549 research outputs found

    Similarity classes of 3x3 matrices over a local principal ideal ring

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    In this paper similarity classes of three by three matrices over a local principal ideal commutative ring are analyzed. When the residue field is finite, a generating function for the number of similarity classes for all finite quotients of the ring is computed explicitly.Comment: 14 pages, final version, to appear in Communications in Algebr

    Towards consistency oblivious programming

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    15th International Conference, OPODIS 2011, Toulouse, France, December 13-16, 2011. ProceedingsIt is well known that guaranteeing program consistency when accessing shared data comes at the price of degraded performance and scalability. This paper initiates the investigation of consistency oblivious programming (COP). In COP, sections of concurrent code that meet certain criteria are executed without checking for consistency. However, checkpoints are added before any shared data modification to verify the algorithm was on the right track, and if not, it is re-executed in a more conservative and expensive consistent way. We show empirically that the COP approach can enhance a software transactional memory (STM) framework to deliver more efficient concurrent data structures from serial source code. In some cases the COP code delivers performance comparable to that of more complex fine-grained structures

    Prevalence of thyroid disorders in antenatal patients and its feto-maternal outcome

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    Background: Thyroid disorders are common in pregnancy and most common disorder is subclinical hypothyroidism. Due to the complex hormonal changes during pregnancy, it is important to remember that thyroxine requirements are higher in pregnancy. Maternal hypothyroidism is an easily treatable condition that has been associated with increased risk of low birth weight, fetal distress and impaired neuropsychological development. Hyperthyroidism in pregnancy is less common as conception is a problem. Majority of them are due to Graves’ disease, though gestational hyperthyroidism is to be excluded. Early and effective treatment of thyroid disorder ensures a safe pregnancy with minimal maternal and neonatal complications.Methods: One hundred pregnant women attending antenatal clinic in first trimester were registered. Apart from routine basic and obstetrical investigations, TSH, FT3 and FT4 level estimation was done. L-thyroxine was given for hypothyroidism, this dosing was based on a study by Abalovich et al according to the body weight to maintain serum TSH near normal. For hyperthyroidism, given carbimazole if serum TSH level <1 MIU/l. Serum TSH estimation was repeated at regular interval. All the patients followed till the end of pregnancy. The normal patients served as controls. Pregnancy outcome studied statistically.Results: Around 68.8% of the inadequately treated patients developed complications like GDM, pre-eclampsia, oligohydramnios and preterm deliveries. Whereas only 32% of the control group developed these mentioned complications, this implied a significant association between inadequately treated thyroid disorders and poor pregnancy outcomes as evidenced by the p value of 0.002 which was very significant.Conclusions: Adequate treatment of thyroid disorders in pregnancy significantly reduces complications like miscarriages, pre-eclampsia, IUGR, oligohydramnios, glucose intolerance, preterm labour, low birth weight babies, abruptio placentae and stillbirth

    Sediment source and mixing and the cycle of sediment transport: an example from NE Negev Desert, Israel.

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    Alluvial terraces represent the end product of sedimentary cycles; each includes sediment generation, transport, accumulation, and the ultimate incision that forms abandoned alluvial surfaces. We examine the middle Pleistocene to recent drainage system evolution in Makhtesh Hazera, Negev Desert, southern Israel and compare the characteristics of erosion and sediment transport in the present system with those expressed by the alluvial terraces. The Hazera drainage basin lies at the margins of the arid to hyper-arid Dead Sea rift (DSR). Makhtesh (crater) Hazera is a deeply incised erosional structure (5X7 km) that has been excavated since the early Pliocene into the crest of the Hazera asymmetric anticline. The Makhtesh floor is surrounded by cliffs rising more than 400 meters high. The cliffs are built of Upper Cretaceous hard carbonates caprocks overlying Lower Cretaceous friable quartz sandstones. Bedrock knickpoints isolate the drainage basin in the Makhtesh and above it from a direct influence of the terminal base level of the DSR. Thus, the accumulation of sediment and abandonment of terraces are controlled by climate and bedrock barriers located at the Makhtesh outlet. We use cosmogenic isotope concentrations to determine bedrock denudation rates, ages of alluvial terraces, and basin wide erosion rates in different channels throughout the basin. The use of cosmogenic isotopes enables us to determine sediment sources and reconstruct sedimentary cycles. OSL dating was used to determine the accumulation ages of alluvial sediment in alluvial terraces. These two methods enable quantitative evaluation of fluvial processes. Bedrock erosion rates suggest a strong dependence of erosion on lithology. While the Lower Cretaceous sandstone erodes at >100 mm ky-1, the overlying hard carbonate caprock yielded cosmogenic isotope concentrations that correspond to erosion rates of 1-3 mm ky-1. This significant difference in erosion rates maintains the dramatic relief of the Hazera drainage basin. We find that the quartz sediment in the present fluvial system of Makhtesh Hazera originates from two predominant sources. One is the Lower Cretaceous sandstone that crops out along the base of the Makhtesh cliffs. The second source are un consolidated Miocene sands that fill the syncline which is located north west of the Makhtesh and is drained into it. 10Be concentrations in successive samples indicate that the Miocene sand is gradually diluted by Lower Cretaceous sand as it flows down stream and the mixing of sediment from both sources is good. Alluvial terraces and bedrock units exposed inside the Makhtesh do not contribute a significant amount of sediment to the present drainage system. Three major alluvial terrace levels were identified. The highest terrace level (MKT0) was abandoned at 279±19 ky. This level probably covered most of the Makhtesh surface. The deposition of the two lower levels, MKT1 and MKT2 (which were abandoned at 160±6 and 47±9 ky, respectively), was confined to the present drainage system. Analysis of cosmogenic depth profiles from the terraces suggests significant recycling of sediment within the Mekhtesh. This is in contrast to the present system that lacks recycled sediment. We explain this difference by the fact that the terraces are the final product of a sedimentary cycle while the present drainage system presents a “snapshot” in time which does not represent the entire cycle only the present state of the system which is expressed by rapid incision and very little lateral migration.European Geosciences Unio

    Optical identification of X-ray source 1RXS J180431.1-273932 as a magnetic cataclysmic variable

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    The X-ray source 1RXS J180431.1-273932 has been proposed as a new member of the symbiotic X-ray binary (SyXB) class of systems, which are composed of a late-type giant that loses matter to an extremely compact object, most likely a neutron star. In this paper, we present an optical campaign of imaging plus spectroscopy on selected candidate counterparts of this object. We also reanalyzed the available archival X-ray data collected with XMM-Newton. We find that the brightest optical source inside the 90% X-ray positional error circle is spectroscopically identified as a magnetic cataclysmic variable (CV), most likely of intermediate polar type, through the detection of prominent Balmer, He I, He II, and Bowen blend emissions. On either spectroscopic or statistical grounds, we discard as counterparts of the X-ray source the other optical objects in the XMM-Newton error circle. A red giant star of spectral type M5 III is found lying just outside the X-ray position: we consider this latter object as a fore-/background one and likewise rule it out as a counterpart of 1RXS J180431.1-273932. The description of the X-ray spectrum of the source using a bremsstrahlung plus black-body model gives temperatures of around 40 keV and around 0.1 keV for these two components, respectively. We estimate a distance of about 450 pc and a 0.2-10 keV X-ray luminosity of about 1.7e32 erg/s for this system and, using the information obtained from the X-ray spectral analysis, a mass of about 0.8 solar masses for the accreting white dwarf (WD). We also confirm an X-ray periodicity of 494 s for this source, which we interpret as the spin period of the WD. In summary, 1RXS J180431.1-273932 is identified as a magnetic CV and its SyXB nature is excluded.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysics, main journal. Version 2 includes the A&A Language Editor's correction

    XMM-Newton view of galaxy pairs: activation of quiescent black holes?

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    We report on XMM-Newton observations of three nearby galaxy pairs, AM0707-273, AM1211-465, and AM2040-674. All six galaxies were previously classified as HII galaxies based on optical and IR spectroscopic analysis. All galaxies were detected with XMM-Newton and each member was isolated and analyzed independently. The X-ray spectra reveal strong evidence of AGN activity in the NE member of AM1211-465 pair. We measured a luminosity of 1.94(+0.11/-0.15)x10^42 erg/s in the 2-10 keV band and the presence of a neutral FeK_alpha line with a confidence level of 98.8%. The high nH value, 2.2+/-0.2x10^22 cm^-2, would explain the misclassification of the source. Marginal evidence of AGN nature was found in the X-ray spectra of AM1211-465SW and AM0707-273E. The X-ray emission of the three remaining galaxies can be explained by starburst activity.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    CAIXA: a Catalogue of AGN In the XMM-Newton Archive II. Multiwavelength correlations

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    We presented CAIXA, a Catalogue of AGN in the XMM-Newton Archive, in a companion paper. Here, a systematic search for correlations between the X-ray spectral properties and the multiwavelength data was performed for the sources in CAIXA. All the significant (>99.9% confidence level) correlations are discussed along with their physical implications on current models of AGN. Two main correlations are discussed in this paper: a) a very strong anti-correlation between the FWHM of the Hβ\beta optical line and the ratio between the soft and the hard X-ray luminosity. Although similar anti-correlations between optical line width and X-ray spectral steepness have already been discussed in the literature (see e.g., Laor et al. 1994, Boller et al. 1996, Brandt et al. 1997), we consider the formulation we present in this paper is more fundamental, as it links model-independent quantities. Coupled with a strong anti-correlation between the V to hard X-ray flux ratio and the Hβ\beta FHWM, it supports scenarios for the origin of the soft excess in AGN, which require strong suppression of the hard X-ray emission; b) a strong (and expected) correlation between the X-ray luminosity and the black hole mass. Its slope, flatter than 1, is consistent with Eddington ratio-dependent bolometric corrections, such as that recently proposed by Vasudevan & Fabian (2009). Moreover, we critically review through various statistical tests the role that distance biases play in the strong radio to X-ray luminosity correlation found in CAIXA and elsewhere; we conclude that only complete, unbiased samples (such as that recently published by Behar & Laor, 2008) should be used to draw observational constraints on the origin of radio emission in radio-quiet AGN.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics; two figures erroneously attached by astroph to the paper were remove

    Evolutionarily conserved regulation of hypocretin neuron specification by Lhx9

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    Loss of neurons that express the neuropeptide hypocretin (Hcrt) has been implicated in narcolepsy, a debilitating disorder characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness and cataplexy. Cell replacement therapy, using Hcrt-expressing neurons generated in vitro, is a potentially useful therapeutic approach, but factors sufficient to specify Hcrt neurons are unknown. Using zebrafish as a high-throughput system to screen for factors that can specify Hcrt neurons in vivo, we identified the LIM homeobox transcription factor Lhx9 as necessary and sufficient to specify Hcrt neurons. We found that Lhx9 can directly induce hcrt expression and we identified two potential Lhx9 binding sites in the zebrafish hcrt promoter. Akin to its function in zebrafish, we found that Lhx9 is sufficient to specify Hcrt-expressing neurons in the developing mouse hypothalamus. Our results elucidate an evolutionarily conserved role for Lhx9 in Hcrt neuron specification that improves our understanding of Hcrt neuron development

    XMM-Newton observation of the deep minimum state of PG 2112+059: A spectrum dominated by reflection from the accretion disk?

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    We analyse a 75ks XMM-Newton observation of PG 2112+059 performed in November 2005 and compare it with a 15ks XMM-Newton observation taken in May 2003. PG 2112+059 was found in a deep minimum state as its 0.2-12 keV flux decreased by a factor of 10 in comparison to the May 2003 observation. During the deep minimum state the spectra show strong emission in excess of the continuum in the 3-6 keV region. The excess emission corresponds to an EW = 26.1 keV whereas its shape resembles that of heavily absorbed objects. The spectra of both observations of PG 2112+059 can be explained statistically by a combination of two absorbers where one shows a high column density, NH4.5×1023cm2N_{H} \sim 4.5 \times 10^{23} cm^{-2}, and the other high ionisation parameters. As the ionisation parameter of the high flux state, ξ34ergcms1\xi \sim 34 erg cm s^{-1}, is lower than the value found for the deep minimum state, ξ110ergcms1\xi \sim 110 erg cm s^{-1}, either the absorbers are physically different or the absorbing material is moving with respect to the X-ray source. The spectra can also be explained by a continuum plus X-ray ionised reflection on the accretion disk, seen behind a warm absorber. The ionisation parameter of the high state (ξ5.6ergcms1\xi \sim 5.6 erg cm s^{-1}) is higher than the ionisation parameter of the deep minimum state (ξ0.2ergcms1\xi \sim 0.2 erg cm s^{-1}), as expected for a stationary absorber. The values found for the ionisation parameters are in the range typical for AGNs. The spectra observed during the deep minimum state are reflection dominated and show no continuum emission. These can be understood in the context of light bending near the supermassive black hole as predicted by Minutti and Fabian.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, A&A latex, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic