848 research outputs found

    A numerical model for multigroup radiation hydrodynamics

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    We present in this paper a multigroup model for radiation hydrodynamics to account for variations of the gas opacity as a function of frequency. The entropy closure model (M1) is applied to multigroup radiation transfer in a radiation hydrodynamics code. In difference from the previous grey model, we are able to reproduce the crucial effects of frequency-variable gas opacities, a situation omnipresent in physics and astrophysics. We also account for the energy exchange between neighbouring groups which is important in flows with strong velocity divergence. These terms were computed using a finite volume method in the frequency domain. The radiative transfer aspect of the method was first tested separately for global consistency (reversion to grey model) and against a well established kinetic model through Marshak wave tests with frequency dependent opacities. Very good agreement between the multigroup M1 and kinetic models was observed in all tests. The successful coupling of the multigroup radiative transfer to the hydrodynamics was then confirmed through a second series of tests. Finally, the model was linked to a database of opacities for a Xe gas in order to simulate realistic multigroup radiative shocks in Xe. The differences with the previous grey models are discussed.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, Accepted for publication in JQSR

    Head and neck target delineation using a novel PET automatic segmentation algorithm

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    Purpose To evaluate the feasibility and impact of using a novel advanced PET auto-segmentation method in Head and Neck (H&N) radiotherapy treatment (RT) planning. Methods ATLAAS, Automatic decision Tree-based Learning Algorithm for Advanced Segmentation, previously developed and validated on pre-clinical data, was applied to 18F-FDG-PET/CT scans of 20 H&N patients undergoing Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy. Primary Gross Tumour Volumes (GTVs) manually delineated on CT/MRI scans (GTVpCT/MRI), together with ATLAAS-generated contours (GTVpATLAAS) were used to derive the RT planning GTV (GTVpfinal). ATLAAS outlines were compared to CT/MRI and final GTVs qualitatively and quantitatively using a conformity metric. Results The ATLAAS contours were found to be reliable and useful. The volume of GTVpATLAAS was smaller than GTVpCT/MRI in 70% of the cases, with an average conformity index of 0.70. The information provided by ATLAAS was used to grow the GTVpCT/MRI in 10 cases (up to 10.6 mL) and to shrink the GTVpCT/MRI in 7 cases (up to 12.3 mL). ATLAAS provided complementary information to CT/MRI and GTVpATLAAS contributed to up to 33% of the final GTV volume across the patient cohort. Conclusions ATLAAS can deliver operator independent PET segmentation to augment clinical outlining using CT and MRI and could have utility in future clinical studies

    Simulations of protostellar collapse using multigroup radiation hydrodynamics. I. The first collapse

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    Radiative transfer plays a major role in the process of star formation. Many simulations of gravitational collapse of a cold gas cloud followed by the formation of a protostellar core use a grey treatment of radiative transfer coupled to the hydrodynamics. However, dust opacities which dominate extinction show large variations as a function of frequency. In this paper, we used frequency-dependent radiative transfer to investigate the influence of the opacity variations on the properties of Larson's first core. We used a multigroup M1 moment model in a 1D radiation hydrodynamics code to simulate the spherically symmetric collapse of a 1 solar mass cloud core. Monochromatic dust opacities for five different temperature ranges were used to compute Planck and Rosseland means inside each frequency group. The results are very consistent with previous studies and only small differences were observed between the grey and multigroup simulations. For a same central density, the multigroup simulations tend to produce first cores with a slightly higher radius and central temperature. We also performed simulations of the collapse of a 10 and 0.1 solar mass cloud, which showed the properties of the first core to be independent of the initial cloud mass, with again no major differences between grey and multigroup models. For Larson's first collapse, where temperatures remain below 2000 K, the vast majority of the radiation energy lies in the IR regime and the system is optically thick. In this regime, the grey approximation does a good job reproducing the correct opacities, as long as there are no large opacity variations on scales much smaller than the width of the Planck function. The multigroup method is however expected to yield more important differences in the later stages of the collapse when high energy (UV and X-ray) radiation is present and matter and radiation are strongly decoupled.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Numerical simulation of strongly nonlinear and dispersive waves using a Green-Naghdi model

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    We investigate here the ability of a Green-Naghdi model to reproduce strongly nonlinear and dispersive wave propagation. We test in particular the behavior of the new hybrid finite-volume and finite-difference splitting approach recently developed by the authors and collaborators on the challenging benchmark of waves propagating over a submerged bar. Such a configuration requires a model with very good dispersive properties, because of the high-order harmonics generated by topography-induced nonlinear interactions. We thus depart from the aforementioned work and choose to use a new Green-Naghdi system with improved frequency dispersion characteristics. The absence of dry areas also allows us to improve the treatment of the hyperbolic part of the equations. This leads to very satisfying results for the demanding benchmarks under consideration

    Alternating Tree Automata with Qualitative Semantics

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    We study alternating automata with qualitative semantics over infinite binary trees: Alternation means that two opposing players construct a decoration of the input tree called a run, and the qualitative semantics says that a run of the automaton is accepting if almost all branches of the run are accepting. In this article, we prove a positive and a negative result for the emptiness problem of alternating automata with qualitative semantics. The positive result is the decidability of the emptiness problem for the case of BĂŒchi acceptance condition. An interesting aspect of our approach is that we do not extend the classical solution for solving the emptiness problem of alternating automata, which first constructs an equivalent non-deterministic automaton. Instead, we directly construct an emptiness game making use of imperfect information. The negative result is the undecidability of the emptiness problem for the case of co-BĂŒchi acceptance condition. This result has two direct consequences: The undecidability of monadic second-order logic extended with the qualitative path-measure quantifier and the undecidability of the emptiness problem for alternating tree automata with non-zero semantics, a recently introduced probabilistic model of alternating tree automata
