34 research outputs found

    El proceso de construcción del arco mediterráneo : una calle de doble dirección

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    Francesc Carbonell i Josep Báguena, analitzen el procés de construcció de l'Arc Mediterrani com a contrapès a la influència que exerceixen els territoris septentrionales d'Europa; un procés de doble direcció perquè neix al mateix temps de la Comissió Europea i de les regions mediterrànies, amb l'objectiu de consensuar polítiques clau en àmbits suprarregionals. Una d'aquestes polítiques és sense dubte la del transport i infraestructures, i aquest tema apareix en tots els articles d'aquest número de Papers

    Dynamically Generated Resonances in the Chiral Unitary Approach to Meson Baryon Interaction

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    In this talk we report on the use of a chiral unitary approach for the interaction of the octets of meson and baryon and the octet of mesons with the decuplet of baryons. Two octets of Jπ=1/2J^{\pi}=1/2^- baryon states and a singlet are generated dynamically in the first case, resulting in the case of strangeness S=1S=-1 in two poles of the scattering matrix close to the nominal Λ(1405)\Lambda(1405) resonance. In the second case many resonances are also generated, among them an exotic baryon with S=1 corresponding to a ΔK\Delta K resonance. We make suggestions of experiments which could show evidence for the existence of these states.Comment: Talk at the MENU04 Symposium, Beijing, September 200

    Meson–meson and meson–baryon interactions in a chiral non-perturbative approach

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    A qualitative account of the meson-meson and meson-baryon interactions using chiral Lagrangians and the inverse amplitude method in coupled channels is done. The method, imposing exact unitarity, proves to be a very useful tool to extend the information contained in the chiral Lagrangians at energies beyond the realm of applicability of chiral perturbation theory.Oset Baguena, Eulogio, [email protected]

    Una xarxa de ciutats per un món de ciutadans : VIè Congrés Mundial Metropolis '99 : Barcelona, del 16 al 19 de març de 1999

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    Entre els dies 16 i 19 de març de 1999 es va celebrar a Barcelona el VIè Congrés Metropolis, organitzat per l'associació que porta el mateix nom, en el qual es van debatre temes referents a les polítiques de govern de les ciutats, tot incidint en quatre àmbits d'actuació: infraestructures aeroportuàries, qualitat mediambiental, desenvolupament econòmic i turisme cultural.Entre los días 16 y 19 de marzo se celebró en Barcelona el VI Congreso Metropolis, organizado por la asociación que lleva el mismo nombre, en el que se debatieron temas referentes a las políticas de gobierno de las ciudades, incidiendo en cuatro ámbitos de actuación: infraestructuras aeroportuarias, calidad medioambiental, desarrollo económico y turismo cultural.Entre le 16 et le 19 mars 1999 se déroula a Barcelona le VI Congrès Metropolis organisé par l'association du même nom. Les thèmes relatifs aux politiques du gouvernement urbain se sont débattus en mettant l'accent sur quatre secteurs: infrastructures aéroportuaires, qualité environnementale, développement economique et turisme culturel.The 6th edition of the Congress Metropolis was held in Barcelona between March 16th and March 19th 1999 and was organised by the Association with the same name. Several topics concerning governing policy of the cities were discussed, stressing four different working areas: airport infrastructures, environmental quality, economic development and cultural tourism

    El aprendizaje del voleibol basado en el juego en Educación Física y su efecto sobre variables motivacionales situacionales

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la eficacia de una intervención en una unidad didáctica de voleibol en Educación Física sobre distintas variables motivacionales situacionales con dos niveles de intervención. Un primer nivel aplicando estrategias generales relativas a las áreas TARGET (Ames, 1992), y un segundo nivel de intervención desarrollando metodológicamente el uso de los Teaching Games for Understanding (Bunke, y Thorpe, 1982). En el estudio participaron 61 alumnos de 4º curso de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, en una unidad didáctica completa. En el grupo experimental (n= 41) se aplicó una intervención específica, mientras que en el grupo control (n= 20) no hubo ningún tipo de manipulación, con un enfoque más tradicional de enseñanza. Los instrumentos utilizados midieron el clima motivacional, soporte de autonomía, necesidades psicológicas básicas y motivación autodeterminada. Los resultados mostraron en el grupo experimental, respecto al grupo control, una mayor percepción del clima tarea, mayor soporte de autonomía, mayor satisfacción de la autonomía y menor desmotivación. Los resultados muestran como los enfoques centrados en el alumnado a través de la enseñanza basada en el juego generan climas motivacionales óptimos lo cual puede repercutir de forma positiva en las clases de Educación Física.The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a volleyball teaching unit program of Physical Education over situational motivational variables, with two levels of intervention. A first level by applying general strategies based on TARGET areas (Ames, 1992) , and a second level of intervention methodically based on the Teaching Games for Understanding (Bunker and Thorpe, 1982) approach. The effect of the intervention on different situational motivational variables was evaluated. 61 students of the 4th year of Secondary Education were involved in a complete teaching unit. In the experimental group (n = 41) a specific intervention was applied, while in the control group (n = 20) there was no manipulation with a more traditional approach to teaching. The instruments measured the motivational climate, autonomy support, basic psychological needs and self-determined motivation. Results showed that experimental group developed a higher perceived task climate, greater autonomy, greater autonomy satisfaction and lower amotivation than the control group. Results also showed that studentcentered approaches to teaching through game-based methodology generate optimal motivational climates which can impact positively on PE classes

    Recent developments in one and two pion production in elementary reactions and few-body systems

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    In this talk we cover several issues concerning pion production. The first one is the p p ----> p p pi^0 reaction where an alternative explanation based on the off shell extrapolation of the pi N amplitude is offered. A recent model for the gamma N ----> pi pi N reaction is presented and a new kind of exchange current is constructed from it which allows one to address problems like double Delta photoproduction from the deuteron. Finally the (gamma, pi pi) reaction in nuclei is studied and shown to be highly sensitive to the renormalization of the pions in nuclei

    Determination of fouling mechanisms in polymeric ultrafiltration membranes using residual brines from table olive storage wastewaters as feed

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    [EN] In this work, the fouling mechanisms that dominate the ultrafiltration of residual brines from table olive packing plant wastewaters were investigated. For that purpose, Hermia's models adapted to crossflow filtration, resistance-in-series model and a model combining intermediate blocking and cake formation mechanisms were fitted to the experimental data. Tests were performed with a 5 kDa polyethersulfone membrane at transmembrane pressures between 1 and 3 bar and crossflow velocities between 2.2 and 3.7 m s(-1). Results demonstrated that the resistance-in-series model was the most accurate to predict permeate flux evolution with time. The predominant fouling mechanism was cake formation followed by intermediate blocking/adsorption. The fouling resistances that were determined by means of the resistance in series model were tested using a well-established mathematical model proposed by Mondal and De that also combines both fouling phenomena (intermediate pore blocking and cake formation). Results demonstrated that the predicted resistances are consistent with those determined by Mondal and De's model. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.The authors of this work wish to gratefully acknowledge the financial support of CDTI (Centre for Industrial Technological Development) depending on the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (INNPRONTA program, ITP-20111020).Carbonell Alcaina, C.; Corbatón Báguena, MJ.; Alvarez Blanco, S.; Bes-Piá, M.; Mendoza Roca, JA.; Pastor Alcañiz, L. (2016). Determination of fouling mechanisms in polymeric ultrafiltration membranes using residual brines from table olive storage wastewaters as feed. Journal of Food Engineering. 187:14-23. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2016.04.016S142318

    Analysis of SARS-CoV E protein ion channel activity by tuning the protein and lipid charge

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    A partial characterization of the ion channels formed by the SARS coronavirus (CoV) envelope (E) protein was previously reported (C. Verdiá-Báguena et al., 2012 [12]). Here, we provide new significant insights on the involvement of lipids in the structure and function of the CoV E protein channel on the basis of three se- ries of experiments. First, reversal potential measurements over a wide range of pH allow the dissection of the contributions to channel selectivity coming from ionizable residues of the protein transmembrane do- main and also from the negatively charged groups of diphytanoyl phosphatidylserine (DPhPS) lipid. The cor- responding effective pKas are consistent with the model pKas of the acidic residue candidates for titration. Second, the change of channel conductance with salt concentration reveals two distinct regimes (Donnan-controlled electrodiffusion and bulk-like electrodiffusion) fully compatible with the outcomes of selectivity experiments. Third, by measuring channel conductance in mixtures of neutral diphytanoyl phos- phatidylcholine (DPhPC) lipids and negatively charged DPhPS lipids in low and high salt concentrations we conclude that the protein–lipid conformation in the channel is likely the same in charged and neutral lipids. Overall, the whole set of experiments supports the proteolipidic structure of SARS-CoV E channels and ex- plains the large difference in channel conductance observed between neutral and charged membranes

    Coronavirus E protein forms ion channels with functionally and structurally-involved membrane lipids

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    Coronavirus (CoV) envelope (E) protein ion channel activity was determined in channels formed in planar lipid bilayers by peptides representing either the transmembrane domain of severe acute respiratory syndrome CoV (SARS-CoV) E protein, or the full-length E protein. Both of them formed a voltage independent ion conductive pore with symmetric ion transport properties. Mutations N15A and V25F located in the transmembrane domain prevented the ion conductivity. E protein derived channels showed no cation preference in non-charged lipid membranes, whereas they behaved as pores with mild cation selectivity in negatively-charged lipid membranes. The ion conductance was also controlled by the lipid composition of the membrane. Lipid charge also regulated the selectivity of a HCoV-229E E protein derived peptide. These results suggested that the lipids are functionally involved in E protein ion channel activity, forming a protein–lipid pore, a novel concept for CoV E protein ion channel entity

    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Envelope Protein Ion Channel Activity Promotes Virus Fitness and Pathogenesis

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    Deletion of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) envelope (E) gene attenuates the virus. E gene encodes a small multifunctional protein that possesses ion channel (IC) activity, an important function in virus-host interaction. To test the contribution of E protein IC activity in virus pathogenesis, two recombinant mouse-adapted SARSCoVs, each containing one single amino acid mutation that suppressed ion conductivity, were engineered. After serial infections, mutant viruses, in general, incorporated compensatory mutations within E gene that rendered active ion channels. Furthermore, IC activity conferred better fitness in competition assays, suggesting that ion conductivity represents an advantage for the virus. Interestingly, mice infected with viruses displaying E protein IC activity, either with the wild-type E protein sequence or with the revertants that restored ion transport, rapidly lost weight and died. In contrast, mice infected with mutants lacking IC activity, which did not incorporate mutations within E gene during the experiment, recovered from disease and most survived. Knocking down E protein IC activity did not significantly affect virus growth in infected mice but decreased edema accumulation, the major determinant of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) leading to death. Reduced edema correlated with lung epithelia integrity and proper localization of Na+ /K+ ATPase, which participates in edema resolution. Levels of inflammasome-activated IL-1b were reduced in the lung airways of the animals infected with viruses lacking E protein IC activity, indicating that E protein IC function is required for inflammasome activation. Reduction of IL-1b was accompanied by diminished amounts of TNF and IL-6 in the absence of E protein ion conductivity. All these key cytokines promote the progression of lung damage and ARDS pathology. In conclusion, E protein IC activity represents a new determinant for SARS-CoV virulence