149 research outputs found

    Microgravity studies of aggregation in particulate clouds

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    Aggregation in clouds of submillimeter quartz and volcanic ash particles was studied in microgravity. Particle clouds generated by pulses of air immediately formed electrostatic filamentary aggregates upon cessation of air turbulence. Manual agitation of experiment chambers produced cm-size loose grain clusters which voraciously scavenged free-floating material in their vicinity. A dipole model accounts for these observations. Experimental results have ramifications for the behavior of natural cloud systems and primary accretion of solids in the early solar nebula

    Inhomogeneous models of the Venus clouds containing sulfur

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    Based on the suggestion that elemental sulfur is responsible for the yellow color of Venus, calculations are compared at 3.4 microns of the reflectivity phase function of two sulfur containing inhomogeneous cloud models with that of a homogeneous model. Assuming reflectivity observations with 25% or less total error, comparison of the model calculations leads to a minimum detectable mass of sulfur equal to 7% of the mass of sulfuric acid for the inhomogeneous drop model. For the inhomogeneous cloud model the comparison leads to a minimum detectable mass of sulfur between 17% and 38% of the mass of the acid drops, depending upon the actual size of the large particles. It is concluded that moderately accurate 3.4 microns reflectivity observations are capable of detecting quite small amounts of elemental sulfur at the top of the Venus clouds

    Rough Surfaces: Is the Dark Stuff Just Shadow?: "Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The shadow knows!"

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    Remote observations of the surfaces of airless planetary objects are fundamental to inferring the physical structure and compositional makeup of the surface material. A number of forward models have been developed to reproduce the photometric behavior of these surfaces, based on specific, assumed structural properties such as macroscopic roughness and associated shadowing. Most work of this type is applied to geometric albedos, which are affected by complicated effects near zero phase angle that represent only a tiny fraction of the net energy reflected by the object. Other applications include parameter fits to resolved portions of some planetary surface as viewed over a range of geometries. The spherical albedo of the entire object (when it can be determined) captures the net energy balance of the particle more robustly than the geometric albedo. In most treatments involving spherical albedos, spherical albedos and particle phase functions are often treated as if they are independent, neglecting the effects of roughness. In this paper we take a different approach. We note that whatever function captures the phase angle dependence of the brightness of a realistic rough, shadowed, flat surface element relative to that of a smooth granular surface of the same material, it is manifested directly in both the integral phase function and the spherical albedo of the object. We suggest that, where broad phase angle coverage is possible, spherical albedos may be easily corrected for the effects of shadowing using observed (or assumed) phase functions, and then modeled more robustly using smooth-surface regolith radiative transfer models without further imposed (forward-modeled) shadowing corrections. Our approach attributes observed "power law" phase functions of various slope (and "linear" ranges of magnitude-vs.-phase angle) to shadowing, as have others, and goes on to suggest that regolith-model-based inferences of composition based on shadow-uncorrected spherical albedos overestimate the amount of absorbing material contained in the regolith

    Turbulent Concentration of MM-Size Particles in the Protoplanetary Nebula: Scaled-Dependent Multiplier Functions

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    The initial accretion of primitive bodies (asteroids and TNOs) from freely-floating nebula particles remains problematic. Here we focus on the asteroids where constituent particle (read "chondrule") sizes are observationally known; similar arguments will hold for TNOs, but the constituent particles in those regions will be smaller, or will be fluffy aggregates, and are unobserved. Traditional growth-bysticking models encounter a formidable "meter-size barrier" [1] (or even a mm-cm-size barrier [2]) in turbulent nebulae, while nonturbulent nebulae form large asteroids too quickly to explain long spreads in formation times, or the dearth of melted asteroids [3]. Even if growth by sticking could somehow breach the meter size barrier, other obstacles are encountered through the 1-10km size range [4]. Another clue regarding planetesimal formation is an apparent 100km diameter peak in the pre-depletion, pre-erosion mass distribution of asteroids [5]; scenarios leading directly from independent nebula particulates to this size, which avoid the problematic m-km size range, could be called "leapfrog" scenarios [6-8]. The leapfrog scenario we have studied in detail involves formation of dense clumps of aerodynamically selected, typically mm-size particles in turbulence, which can under certain conditions shrink inexorably on 100-1000 orbit timescales and form 10-100km diameter sandpile planetesimals. The typical sizes of planetesimals and the rate of their formation [7,8] are determined by a statistical model with properties inferred from large numerical simulations of turbulence [9]. Nebula turbulence can be described by its Reynolds number Re = L/eta sup(4/3), where L = ETA alpha sup (1/2) the largest eddy scale, H is the nebula gas vertical scale height, and the nebula turbulent viscosity parameter, and is the Kolmogorov or smallest scale in turbulence (typically about 1km), with eddy turnover time t. In the nebula, Re is far larger than any numerical simulation can handle, so some physical model is needed to extend the results of numerical simulations to nebula conditions

    Accretion in the Early Kuiper Belt II. Fragmentation

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    We describe new planetesimal accretion calculations in the Kuiper Belt that include fragmentation and velocity evolution. All models produce two power law cumulative size distributions, N_C propto r^{-q}, with q = 2.5 for radii less than 0.3-3 km and q = 3 for radii exceeding 1-3 km. The power law indices are nearly independent of the initial mass in the annulus, the initial eccentricity of the planetesimal swarm, and the initial size distribution of the planetesimal swarm. The transition between the two power laws moves to larger radii as the initial eccentricity increases. The maximum size of objects depends on their intrinsic tensile strength; Pluto formation requires a strength exceeding 300 erg per gram. Our models yield formation timescales for Pluto-sized objects of 30-40 Myr for a minimum mass solar nebula. The production of several `Plutos' and more than 10^5 50 km radius Kuiper Belt objects leaves most of the initial mass in 0.1-10 km radius objects that can be collisionally depleted over the age of the solar system. These results resolve the puzzle of large Kuiper Belt objects in a small mass Kuiper Belt.Comment: to appear in the Astronomical Journal (July 1999); 54 pages including 7 tables and 13 figure

    Migration of a moonlet in a ring of solid particles : Theory and application to Saturn's propellers

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    Hundred meter sized objects have been identified by the Cassini spacecraft in Saturn's A ring through the so-called "propeller" features they create in the ring. These moonlets should migrate, due to their gravitational interaction with the ring ; in fact, some orbital variation have been detected. The standard theory of type I migration of planets in protoplanetary disks can't be applied to the ring system, as it is pressureless. Thus, we compute the differential torque felt by a moonlet embedded in a two-dimensional disk of solid particles, with flat surface density profile, both analytically and numerically. We find that the corresponding migration rate is too small to explain the observed variations of the propeller's orbit in Saturn's A-ring. However, local density fluctuations (due to gravity wakes in the marginally gravitationally stable A-ring) may exert a stochastic torque on a moonlet. Our simulations show that this torque can be large enough to account for the observations, depending on the parameters of the rings. We find that on time scales of several years the migration of propellers is likely to be dominated by stochastic effects (while the former, non-stochastic migration dominates after ~ 10^{4-5} years). In that case, the migration rates provided by observations so far suggests that the surface density of the A ring should be of the order of 700 kg/m^2. The age of the propellers shouldn't exceed 1 to 100 million years, depending on the dominant migration regime.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Astronomical Journal on february, the 23

    Origin and Evolution of Saturn's Ring System

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    The origin and long-term evolution of Saturn's rings is still an unsolved problem in modern planetary science. In this chapter we review the current state of our knowledge on this long-standing question for the main rings (A, Cassini Division, B, C), the F Ring, and the diffuse rings (E and G). During the Voyager era, models of evolutionary processes affecting the rings on long time scales (erosion, viscous spreading, accretion, ballistic transport, etc.) had suggested that Saturn's rings are not older than 100 My. In addition, Saturn's large system of diffuse rings has been thought to be the result of material loss from one or more of Saturn's satellites. In the Cassini era, high spatial and spectral resolution data have allowed progress to be made on some of these questions. Discoveries such as the ''propellers'' in the A ring, the shape of ring-embedded moonlets, the clumps in the F Ring, and Enceladus' plume provide new constraints on evolutionary processes in Saturn's rings. At the same time, advances in numerical simulations over the last 20 years have opened the way to realistic models of the rings's fine scale structure, and progress in our understanding of the formation of the Solar System provides a better-defined historical context in which to understand ring formation. All these elements have important implications for the origin and long-term evolution of Saturn's rings. They strengthen the idea that Saturn's rings are very dynamical and rapidly evolving, while new arguments suggest that the rings could be older than previously believed, provided that they are regularly renewed. Key evolutionary processes, timescales and possible scenarios for the rings's origin are reviewed in the light of tComment: Chapter 17 of the book ''Saturn After Cassini-Huygens'' Saturn from Cassini-Huygens, Dougherty, M.K.; Esposito, L.W.; Krimigis, S.M. (Ed.) (2009) 537-57

    A simple model for the evolution of the dust population in protoplanetary disks

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    Context: The global size and spatial distribution of dust is an important ingredient in the structure and evolution of protoplanetary disks and in the formation of larger bodies, such as planetesimals. Aims: We aim to derive simple equations that explain the global evolution of the dust surface density profile and the upper limit of the grain size distribution and which can readily be used for further modeling or for interpreting of observational data. Methods: We have developed a simple model that follows the upper end of the dust size distribution and the evolution of the dust surface density profile. This model is calibrated with state-of-the-art simulations of dust evolution, which treat dust growth, fragmentation, and transport in viscously evolving gas disks. Results: We find very good agreement between the full dust-evolution code and the toy model presented in this paper. We derive analytical profiles that describe the dust-to-gas ratios and the dust surface density profiles well in protoplanetary disks, as well as the radial flux by solid material "rain out", which is crucial for triggering any gravity assisted formation of planetesimals. We show that fragmentation is the dominating effect in the inner regions of the disk leading to a dust surface density exponent of -1.5, while the outer regions at later times can become drift-dominated, yielding a dust surface density exponent of -0.75. Our results show that radial drift is not efficient in fragmenting dust grains. This supports the theory that small dust grains are resupplied by fragmentation due to the turbulent state of the disk.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, accepted to A&

    Solving the Coagulation Equation by the Moments Method

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    We demonstrate an approach to solving the coagulation equation that involves using a finite number of moments of the particle size distribution. This approach is particularly useful when only general properties of the distribution, and their time evolution, are needed. The numerical solution to the integro-differential Smoluchowski coagulation equation at every time step, for every particle size, and at every spatial location is computationally expensive, and serves as the primary bottleneck in running evolutionary models over long periods of time. The advantage of using the moments method comes in the computational time savings gained from only tracking the time rate of change of the moments, as opposed to tracking the entire mass histogram which can contain hundreds or thousands of bins depending on the desired accuracy. The collision kernels of the coagulation equation contain all the necessary information about particle relative velocities, cross-sections, and sticking coefficients. We show how arbitrary collision kernels may be treated. We discuss particle relative velocities in both turbulent and non-turbulent regimes. We present examples of this approach that utilize different collision kernels and find good agreement between the moment solutions and the moments as calculated from direct integration of the coagulation equation. As practical applications, we demonstrate how the moments method can be used to track the evolving opacity, and also indicate how one may incorporate porous particles.Comment: 35 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication to The Astrophysical Journa