550 research outputs found

    Research Notes: Soybean Gene Resources Recently Received from China

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    Forty soybean cultivars were received from the Peoples Republic of China in a number of exchanges between June 1973 and June 1974. The first eight cultivars that we received were grown in row tests at Harrow, Woodslee and Ridgetown in 1975, along with \u27Harlen,\u27 \u27Harosoy 63,\u27 and \u27Harcar.\u27 These eight, plus the next seven that we received, had been tested in hill plots at Harrow in 1974, along with Hardome, Harlen, Harosoy 63, and \u27Harwood.\u27 The highest and lowest cultivar values are given for each of a number of characteristics within each group of cultivars as an indication of the potential value of the new germplasm

    Preliminary fish survey of Lac Tseny in northwestern Madagascar

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    We surveyed the fish fauna of Lac Tseny, in the Sofia Region of northwestern Madagascar, during October 2010 by observing commercial catches and targeted netting of areas used by endemic species. We recorded seven native fish species at the lake, including three endemic cichlids, a herring and a catfish. We confirmed the continued survival of the Critically Endangered Paretroplus menarambo, as well as the presence of a Paretroplus taxon that may be new to science. The commercial fishery in the lake is sustained by introduced tilapiines and the native Savagella robusta. The three endemic cichlids (Paretroplus spp.) were not targeted by commercial fishermen, but when caught in small numbers were retained for domestic consumption. Submerged trees in the west of the lake restrict fishing with nets and probably provide important habitat for P. menarambo. Priority next steps at the lake include (i) additional surveys and biological studies of the endemic fish species and the Critically Endangered Madagascar big-headed turtle, Erymnochelys madagascariensis, (ii) clarification of the taxonomic status of Paretroplus cf. kieneri and, should it prove a new taxon, its formal scientific description, and (iii) continued engagement with fishing communities and authorities to promote practices that benefit livelihoods and the survival of threatened fish species.   RÉSUMÉ La composition spĂ©cifique de l'ichtyofaune du lac Tseny, dans l'ouest de Madagascar (rĂ©gion de Sofia) a Ă©tĂ© inventoriĂ©e au cours du mois d’octobre 2010, en observant les prises des pĂȘcheurs et des pĂȘches ciblĂ©es sur les espĂšces endĂ©miques. Sept espĂšces de poissons indigĂšnes ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©s, dont trois cichlidĂ©s endĂ©miques (Paretroplus menarambo, Paretroplus lamenabe et Paretroplus cf. kieneri), un hareng indigĂšne (Sauvagella robusta) et un poisson-chat (Arius madagascariensis). Deux de ces espĂšces sont classĂ©es comme MenacĂ©es dans la Liste Rouge de l'UICN : P. menarambo est une espĂšce en Danger Critique d’Extinction qui n’est connue que du lac Tseny et A. madagascariensis est une espĂšce en Danger d’Extinction et endĂ©mique de la rĂ©gion de Sofia. Un des poissons que nous avons inventoriĂ© dans le genre Paretroplus semble ĂȘtre une forme non dĂ©crite. Les pĂȘcheurs ont indiquĂ© que P. menarambo est associĂ© Ă  des arbres immergĂ©s le long de la rive occidentale du lac qui offrent un habitat propice Ă  la reproduction et Ă  l'alimentation. Ces arbres immergĂ©s empĂȘchent l'utilisation des filets pour la pĂȘche et limitent ainsi la pression de pĂȘche qui s’exerce sur cette espĂšce. Les trois espĂšces endĂ©miques de Paretroplus sont prisĂ©es par les pĂȘcheurs qui les gardent pour leur consommation personnelle plutĂŽt que de les vendre. La pĂȘche commerciale pratiquĂ©e dans le lac semble pĂ©renne grĂące Ă  la prĂ©sence de tilapias allogĂšnes et du hareng indigĂšne (Sauvagella robusta) qui approvisionnent les marchĂ©s de poisson local (Tsaratanana), rĂ©gionaux (Boriziny et Mandritsara) et national (Antananarivo). Les populations locales ont rapportĂ© que la surpĂȘche, l'immigration, l’utilisation illĂ©gale de filets Ă  petit maillage et le non respect de la saison de fermeture de la pĂȘche Ă©taient les principales menaces pesant sur l’ichtyofaune du lac Tseny. Une baisse de la pĂȘche commerciale pourrait entraĂźner une ruĂ©e vers les espĂšces endĂ©miques et l'ouverture des zones d’arbres immergĂ©s pour la pĂȘche. Le lac Tseny abrite un assemblage unique de poissons qui doivent ĂȘtre protĂ©gĂ©s dans leur habitat qui est essentiel aux cichlidĂ©s endĂ©miques par le maintien d'une pĂȘche commerciale pĂ©renne. Les prochaines Ă©tapes Ă  mener en prioritĂ© pour le lac incluent : (i) des Ă©tudes supplĂ©mentaires sur la biologie des poissons endĂ©miques et de la PodocnĂ©mide de Madagascar (Erymnochelys madagascariensis), une tortue en Danger Critique d’Extinction, (ii) la clarification du statut taxinomique de Paretroplus cf. kieneri qui pourrait ĂȘtre une nouvelle espĂšce et sa description, le cas Ă©chĂ©ant, et (iii) l’engagement continu avec les communautĂ©s de pĂȘcheurs et les autoritĂ©s locales pour promouvoir des pratiques Ă©quitables en faveur des populations riveraines et pour la survie des espĂšces de poissons menacĂ©es

    Inter- and intra-observer variability of radial-endobronchial ultrasound image interpretation for peripheral pulmonary lesions

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    BACKGROUND: Radial probe endobronchial ultrasound (R-EBUS) is often utilized in guided bronchoscopy for the diagnosis of peripheral pulmonary lesions. R-EBUS probe positioning has been shown to correlate with diagnostic yield, but overall diagnostic yield with this technology has been inconsistent across the published literature. Currently there is no standardization for R-EBUS image interpretation, which may result in variability in grading concentricity of lesions and subsequently procedure performance. This was a survey-based study evaluating variability among practicing pulmonologists in R-EBUS image interpretation. METHODS: R-EBUS images from peripheral bronchoscopy cases were sent to 10 practicing Interventional Pulmonologists at two different time points (baseline and 3 months). Participants were asked to grade the images as concentric, eccentric, or no image. Cohen\u27s Kappa-coefficient was calculated for inter- and intra-observer variability. RESULTS: A total of 100 R-EBUS images were included in the survey. There was 100% participation with complete survey responses from all 10 participants. Overall kappa-statistic for inter-observer variability for Survey 1 and 2 was 0.496 and 0.477 respectively. Overall kappa-statistic for intra-observer variability between the two surveys was 0.803. CONCLUSIONS: There is significant variability between pulmonologists when characterizing R-EBUS images. However, there is strong intra-rater agreement from each participant between surveys. A standardized approach and grading system for radial EBUS patterns may improve inter-observer variability in order to optimize our clinical use and research efforts in the field

    Narrow genetic base in forest restoration with holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) in Sicily

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    In order to empirically assess the effect of actual seed sampling strategy on genetic diversity of holm oak (Quercus ilex) forestations in Sicily, we have analysed the genetic composition of two seedling lots (nursery stock and plantation) and their known natural seed origin stand by means of six nuclear microsatellite loci. Significant reduction in genetic diversity and significant difference in genetic composition of the seedling lots compared to the seed origin stand were detected. The female and the total effective number of parents were quantified by means of maternity assignment of seedlings and temporal changes in allele frequencies. Extremely low effective maternity numbers were estimated (Nfe ≈\approx 2-4) and estimates accounting for both seed and pollen donors gave also low values (Ne ≈\approx 35-50). These values can be explained by an inappropriate forestry seed harvest strategy limited to a small number of spatially close trees

    Preliminary fish survey of Lac Tseny in northwestern Madagascar

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    We surveyed the fish fauna of Lac Tseny, in the Sofia Region of northwestern Madagascar, during October 2010 by observing commercial catches and targeted netting of areas used by endemic species. We recorded seven native fish species at the lake, including three endemic cichlids, a herring and a catfish. We confirmed the continued survival of the Critically Endangered Paretroplus menarambo, as well as the presence of a Paretroplus taxon that may be new to science. The commercial fishery in the lake is sustained by introduced tilapiines and the native Savagella robusta. The three endemic cichlids (Paretroplus spp.) were not targeted by commercial fishermen, but when caught in small numbers were retained for domestic consumption. Submerged trees in the west of the lake restrict fishing with nets and probably provide important habitat for P. menarambo. Priority next steps at the lake include (i) additional surveys and biological studies of the endemic fish species and the Critically Endangered Madagascar big-headed turtle, Erymnochelys madagascariensis, (ii) clarification of the taxonomic status of Paretroplus cf. kieneri and, should it prove a new taxon, its formal scientific description, and (iii) continued engagement with fishing communities and authorities to promote practices that benefit livelihoods and the survival of threatened fish species.   RÉSUMÉ La composition spĂ©cifique de l'ichtyofaune du lac Tseny, dans l'ouest de Madagascar (rĂ©gion de Sofia) a Ă©tĂ© inventoriĂ©e au cours du mois d’octobre 2010, en observant les prises des pĂȘcheurs et des pĂȘches ciblĂ©es sur les espĂšces endĂ©miques. Sept espĂšces de poissons indigĂšnes ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©s, dont trois cichlidĂ©s endĂ©miques (Paretroplus menarambo, Paretroplus lamenabe et Paretroplus cf. kieneri), un hareng indigĂšne (Sauvagella robusta) et un poisson-chat (Arius madagascariensis). Deux de ces espĂšces sont classĂ©es comme MenacĂ©es dans la Liste Rouge de l'UICN : P. menarambo est une espĂšce en Danger Critique d’Extinction qui n’est connue que du lac Tseny et A. madagascariensis est une espĂšce en Danger d’Extinction et endĂ©mique de la rĂ©gion de Sofia. Un des poissons que nous avons inventoriĂ© dans le genre Paretroplus semble ĂȘtre une forme non dĂ©crite. Les pĂȘcheurs ont indiquĂ© que P. menarambo est associĂ© Ă  des arbres immergĂ©s le long de la rive occidentale du lac qui offrent un habitat propice Ă  la reproduction et Ă  l'alimentation. Ces arbres immergĂ©s empĂȘchent l'utilisation des filets pour la pĂȘche et limitent ainsi la pression de pĂȘche qui s’exerce sur cette espĂšce. Les trois espĂšces endĂ©miques de Paretroplus sont prisĂ©es par les pĂȘcheurs qui les gardent pour leur consommation personnelle plutĂŽt que de les vendre. La pĂȘche commerciale pratiquĂ©e dans le lac semble pĂ©renne grĂące Ă  la prĂ©sence de tilapias allogĂšnes et du hareng indigĂšne (Sauvagella robusta) qui approvisionnent les marchĂ©s de poisson local (Tsaratanana), rĂ©gionaux (Boriziny et Mandritsara) et national (Antananarivo). Les populations locales ont rapportĂ© que la surpĂȘche, l'immigration, l’utilisation illĂ©gale de filets Ă  petit maillage et le non respect de la saison de fermeture de la pĂȘche Ă©taient les principales menaces pesant sur l’ichtyofaune du lac Tseny. Une baisse de la pĂȘche commerciale pourrait entraĂźner une ruĂ©e vers les espĂšces endĂ©miques et l'ouverture des zones d’arbres immergĂ©s pour la pĂȘche. Le lac Tseny abrite un assemblage unique de poissons qui doivent ĂȘtre protĂ©gĂ©s dans leur habitat qui est essentiel aux cichlidĂ©s endĂ©miques par le maintien d'une pĂȘche commerciale pĂ©renne. Les prochaines Ă©tapes Ă  mener en prioritĂ© pour le lac incluent : (i) des Ă©tudes supplĂ©mentaires sur la biologie des poissons endĂ©miques et de la PodocnĂ©mide de Madagascar (Erymnochelys madagascariensis), une tortue en Danger Critique d’Extinction, (ii) la clarification du statut taxinomique de Paretroplus cf. kieneri qui pourrait ĂȘtre une nouvelle espĂšce et sa description, le cas Ă©chĂ©ant, et (iii) l’engagement continu avec les communautĂ©s de pĂȘcheurs et les autoritĂ©s locales pour promouvoir des pratiques Ă©quitables en faveur des populations riveraines et pour la survie des espĂšces de poissons menacĂ©es

    Wastewater-based epidemiology in hazard forecasting and early-warning systems for global health risks

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    With the advent of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, Wastewater-Based Epidemiology (WBE) has been applied to track community infection in cities worldwide and has proven succesful as an early warning system for identification of hotspots and changingprevalence of infections (both symptomatic and asymptomatic) at a city or sub-city level. Wastewater is only one of environmental compartments that requires consideration. In this manuscript, we have critically evaluated the knowledge-base and preparedness for building early warning systems in a rapidly urbanising world, with particular attention to Africa, which experiences rapid population growth and urbanisation. We have proposed a Digital Urban Environment Fingerprinting Platform (DUEF) – a new approach in hazard forecasting and early-warning systems for global health risks and an extension to the existing concept of smart cities. The urban environment (especially wastewater) contains a complex mixture of substances including toxic chemicals, infectious biological agents and human excretion products. DUEF assumes that these specific endo- and exogenous residues, anonymously pooled by communities’ wastewater, are indicative of community-wide exposure and the resulting effects. DUEF postulates that the measurement of the substances continuously and anonymously pooled by the receiving environment (sewage, surface water, soils and air), can provide near real-time dynamic information about the quantity and type of physical, biological or chemical stressors to which the surveyed systems are exposed, and can create a risk profile on the potential effects of these exposures. Successful development and utilisation of a DUEF globally requires a tiered approach including: Stage I: network building, capacity building, stakeholder engagement as well as a conceptual model, followed by Stage II: DUEF development, Stage III: implementation, and Stage IV: management and utilization. We have identified four key pillars required for the establishment of a DUEF framework: (1) Environmental fingerprints, (2) Socioeconomic fingerprints, (3) Statistics and modelling and (4) Information systems. This manuscript critically evaluates the current knowledge base within each pillar and provides recommendations for further developments with an aim of laying grounds for successful development of global DUEF platforms

    Personality, posttraumatic stress and trauma type: factors contributing to posttraumatic growth and its domains in a Turkish community sample

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    Background: Posttraumatic growth (PTG) is conceptualized as a positive transformation resulting from coping with and processing traumatic life events. This study examined the contributory roles of personality traits, posttraumatic stress (PTS) severity and their interactions on PTG and its domains, as assessed with the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory Turkish form (PTGI-T). The study also examined the differences in PTG domains between survivors of accidents, natural disasters and unexpected loss of a loved one. Methods: The Basic Personality Traits Inventory, Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale, and PTGI-T were administered to a large stratified cluster community sample of 969 Turkish adults in their home settings. Results: The results showed that conscientiousness, agreeableness, and openness to experience significantly related to the total PTG and most of the domains. The effects of extraversion, neuroticism and openness to experience were moderated by the PTS severity for some domains. PTG in relating to others and appreciation of life domains was lower for the bereaved group. Conclusion: Further research should examine the mediating role of coping between personality and PTG using a longitudinal design
