159 research outputs found

    Stage Music and Paul Claudel’s Dramatic Strategy for ‘The Tidings Brought To Mary’. 1929–1932 Mystery Play Project

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    This article looks at the system of theater and dramaturgy strategies devised by Paul Claudel to ensure interaction between elements of scenic speech and excerpts from stage music by Darius Milhaud in the context of the 1929 1932 project The tidings brought to Mary mystery play The methodology used in this research is relevant for interdisciplinary studies in humanities Aspects of Art History Cultural Studies philology and Dramatic Art combined shape new knowledge about Paul Claudel s theater and drama strategies in terms of scenic speech as well as the functions of stage music in the th century mystery pla

    Graphene superlattice with periodically modulated Dirac gap

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    Graphene-based superlattice (SL) formed by a periodic gap modulation is studied theoretically using a Dirac-type Hamiltonian. Analyzing the dispersion relation we have found that new Dirac points arise in the electronic spectrum under certain conditions. As a result, the gap between conduction and valence minibands disappears. The expressions for the position of these Dirac points in k{\bf k}-space and threshold value of the potential for their emergence were obtained. At some parameters of the system, we have revealed interface states which form the top of the valence miniband.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted to Physical Review

    Najbardziej wydajne przyimkowe składniki i ich funkcje we współczesnej ukraińskiej terminologii naukowo-technicznej

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    The performance of prepositive foreign components in modern Ukrainian scientific and technical terminology are considered in this article; there are defined and singled out the most productivecomponents. There were determined the word formation of compound words with these components. Terms with productive foreign components are classifed into lexical-semantic groups.W niniejszym artykule analizowana jest wydajność przyimkowych składników obcych współczesnej ukraińskiej terminologii naukowej i technicznej. Zostają zdefiniowane i wyróżnione składniki o najwyższej wydajności. Określono konstrukcje wyrazowe złożone z tych składowych. Warunki, w jakich słowa ukraińskie wchodzą w relacje z elementami przyimkowymi obcych języków, pozwoliły zaproponować podział na grupy leksykalno-semantyczne

    Why the ICC Needs A ‘Palestine Situation’ (More than Palestine Needs the ICC): On the Court’s Potential Role(s) in the Israeli/Palestinian Context

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    This article interrogates the potential role of the ICC in the Israeli-Palestinian context as a function of the relationship between international criminal justice and the maintenance of peace. It argues that the Palestine situation presents the ICC with a critical opportunity to redress its ‘crises’ of effectiveness and legitimacy. The risks of an ICC intervention for the Palestinian population and for the Court may have been underappreciated. However, the Court’s reluctance to open an investigation in the Palestine situation, and missed opportunities during the deliberation of Palestine’s 2009 declaration requesting jurisdiction, have undermined its institutional integrity and contributed to the waning of its standing as an enforcer of international law. This contribution concludes that the ICC’s potential to deter international crimes in the Israeli-Palestinian context is limited, and the Court needs a ‘Palestine situation’ more than the Palestine needs the ICC

    Optimization of Agriculture Land Use Development Basing on Natural-resource Potential (On the Example of the Stavropol Territory)

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    Natural resources potential of the territory and natural-historical mechanism of its development are pacing factors in agriculture differentiation and AIC-development. Key branches in the Stavropol Territory are crop production, sheep breeding and meat and milk cattle breeding. To meet the market demands “equating” differentiation of agricultural enterprises is implemented. Thus, in Stavropol Territory crop lands have been increased for crops required in the market that disbalanced the crop rotation, disturbed agro technologies and resulted in reduction in yields and grain quality. In the Territory 70 % of tillage is in risky agriculture. About 65 % of crop production (wheat, barley and others) are in draughty areas where out of 141 years (1861–2002) 41 % draughty, which determine high natural-climatic dependence of grain economy [1]. Annual and areal variability of grain production is also determined by topsoil heterogeneity and variety of relief. At present production of the basic market crop – winter wheat, which takes 75 % of acreage for cereals and leguminous crops, the productivity of the cultivated crop is 22.4–39.5 centner/hectare. It results in top soil changes such as compaction, fertilizer impoverishment and organic matter content (organic matter deficit is 400–700 kg/ha). Intensification of agrarian production results in quicker erosion processes, soil properties decline and lower fertility. The total area of eroded lands in the Territory is 1792000 ha [2]. That is why it is important to develop a new model of the economic use of Stavropol Territory. The main methods of study are analysis of the current status and organization of the agricultural zones of the Territory. The data were preceded with the software Statistica

    Development prospects of the brand of Tomsk

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    The importance of territory branding is connected with the necessity of elaboration of new strategic approaches to brand creation of a country, a region, a city, along with the restatement of existent types of territory positioning in a view of harden competition between the cities for attracting of investments, opportunities and tourists. Creation of a strong, sustainable brand which can represent the city not only in Russia, but also abroad becomes topical. The modern reality is such that economic and demographic crisis reduces the amount of available financial and human capital assets. Under such conditions, the territories compete severely for any available resources. The winner of the competition is the one which can adapt to the changing situation and apply maximum tools for it. The territory branding is the main instrument for visitors’ attraction and most significantly for investors’ attraction as well as it is an important way of people’s loyalty forming. An increasing number of countries, regions and cities use territory branding. This way of attractiveness forming is especially developed abroad, but Russian cities and regions are mastering actively the territory branding. They don’t always succeed. The efficiency of this marketing instrument depends on many factors. The main issue the brand developers face is that they are mistaken in the understanding of territory brand as a beautiful image for tourist attraction. Tomsk is one of those cities which have enough peculiarities to be distinguished from others by means of creation of a strong and sustainable brand for representing the city outside it

    Information Technologies for Assessing the Quality of IT-specialties Graduates' Training of University by Means of Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks

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    The information technologies for assessing the quality of IT-specialties graduates' training of university by means of fuzzy logic and neural networks are developed in the article. It makes possible taking into account a wide set of estimation and output parameters, influence of the external and internal factors and allows to simplify the assessing process by means of modern mathematical apparatuses of artificial intelligence

    Влияние ролевой гендерной идентичности на представления о насилии у девушек-студенток

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    The paper discusses the empirical results of the study of the inuence of gender role identity on representations of violence in young female students at the age from 17 to 19. Attitudes towards violence, as well as the use of violence in interpersonal relations appear long before their realization in interpersonal interaction. Theauthors proceeded on the assumption that traditional ideas about gender dichotomy offeatures of violent behaviour were inadequate for the gender system of modernsociety. The study sample consisted of 100 respondents. The authors used thefollowing research methods: writing an essay, semantic dierential, and the Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI).The obtained empirical data indicated that the girls with undierentiated(neutral) gender role identity had a wider range of representations of violence, if to compare with the respondents who were guided by dichotomous models of gender behaviour (with “masculine” and “feminine” patterns). The girls with undierentiated(not polarized) gender role identity are able to recognize a large variety of forms ofviolence; they can exibly use and combine various forms of violence for achieving their own goals in corresponding circumstances. In this sample the girls with typically feminine gender role identity were less able to notice unobviousforms of violence (especially in interpersonal relations); violence usually had polar forms in their representations: either physical, or psychological. Moreover, the girls with typically feminine gender role identity perceived violence in such behavioural patterns which could not be assessed as violent in the given context. The ndings ofthe study could be useful for improving the practices of prevention, correction and rehabilitation offemale violent convicts, as well as for reducing manifestations of extreme forms of female violence in society.В статье приводятся результаты эмпирического исследования, направленного на выявление функции ролевой гендерной идентичности в формировании представления о насилии у девушек в возрасте 17–19 лет. Установки в отношении насилия и его применения в межличностном взаимодействии формируются задолго до того, как они реализуются в межличностном взаимодействии. Авторы исходят из предположения, что привычные представления о гендерной дихотомии характеристик насильственного поведения являются неадекватными для современной гендерной системы общества. Эмпирические данные получены в ходе опроса 100 респондентов в форме свободного сочинения, заполнения семантического дифференциала и опросника гендерной ролевой идентичности С. Бем. Получены данные о том, что девушки с недифференцированным (нейтральным) типом ролевой гендерной идентичности имеют более разнообразный спектр субъективных представлений о насилии по сравнению с респондентами, ориентированными на проявление в межличностном взаимодействии дихотомических моделей гендерного поведения, относящихся к «мужскому» или «женскому» нормативному образцу. Девушки с нейтральным типом ролевой гендерной идентичности способны к распознаванию большего разнообразия форм проявления насилия, склонны к гибкому использованию и сочетанию различных форм насилия в качестве средства достижения собственных целей с учетом складывающейся ситуации. Девушки с нормативной фемининной ролевой гендерной идентичностью в меньшей степени способны обращать внимание на неявные и скрытые формы насилия, особенно такого, которое проявляется на уровне межличностных отношений. В их представлениях насилие чаще имеет полярные формы проявления: либо как только физическое, либо исключительно психологическое. Также они чаще воспринимают в качестве насилия такие формы поведения, которые не являются таковыми в контексте взаимодействия. С учетом этого обстоятельства можно улучшить практики профилактики, коррекции и реабилитации женщин, совершивших насильственные преступления, а также снизить уровень выраженности в обществе крайних форм проявления женского насилия