690 research outputs found

    Price dispersion: the case of pasta

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    Scopo della ricerca è indagare la possibilità di utilizzare scanner data sugli acquisti di pasta per costruire indici dei prezzi spaziali bilaterali e multilaterali utilizzando un approccio binario nella loro costruzione.The aim of our research is to explore the possibility of utilizing scanner data on pasta purchases to build bilateral and multilateral spatial price indexes, taking a binary approach in the latter.1 Pasta plays a major role in the Italian diet. Historically, pasta consumption was mainly concentrated in the Southern regions of the country but today pasta is perhaps the product most representative of the eating habits of the Italians. The range of pasta producers runs from firms of longstanding tradition (some of them mainly directed towards local markets, such as Mastromauro in Puglia) to well known international brands (such as Barilla and De Cecco). The marked increase in pasta prices over the last two years has aroused great interest, but with little focus on spatial price diversity. This study stems from the availability of an extremely detailed panel dataset (Nielsen data) on values and quantities of pasta purchased. This data was produced by the use of bar-code scanning at retail outlets and thus includes information which provides weights at an elementary level. The use of scanner data to construct price indexes is not new in literature and there is a widespread consensus on the advantages of this approach in achieving more representative indexes. Average prices (unit values) show a marked spatial price variability: even when only considering the five bestselling products, regional prices vary greatly. The paper is set out as follows: Sect. 2 provides a description of the pasta scanner dataset and briefly looks for price variability; in Sect. 3 the requirements of comparability and representativity in the case of pasta are discussed; Sect. 4 deals with the methods and formulas chosen to obtain indexes for the regional comparisons of prices; Sect. 5 shows empirical results; in Sect. 6 a brief conclusion and suggestions for future work are given

    Massive MIMO radar for target detection

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    Since the seminal paper by Marzetta from 2010, the Massive MIMO paradigm in communication systems has changed from being a theoretical scaled-up version of MIMO, with an infinite number of antennas, to a practical technology. Its key concepts have been adopted in the 5G new radio standard and base stations, where 64 fully-digital transceivers have been commercially deployed. Motivated by these recent developments, this paper considers a co-located MIMO radar with MT transmitting and MR receiving antennas and explores the potential benefits of having a large number of virtual spatial antenna channels N=MTMR. Particularly, we focus on the target detection problem and develop a robust Wald-type test that guarantees certain detection performance, regardless of the unknown statistical characterization of the disturbance. Closed-form expressions for the probabilities of false alarm and detection are derived for the asymptotic regime N→∞. Numerical results are used to validate the asymptotic analysis in the finite system regime with different disturbance models. Our results imply that there always exists a sufficient number of antennas for which the performance requirements are satisfied, without any a-priori knowledge of the disturbance statistics. This is referred to as the Massive MIMO regime of the radar system

    Evidence for the Gompertz Curve in the Income Distribution of Brazil 1978-2005

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    This work presents an empirical study of the evolution of the personal income distribution in Brazil. Yearly samples available from 1978 to 2005 were studied and evidence was found that the complementary cumulative distribution of personal income for 99% of the economically less favorable population is well represented by a Gompertz curve of the form G(x)=exp[exp(ABx)]G(x)=\exp [\exp (A-Bx)], where xx is the normalized individual income. The complementary cumulative distribution of the remaining 1% richest part of the population is well represented by a Pareto power law distribution P(x)=βxαP(x)= \beta x^{-\alpha}. This result means that similarly to other countries, Brazil's income distribution is characterized by a well defined two class system. The parameters AA, BB, α\alpha, β\beta were determined by a mixture of boundary conditions, normalization and fitting methods for every year in the time span of this study. Since the Gompertz curve is characteristic of growth models, its presence here suggests that these patterns in income distribution could be a consequence of the growth dynamics of the underlying economic system. In addition, we found out that the percentage share of both the Gompertzian and Paretian components relative to the total income shows an approximate cycling pattern with periods of about 4 years and whose maximum and minimum peaks in each component alternate at about every 2 years. This finding suggests that the growth dynamics of Brazil's economic system might possibly follow a Goodwin-type class model dynamics based on the application of the Lotka-Volterra equation to economic growth and cycle.Comment: 22 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables. LaTeX. Accepted for publication in "The European Physical Journal B

    Individual scatterers as microscopic origin of equilibration between spin- polarized edge channels in the quantum Hall regime

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    The equilibration length between spin-polarized edge states in the Quantum Hall regime is measured as a function of a gate voltage applied to an electrode on top of the edge channels. Reproducible fluctuations in the coupling are observed and interpreted as a mesoscopic fingerprint of single spin-flip scatterers which are turned on and off. A model to analyze macroscopic edge state coupling in terms of individual scatterers is developed, and characteristic values for these scatterers in our samples are extracted. For all samples investigated, the distance between spin-flip scatterers lies between the Drude and the quantum scattering length.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Kinetic Exchange Models for Income and Wealth Distributions

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    Increasingly, a huge amount of statistics have been gathered which clearly indicates that income and wealth distributions in various countries or societies follow a robust pattern, close to the Gibbs distribution of energy in an ideal gas in equilibrium. However, it also deviates in the low income and more significantly for the high income ranges. Application of physics models provides illuminating ideas and understanding, complementing the observations.Comment: 15 pages, 20 eps figures, EPJ class; To be published as "Colloquium" in Eur Phys J