71 research outputs found

    Sensitivity of cough with capsaicin in smokers

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    Bu çalışmada, öksürük refleks duyarlılığı üzerine uzun süreli sigara içmenin etkisini araştırmak amaçlandı. Prospektif olarak, sağlıklı, halen sigara içen olgular, hiç sigara içmemiş, yaş ve cinsiyet dağılımı benzer olgularla inhale kapsaisin öksürük provokasyon testi (İKÖPT) yapılarak karşılaştırıldı. Sigara içenlerin 50’si erkek, 39’u kadın, sigara içmeyen kontrol grubunun 20’si erkek, 21’i kadındı. Sigara içen ve içmeyenlerin ortalama ve log C5 dozları, sigara içenlerde cinsiyete göre ortalama ve log C5 dozları Mann-Whitney U-test, sigara içenlerde ve içmeyenlerde İKÖPT sonuçları Pearson ki-kare test, Fisher’s Exact test, sigara içenlerde sigaraya başlama yaşı, sigara içme süresi, paket yılı ve sigara/gün ile İKÖPT sonuçlarının karşılaştırılması Mann-Whitney U-test ile değerlendirildi. Sigara içenlerde içmeyenlere göre ortalama C5 ve log C5 dozları anlamlı olarak daha az bulundu (p< 0.00). Sigara içen erkeklerde C5 ve log C5 dozları anlamlı olarak daha az saptandı (p< 0.002). Sigara içenlerle kontrol grubu arasında İKÖPT sonuçları karşılaştırıldığında, sigara içenlerde 0.49, 0.98, 1.95, 3.9, 7.8, 15.6 µM konsantrasyonlarda içmeyenlere göre öksürük refleks duyarlılığının anlamlı olarak daha az olduğu görüldü. Sigara içenlerde sigaraya başlama yaşı, sigara içme süresi, paket yılı ve sigara/gün ile İKÖPT sonuçları karşılaştırıldığında, 0.98, 1.95, 3.9, 7.8, 15.6, 31.2 µM konsantrasyonlar ile sigara içme süresi ve paket yılı arasında anlamlı korelasyon saptandı. 15.6, 31.2, 62.5, 125 µM konsantrasyonlar ile sigara/gün arasında anlamlı korelasyon olduğu görüldü. Bu sonuçlar hava yolları içinde C-liflerin nikotine bağlı inhibe olduğu ya da nöropeptidlerin tükenmesini indükleyerek duyarlılığın azaldığı hipotezini desteklemektedir.In this study, effect of long term smoking on sensitivity of cough reflex was investigated. Healthy, current smoker male and female was evaluated by capsaicin cough challenge test and they were compared with healthy, non-smoker persons with similar age and gender, prospectively. In current smokers, there were 50 male and 39 female, in non-smoker control group, there were 20 male and 21 female. Mean and log C5 dosage in current smoker and non-smoker groups and mean and log C5 dosage in current smoker according to gender were calculated by using Mann-Whitney U-test. Results of capsaicin cough challenge test in current and non-smoker groups were evaluated by using Pearson Chi-Square test and Fisher&amp;#8217;s Exact test. In current smokers comparison of results of capsaicin cough challenge test with smoking history (age with first smoking, duration, pocket year and smoking per day) was evaluated by using Mann-Whitney U-test. Mean C5 and mean log C5 dosage were found decreased in current smokers when they were compared to control group (p&lt; 0.00). In current smoker group mean C5 and mean log C5 dosage were found decreased in male (p&lt; 0.002). When the results of capsaicin cough challenge test were compared between current smoker and control groups, sensitivity of cough reflex in concentration with 0.49, 0.98, 1.95, 3.9, 7.8, 15.6 &micro;M was significantly decreased in current smoker group. Also there was a significant correlation between concentration with 0.98, 1.95, 3.9, 7.8, 15.6, 31.2 &micro;M, and duration of smoking and pocket year of smoking. Also there was a correlation between concentration with 15.6, 31.2, 62.5, 125 &micro;M and smoking per day. This results were correlated with hypothesis about inhibition of C-fibers with nicotin or decrease of C-fibers&amp;#8217; sensitivity due to induction of neuropeptide wasting

    Comparison between cytological and histopathological evaluations of canine mammary tumours

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the diagnostic interest of cytological analysis in canine mammary tumours. A total of 100 canine mammary tumours histologically analysed and classified into malignant (76%), benign (19%) and dysplastic changes (5%) were also cytologically analysed by impression method and 2 staining (Papanicolaou (PAP) and May-Grunwald-Giemsa (MGG)) methods. The total agreement scores between histopathology and cytological analysis using PAP and MGG staining methods were 88% and 86% respectively (the percentages of false negative and false positive samples being 2% and 7% with PAP and 3% and 10% with MGG). Among the malignancy criteria, those with major cytological interest were pleomorphism, large nuclei, nuclear membrane alterations, variable nucleolar size, shape and quantity, coarse chromatin and hypercellularity whereas others (high nucleus / cytoplasmic ratio, mitotic index, nuclear and cytoplasmic vacuolisation, presence of giant cells, spindle cells, pseudosyncytial clusters, squamous epithelial cells, leukocyte infiltration and necrotic debris at a lesser extend) highly relevant for histopathological analysis cannot be valuable criteria for cytology because of their infrequency in cytological impression samples. These results show that cytological evaluation of canine mammary tumours may constitute however a rapid and relevant way to malignancy diagnosis according to the retained malignancy criteria

    Küreselleşme Sürecinde İşletmelerin Finansal Kararlarını Etkileyen Temel Dinamiklere Totaliter Bir Yaklaşım

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    Äsletmeler açık sistem olmaları nedeniyle sürekli çevreleri ile etkilesim halindedirler. Çevresel kosullar ise sürekli ve hızlı bir sekilde değisim göstermektedir. Bu değisime paralel olarak, isletmeler de reaksiyon sergilemektedirler. Küresel rekabete ayak uydurulması, isletmenin sürekliliğinin sağlanabilmesi, örgütsel ve toplumsal amaçlara ulasılması muhasebe ve finansman islevinin önemini her geçen gün daha da arttırmaktadır. Günümüzde bilgi ve üretim teknolojilerinde yasanan hızlı değisim, küresellesme, ekonomi, yasalar, ekoloji, kültür, eğitim olguları muhasebe ve finansman ile etkilesim içinde olan temel dinamiklerdir. Bu çalısmada muhasebe-finansman islevinin, günümüzde yasanan hızlı değisim sürecinde etkilendiği temel dinamikleri ve bu dinamiklerin birbirleri ile olan etkilesimlerini ele alarak değerlendirmeler yapılmıstır. Çalısmanın amacı, küresellesme sürecinde isletmelerin finansal kararlarına etki eden temel dinamikleri bütüncül bir yaklasımla değerlendirmek ve bu dinamiklerin muhasebe finansman islevine katkılarını saptamaktır. Firms as an open system always have an interaction with the environment. Environmental conditions are changing continuously and rapidly. In the line of these developments, firms give reactions. To keep in step with the global competition, sustain the firms' life, reach the organizational and social goals increase the importance of functions of finance and accounting with each passing day. Today, rapid changes that can be seen in information and manufacturing technologies, the cases of globalization, economics, laws, ecology, culture, education etc. have all an interaction with the functions of finance and accounting as basic dynamics. In this study, the basic dynamics that effects the functions of finance and accounting in today's changing environment and the interaction of these dynamics with one to another are studied. The aim of this study, to evaluate the basic dynamics that effect the firms' financial decisions in globalization process with an totalitarian approach and to establish the contribution of these dynamics on the functions of finance and accounting

    Sources of teacher beliefs about developmentally appropriate practice: a structural equation model of the role of teacher efficacy beliefs

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    The developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) guideline offers professional standards for high quality practice in early childhood education in the United States and abroad. The present study examines how well the three aspects of teacher efficacy beliefs including self-efficacy for teaching, self-efficacy for parent involvement, and general teaching efficacy predict teacher beliefs about DAP as well as developmentally inappropriate practice (DIP) through structural equation modeling. The sample comprised 251 preschool teachers employed in public pre-primary schools in a metropolitan city in Turkey. Results indicated that general teaching efficacy was a significant predictor of teacher beliefs about DAP and DIP. Teacher self-efficacy for parent involvement significantly predicted teacher beliefs about DAP but not DIP. There was not any significant influence of teacher self-efficacy for teaching on teacher beliefs about DAP and DIP. This study overall suggests that teacher efficacy beliefs constitute one of the important sources of teacher beliefs about DAP

    Clinical features, haematologic parameters, blood serum biochemistry results and thymidine kinase activity of dogs affected by malignant lymphoma in Turkey

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    Canine malignant lymphoma is one of the most common malignant tumours occurring in dogs. Most dogs with malignant lymphoma are characterized by painless peripheral lymphadenopathy. Nonspecific signs of systemic involvement include; lethargy, anorexia, fever, anaemia and weight loss. The mean age of dogs with malignant lymphoma varies from 6.3 to 7.7 years, with no obvious gender predilection. The purpose of this study was to describe in detail clinical features, the haematological and blood serum biochemistry as well as the thymidine kinase activity in canine malignant lymphoma in order to facilitate early diagnosis. Based on cytopathological analysis, canine malignant lymphoma was diagnosed in 20 dogs (11 males and 9 females). The animals’ age ranged from 3 to 12 years (median 7.6 years). In 35% of the dogs, regional or general lymphadenopathy was the only clinical sign. In the remaining cases, at least one abnormality connected to canine malignant lymphoma was found. Between ill and healthy dogs, a p-value of < 0.001 was calculated for the haematological parameters: red blood cell count, haemoglobin, haematocrit, platelet, neutrophils and monocytes; for biochemical parameters the following p-values were calculated: blood urea nitrogen P < 0.01; aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase and thymidine kinase (TK) P < 0.001, and Calcium P < 0.05. The study results show that in medium and advanced-aged anaemic dogs with non-specific clinical features but at least one enlarged lymph node and elevated ALP and TK concentrations, canine malignant lymphoma must be considered as a possible cause

    Excellent Aesthetics with Vital Bleaching and Porcelain Laminates Cooperation: A Case Report with 2 Years Follow Up

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    Objective: Dental bleaching offers a conservative, simplifi ed, and low cost approach to change the color of discolored teeth. The aim of this study is to present the restoration made with porcelain laminate veneers after vital bleaching.Case Report: A 24 years old male patient referred to Dicle University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Restorative Dentistry, because of the complaint of discolouration of teeth with laminate veneer preparation of anterior maxillary central teeth. For this patient, Philips Zoom was chosen. This material contains 25% hydrogen perioxide, which facilitates significant whitening procedure with a start to finish time of less than an hour. Optional curing light was used according to manufacturer’s instructions, suction was performed using a surgical aspirator tip. After this treatment patient went to Prosthetic Dentistry clinic and porcelain laminate veneers were cemented.Conclusion: Vital tooth bleaching is an effective treatment modality that can significantly change the appearance of teeth. Sustainable multidisciplinary treatments is very effective in bringing the aesthetics and function.</p


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    We propose an end-to-end learning approach to address deinterleaving of patterns in time series, in particular, radar signals. We link signal clustering problem to min-cost flow as an equivalent problem once the proper costs exist. We formulate a bi-level optimization problem involving min-cost flow as a sub-problem to learn such costs from the supervised training data. We then approximate the lower level optimization problem by self-attention based neural networks and provide a trainable framework that clusters the patterns in the input as the distinct flows. We evaluate our method with extensive experiments on a large dataset with several challenging scenarios to show the efficiency

    Antenna Scan Period Estimation of Radars with Cepstrum and Scoring

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    The performance of the cepstrum method on the radar antenna scan period estimation is evaluated. In addition, instead of relying on the cepstrum estimation directly, a two-block algorithm is proposed by adding a scoring block to make the estimation more reliable. Cepstrum is compared with zero-padded Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), zero-padded periodogram and Pulse Repetition Interval (PRI) transform. Cepstrum has been observed to be superior in six of the seven groups in the radar data set with respect to performance and time complexity