1,322 research outputs found

    Effects of patent privateering on settlements and R&D under sequential market entry

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    We investigate patent litigation, settlements and R&D incentives on a market where two firms develop technologies in order to obtain patents and produce goods. Firms may sell IP rights to a Patent Assertion Entity (PAE) that acts as intermediary for patent monetization. We find that compared to simultaneous market entry, the effect of this so-called patent privateering is mitigated if firms enter sequentially. Furthermore, we show that privateering may decrease industry profits by distortion of R&D incentives even when there is no rent extraction by the PAE

    The Viscous Nonlinear Dynamics of Twist and Writhe

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    Exploiting the "natural" frame of space curves, we formulate an intrinsic dynamics of twisted elastic filaments in viscous fluids. A pair of coupled nonlinear equations describing the temporal evolution of the filament's complex curvature and twist density embodies the dynamic interplay of twist and writhe. These are used to illustrate a novel nonlinear phenomenon: ``geometric untwisting" of open filaments, whereby twisting strains relax through a transient writhing instability without performing axial rotation. This may explain certain experimentally observed motions of fibers of the bacterium B. subtilis [N.H. Mendelson, et al., J. Bacteriol. 177, 7060 (1995)].Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Detection, isolation, and analysis of a released Bordetella pertussis product toxic to cultured tracheal cells.

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    Cultured hamster trachea epithelial cells were selected as an in vitro model system to study Bordetella pertussis in the respiratory tract. DNA synthesis by serum-stimulated tracheal cells, in contrast to other cell types tested, was inhibited by the supernatant from log-phase B. pertussis broth cultures. A sensitive microassay with these tracheal cells permitted the development of a chromatographic purification scheme based on aggregation of the biological activity under salt-free conditions. The active fraction from this first stage of purification caused a dose-dependent inhibition of DNA synthesis without a similar effect on RNA or protein synthesis. Organ cultures of hamster tracheal rings, when exposed to this partially purified fraction, developed epithelial cytopathology comparable to that seen during B. pertussis infection. Ciliary activity showed and eventually ceased as ciliated cells were extruded from the ring, leaving an intact but mostly nonciliated epithelium. Further purification of this biological activity was achieved with preparative-scale high-voltage paper electrophoresis. Based on ninhydrin staining and the radioactive profile of material purified from radiolabeled B. pertussis cultures, four fractions were eluted from the paper by descending chromatography. Only component B caused a dose-dependent inhibition of cultured tracheal cell DNA synthesis and epithelial cytopathology in tracheal rings. Combination experiments also demonstrated enhanced inhibition by component B in the presence of component G (oxidized glutathione), a copurifying molecule from the growth medium. Amino acid analysis (five residues), glycine (two residues), cysteine (two residues), and diaminopimelic acid (one residue), as well as muramic acid and glucosamine

    Phagocyte-derived lactate stimulates oxygen consumption by Neisseria gonorrhoeae. An unrecognized aspect of the oxygen metabolism of phagocytosis.

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    L'acide lactique extra-cellulaire, libéré par suite de la glycolyse des neutrophiles, augmente le transfert des électrons et la consommation d'O2par les gonocoques. On discute les implications possibles de cette observation pour la pathogénie bactérienne

    O18O and C18O observations of rho Oph A

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    Observations of the (N_J=1_1-1_0) ground state transition of O_2 with the Odin satellite resulted in a about 5 sigma detection toward the dense core rho Oph A. At the frequency of the line, 119 GHz, the Odin telescope has a beam width of 10', larger than the size of the dense core, so that the precise nature of the emitting source and its exact location and extent are unknown. The current investigation is intended to remedy this. Telluric absorption makes ground based O_2 observations essentially impossible and observations had to be done from space. mm-wave telescopes on space platforms were necessarily small, which resulted in large, several arcminutes wide, beam patterns. Although the Earth's atmosphere is entirely opaque to low-lying O_2 transitions, it allows ground based observations of the much rarer O18O in favourable conditions and at much higher angular resolution with larger telescopes. In addition, rho Oph A exhibits both multiple radial velocity systems and considerable velocity gradients. Extensive mapping of the region in the proxy C18O (J=3-2) line can be expected to help identify the O_2 source on the basis of its line shape and Doppler velocity. Line opacities were determined from observations of optically thin 13C18O (J=3-2) at selected positions. During several observing periods, two C18O intensity maxima in rho Oph A were searched for in the 16O18O (2_1-0_1) line at 234 GHz with the 12m APEX telescope. Our observations resulted in an upper limit on the integrated O18O intensity of < 0.01 K km/s (3 sigma) into the 26.5" beam. We conclude that the source of observed O_2 emission is most likely confined to the central regions of the rho Oph A cloud. In this limited area, implied O_2 abundances could thus be higher than previously reported, by up to two orders of magnitude.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures (5 colour), Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Evidence for a singularity in ideal magnetohydrodynamics: implications for fast reconnection

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    Numerical evidence for a finite-time singularity in ideal 3D magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) is presented. The simulations start from two interlocking magnetic flux rings with no initial velocity. The magnetic curvature force causes the flux rings to shrink until they come into contact. This produces a current sheet between them. In the ideal compressible calculations, the evidence for a singularity in a finite time tct_c is that the peak current density behaves like J1/(tct)|J|_\infty \sim 1/(t_c-t) for a range of sound speeds (or plasma betas). For the incompressible calculations consistency with the compressible calculations is noted and evidence is presented that there is convergence to a self-similar state. In the resistive reconnection calculations the magnetic helicity is nearly conserved and energy is dissipated.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The multicovering radius problem for some types of discrete structures

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    The covering radius problem is a question in coding theory concerned with finding the minimum radius rr such that, given a code that is a subset of an underlying metric space, balls of radius rr over its code words cover the entire metric space. Klapper introduced a code parameter, called the multicovering radius, which is a generalization of the covering radius. In this paper, we introduce an analogue of the multicovering radius for permutation codes (cf. Keevash and Ku, 2006) and for codes of perfect matchings (cf. Aw and Ku, 2012). We apply probabilistic tools to give some lower bounds on the multicovering radii of these codes. In the process of obtaining these results, we also correct an error in the proof of the lower bound of the covering radius that appeared in Keevash and Ku (2006). We conclude with a discussion of the multicovering radius problem in an even more general context, which offers room for further research.Comment: To appear in Designs, Codes and Cryptography (2012

    TIMASSS: The IRAS16293-2422 Millimeter And Submillimeter Spectral Survey. I. Observations, calibration and analysis of the line kinematics

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    While unbiased surveys observable from ground-based telescopes have previously been obtained towards several high mass protostars, very little exists on low mass protostars. To fill up this gap, we carried out a complete spectral survey of the bands at 3, 2, 1 and 0.8 mm towards the solar type protostar IRAS16293-2422. The observations covered about 200\,GHz and were obtained with the IRAM-30m and JCMT-15m telescopes. Particular attention was devoted to the inter-calibration of the obtained spectra with previous observations. All the lines detected with more than 3 sigma and free from obvious blending effects were fitted with Gaussians to estimate their basic kinematic properties. More than 4000 lines were detected (with sigma \geq 3) and identified, yielding a line density of approximatively 20 lines per GHz, comparable to previous surveys in massive hot cores. The vast majority (~2/3) of the lines are weak and due to complex organic molecules. The analysis of the profiles of more than 1000 lines belonging 70 species firmly establishes the presence of two distinct velocity components, associated with the two objects, A and B, forming the IRAS16293-2422 binary system. In the source A, the line widths of several species increase with the upper level energy of the transition, a behavior compatible with gas infalling towards a ~1 Mo object. The source B, which does not show this effect, might have a much lower central mass of ~0.1 Mo. The difference in the rest velocities of both objects is consistent with the hypothesis that the source B rotates around the source A. This spectral survey, although obtained with single-dish telescope with a low spatial resolution, allows to separate the emission from 2 different components, thanks to the large number of lines detected. The data of the survey are public and can be retrieved on the web site http://www-laog.obs.ujf-grenoble.fr/heberges/timasss.Comment: 41 pages (26 pages of online Tables), 7 Tables and 6 Figure