all, forms of CKD are progressive and irreversible, pathological syndromes that start silently (i.e. no functional alterations are evident), continue through renal dysfunction and ends up in renal failure. At this point, kidney transplant or dialysis (renal replacement therapy, RRT) becomes necessary to prevent death derived from the inability of the kidneys to cleanse the blood and achieve hydroelectrolytic balance. Worldwide, nearly 1.5 million people need RRT, and the incidence of CKD has increased significantly over the last decades. Diabetes and hypertension are among the leading causes of end stage renal disease, although autoimmunity, renal atherosclerosis, certain infections, drugs and toxins, obstruction of the urinary tract, genetic alterations, and other insults may initiate the disease by damaging the glomerular, tubular, vascular or interstitial compartments of the kidneys. In all cases, CKD eventually compromises all these structures and gives rise to a similar phenotype regardless of etiology. This review describes with an integrative approach the pathophysiological process of tubulointerstitial, glomerular and renovascular diseases, and makes emphasis on the key cellular and molecular events involved. It further analyses the key mechanisms leading to a merging phenotype and pathophysiological scenario as etiologically distinct diseases progress. Finally clinical implications and future experimental and therapeutic perspectives are discussed