24 research outputs found

    NE Atlantic continental slope stability from a numerical modeling perspective

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    Trough mouth fans are environments characterized by high sediment supply during glacial stages and the occurrence of large-scale instabilities. The geological record indicates that several of these environments have failed repeatedly resulting in large submarine landslides. The roles of sedimentation rate, weak layers, glacial loading and unloading as well as seismic activity on triggering megaslides in trough-mouth-fan systems is still unclear. A better understanding of the preconditioning factors, triggers and consequences of these landslides is crucial due to the hazard they pose to coastal communities and offshore industries. In this paper, we focus on the North Sea Trough Mouth Fan, which is the result of massive glacial sediment input delivered to the shelf edge through the Norwegian Channel, southeast Nordic Seas margin. The Tampen Slide, one of several large paleo-landslides that have happened within the North Sea Trough Mouth Fan, took place at c. 130 ka (end of MIS 6), and removed an estimated 1800 km3 of sediment. Here, we use boundary conditions from the Tampen Slide and 2D Finite Element Modeling (Abaqus software from Simulia) to evaluate the effects of variations in sedimentation rates as well as sediment properties on the generation of excess pore pressure, fluid flow, and slope stability along the axis of the trough-mouth-fan system. The model domain, 40 km in length and 2 km in height, is dominated by glacigenic debris flows and glacimarine sediment deposits. We use geotechnical data measured on samples of glacigenic and glacimarine sediment deposits from the nearby Ormen Lange gas field area to constrain the model. We evaluate the stability of the slope under various scenarios, including constant sediment loading, episodic changes in sedimentation rates and abrupt pulses in sediment delivery for a 61 kyr period (MIS 6). The models show that increased sedimentation rates during glacial stages do not generate sufficient excess pore pressure to set off a landslide. Furthermore, the simulated overpressures for the different sedimentation scenarios do not significantly differ at the end of the model runs. The results also highlight the importance of a basal glacimarine sediment layer underneath the rapidly-deposited sediments for the build-up of overpressure. Consequently, this glacimarine sediment layer has the inherited potential to act as a weak layer facilitating instability. However, as overpressure due to sediment deposition alone does not result in slope failure, we couple the preconditioned slope with earthquake ground shaking. Based on attenuation models, an earthquake of approximately M6.9 or larger at a short distance from the Tampen Slide headwall could have triggered the landslide. Therefore, we suggest glacial sedimentation and a glacimarine sediment layer to represent preconditioning factors, and seismic shaking as the final trigger mechanism for the Tampen Slide, i.e. similar to the situation that lead to the development of the Storegga Slide in the same area.NE Atlantic continental slope stability from a numerical modeling perspectiveacceptedVersio

    Characterization of a glacial paleo-outburst flood using high-resolution 3-D seismic data: Bjørnelva River Valley, SW Barents Sea

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    Proglacial braided river systems discharge large volumes of meltwater from ice sheets and trans-port coarse-grained sediments from the glaciated areas to the oceans. Here, we test the hypothesisif high-energy hydrological events can leave distinctive signatures in the sedimentary record ofbraided river systems. We characterize the morphology and infer a mode of formation of a25 km long and 1–3 km wide Early Pleistocene incised valley recently imaged in 3-D seismicdata in the Hoop area, SW Barents Sea. The fluvial system, named Bjørnelva River Valley, carved20 m deep channels into Lower Cretaceous bedrock at a glacial paleo-surface and deposited28 channel bars along a paleo-slope gradient of∼0.64 m km−1. The landform morphologiesand position relative to the paleo-surface support that Bjørnelva River Valley was formed inthe proglacial domain of the Barents Sea Ice Sheet. Based on valley width and valley depth, wesuggest that Bjørnelva River Valley represents a braided river system fed by violent outburstfloods from a glacial lake, with estimated outburst discharges of∼160 000 m3s−1. The morpho-logical configuration of Bjørnelva River Valley can inform geohazard assessments in areas at riskof outburst flooding today and is an analogue for landscapes evolving in areas currently coveredby the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets

    NE Atlantic continental slope stability from a numerical modeling perspective

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    Trough mouth fans are environments characterized by high sediment supply during glacial stages and the occurrence of large-scale instabilities. The geological record indicates that several of these environments have failed repeatedly resulting in large submarine landslides. The roles of sedimentation rate, weak layers, glacial loading and unloading as well as seismic activity on triggering megaslides in trough-mouth-fan systems is still unclear. A better understanding of the preconditioning factors, triggers and consequences of these landslides is crucial due to the hazard they pose to coastal communities and offshore industries. In this paper, we focus on the North Sea Trough Mouth Fan, which is the result of massive glacial sediment input delivered to the shelf edge through the Norwegian Channel, southeast Nordic Seas margin. The Tampen Slide, one of several large paleo-landslides that have happened within the North Sea Trough Mouth Fan, took place at c. 130 ka (end of MIS 6), and removed an estimated 1800 km3 of sediment. Here, we use boundary conditions from the Tampen Slide and 2D Finite Element Modeling (Abaqus software from Simulia) to evaluate the effects of variations in sedimentation rates as well as sediment properties on the generation of excess pore pressure, fluid flow, and slope stability along the axis of the trough-mouth-fan system. The model domain, 40 km in length and 2 km in height, is dominated by glacigenic debris flows and glacimarine sediment deposits. We use geotechnical data measured on samples of glacigenic and glacimarine sediment deposits from the nearby Ormen Lange gas field area to constrain the model. We evaluate the stability of the slope under various scenarios, including constant sediment loading, episodic changes in sedimentation rates and abrupt pulses in sediment delivery for a 61 kyr period (MIS 6). The models show that increased sedimentation rates during glacial stages do not generate sufficient excess pore pressure to set off a landslide. Furthermore, the simulated overpressures for the different sedimentation scenarios do not significantly differ at the end of the model runs. The results also highlight the importance of a basal glacimarine sediment layer underneath the rapidly-deposited sediments for the build-up of overpressure. Consequently, this glacimarine sediment layer has the inherited potential to act as a weak layer facilitating instability. However, as overpressure due to sediment deposition alone does not result in slope failure, we couple the preconditioned slope with earthquake ground shaking. Based on attenuation models, an earthquake of approximately M6.9 or larger at a short distance from the Tampen Slide headwall could have triggered the landslide. Therefore, we suggest glacial sedimentation and a glacimarine sediment layer to represent preconditioning factors, and seismic shaking as the final trigger mechanism for the Tampen Slide, i.e. similar to the situation that lead to the development of the Storegga Slide in the same area

    NE Atlantic continental slope stability from a numerical modeling perspective

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    Trough mouth fans are environments characterized by high sediment supply during glacial stages and the occurrence of large-scale instabilities. The geological record indicates that several of these environments have failed repeatedly resulting in large submarine landslides. The roles of sedimentation rate, weak layers, glacial loading and unloading as well as seismic activity on triggering megaslides in trough-mouth-fan systems is still unclear. A better understanding of the preconditioning factors, triggers and consequences of these landslides is crucial due to the hazard they pose to coastal communities and offshore industries. In this paper, we focus on the North Sea Trough Mouth Fan, which is the result of massive glacial sediment input delivered to the shelf edge through the Norwegian Channel, southeast Nordic Seas margin. The Tampen Slide, one of several large paleo-landslides that have happened within the North Sea Trough Mouth Fan, took place at c. 130 ka (end of MIS 6), and removed an estimated 1800 km3 of sediment. Here, we use boundary conditions from the Tampen Slide and 2D Finite Element Modeling (Abaqus software from Simulia) to evaluate the effects of variations in sedimentation rates as well as sediment properties on the generation of excess pore pressure, fluid flow, and slope stability along the axis of the trough-mouth-fan system. The model domain, 40 km in length and 2 km in height, is dominated by glacigenic debris flows and glacimarine sediment deposits. We use geotechnical data measured on samples of glacigenic and glacimarine sediment deposits from the nearby Ormen Lange gas field area to constrain the model. We evaluate the stability of the slope under various scenarios, including constant sediment loading, episodic changes in sedimentation rates and abrupt pulses in sediment delivery for a 61 kyr period (MIS 6). The models show that increased sedimentation rates during glacial stages do not generate sufficient excess pore pressure to set off a landslide. Furthermore, the simulated overpressures for the different sedimentation scenarios do not significantly differ at the end of the model runs. The results also highlight the importance of a basal glacimarine sediment layer underneath the rapidly-deposited sediments for the build-up of overpressure. Consequently, this glacimarine sediment layer has the inherited potential to act as a weak layer facilitating instability. However, as overpressure due to sediment deposition alone does not result in slope failure, we couple the preconditioned slope with earthquake ground shaking. Based on attenuation models, an earthquake of approximately M6.9 or larger at a short distance from the Tampen Slide headwall could have triggered the landslide. Therefore, we suggest glacial sedimentation and a glacimarine sediment layer to represent preconditioning factors, and seismic shaking as the final trigger mechanism for the Tampen Slide, i.e. similar to the situation that lead to the development of the Storegga Slide in the same area

    Does Retrogression Always Account for the Large Volume of Submarine Megaslides? Evidence to the Contrary From the Tampen Slide, Offshore Norway

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    Submarine landslides can be several orders of magnitude larger than their terrestrial counterparts and can pose significant hazards across entire ocean basins. The landslide failure mechanism strongly controls the associated tsunami hazard. The Tampen Slide offshore Norway is one of the largest landslides on Earth but remains poorly understood due to its subsequent burial beneath up to 450 m of sediments. Here, we use laterally extensive (16,000 km2), high-resolution processed 3-D seismic reflection data to characterize the upper Tampen Slide. We identify longitudinal (downslope, movement-parallel) chutes and ridges that are up to 40 m high, as well as extensional and compressional (cross-slope) ridges. This is the first time that longitudinal ridges of such size have been imaged in a deep marine setting. The first phase of the Tampen Slide involved the simultaneous translation of over 720 km3 of sediments along a single failure plane. This was followed by spreading along the head- and sidewall, and the formation of a retrogressive debris flow and slump, the volumes of which are insignificant compared to the first failure. The process responsible for movement of such a large sediment volume along a single glide plane differs significantly from that of other passive margin megaslides, which typically comprise numerous smaller landslides that fail retrogressively along multiple glide planes. The trigger mechanism (e.g., an earthquake), the presence of mechanically strong obstructions (e.g., volcanic structural high), and the number and location of weak layers may be key factors that determine whether megaslides develop along a single plane or retrogressively

    Lake-sediment based paleoseismology: Limitations and perspectives from the Swiss Alps

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    In regions with moderate seismicity and large intervals between strong earthquakes, paleoseismological archives that exceed the historical and instrumental timescale are needed to establish reliable estimates of earthquake recurrence for long return periods. In several regions, lake sediments have shown to be suitable for paleoseismological studies by causally linking characteristic sedimentological features to historic earthquakes. Studies on single lakes, however, do neither allow determining the paleoepicentre nor the paleomagnitude for the potential paleoearthquakes. Here we compile, using shaking-induced mass movements and micro deformations (summarized as Sedimentary Event Deposits SEDs), the sedimentary paleoseismic record of 11 lakes from Switzerland over the last 10,000 years. The large dating uncertainty attributed to such deposits (up to 250 years) does not allow us to conclusively test for one large earthquake hypothesis when comparing the different lake records and therefore represents one of the major limitations of this approach. Instead, using a new approach of exploring the normalized frequency of occurrence averaged over a larger area, the compiled dataset reveals striking periods of enhanced occurrence of SEDs in the studied lakes during several phases of the past 10,000 years, centered at 9700, 6500 and during the last 4000 cal yr BP. Moreover, we use a calibrated intensity attenuation relation in order to model scenarios of possible epicentral areas and ranges of magnitudes of paleoearthquakes. We differentiate two cases: (i) a ‘single-earthquake' scenario if SEDs occur simultaneously in various studied lakes, or (ii) a ‘multi-earthquake' scenario if SEDs in the studied lakes cluster within a time interval. The modelled scenarios allow us to propose maximally possible magnitudes of large paleoearthquakes, constituting an important input for seismic hazard assessment in the Swiss Alps