679 research outputs found

    Crescimento vegetativo e acúmulo de nutrientes em diferentes genótipos do cafeeiro Conilon.

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    MARRE, Welington Braida; M.Sc.; Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo; Maio de 2012; Crescimento e acúmulo de nutrientes pelo cafeeiro conilon, com distintos estágios de maturação. Orientador: Fábio Luiz Partelli. O conhecimento de aspectos fenológicos nutricionais é fundamental na melhoria da qualidade e produtividade do cafeeiro. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o crescimento sazonal e o acúmulo de nutrientes pelo cafeeiro Conilon (Coffea canephora Pierre), com estágios de maturação distintas e o crescimento de grupos de ramos ortotrópicos e plagiotrópicos com diferentes idades, bem como relacioná-los com os fatores climáticos. O experimento foi conduzido de 14/08/2010 a 08/10/2011 em uma lavoura a campo no município de Nova Venécia-ES. O delineamento experimental empregado foi inteiramente ao acaso, com cinco repetições. Foram utilizadas plantas com três anos de idade, cultivadas sob condições de pleno sol, no espaçamento de 3 m entre fileiras e 1 m entre plantas. A taxa de crescimento dos ramos ortotrópicos e plagiotrópicos do C canephora são diferentes entre os genótipos e, sofrem variação sazonal durante todo o período do ano, influenciada principalmente pelas variações de temperatura do ar. Sob temperaturas mínimas do ar abaixo de 17,2 ºC, a taxa de crescimento dos ramos de C. canephora é bastante reduzida para maioria dos genótipos estudados. Ramos plagiotrópicos com passar dos meses e, principalmente com café apresentam menor crescimento vegetativo, comparado a ramos mais novos. Genótipos com ciclo de maturação distintos também apresentaram particularidades em cada nutriente absorvido, variando de acordo o período, podendo sugerir que cada genótipo demanda uma quantidade variável de nutriente no mesmo período. Genótipos com ciclo de maturação dos frutos mais prolongados demandam mais nutrientes e melhor distribuídos no ciclo. Sugere-se que a maioria dos genótipos de café Conilon demandam mais nutrientes para o crescimento entre meado de setembro a segunda semana de maio. Sugere-se também que as adubações devem ser realizadas em datas diferenciadas para cada tipo de maturação, de acordo com a necessidade do nutriente na formação do fruto. Palavras-chave: Coffea canephora Pierre, desenvolvimento de ramos, genótipos; temperatura, nutrientes

    How (not) to talk about adoption : on communicative vigilance in Spain

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    This chapter was written with the support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness R+D Project “Adoptions and fosterages in Spain: tracing challenges, opportunities and problems in social and family lives of children and adolescents†(CSO2012-39593-C02-01), IP Diana MarreAdoptions and fosterages in Spain: tracing challenges, opportunities and problems in social and family lives of children and adolescents (2013-2015), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CSO2012-39593-C02-01. IP: Diana Marre.Transnational adoption is very difficult to talk about in Spain. For this reason, speakers use "communicative vigilance" to emphasize the appropriate ways to speak and particularly not to speak about it. Part of the difficulty, we demonstrate, is that adoption talk must mediate two contradictory understandings of talk and kinship: (1) a referentialist one in which adoption's undesirability must be first acknowledged and then masked and (2) a performative one in which talk can create a new world where transnational adoption is equivalent to and as valuable as traditional ways of creating families. Our findings have implications for both language-socialization studies and kinship studie

    Com (no) parlar sobre adopció a Espanya

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    A Espanya, que fins el 2008 va tenir un dels índexs de natalitat més baixos del món i un dels més alts en adopcions internacionals, és difícil parlar sobre adopció en l'àmbit de la família, com així també en l'àmbit de les diferents professions i de la investigació relacionada amb la mateixa. Aquestes dificultats de comunicació, com ha demostrat aquesta investigació qualitativa, s'originen en la coexistència de dos ideals competitius sobre la relació existent entre la creació i el suport a la família i la comunicació sobre la mateixa.En España, que hasta 2008 tuvo uno de los índices de natalidad más bajos del mundo y uno de los más altos en adopciones internacionales, es difícil hablar sobre adopción en el ámbito de la familia, como así también en el ámbito de las diferentes profesiones y de la investigación relacionada con la misma. Estas dificultades de comunicación, como ha demostrado esta investigación cualitativa, se originan en la coexistencia de dos ideales competitivos acerca de la relación existente entre la creación y el apoyo a la familia y la comunicación sobre la misma.Speaking about adoption in Spain, where until 2008 it was one of the countries with the lowest birth rate and an extremely high adoption rate,is difficult for parents, professionals, and researchers alike. Qualitative research has revealed that two competing, co-existing ideals about the relationship between family creation and support and how this is dealt with are at the root of these communicative difficulties

    Follow-up of blood-pressure lowering and glucose control in type 2 diabetes.

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    BACKGROUND In the Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron Modified Release Controlled Evaluation (ADVANCE) factorial trial, the combination of perindopril and indapamide reduced mortality among patients with type 2 diabetes, but intensive glucose control, targeting a glycated hemoglobin level of less than 6.5%, did not. We now report results of the 6-year post-trial follow-up. METHODS We invited surviving participants, who had previously been assigned to perindopril–indapamide or placebo and to intensive or standard glucose control (with the glucose-control comparison extending for an additional 6 months), to participate in a post-trial follow-up evaluation. The primary end points were death from any cause and major macrovascular events. RESULTS The baseline characteristics were similar among the 11,140 patients who originally underwent randomization and the 8494 patients who participated in the post-trial follow-up for a median of 5.9 years (blood-pressure–lowering comparison) or 5.4 years (glucose-control comparison). Between-group differences in blood pressure and glycated hemoglobin levels during the trial were no longer evident by the first post-trial visit. The reductions in the risk of death from any cause and of death from cardiovascular causes that had been observed in the group receiving active blood-pressure–lowering treatment during the trial were attenuated but significant at the end of the post-trial follow-up; the hazard ratios were 0.91 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.84 to 0.99; P=0.03) and 0.88 (95% CI, 0.77 to 0.99; P=0.04), respectively. No differences were observed during follow-up in the risk of death from any cause or major macrovascular events between the intensive-glucose-control group and the standard-glucose-control group; the hazard ratios were 1.00 (95% CI, 0.92 to 1.08) and 1.00 (95% CI, 0.92 to 1.08), respectively. CONCLUSIONS The benefits with respect to mortality that had been observed among patients originally assigned to blood-pressure–lowering therapy were attenuated but still evident at the end of follow-up. There was no evidence that intensive glucose control during the trial led to long-term benefits with respect to mortality or macrovascular events

    Temporal pattern recognition in retinal ganglion cells is mediated by dynamical inhibitory synapses

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    A fundamental task for the brain is to generate predictions of future sensory inputs, and signal errors in these predictions. Many neurons have been shown to signal omitted stimuli during periodic stimulation, even in the retina. However, the mechanisms of this error signaling are unclear. Here we show that depressing inhibitory synapses enable the retina to signal an omitted stimulus in a flash sequence. While ganglion cells, the retinal output, responded to an omitted flash with a constant latency over many frequencies of the flash sequence, we found that this was not the case once inhibition was blocked. We built a simple circuit model and showed that depressing inhibitory synapses were a necessary component to reproduce our experimental findings. We also generated new predictions with this model, that we confirmed experimentally. Depressing inhibitory synapses could thus be a key component to generate the predictive responses observed in many brain areas

    Gibbs distribution analysis of temporal correlations structure in retina ganglion cells

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    We present a method to estimate Gibbs distributions with \textit{spatio-temporal} constraints on spike trains statistics. We apply this method to spike trains recorded from ganglion cells of the salamander retina, in response to natural movies. Our analysis, restricted to a few neurons, performs more accurately than pairwise synchronization models (Ising) or the 1-time step Markov models (\cite{marre-boustani-etal:09}) to describe the statistics of spatio-temporal spike patterns and emphasizes the role of higher order spatio-temporal interactions.Comment: To appear in J. Physiol. Pari

    Circulating amino acids and the risk of macrovascular, microvascular and mortality outcomes in individuals with type 2 diabetes : results from the ADVANCE trial

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    Aims/hypotheses We aimed to quantify the association of individual circulating amino acids with macrovascular disease, microvascular disease and all-cause mortality in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Methods We performed a case-cohort study (N = 3587), including 655 macrovascular events, 342 microvascular events (new or worsening nephropathy or retinopathy) and 632 all-cause mortality events during follow-up, in a secondary analysis of the Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron Modified Release Controlled Evaluation (ADVANCE) study. For this study, phenylalanine, isoleucine, glutamine, leucine, alanine, tyrosine, histidine and valine were measured in stored plasma samples by proton NMR metabolomics. Hazard ratios were modelled per SD increase in each amino acid. Results In models investigating associations and potential mechanisms, after adjusting for age, sex and randomised treatment, phenylalanine was positively, and histidine inversely, associated with macrovascular disease risk. These associations were attenuated to the null on further adjustment for extended classical risk factors (including eGFR and urinary albumin/creatinine ratio). After adjustment for extended classical risk factors, higher tyrosine and alanine levels were associated with decreased risk of microvascular disease (HR 0.78; 95% CI 0.67, 0.91 and HR 0.86; 95% CI 0.76, 0.98, respectively). Higher leucine (HR 0.79; 95% CI 0.69, 0.90), histidine (HR 0.89; 95% CI 0.81, 0.99) and valine (HR 0.79; 95% CI 0.70, 0.88) levels were associated with lower risk of mortality. Investigating the predictive ability of amino acids, addition of all amino acids to a risk score modestly improved classification of participants for macrovascular (continuous net reclassification index [NRI] +35.5%, p <0.001) and microvascular events (continuous NRI +14.4%, p = 0.012). Conclusions/interpretation We report distinct associations between circulating amino acids and risk of different major complications of diabetes. Low tyrosine appears to be a marker of microvascular risk in individuals with type 2 diabetes independently of fundamental markers of kidney function.Peer reviewe

    Circulating amino acids and the risk of macrovascular, microvascular and mortality outcomes in individuals with type 2 diabetes : results from the ADVANCE trial

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    Aims/hypotheses We aimed to quantify the association of individual circulating amino acids with macrovascular disease, microvascular disease and all-cause mortality in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Methods We performed a case-cohort study (N = 3587), including 655 macrovascular events, 342 microvascular events (new or worsening nephropathy or retinopathy) and 632 all-cause mortality events during follow-up, in a secondary analysis of the Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron Modified Release Controlled Evaluation (ADVANCE) study. For this study, phenylalanine, isoleucine, glutamine, leucine, alanine, tyrosine, histidine and valine were measured in stored plasma samples by proton NMR metabolomics. Hazard ratios were modelled per SD increase in each amino acid. Results In models investigating associations and potential mechanisms, after adjusting for age, sex and randomised treatment, phenylalanine was positively, and histidine inversely, associated with macrovascular disease risk. These associations were attenuated to the null on further adjustment for extended classical risk factors (including eGFR and urinary albumin/creatinine ratio). After adjustment for extended classical risk factors, higher tyrosine and alanine levels were associated with decreased risk of microvascular disease (HR 0.78; 95% CI 0.67, 0.91 and HR 0.86; 95% CI 0.76, 0.98, respectively). Higher leucine (HR 0.79; 95% CI 0.69, 0.90), histidine (HR 0.89; 95% CI 0.81, 0.99) and valine (HR 0.79; 95% CI 0.70, 0.88) levels were associated with lower risk of mortality. Investigating the predictive ability of amino acids, addition of all amino acids to a risk score modestly improved classification of participants for macrovascular (continuous net reclassification index [NRI] +35.5%, p <0.001) and microvascular events (continuous NRI +14.4%, p = 0.012). Conclusions/interpretation We report distinct associations between circulating amino acids and risk of different major complications of diabetes. Low tyrosine appears to be a marker of microvascular risk in individuals with type 2 diabetes independently of fundamental markers of kidney function.Peer reviewe

    Testing data types implementations from algebraic specifications

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    Algebraic specifications of data types provide a natural basis for testing data types implementations. In this framework, the conformance relation is based on the satisfaction of axioms. This makes it possible to formally state the fundamental concepts of testing: exhaustive test set, testability hypotheses, oracle. Various criteria for selecting finite test sets have been proposed. They depend on the form of the axioms, and on the possibilities of observation of the implementation under test. This last point is related to the well-known oracle problem. As the main interest of algebraic specifications is data type abstraction, testing a concrete implementation raises the issue of the gap between the abstract description and the concrete representation. The observational semantics of algebraic specifications bring solutions on the basis of the so-called observable contexts. After a description of testing methods based on algebraic specifications, the chapter gives a brief presentation of some tools and case studies, and presents some applications to other formal methods involving datatypes

    Haemoglobin glycation index and risk for diabetes-related complications in the Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron Modified Release Controlled Evaluation (ADVANCE) trial

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Previous studies have suggested that the haemoglobin glycation index (HGI) can be used as a predictor of diabetes-related complications in individuals with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. We investigated whether HGI was a predictor of adverse outcomes of intensive glucose lowering and of diabetes-related complications in general, using data from the Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron Modified Release Controlled Evaluation (ADVANCE) trial. METHODS: We studied participants in the ADVANCE trial with data available for baseline HbA1c and fasting plasma glucose (FPG) (n = 11,083). HGI is the difference between observed HbA1c and HbA1c predicted from a simple linear regression of HbA1c on FPG. Using Cox regression, we investigated the association between HGI, both categorised and continuous, and adverse outcomes, considering treatment allocation (intensive or standard glucose control) and compared prediction of HGI and HbA1c. RESULTS: Intensive glucose control lowered mortality risk in individuals with high HGI only (HR 0.74 [95% CI 0.61, 0.91]; p = 0.003), while there was no difference in the effect of intensive treatment on mortality in those with high HbA1c. Irrespective of treatment allocation, every SD increase in HGI was associated with a significant risk increase of 14-17% for macrovascular and microvascular disease and mortality. However, when adjusted for identical covariates, HbA1c was a stronger predictor of these outcomes than HGI. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: HGI predicts risk for complications in ADVANCE participants, irrespective of treatment allocation, but no better than HbA1c. Individuals with high HGI have a lower risk for mortality when on intensive treatment. Given the discordant results and uncertain relevance beyond HbA1c, clinical use of HGI in type 2 diabetes cannot currently be recommended