4,264 research outputs found

    Fomenko-Mischenko Theory, Hessenberg Varieties, and Polarizations

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    The symmetric algebra g (denoted S(\g)) over a Lie algebra \g (frak g) has the structure of a Poisson algebra. Assume \g is complex semi-simple. Then results of Fomenko- Mischenko (translation of invariants) and A.Tarasev construct a polynomial subalgebra \cal H = \bf C[q_1,...,q_b] of S(\g) which is maximally Poisson commutative. Here b is the dimension of a Borel subalgebra of \g. Let G be the adjoint group of \g and let \ell = rank \g. Identify \g with its dual so that any G-orbit O in \g has the structure (KKS) of a symplectic manifold and S(\g) can be identified with the affine algebra of \g. An element x \in \g is strongly regular if \{(dq_i)_x\}, i=1,...,b, are linearly independent. Then the set \g^{sreg} of all strongly regular elements is Zariski open and dense in \g, and also \g^{sreg \subset \g^{reg} where \g^{reg} is the set of all regular elements in \g. A Hessenberg variety is the b-dimensional affine plane in \g, obtained by translating a Borel subalgebra by a suitable principal nilpotent element. This variety was introduced in [K2]. Defining Hess to be a particular Hessenberg variety, Tarasev has shown that Hess \subset \g^sreg. Let R be the set of all regular G-orbits in \g. Thus if O \in R, then O is a symplectic manifold of dim 2n where n= b-\ell. For any O\in R let O^{sreg} = \g^{sreg}\cap O. We show that O^{sreg} is Zariski open and dense in O so that O^{sreg} is again a symplectic manifold of dim 2n. For any O \in R let Hess (O) = Hess \cap O. We prove that Hess(O) is a Lagrangian submanifold of O^{sreg} and Hess =\sqcup_{O \in R} Hess(O). The main result here shows that there exists, simultaneously over all O \in R, an explicit polarization (i.e., a "fibration" by Lagrangian submanifolds) of O^{sreg} which makes O^{sreg} simulate, in some sense, the cotangent bundle of Hess(O).Comment: 36 pages, plain te

    On abstract commensurators of groups

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    We prove that the abstract commensurator of a nonabelian free group, an infinite surface group, or more generally of a group that splits appropriately over a cyclic subgroup, is not finitely generated. This applies in particular to all torsion-free word-hyperbolic groups with infinite outer automorphism group and abelianization of rank at least 2. We also construct a finitely generated, torsion-free group which can be mapped onto Z and which has a finitely generated commensurator.Comment: 13 pages, no figur

    The congruence kernel of an arithmetic lattice in a rank one algebraic group over a local field

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    Let k be a global field and let k_v be the completion of k with respect to v, a non-archimedean place of k. Let \mathbf{G} be a connected, simply-connected algebraic group over k, which is absolutely almost simple of k_v-rank 1. Let G=\mathbf{G}(k_v). Let \Gamma be an arithmetic lattice in G and let C=C(\Gamma) be its congruence kernel. Lubotzky has shown that C is infinite, confirming an earlier conjecture of Serre. Here we provide complete solution of the congruence subgroup problem for \Gamm$ by determining the structure of C. It is shown that C is a free profinite product, one of whose factors is \hat{F}_{\omega}, the free profinite group on countably many generators. The most surprising conclusion from our results is that the structure of C depends only on the characteristic of k. The structure of C is already known for a number of special cases. Perhaps the most important of these is the (non-uniform) example \Gamma=SL_2(\mathcal{O}(S)), where \mathcal{O}(S) is the ring of S-integers in k, with S=\{v\}, which plays a central role in the theory of Drinfeld modules. The proof makes use of a decomposition theorem of Lubotzky, arising from the action of \Gamma on the Bruhat-Tits tree associated with G.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, to appear in J. Reine Angew. Mat

    Symmetric spaces of higher rank do not admit differentiable compactifications

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    Any nonpositively curved symmetric space admits a topological compactification, namely the Hadamard compactification. For rank one spaces, this topological compactification can be endowed with a differentiable structure such that the action of the isometry group is differentiable. Moreover, the restriction of the action on the boundary leads to a flat model for some geometry (conformal, CR or quaternionic CR depending of the space). One can ask whether such a differentiable compactification exists for higher rank spaces, hopefully leading to some knew geometry to explore. In this paper we answer negatively.Comment: 13 pages, to appear in Mathematische Annale

    A lattice in more than two Kac--Moody groups is arithmetic

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    Let Γ\Gamma be an irreducible lattice in a product of n infinite irreducible complete Kac-Moody groups of simply laced type over finite fields. We show that if n is at least 3, then each Kac-Moody groups is in fact a simple algebraic group over a local field and Γ\Gamma is an arithmetic lattice. This relies on the following alternative which is satisfied by any irreducible lattice provided n is at least 2: either Γ\Gamma is an S-arithmetic (hence linear) group, or it is not residually finite. In that case, it is even virtually simple when the ground field is large enough. More general CAT(0) groups are also considered throughout.Comment: Subsection 2.B was modified and an example was added ther

    A predictive phenomenological tool at small Bjorken-x

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    We present the results from global fits of inclusive DIS experimental data using the Balitsky-Kovchegov equation with running coupling.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, prepared for the Proceedings of 'Hot Quarks 2010

    Peripheral separability and cusps of arithmetic hyperbolic orbifolds

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    For X = R, C, or H it is well known that cusp cross-sections of finite volume X-hyperbolic (n+1)-orbifolds are flat n-orbifolds or almost flat orbifolds modelled on the (2n+1)-dimensional Heisenberg group N_{2n+1} or the (4n+3)-dimensional quaternionic Heisenberg group N_{4n+3}(H). We give a necessary and sufficient condition for such manifolds to be diffeomorphic to a cusp cross-section of an arithmetic X-hyperbolic (n+1)-orbifold. A principal tool in the proof of this classification theorem is a subgroup separability result which may be of independent interest.Comment: Published by Algebraic and Geometric Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/agt/AGTVol4/agt-4-32.abs.htm

    Conjugacy theorems for loop reductive group schemes and Lie algebras

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    The conjugacy of split Cartan subalgebras in the finite dimensional simple case (Chevalley) and in the symmetrizable Kac-Moody case (Peterson-Kac) are fundamental results of the theory of Lie algebras. Among the Kac-Moody Lie algebras the affine algebras stand out. This paper deals with the problem of conjugacy for a class of algebras --extended affine Lie algebras-- that are in a precise sense higher nullity analogues of the affine algebras. Unlike the methods used by Peterson-Kac, our approach is entirely cohomological and geometric. It is deeply rooted on the theory of reductive group schemes developed by Demazure and Grothendieck, and on the work of J. Tits on buildingsComment: Publi\'e dans Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences 4 (2014), 281-32

    Overlap properties of geometric expanders

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    The {\em overlap number} of a finite (d+1)(d+1)-uniform hypergraph HH is defined as the largest constant c(H)(0,1]c(H)\in (0,1] such that no matter how we map the vertices of HH into Rd\R^d, there is a point covered by at least a c(H)c(H)-fraction of the simplices induced by the images of its hyperedges. In~\cite{Gro2}, motivated by the search for an analogue of the notion of graph expansion for higher dimensional simplicial complexes, it was asked whether or not there exists a sequence {Hn}n=1\{H_n\}_{n=1}^\infty of arbitrarily large (d+1)(d+1)-uniform hypergraphs with bounded degree, for which infn1c(Hn)>0\inf_{n\ge 1} c(H_n)>0. Using both random methods and explicit constructions, we answer this question positively by constructing infinite families of (d+1)(d+1)-uniform hypergraphs with bounded degree such that their overlap numbers are bounded from below by a positive constant c=c(d)c=c(d). We also show that, for every dd, the best value of the constant c=c(d)c=c(d) that can be achieved by such a construction is asymptotically equal to the limit of the overlap numbers of the complete (d+1)(d+1)-uniform hypergraphs with nn vertices, as nn\rightarrow\infty. For the proof of the latter statement, we establish the following geometric partitioning result of independent interest. For any dd and any ϵ>0\epsilon>0, there exists K=K(ϵ,d)d+1K=K(\epsilon,d)\ge d+1 satisfying the following condition. For any kKk\ge K, for any point qRdq \in \mathbb{R}^d and for any finite Borel measure μ\mu on Rd\mathbb{R}^d with respect to which every hyperplane has measure 00, there is a partition Rd=A1Ak\mathbb{R}^d=A_1 \cup \ldots \cup A_{k} into kk measurable parts of equal measure such that all but at most an ϵ\epsilon-fraction of the (d+1)(d+1)-tuples Ai1,,Aid+1A_{i_1},\ldots,A_{i_{d+1}} have the property that either all simplices with one vertex in each AijA_{i_j} contain qq or none of these simplices contain qq

    Arbitrarily large families of spaces of the same volume

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    In any connected non-compact semi-simple Lie group without factors locally isomorphic to SL_2(R), there can be only finitely many lattices (up to isomorphism) of a given covolume. We show that there exist arbitrarily large families of pairwise non-isomorphic arithmetic lattices of the same covolume. We construct these lattices with the help of Bruhat-Tits theory, using Prasad's volume formula to control their covolumes.Comment: 9 pages. Syntax corrected; one reference adde