72 research outputs found

    Juán Linz: um sociólogo de nosso tempo

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    The article presents a summary of the intellectual history of Juan Linz, his main ideas on politics and political sciences, with the aim to offer researchers a general view of his work and main publications. Having written many articles and published many books in a number of countries, he influenced a whole generation of academics and politicians; a synthesis of his work reveals the diversity of themes and approaches of his extensive production.O artigo apresenta um resumo da história intelectual de Juan Linz, suas principais idéias sobre a política e a ciência política, com o objetivo de oferecer aos estudiosos da área um quadro geral de seu trabalho e principais publicações. Autor de numerosos artigos e livros publicados em muitos países, tendo influenciado toda uma geração de acadêmicos e políticos, uma síntese de seu trabalho demonstra a diversidade de temas e enfoques que faz parte de sua extensa obra

    Lentas mudanças : o voto e a política tradicional

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    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a relação entre poder político e desenvolvimento, bem como avaliar as mudanças políticas nos municípios brasileiros. O estudo está baseado em dados do TSE para as eleições municipais de 1996, 2000 e 2004, e leva em conta variáveis estruturais como tamanho e qualidade de vida dos municípios (IBGE/IPEA/PNUD) e a ideologia dos partidos políticos. A conclusão é que os partidos tradicionais têm maior apoio nos municípios menores e com pior qualidade de vida.The goal of the present work is to analyze the relationship between development and political power, as well as to evaluate political changes in municipalities in Brazil. The study is based on a data bank from municipal elections (Tribunal Superior Eleitoral, 1996, 2000 and 2004) applying a procedure which takes structural variables into account, such as size and quality of life in municipalities (IBGE/IPEA/PNUD), and ideology of political parties. The question is whether favorable geographic-political configurations exist for left or right wing parties. Our conclusion is that traditional political parties (right wing) find larger support in micro municipalities with bad quality of life

    JOGOS POPULARES: pesquisa sociocultural e importância lúdica para o desenvolvimento infantil

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    Este estudo tem como objetivo inferir a importância e a influência dos jogos populares no desenvolvimento infantil dentro do contexto sociocultural. Consistiu em uma pesquisa de campo e bibliográfica de cunho quanti-qualitativo. A coleta de dados foi realizada através da aplicação de um questionário semiestruturado aos participantes de 7 a 15 anos do Projeto Sonho de Aline do Município de São José de Ribamar-MA. Constatamos que os Jogos Populares ainda se mantêm presentes entre as crianças e satisfazem sua maioria em virtude da grande diversidade cultural que apresenta, e pela capacidade de desenvolver potencialidades através da ludicidade.Palavras-chave: Lúdico. Jogos. Jogos populares.AbstractThis study aims to infer the importance and influence of popular games on child development within the socio-cultural context. It consisted of a field survey and literature of quantitative and qualitative stamp. Data collection was performed by applying a semi-structured questionnaire to participants from 7 to 15 years old of the Project Aline's Dream in São José de Ribamar, MA. It was found that Popular Games is still present among children and satisfies the majority mostly because of the great cultural diversity and by the capacity to develop potentialities through playfulness.Keywords: Playful. Games. Popular games

    Influence of the social determinants on the incidence of aids in Piauí: an ecological study

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    Objective: to identify the social factors that determine the incidence of aids in the Piauí territory. Method: an ecological study that uses geoprocessing techniques in which 2,908 aids cases of individuals residing in Piauí were considered, notified to the Notifiable Disease Information System (Sistema de Informações de Agravos de Notificação, SINAN), from 2007 to 2015. Gross and Bayesian incidence rates were calculated using the population of the central year (2011), multiplied by 100,000 inhabitants, with Bayesian statistics used to identify spatial clusters. The non-spatial Ordinary Least Squares Estimation (OLS) and spatial Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) regression models were used to identify the social determinants of the incidence of aids in the state, with 5% of significance. Results: the highest rates of the disease are concentrated in cities near the capital Teresina, with a Bayesian incidence of over 11.27 cases/100,000 inhabitants. The predictor variables of the incidence of ADIS in Piauí cities were the following: the percentage of individuals in houses with inadequate walls (p=0.0139), the mean number of residents per household (p=0.0309), and the percentage of individuals in households vulnerable to poverty and in which no one has completed elementary school (p=0.0051). Conclusion: according to GWR, the social factors that influence the incidence of aids in the cities of Piauí are the percentage of individuals in houses with inadequate walls, the mean number of residents per household, and the percentage of individuals in houses vulnerable to poverty and in which no one has completed elementary school. Given the above, interventions on the health social determinants of a structural nature should be established as effective methods for the prevention of HIV/ aids.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mortalidad por el síndrome de la inmunodeficiencia adquirida y factores sociales relacionados: un análisis espacial

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    Objective: To analyze the spatial pattern of AIDS mortality and social factors associated with its occurrence. Methods: An ecological study that considered 955 AIDS deaths of residents in Piauí, reported in the Mortality Information System (MIS) from 2007 to 2015. Non-spatial and spatial regression models were used to identify social determinants of AIDS mortality, with a significance of 5%. Results: The predictors of AIDS mortality were illiteracy rate in males (p = 0.020), proportion of households with water supply (p = 0.015), percentage of people in households with inadequate walls (p = 0.022), percentage of people in households vulnerable to poverty and in whom no one has completed primary education (p = 0.000) and percentage of people in households vulnerable to poverty and dependent on the elderly (p = 0.009). Conclusion: Social indicators related to education, job and income generation and housing were associated with AIDS mortality.Objetivo: Analisar o padrão espacial da mortalidade por aids e fatores sociais associados à sua ocorrência. Métodos: Estudo ecológico que considerou 955 óbitos por aids de residentes no Piauí, notificados no Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM) de 2007 a 2015. Modelos de regressão não espacial e espacial foram usados para identificar determinantes sociais da mortalidade por aids, com significância de 5%. Resultados: As variáveis preditoras da mortalidade por aids foram taxa de analfabetismo no sexo masculino (p = 0,020), proporção de domicílios com abastecimento de água (p = 0,015), percentual de pessoas em domicílios com paredes inadequadas (p = 0,022), percentual de pessoas em domicílios vulneráveis à pobreza e em que ninguém tem ensino fundamental completo (p = 0,000) e percentual de pessoas em domicílios vulneráveis à pobreza e dependentes de idosos (p = 0,009). Conclusão: Foram associados à mortalidade por aids indicadores sociais relacionados à educação, geração de emprego e renda e habitação.Objetivo: Analizar el estándar espacial de la mortalidad por sida y factores sociales relacionados a su ocurrencia. Métodos: Estudio ecológico que consideró 955 óbitos por sida de residentes en Piauí, notificados en el Sistema de Informaciones sobre Mortalidad (SIM) de 2007 a 2015. Modelos de regresión no espacial y espacial han sido usados para identificar determinantes sociales de la mortalidad por sida, con significación de 5%. Resultados: Las variables indicadoras de la mortalidad por sida han sido tasa de analfabetismo en el sexo masculino (p = 0,020), proporción de domicilios con abastecimiento de agua (p = 0,015), porcentual de personas en domicilios con paredes inadecuadas (p = 0,022), porcentual de personas en domicilios vulnerables a la pobreza y en que ninguno tiene enseñanza fundamental completa (p = 0,000) y porcentual de personas en domicilios vulnerables a la pobreza y dependientes de ancianos (p = 0,009). Conclusión: Han sido relacionados a la mortalidad por sida indicadores sociales relacionados a la educación, generación de empleo y renta y habitación.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Framework for Climate Change Adaptation of Agriculture and Forestry in Mediterranean Climate Regions

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    Planning the adaptation of agriculture and forestry landscapes to climate change remains challenging due to the need for integrating substantial amounts of information. This information ranges from climate scenarios, geographical site information, socio-economic data and several possible adaptation measures. Thus, there is an urgent need to have a framework that is capable of organizing adaptation strategies and measures in the agriculture and forestry sectors in Mediterranean climatic regions. Additionally, this framework should provide a cause effect relation with climate vulnerability to adequately support the development of adaptation planning at municipal and local (farm) level. In this context, we propose to test and evaluate a framework for climate adaptation of the agriculture and forestry sectors, based on the local causal-effect relation between adaptation strategies and measures and the level of vulnerability reduction achieved for Mediterranean areas. The framework was developed based on the combination of the DPSIR (Driving forces, Pressures, State, Impacts, Responses) and Vulnerability frameworks and reviewed 162 practical adaptation measures, further organized into strategies, complemented by a set of efficacy indicators. The framework was tested with 70 stakeholders in six stakeholder workshops for the planning of two farms and one municipal climate adaptation study, that are now in actual implementation and monitoring. The framework is composed by a set of eight adaptation strategies in which adaptation measures are clustered and assessed using efficacy indicators. In the evaluation of the adaptation framework, 96% of stakeholders considered its content as good or very good and 89% considered the final outcomes as good or very good. Finally, the framework was also used to assess and compare the adaptation strategies and measures presented in the climate adaptation plans of the three case studies. On average, 52.2% of the adaptation measures selected by the three case studies are dedicated to Ecosystem Resilience, 30.9% to Adaptive Capacity, 9.1% to Microclimates, 7.4% to Protection, and 0.3% to Mitigation strategies. This framework was considered effective in supporting adaptation planning at farm and municipal levels and useful to assess and compare adaptation plans in the frame of vulnerability reduction. Future studies can further contribute to support adaptation planning in these sectors by using, developing and streamlining this framework to additional and different socio-ecological contextsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio