68 research outputs found

    Distributed Generation: Opportunities for Distribution Network Operators, Wider Society and Generators

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    This study explores and quantifies the benefits of connecting more distributed generation (with and without the use of smart connections) across different parties (Distribution Network Operators, wider society and generators). Different connection scenarios are proposed (with partial and full interruptible capacity quota, a mix of generation and different technology-specific curtailment levels) for integrating DG units in the constrained area of the March grid (East of England). This constitutes the trial area of the Flexible Plug and Play project, which is being implemented by UK Power Networks. The smart connection option is by far the preferred option across all the scenarios (higher NPV/MW). However, for some generators the results are very sensitive to the discount rate used (i.e. solar PV). The analysis of the distribution of benefits suggests that generators capture most of the benefits while DNOs and wider society capture much less benefit. A smart connection incentive, which recreates the benefits to DNOs from an earlier losses incentive, is proposed. In contrast with other societally desirable metrics which are usually incentivised or penalised, there is currently no direct connection between more DG MWs connected and DNO incentive payments. Our proposed smart connection incentive, by charging DG for smarter connection may help to distribute more efficiently the benefits for connecting more DG

    Landscape correlates of sand racer species (Lacertidae; Psammodromus) segregation in their contact area along the Conquense Drove Road (Cuenca, Iberian Peninsula)

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    The Edwards’s sand racer (Psammodromus edwarsianus) was recognised as distinct from the Spanish sand racer (P. hispanicus) a decade ago, but both their distributions and interspecific range limits are poorly defined. Results of sampling both species along 70km of the Conquense Drove Road (Central Spain) indicate a clear North/South segregation, with P. edwarsianus inhabiting the area North of Las Pedroñeras and P. hispanicus the South. The segregation corresponds with lithological and vegetation differences, hard calcareous substrates in the North and softer sandy sedimentary material in the South. The latter is associated with more intensive agricultural land‐use in contrast to the persistence of copses and scrub on the calcareous terrain. The results provide new data on the regional distribution of both species. They also highlight the potential value of this species‐pair as a model for study of interactions and habitat segregation in lacertidsThis study is funded by LIFE Cañadas EU project (LIFE 18 NAT/ES/000930). The Dirección General de Medio Natural y Biodiversidad of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla‐La Mancha provided permission to work on drove roads. The Comunidad de Madrid supports the research group through the REMEDINAL TE‐CM Research Network (P2018/EMT4338

    Determinantes del precio de la vivienda nueva en Bogotá para el año 2019: una aproximación a través de un modelo semiparamétrico de regresión espacial

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    This document uses the recent advances in the field of spatial econometrics to develop a semi-parametric regression model that allows the inclusion of non-linearities and the modeling of spatial heterogeneity through a two-dimensional function that depends on geographic coordinates. The methodology is applied in a hedonic model for the price of new housing in Bogotá where a remarkable fit is obtained, in terms of the mean square error and the R2. The empirical result shows that the housing delivery condition, stratum, and construction state affect the price in a linear way, while the area, and the distances to parks, roads and Transmilenio stations present non-linear results, additionaly, it was possible to model the spatial trend that represents the location on the value of  the house where an increase is appreciated towards the northeast of the city. Thus, it is concluded that the estimated model allows the relationship between the explanatory variables and the dependent variable to be measured flexibly, establishing itself as a good alternative to understand the formation of prices in the real estate market.Este trabajo toma como punto de partida los recientes avances en el campo de la econometría espacial para desarrollar un modelo de regresión semiparamétrico que permite la inclusión de no linealidades y el modelamiento de la heterogeneidad espacial a través de una función bidimensional que depende de las coordenadas geográficas. La metodología se aplica en un modelo hedónico para el precio de la vivienda nueva en Bogotá donde se obtiene un ajuste destacable, en términos del error cuadrático medio y el R2. El resultado empírico muestra que el estrato, la condición de entrega y el estado constructivo afectan el precio de manera lineal, mientras que el área, y las distancias a parques, vías y estaciones de Transmilenio presentan resultados no lineales; además se logró modelar la tendencia espacial que representa la ubicación sobre el valor de la vivienda, evidenciando un incremento hacia el nororiente de la ciudad. Así, se  concluye que el modelo estimado permite medir de manera flexible la relación entre las variables explicativas y la dependiente,  estableciéndose como una buena alternativa para entender la formación de los precios en el mercado inmobiliario

    Integrated Facades as a Product-Service System: Business process innovation to accelerate integral product implementation

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    The Circular Economy (CE) attempts to realign business incentives, across all fields of human industry, to support the preservation of raw materials within closed economic loops. Within this conceptual frame, Product-Service Systems (PSS) combine the use of tangible products such as building technologies, with intangible maintenance and monitoring services, to enhance the delivery of valuable performances while limiting the use of materials and other resources. This paper explores the potential for the application of CE and PSS organization principles in the delivery of Facades-as-a-Service. It explores how the benefits brought about by this way of thinking: Lower initial capital requirements, material ownership retention by suppliers, and long-term interdisciplinary collaboration, could lead to a more efficient façade construction industry, while accelerating the rate of building energy renovations. Within the current process for designing, manufacturing, and operating facades there is a gap between supply-side discoveries and demand-side needs, which hinders the implementation of resource-efficient facades. Facade leasing as a form of product-service system keeps suppliers committed, throughout the building’s service-life, to safeguard optimum performance in operation, while actively stimulating clients to adopt innovative technical solutions. The paper elaborates on both supply-side facade innovations and the demand-side conditions necessary to implement such business models, while exploring the costs and benefits of product-service systems as new business-to-client models to connect supply and demand. It builds upon the research project “Facade leasing” (MSc thesis by Azcarate-Aguerre, J.F., 2014) and combines knowledge about facade design and engineering (supply-side approach) with the knowledge about client needs, performance criteria, and willingness to pay (demand-side approach). The research methodology includes literature review and expert interviews, integrating both theory and practice. This paper argues that a Product-Service System approach to facade design, construction, operation and renovation could accelerate the rate and depth of building energy renovations. It could also provide incentives to supply- and demand-side stakeholders, to implement Circular Economy principles through new models of ownership, contracting, and service delivery. It aims at establishing the general conceptual frame of a Product-Service System for leasable facades, setting the basic parameters to be taken into account when designing a PSS-based business model, and formulating its value proposition

    Miocarditis aguda: diagnóstico mediante resonancia magnética cardiaca

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    Cardiomyopathies are a common cause of morbidity and mortality. Myocarditis, which is included among specific cardiomyopathies, frequently presents non-specific clinical manifestations and thus may be difficult to diagnose, or even be misdiagnosed. Traditionally employed diagnostic techniques, including endomyocardial biopsy, have been shown to be of limited value. Following its overall implantation in clinical practice, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is nowadays widely considered to be the best non-invasive diagnostic tool available for diagnosing myocarditi

    Efecto de la localización del electrodo ventricular izquierdo sobre los parámetros ecocardiográficos de asincronía en pacientes sometidos a terapia de resincronización cardíaca

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    Introduction and objectives. Cardiac resynchronization therapy has been shown to be an option in the treatment of patients with congestive heart failure. The current indication for this treatment is based on clinical and electrocardiographic criteria, although echocardiography has also been shown to be a useful tool for the diagnosis of ventricular dyssynchrony. The aim of this study was to assess left ventricular dyssynchrony by echocardiography and to evaluate the effect of the stimulation site on the magnitude of resynchronization. Patients and method. We studied 25 patients with biventricular stimulation (left ventricular lead located in a lateral position in 13 patients, and in an anterior position in 12). A complete echo-Doppler evaluation, including left ventricular ejection fraction, ventricular diameters and parameters of inter- and intraventricular dyssynchrony, was performed before implantation and 3 months after the procedure, with the device connected and disconnected. Results. Left ventricular ejection fraction increased significantly from 23.7 (6.5) to 27.8 (5.5) (P=.007) at 3 months. In the group as a whole, biventricular pacing was associated with a significant decrease in all intraventricular dyssynchrony parameters (septal-to-lateral wall motion delay and septal-to-posterior wall motion delay). This decrease in septal-to-posterior wall motion delay and septalto- lateral wall motion delay was significantly greater in patients with the electrode implanted in the lateral position (58.1 ms vs 118 ms; P=.02) than with the lead in the anterior position (39.5 ms vs 86.5 ms; P=.04). Three patients, all with the electrode in an anterior location, were considered non-responders. Conclusions. Left lateral free wall stimulation provided significantly better intraventricular resynchronization compared to stimulation at an anterior site. Echocardiography is a useful tool to evaluate changes in intra- and interventricular synchrony related to the pacing site

    Tratamiento de la insuficiencia cardíaca avanzada mediante estimulación biventricular. Experiencia inicial en una serie de 22 casos consecutivos

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    Recent data suggest that biventricular pacing may play an important role in treating advanced heart failure in the presence of a significant interventricular and/or intraventricular conduction disorder by correcting cardiac dysynchrony. In this article, we review the initial technical and clinical experience with cardiac resynchronization therapy in an electrophysiology laboratory. METHODS: The first 22 consecutive patients with severe congestive heart failure, ejection fraction < 0.35, NYHA functional class III or IV, and QRS duration > 120 ms who were implanted biventricular pacemakers were studied. Clinical, electrocardiographic, and echocardiographic evaluations were made before and three months after pacemaker implantation. Acute functional capacity testing with peak oxygen uptake was measured during biventricular pacing and during intrinsic rhythm or right ventricular pacing three months after the implantation procedure. RESULTS: The success rate of pacemaker implantation was 95%. Pre-discharge left ventricular pacing was achieved in 91%, with an average pacing threshold of 1.53 (1.04) volts. NYHA functional class improved (p = 0.039) from 3.4 (0.7) to 2.3 (0.78). The rate of hospitalization for heart failure decreased from an average of 3.12 (0.58) three months before the procedure to 1.38 (0.34) three months after the procedure. Peak oxygen uptake was significantly greater (p = 0.028) during biventricular pacing: 14.89 (2.1) ml/min/kg, than during intrinsic rhythm or right ventricular pacing: 12.65 (2.3) ml/min/kg. CONCLUSIONS: Cardiac resynchronization therapy can be performed safely and with a high success rate in the electrophysiology laboratory. Biventricular pacing seems to improve the symptoms of congestive heart failure in patients with evidence of atrioventricular and/or interventricular/intraventricular dysynchrony. An acute benefit in peak oxygen uptake was associated with biventricular pacing after the implantation procedure

    Análisis y evaluación de las prácticas pedagógicas y de gestión mediadas por tecnologías en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la UNER: El Programa EduVirtual

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    La FCEDU-UNER con una investigación basada en diseño orientada hacia la innovación educativa cuya característica fundamental consiste en la introducción de un elemento nuevo para transformar una situación. mediante un proceso de desarrollo sistémico a través de continuos círculos de retroalimentación entre las dimensiones institucionales, organizativas, comunicacionales. El objetivo de este tipo de estudio es crear modelos que favorezcan la implementación de proyectos. Se trata, en definitiva, del diseño y desarrollo de una intervención como una solución (innovadora) a un problema complejo, y en consecuencia el punto de partida son problemas educativos para los que no existen -o sólo se dispone de unos pocos- principios validados para estructurar y apoyar dichas actividades de diseño y desarrollo. Esta investigación intentó explorar sobre los proyectos de educación con TIC, con énfasis en las dimensiones diagnósticas, de diseño, desarrollo, de implementación y evaluación. Se generaron diagnósticos y se implementaron actividades y proyectos que aportaron a las dimensiones institucionales, académicas, pedagógicas, comunicacionales y tecnológicas de la FCEDU-UNER. Dichas pautas colaboraron en la construcción de escenarios educativos acordes a los contextos socio-culturales de referencia, y a través de acciones de mediano plazo y largo alcance. ARK/CAICYT: http://id.caicyt.gov.ar/ark:/s22504559/djgdr6rq

    Análisis arqueosismológico del conjunto arqueológico romano de Mulva- Munigua (Sevilla, España). Resultados preliminares

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    El conjunto arqueológico romano de Mulva-Munigua (Sevilla, España) presenta daños en las edificaciones que pueden ser interpretadas como resultado de la ocurrencia de un evento sísmico (Efectos Arqueológicos de los Terremotos: EAEs) a finales del siglo III A.D., fecha coincidente con el inicio del periodo de declive económico de este asentamiento romano. Para intentar establecer el posible origen sísmico de las deformaciones, se ha procedido al inventario y análisis de las estructuras deformadas presentes en el yacimiento. No obstante, algunas de estas deformaciones también se pueden interpretar como resultado de procesos gravitaciones asociados a la ladera Este de la colina sobre la que se sitúa parte del yacimiento. Las direcciones de máxima deformación (ey) obtenidas del análisis de EAEs indica dos direcciones preferentes de la deformación (o movimiento preferente del terreno): NNO-SSE y ENEOSO. Aunque los datos presentan una dispersión importante, se puede establecer que la orientación principal NNO-SSE es compatible con un evento sísmico situado en el borde norte del Valle del Guadalquivir. La orientación ENE-OSO podría relacionarse con un evento posterior, o más seguramente con procesos de ladera de carácter cosísmico o no.The Roman archaeological site of Mulva-Munigua (Sevilla, Spain) displays building damage features suggesting a seismic origin (Earthquake Archaeological Effects: EAEs). The proposed seismic event could be tentatively dated in the late 3rd century AD, coinciding with the beginning of the economic fall of the Roman Empire at Iberia. However, some of the recorded EAEs can be also interpreted as a result of intervening slope movements in the eastern hillslope of this roman site. The inventory and analysis of the proposed EAEs make possible to discern between seismic oriented damage and other causes. In spite of the data show a significant dispersion, their analysis result in two different orientations of maximum deformation (ey) or preferential ground movement: NNW-SSE and ENE-WSW. The main ey orientation (NNW-SSE) can be tentatively related to a seismic event occurred in the environs of the northern border of the Guadalquivir Depression. The secondary orientation (ENE-WSW) can be interpreted as a consequence of latter slope movements triggered (or not) by other ancient earthquakes