896 research outputs found


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    International audienceThis paper presents the concept of "scientific concerts" developed at Le Mans University by two acoustics teachers-researchers and professional musicians, with the collaboration of three professional musicians. This project was born in 2009 and aims to introduce the basic concepts of acoustics by mixing science and arts. The originality and core principle of a scientific concert is to combine projected animations and spoken explanations with real-time experiments and demonstrations that are being given and played by both physicists and musicians. Learning is also eased by alternating musical themes and scientific content. Two different shows have been developed and given either in high schools, in popular science events or in concerts halls welcoming teenagers or general audience. The first show deals with the three main characteristics of a sound (intensity, pitch, timbre), while the second introduces the physics of musical instruments using the principles of elemental resonators like ducts and strings. The presentation will describe the science-to-music back-and-forth process that has been followed so as to achieve this project, including examples of experiments and auditory demonstrations. A quantitative and qualitative assessment of the concerts given in France and Canada will be finally provided

    Identification of particulate heavy metal pollution sources in urban river sediment using scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectrometer (SEM-EDS)

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    8 p.International audienceScanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) was used to develop a protocol for the identification of trace element carriers in the Seine River. Various Pb, Ni, Zn, V, Cr, and Cu bearing phases were identified on the sediment of the Seine River. Lead and nickel were found to be preferentially bound with iron sulfide particles. This phase is known to be a significant trace metal carrier in a reducing environment. Association of vanadium and calcium was identified which would be a product of road surface runoff. Zinc was also found associated with barite, possibly indicating an urban-related contamination source. Microscopic particle analysis shows to be a powerful tool in the characterization of their different sources and their eventual mobility in the environment

    La régulation négative de la biogenèse des ribosomes : Une nouvelle voie de contrôle du cycle cellulaire par le suppresseur de tumeurs Arf ?

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    La prolifération cellulaire est intimement liée à la biogenèse des ribosomes dont dépendent les mécanismes fondamentaux de réplication, transcription, traduction. Toutefois, les arguments expérimentaux démontrant un lien direct entre la voie de biogenèse des ribosomes et le contrôle de la prolifération sont rares. Est-ce la prolifération anarchique des cellules qui induit l’activation de la synthèse des ribosomes ou, au contraire, est-ce qu’une synthèse accrue de ribosomes a pour conséquence une perte de contrôle de la prolifération ? Plusieurs suppresseurs de tumeurs sont connus aujourd’hui pour intervenir dans cette voie de biogenèse, le plus récemment décrit étant la protéine Arf qui contrôle négativement le cycle cellulaire par la voie classique Arf-Mdm2-p53. L’étude des fonctions suppresseurs de tumeurs de la protéine Arf, dans un contexte déficient en p53, a permis de montrer qu’elle exerce un contrôle négatif de la voie de biogenèse des ribosomes à deux niveaux. Au niveau transcriptionnel, en se liant directement au promoteur des ARNr, Arf réduit de 50 à 70 % la production du transcrit primaire ARNr 47S. Au niveau post-transcriptionnel, la maturation de cet ARNr 47S en ARNr matures 18S, 28S et 5,8S requiert l’endonucléase NPM/B23, régulée négativement par la protéine Arf. Cette nouvelle voie de contrôle de la prolifération est vraisemblablement mise en jeu lorsque la voie principale Arf-Mdm2-p53 est inopérante, mais rien n’empêche d’imaginer que les deux mécanismes coopèrent pour atteindre une meilleure efficacité du processus de suppression tumorale.The nucleolar Arf protein has initially been shown to regulate cell cycle through the so-called Arf-mdm2-p53 pathway. In addition to this well characterized pathway, convergent data published since 2000 indicate that Arf can inhibit cell proliferation in absence of p53, suggesting the existence of a p53-independent pathway. Several partners have recently been described that could participate in an alternative regulatory process. Recent results show that : (1) Arf binds the rDNA promoter to inhibit the transcription of the 47S rRNA precursor and (2) Arf interacts with the nucleophosmin/B23 protein to negatively regulate rRNA maturation, it is assumed that the tumour suppressor may downregulate the cell cycle progression through the control of ribosome biogenesis, thus resulting in completion of cell cycle arrest

    Gigantes da internet e práticas fiscais desleais

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    Purpose ”“The article analyzes the issue of unfair tax practices of the big Internet companies. The companies use several unfair but legal means to avoid taxation and compliance to national tax law. The text addresses two types of tax loopholes: tax nexus and tax base erosion. Given this, the text shows some responses to struggles against the unfair the tax practices. Methodology/approach/design ”“ The article draws its analyses from the French statutory and case law in comparison to international sources, such as the OCDE (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) and sovereign jurisdictions, notably Ireland and the United States of America. In addition, the article uses French and international reports. Findings ”“ Concerning the legal loopholes, it is shown that the “territorial element” and “transfer value” figure as the main concepts for the tax evasion debate. In relation to the ways of fighting unfair practices, there are the fight against compliant tax jurisdictions and the requirement of business transparency by means of imposing information disclosure obligations. Practical implications ”“ It is possible to clarify the tax behavior adopted by Internet giants, as well as the possible ways (and its difficulties) of coping with these unfair practices in the European context. Originality ”“ This paper originality lies on the fact that it discusses the unfair tax behavior of large Internet corporations and looks for ways to curb them.Purpose ”“The article analyzes the issue of unfair tax practices of the big Internet companies. The companies use several unfair but legal means to avoid taxation and compliance to national tax law. The text addresses two types of tax loopholes: tax nexus and tax base erosion. Given this, the text shows some responses to struggles against the unfair the tax practices. Methodology/approach/design ”“ The article draws its analyses from the French statutory and case law in comparison to international sources, such as the OCDE (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) and sovereign jurisdictions, notably Ireland and the United States of America. In addition, the article uses French and international reports. Findings ”“ Concerning the legal loopholes, it is shown that the “territorial element” and “transfer value” figure as the main concepts for the tax evasion debate. In relation to the ways of fighting unfair practices, there are the fight against compliant tax jurisdictions and the requirement of business transparency by means of imposing information disclosure obligations. Practical implications ”“ It is possible to clarify the tax behavior adopted by Internet giants, as well as the possible ways (and its difficulties) of coping with these unfair practices in the European context. Originality ”“ This paper originality lies on the fact that it discusses the unfair tax behavior of large Internet corporations and looks for ways to curb them.Propósito ”“ O artigo analisa o problema das práticas fiscais desleais de planejamento tributário das grandes corporações da Internet no que se refere às diversas formas de evitar o cumprimento de normas jurídicas tributárias nacionais. Ele analisa dois tipos de brechas fiscais: nexo de relação fiscal e base territorial tributária. Diante da avaliação dos dois conjuntos de problemas, o artigo oferece respostas para o seu enfrentamento. Metodologia ”“ O artigo analisa o problema com base na legislação tributária francesa, em contraste com fontes internacionais da OCDE ”“ Organização para Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico ”“ e de outros países, como Estados Unidos da América e Irlanda. Além da apreciação jurídica, são analisados relatórios e casos. Resultados ”“ No que se refere às falhas de legislação, mostra-se a “relação territorial” e o “preço de transferência” como os principais elementos para o debate sobre a elisão fiscal. Em relação às formas de enfrentamento de práticas desleais, encontram-se a luta contra jurisdições fiscais complacentes bem como a exigência de transparência sobre as empresas, com obrigações de informação. Implicações práticas ”“ Permite-se esclarecer, assim, o comportamento fiscal adotado pelas empresas gigantes da Internet, bem como as possíveis formas de enfrentamento dessas práticas desleais, com base no contexto europeu. Originalidade ”“ A originalidade se dá justamente em problematizar o comportamento fiscal de grandes corporações da Internet e elucidar os meios possíveis para tentar coibir as práticas desleais

    Salinity tolerance in two citrus rootstocks : growth, mineral composition and osmotic adjustment

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la tolerancia al estrés salino en el portainjerto Citrumelo cultivar 75 AB (Citrus paradisi x Poncirus trifoliata), en comparación con Mandarino Cleopatra (Citrus retuculata), conocido por su elevada tolerancia. Se incubaron plántulas entre toallas de papel, humedecidas con agua destilada o soluciones de NaCl 30 mM. El diseño experimental fue completamente aleatorizado con 3 repeticiones, y los datos se analizaron mediante ANOVA y Test de Tukey. Luego de 41 días de ensayo se determinó el peso fresco, contenido relativo de agua (CRA), concentración de prolina y composición mineral. El crecimiento de Cleopatra fue más sensible a la salinidad que el de Citrumelo cultivar 75 AB. El CRA se mantuvo constante en ambos portainjertos. El ajuste osmótico se realizó mediante la acumulación de prolina en hojas; su concentración fue mayor en Citrumelo 75 AB. Este último excluyó los iones Na+ y Cl- de la parte aérea, restringiéndolos al sistema radicular, mientras que en Cleopatra se observó lo opuesto. Se concluye que Citrumelo cultivar 75 AB es más tolerante a la salinidad que Cleopatra, y excluye los iones Na+ y Cl- de la parte aérea.The aim of this paper was to evaluate the salt-stress tolerance of the 75 AB Citrumelo cultivar (Citrus paradisi x Poncirus trifoliata) in comparison with the Cleopatra Mandarin (Citrus retuculata) which is known worldwide due to its high stress resistance. Seedlings of both species were incubated in between paper towels damped with distilled water or 30 mM NaCl solutions. The experimental design was completely randomized with 3 replica and the data were analyzed using ANOVA and the Tukey test. After 41 days, fresh weight, relative water content (RWC), proline concentration, and mineral composition were determined. Growth in Cleopatra was more sensitive to salinity than that of the 75 AB Citrumelo cultivar, whereas relative water content kept constant in both rootstocks. The osmotic adjustment occurred by accumulating proline in leaves being its concentration higher in the 75 AB Citrumelo. The latter excluded Na+ and Cl- ions from the aerial part of the plant and limited them to the root system while the contrary was observed for Cleopatra. The 75 AB Citrumelo cultivar is more tolerant to salinity than Cleopatra and excludes both Na+ and Cl- ions from its aerial part.Fil: Meloni, Diego Ariel.Fil: David, Reneé Noelia.Fil: Ayrault, Gilles.Fil: Abdala, Gabriela

    La lucha contra el narcotráfico en las presidencias de Barack Obama y Donald Trump

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    Desde los años „70, cuando Richard Nixon decretó la Guerra contra las Drogas, todos los presidentes norteamericanos hasta la fecha han tenido al narcotráfico como una de las problemáticas más importantes a solucionar. En el curso de esta investigación veremos como la lucha contra el tráfico de ilícito drogas, como fenómeno global, pasó a tener un lugar clave en la agenda de Política Exterior norteamericana después del fin de la Guerra Fría, al mismo tiempo que consignaremos como esta cuestión impactó en el vínculo entre Estados Unidos y América Latina hasta el dia de hoy. Para finalmente, estudiar comparativamente cómo se abordó este asunto durante las administraciones de Barack Obama y Donald Trump.Fil: Salto Ayrault, Mauro. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales; Argentina

    Surface Self-Diffusion on an fcc Crystal: An Atomic View

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems LaboratoryJoint Services Electronics Program / DAAB07-72-C-025