719 research outputs found

    Perilaku Resourcefullness Dan Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa Ditinjau Dari Strategi Experiential Learning

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    This study aimed to examine the effect on behavior resourcefullness learning strategies. The next test was conducted to determine the relationship between behavior and academic achievement resourcefullness general psychology.There are three instruments used in this study, namely modules experiential learning strategies, scale resourcefullness, and learning achievement of learning psychology. Module experiential learning strategy is a guideline to implement better teaching strategies EL in general psychology. Resourcefullness Scale is a tool to find out resourcefullness research subjects. To measure the achievement of general psychology using existing documents, ie the final value of a general psychology course, which is accessed from SIA Program (Academic Information System) UIN Sunan Kalijaga.Subjects in this study were all students of men and women who are taking courses in general psychology, class of 2011/2012 academic year (3rd semester of college is done). The number of subjects in this study were eighty-three (83) students, in which 42 people (class A) as the experimental group, and 41 people (class B) as a control group.Analysis of the data according to the hypothesis that will be formulated using different test techniques (t-test) and test product moment with the help of a computer program SPSS version 16. To examine why and how a change (as the effect of the treatment, will be done using interview techniques

    Spremnost učenika redovne škole da prihvate decu s teškoćama u razvoju

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    The development of positive attitudes among students towards children with developmental difficulties is a significant precondition for successful functioning of these children in regular school. This article presents the results of a research aimed at examining the level of readiness of regular-school students to accept peers with developmental difficulties. The sample comprised 471 fifth-grade students from ten primary schools in Serbia. The aim was achieved by: a) examining regular-school students' attitudes towards joint education with children with developmental difficulties and whether they would associate with and help such peers; b) examining the readiness of regular-school students to accept children with developmental difficulties, dependent upon the school's inclusion/exclusion in the inclusive education projects; and c) examining the teachers' opinions on the willingness of other students to accept children with developmental difficulties. The students whose schools were included in the projects of inclusive education expressed more positive personal attitudes towards their peers with developmental difficulties. This implies a necessity for a wider inclusion of schools into similar projects and providing direct contacts between the two groups of students.Razvijanje pozitivnih stavova učenika prema deci s teškoćama u razvoju značajan je preduslov uspešnog funkcionisanja ove dece u redovnoj školi. U radu su predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja čiji je osnovni cilj bio da se ispita spremnost učenika osnovne škola da prihvate decu s teškoćama u razvoju. U istraživanju je učestvovao 471 učenik petog razreda iz deset osnovnih škola sa teritorije Srbije. Cilj je realizovan kroz: (a) ispitivanje stavova učenika prema zajedničkom školovanju s decom s teškoćama u razvoju, mogućnostima druženja i pružanja pomoći toj deci, kao i kroz ispitivanje odnosa koji učenici zauzimaju prema vršnjacima s teškoćama u razvoju, (b) ispitivanje učenika o prihvatanju dece s teškoćama u razvoju, zavisno od uključenosti/neuključenosti u projekte inkluzivnog obrazovanja, i (v) ispitivanje mišljenja nastavnika o spremnosti ostalih učenika da prihvate decu s teškoćama u razvoju. Analiza rezultata ukazuje na postojanje spremnosti učenika da prihvate decu s teškoćama u razvoju. Pozitivniji lični odnos prema vršnjacima s teškoćama imali su oni učenici čije su škole bile uključene u projekte inkluzivnog obrazovanja. To implicira neophodnost uključivanja škola u slične projekte i omogućavanje neposrednog kontakta između jedne i druge grupe učenika

    Characteristics of Pedagogical Conditions for Preparing Future Primary School Teachers to Interaction with Parents in Terms of Inclusive Education

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    In the article, based on the scientific sources and empirical material analysis, the pedagogical conditions of future primary school teachers' preparation for interaction with parents in terms of inclusive education have been described. They are: stimulation of future primary school teachers' motivational-value and responsible attitude to the knowledge acquisition, skills and habits of interaction with parents in terms of inclusive education; the use of training facilities for higher educational institutions to acquire future primary school teachers' appropriate competence through: improvement and integration of the professional and professionally oriented academic disciplines content, application of innovative and traditional learning technologies in the context of preparation for interaction with parents in the context of inclusive education; direction of educational and pedagogical practice on experience improvement of future primary school teachers' interaction with parents in terms of inclusive education. It has been specified that only the harmonized observance of all conditions will be a guarantee of qualitative future primary school teachers' preparation to interacting with parents under inclusive education conditions. With the purpose of special teachers training to form future primary school teachers' ability to interact with parents in terms of inclusive education it has been recommended to conduct not only traditional educational and methodological or scientific-practical seminars, but also trainings, coaching, webinars, first of all, in online mode. It has been indicated that such forms of work nowadays become very popular because of their availability, dedication to production and innovation: extra-mural/distance participation; easy access to social networks and websites; the practical nature of the information: empirical material with confirmatory video stories; providing specific advice on decision making in pedagogical situations; the possibility of revising in case of indirect participation and in the situation of certain aspects additional clarification; constant information updating taking into account the most recent trends and so on

    Pre-service Educational Assistants’ Attitudes Toward Inclusion

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    In recent years, educational assistants (EAs) have taken on an integral role in special education. They often work with the most challenging and vulnerable student population (i.e., students with exceptionalities). To prepare EAs, some of Ontario’s publicly funded colleges have developed pre-service training programs. In Ontario, the number of students receiving special education services from kindergarten to Grade 12 is increasing, and policy trends are advocating for inclusion. Literature has suggested that educators’ attitudes toward educational inclusion may impact the extent to which inclusive strategies are implemented. Despite the importance that EAs bring to the special education team, very few studies have investigated their attitudes toward inclusion. This qualitative study investigated four pre-service EAs’ attitudes toward educational inclusion through the use of semi-structured interviews. Participants held mostly positive attitudes toward inclusion, but expressed concerns about implementation. Recommendations are made for policy, practice, and research based on three themes that emerged from the data

    Creencias sobre la educación inclusiva de los futuros maestros y maestras de educación infantil y primaria

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    En el presente trabajo se analizan las creencias de 111 estudiantes de los grados de magisterio de educación infantil y primaria sobre la educación inclusiva referentes a: qué colectivo de estudiantes les sería más difícil acoger en clase; cuáles son las funciones más importantes que deben desempeñar los maestros/as; qué aspectos son los más relevantes en la educación inclusiva y en la formación de maestros y maestras. Los participantes consideran que es más difícil atender a los estudiantes con autismo, retraso mental y trastornos de la personalidad. Priorizan la enseñanza de actitudes y valores, la creación de un clima agradable de aprendizaje, los aspectos relacionados con la socialización y con los aprendizajes funcionales, la formación y actitudes del profesorado, y la colaboración con las familias

    Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Inclusive Education in East Java, Indonesia

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    Teacher’s attitude towards inclusive education becomes an important variable for the successful implementation of the program. This research aims to examine whether there are differences of teachers’ attitude toward inclusive education in terms of the duration of training and the teaching experience of students with special needs. The research was conducted in regular schools that provide inclusive education services in East Java, at elementary, junior high school, high school and vocational high school. Data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed with Two Path Variant Analysis. The results showed that there were significant differences of teachers’ attitude towards inclusive education. The more experienced and the longer the duration of the training, the more positive the teacher’s attitude towards inclusive education

    Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Inclusive Education in East Java, Indonesia

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    Teacher’s attitude towards inclusive education becomes an important variable for the successful implementation of the program. This research aims to examine whether there are differences of teachers’ attitude toward inclusive education in terms of the duration of training and the teaching experience of students with special needs. The research was conducted in regular schools that provide inclusive education services in East Java, at elementary, junior high school, high school and vocational high school. Data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed with Two Path Variant Analysis. The results showed that there were significant differences of teachers’ attitude towards inclusive education. The more experienced and the longer the duration of the training, the more positive the teacher’s attitude towards inclusive education

    For a qualitative leap in inclusion: illusions and delusions from teacher's perspective

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    Five years after the introduction of the Special Education DL 3/2008 in Portugal there is a sense that not much has changed incontinuous training and a proper evaluation about the effect of inclusive practices is need. Considering teachers as the centralpillar of the inclusion in schools, the present paper seeks to examine their beliefs about inclusive education and practices, using aquantitative methodology with a sample of 150 regular and special education teachers. Results allow us to verify someinconsistencies between their beliefs about the benefits of inclusion and the difficulties in the implementation of IndividualEducation Programs or in the collaboration with other specialists. Inferential studies highlight the differential role of specializedtraining and teaching experience.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Percepción sobre el trastorno del espectro autista ¿Estamos preparados para la realidad de las aulas inclusivas?

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    Introducción: Resulta de suma importancia el hecho de que profesionales de la educacióny la psicología así como los estudiantes sobre estas disciplinas, se formen y entiendanuno de los trastornos cuya prevalencia crece de año en año, como es el Trastorno delEspectro Autista (TEA). Partiendo de esta premisa, nuestro objetivo como investigadoresy especialistas fue conocer si los participantes de un curso on-line sobre TEA tenían claroslos conceptos básicos sobre el trastorno, la percepción de su formación acerca delTEA y la inclusión de estos niños en la escuela ordinaria. Método: El diseño metodológicoutilizado consistía en un diseño de tipo descriptivo, que utiliza el método de encuestay como instrumento el cuestionario. La muestra fue de 241 informantes, concretamente201 (83,40%) eran mujeres y 40 (16,60%) hombres. Por lo que respecta a su formación,87 (36,1%) eran estudiantes y 154 (63,9%) profesionales de la educación o psicologíaeducativa. Resultados: Los resultados evidencian que existe un alto porcentaje de losparticipantes que han tenido contacto con personas con TEA. Sin embargo, sienten queno se encuentran lo suficientemente preparados para poder trabajar con este colectivo,hecho que cualitativamente se ha denotado durante el transcurso del propio curso onlinecon sus preguntas y sus dudas. Por otro lado, se apuesta por la inclusión del alumnadoen el aula, independientemente de su trastorno, hecho que arroja un poco de luza la necesidad actual de transformar el aula para que todos los alumnos sean valoradosy tomados en cuenta, y de esta manera propiciar la participación y el aprendizaje. Conclusión:Como conclusión, se destaca la necesidad permanente de formación por partedel profesional y del estudiantado, para dar cabida a la diversidad en el aula desde unaperspectiva inclusiva.Introduction: It is extremely important that education and psychology professionals, aswell as students about these disciplines, can train and understand one of the disorderswhose prevalence grows from year to year, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).Based on this premise, our objective as researchers and specialists was to know if theparticipants of an on-line course (MOOC) on ASD had clear the basic concepts aboutthe disorder, the perception of their knowledge about ASD and the inclusion of thesechildren in the school. Method: The design used was descriptive, which used the surveyas method and a questionnaire as instrument. The sample was of 241 informants,specifically 201 (83.40%) were women and 40 (16.60%) were men. With regard to theirtraining, 87 (36.1%) were students and 154 (63.9%) professionals in education or educationalpsychology. Results: The results show that there was a high percentage ofparticipants who have had contact with people with ASD. However, they feel that theyare not sufficiently prepared to be able to work with this group, a fact that has beenqualitatively denoted during the MOOC with their questions and their doubts. On theother hand, it is committed to the inclusion of students in the classroom, regardless oftheir disorder, a fact that sheds some light on the current need to transform the classroom.All the students should be valued and taken into account for their participationand learning. Conclusion: In conclusion, the permanent need for training of the professionaland the students is emphasized, in order to know the diversity in the classroomfrom an inclusive perspective