23 research outputs found

    Curculionoidea (Coleoptera) from southern Turkey

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    A checklist of Curculionoidea is given from southern Turkey (Adana, Osmaniye and Hatay provinces). The known localities and ecological notes on each of them were reported based on literature records and on recently collected material. Lixus farinifer Reitter is newly recorded from Turkey, and 35 species (2 Rhynchitidae, 5 Apionidae and 28 Curculionidae) was indicated for the first time from the investigated area of southern Turkey; although, the synonymy Oedecnemidius varius (= Phyllerastes pictus Steven, nomen nudum; = Phyllobius pictus syn. em.) is rectified. It was also pointed out that the name Periteloneus schilsky Reitter 1913 is a nomen nudum.Key words: Curculionoidea, synonymy, southern Turkey, faunistic, Adana, Osmaniye, Hatay, provinces

    Effect of demographic features to middle school students’ attitude towards FeTeMM (STEM)

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    In this research, which is done in order to determine the demographical features on middle school students’  6th, 7th and 8th  grades towards FeTeMM (STEM), scanning design is used. It is performed with 581 middle school students, and data are collected through Middle School Students’ point of view to Stem (S-Stem) scale. The research is implemented during 2015-2016 spring period. For statistical evaluation of gathered data, independent t-test and one direction variance analysis (anova), one direction variance analysis Kruskal-Wallis are used. Also, data are evaluated on 0.05 level relevance and its percentage, frequency, average and standard deviation levels are calculated. According to findings gathered from the study, it is seen that opinion of students to FeTeMM (STEM), the mother education level and father education level have a great effect but gender and class level haven’t. On the other hand, applied sciences, like maths, engineering and 21st century skills, the effects of students’ gender, mom and father education level and grade level are expressed

    Global Warming and Measures to be Taken: Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Views

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    Insensitivity to environmental pollution and the environment has become a wide-ranging problem recently. One of the most important reasons for confronting with such a problem is due to the fact that individuals see the nature as a boundless resource. To composing favorable behavior to the living area, teachers are required to be competent with the aim of creating awareness about it. This generating awareness on environment and gaining permanent behavior as they have key roles in training individuals sensitive to environment starting from pre-school education. This study aims at what preservice science teachers’ views on environmental awareness and sensitivity. Used qualitative research method, which was conducted on pre-service science teachers’, 3 and 4 grade, is to see how they awareness, perceptions and understating of effects of global warming and measure to be taken. Open ended questions were used to obtain data of the study. Research scope is 36 preservice science teachers who were selected randomly. According to their views made up there categories. Based on this research results, it was determined that environmental education preservice science teachers receive is not enough; moreover, they have difficulty in distinguishing the concepts. Keywords: Global warming, Preservice science teachers, Teachers’ views, Measures to be taken, Environmental problem


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    In this research, it was aimed to determine the levels of occupational anxiety of pre-service teachers' who read science and primary school teacher programs according to various variables. The research was carried out by Köklükaya and Yıldırım (2016) and the validity and reliability analyzes were carried out. Anxiety Scale for Teaching Profession (ASTP) was used. The research was carried out with 266 prospective teachers who were educated at Kahramanmaras Sütcü Imam University in the academic year of 2015-2016. Independent t test, one way analysis of variance (anova), Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis analysis and Tukey significance test were used to determine the statistical significance of the obtained data in the research using relational screening model. According to research findings, it was determined that there was no significant difference (p <.05) in the level of vocational anxiety among the teacher candidates according to the degree of willingness to choose the department, grade level and academic achievement score. According to the gender variable, there was no significant difference in the pre-service teachers' who read in the department of primary school teachers', and it was found that the science teachers' professional anxiety levels had a significant difference according to the gender variable

    Diversity patterns of ground beetles and understorey vegetation in mature, secondary and plantation forest regions of temperate Northern China

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    Plantation and secondary forests form increasingly important components of the global forest cover, but our current knowledge about their potential contribution to biodiversity conservation is limited. We surveyed understory plant and carabid species assemblages at three distinct regions in temperate northeastern China, dominated by mature forest (Changbaishan Nature Reserve, sampled in 2011 and 2012), secondary forest (Dongling Mountain, sampled in 2011 and 2012), and forest plantation habitats (Bashang Plateau, sampled in 2006 and 2007), respectively. The α-diversity of both taxonomic groups was highest in plantation forests of the Bashang Plateau. Beetle α-diversity was lowest, but plant and beetle species turnover peaked in the secondary forests of Dongling Mountain, while habitats in the Changbaishan Nature Reserve showed the lowest turnover rates for both taxa. Changbaishan Nature Reserve harbored the highest proportion of forest specialists. Our results suggest that in temperate regions of northern China, the protected larch plantation forest established over extensive areas might play a considerable role in maintaining a high biodiversity in relation to understory herbaceous plant species and carabid assemblages, which can be seen as indicators of forest disturbance. The high proportion of phytophagous carabids and the rarity of forest specialists reflect the relatively homogenous, immature status of the forest ecosystems on the Bashang Plateau. China's last remaining large old-growth forests like the ones on Changbaishan represent stable, mature ecosystems which require particular conservation attention

    Ekolojik ve ses yutucu bir malzeme geliştirilmesi üzerine öncü bir çalişma.

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    Awareness of the nature has a limited capacity and the consideration that the future generations are in danger due to the rapid waste with the development of technology in the last century, is leading to sustainability and green building design concept. The hazardous effects of the industrial materials are coming out, thus, healthier, natural materials and production methods are being discovered to design healthier interior environments. Architectural acoustics requirements are one of the vital topics to provide healthy and comfortable environments. The materials that are consumed in Turkey to provide acoustical comfort requirements in terms of room and building acoustics are commonly synthetic fibers, such as glass wool and rock wool or perforated materials consisting of those fibers. The preference by architects is mostly smooth, unperforated and plain sound absorbers because of aesthetic reasons. This kind of materials frequently imported from other countries with high costs and yet, that are supported with synthetic fibers. Rock wool and glass wool are hazardous for respiration; furthermore physical touch may induce itching. Moreover, synthetic fibers, such as glass wool and rock wool are produced with high energy demands in addition to transportation costs which result in high carbon footprints. The investigation of ecological and natural materials is indispensable to provide acoustical requirements considering the health and energy efficiency. This study is focused on the development of a sound absorptive material having smooth surface and ecological features. The material is made of pumice which has large reserves in Turkey and reed, which grows in wet areas such as rivers and lakes. The binding agent for the pumice is lime, which is a more ecological binder compared with cement and gypsum products in terms of energy efficiency and acoustical performance. The selected materials are found to have great potential for improved acoustical performances in addition to being economic and ecological. The measurements of the composite acoustical performance are realized with Impedance Tube.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Kahramanmaraş ili ve çevresi carabidae (coleoptera) faunası ve taksonomisi üzerine çalışmalar

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    TEZ5885Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2006.Kaynakça (s.335-351) var.xxv, 352 s. : rnk. ; 29 cm.In this study, on the Carabidae (Coleoptera) species collected from diffferent altitudes and climatic conditions and from localties of different vegetation, conducted between 2004Bu çalışma Kahramanmaraş il merkezi, ilçeleri bu ilçelere bağlı köyler ve ayrıca nehirler ve dağlar ile tam ayrılması mümkün olmayan komşu illerin (Malatya, Gaziantep, Sivas, Adıyaman, Adana,Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi Tarafından Desteklenmiştir. Proje No:FEF2004D

    Çoklu yük altındaki genel uçak parçalarının evrimsel yapısal optimizasyonu.

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    Structural optimization is achieving the best objective function from a predefined medium, well bounded by constraints. Optimization methods have been utilized on different engineering applications to minimize the conceptual design effort that creates the necessity of new optimization techniques. Evolutionary Structural Optimization (ESO) is a topological optimization algorithm, which is defined as removing of inefficient elements from a design domain. ESO stress based method is applied to linear elastic, isotropic aircraft components for multiple load case. The bulk structure is modeled and discretized into three dimensional solid hexahedron or tetrahedron mesh, afterwards constraints, load and boundary conditions are defined in MSC.PATRAN. MSC.NASTRAN is utilized as finite element solver. The stress results are collected and evaluated by program developed in MICROSOFT VISUAL BASIC. The elements which are below the stress limit are eliminated. The remaining elements are operated after increasing the stress limit. The iteration process continued until prescribed rejection ratio is reached. Well known examples in literature are solved using program code and similar results are obtained which is a check for the code developed. Four generic aircraft components, the clevis, the lug, the main landing fitting and power control unit fitting were structurally optimized. The stress distribution in optimized results and existing aircraft designs are compared.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Gender and law in the novel "The Handmaid's Tale" of Margaret Atwood

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    69 pagesThe development of women's rights has been due to the gains of women's struggle. Different feminist currents of thought have played an important role in this struggle and continue to play. The sustainability of the struggle for women's rights is, of course, parallel to the patriarchal social structure and the existence of the masculine political power. What makes masculine political power legitimate is the patriarchal norms and their continuum. The novel The Handmaid’s Tale, written by Margaret Atwood, is a dystopia in which these norms are revealed. In the novel, the oppression of women and policies of controlling the female body are not entirely fictional; they are the examples that have existed in history or still exist in different places on the world. This is a text that allows the study of the relationship of the law with the masculine political power by the feminist theory. Atwood also describes different feminist figures in the book. In this way, she criticizes not only patriarchal norms, but also the radicalized feminist approaches.Kadın haklarının gelişimi, kadın mücadelesinin kazanımları sayesinde olmuştur. Bu mücadelede farklı feminist düşünce akımları önemli rol oynamıştır ve oynamaya devam etmektedir. Kadın hak mücadelesinin devamlılığı elbette, ataerkil toplumsal yapı ve eril siyasi iktidarın varlığıyla eşgüdümlüdür. Eril siyasi iktidarı meşru hale getiren ise süreklilik kazanmış ataerkil normlardır. Damızlık Kızın Öyküsü adlı Margaret Atwood tarafından yazılan roman, bu normların ifşa edildiği bir distopya örneğidir. Romanda kadınlara yönelik baskı ve kadın bedenini kontrol politikaları, tamamen kurgusal değildir; tarihte olmuş veya halen dünyanın farklı yerlerinde yaşanmaya devam eden örneklerdir. Bu sebeple, feminist teori eliyle, hukukun eril siyasi iktidarla ilişkisini incelemeye elveren bir metindir. Ayrıca Atwood, kitapta farklı feminist figürlere de yer vermektedir. Bu yolla sadece ataerkil normları değil, aynı zamanda feminizmlerin radikalleştiği yaklaşımları da eleştirmektedir