10 research outputs found

    Silencing of one copy of the translation initiation factor eIFiso4G in Japanese plum (<em>Prunus salicina</em>) impacts susceptibility to <em>Plum pox virus</em> (PPV) and small RNA production.

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    Our results indicate that S gene function of the translation initiation complex isoform is conserved in Prunus species. We discuss the possibilities of using RNAi silencing or loss-of-function mutations of the different isoforms of proteins involved in this complex to breed for resistance to sharka in fruit trees

    Silencing of one copy of the translation initiation factor eIFiso4G in Japanese plum (<em>Prunus salicina</em>) impacts susceptibility to <em>Plum pox virus</em> (PPV) and small RNA production.

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    Our results indicate that S gene function of the translation initiation complex isoform is conserved in Prunus species. We discuss the possibilities of using RNAi silencing or loss-of-function mutations of the different isoforms of proteins involved in this complex to breed for resistance to sharka in fruit trees

    Family-based linkage and association mapping reveals novel genes affecting Plum pox virus infection in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Sharka is a devastating viral disease caused by the Plum pox virus (PPV) in stone fruit trees and few sources of resistance are known in its natural hosts. Since any knowledge gained from Arabidopsis on plant virus susceptibility factors is likely to be transferable to crop species, Arabidopsis's natural variation was searched for host factors essential for PPV infection. To locate regions of the genome associated with susceptibility to PPV, linkage analysis was performed on six biparental populations as well as on multiparental lines. To refine quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping, a genome-wide association analysis was carried out using 147 Arabidopsis accessions. Evidence was found for linkage on chromosomes 1, 3 and 5 with restriction of PPV long-distance movement. The most relevant signals occurred within a region at the bottom of chromosome 3, which comprises seven RTM3-like TRAF domain-containing genes. Since the resistance mechanism analyzed here is recessive and the rtm3 knockout mutant is susceptible to PPV infection, it suggests that other gene(s) present in the small identified region encompassing RTM3 are necessary for PPV long-distance movement. In consequence, we report here the occurrence of host factor(s) that are indispensable for virus long-distance movement

    Allele mining of eukaryotic translation initiation factor genes in Prunus for the identification of new sources of resistance to sharka

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    Abstract Members of the eukaryotic translation initiation complex are co-opted in viral infection, leading to susceptibility in many crop species, including stone fruit trees (Prunus spp.). Therefore, modification of one of those eukaryotic translation initiation factors or changes in their gene expression may result in resistance. We searched the crop and wild Prunus germplasm from the Armeniaca and Amygdalus taxonomic sections for allelic variants in the eIF4E and eIFiso4E genes, to identify alleles potentially linked to resistance to Plum pox virus (PPV). Over one thousand stone fruit accessions (1397) were screened for variation in eIF4E and eIFiso4E transcript sequences which are in single copy within the diploid Prunus genome. We identified new alleles for both genes differing from haplotypes associated with PPV susceptible accessions. Overall, analyses showed that eIFiso4E is genetically more constrained since it displayed less polymorphism than eIF4E. We also demonstrated more variations at both loci in the related wild species than in crop species. As the eIFiso4E translation initiation factor was identified as indispensable for PPV infection, a selection of ten different eIFiso4E haplotypes along 13 accessions were tested by infection with PPV and eight of them displayed a range of reduced susceptibility to resistance, indicating new potential sources of resistance to sharka

    Selecting with markers linked to the PPVres major QTL is not sufficient to predict resistance to Plum Pox Virus (PPV) in apricot

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    Sharka is one of the most serious viral diseases affecting stone fruit species and, in apricot, resistance to its viral agent, the Plum Pox Virus (PPV), is conferred by one major quantitative trait locus (QTL), named PPVres for PPV resistance. Previous studies indicated that PPV-resistant cultivars and breeding progenies can be selected by using a set of SSR markers (named PGS) targeting the PPVres locus. However, before these markers can be employed for marker-assisted selection, they were validated in a wide range of genetic backgrounds and environments. We used a total of 11 mapping populations issued from three distinct environments to confirm that this marker set located within the QTL adequately predicted PPV resistance. In this study, we show that selection of PPV-resistant material based only on markers co-localizing with the PPVres major locus is not fully reliable. Indeed, genotype-phenotype discrepancies were observed depending on the progeny and the PPV-resistant/susceptible parents. While most of the PPV-resistant individuals displayed the resistant alleles, a significant number of PPV-susceptible individuals showed the same resistant haplotype. An effect of the PPV strain used for phenotyping was also demonstrated. We thus hypothesize that the presence of other factors or genes involved in the mechanism of resistance to sharka in apricot could explain these unexpected results. Our work indicates that the current PGS marker set is not broadly applicable for MAS and that marker-assisted breeding based on the sole PPVres locus is not sufficient to unambiguously select PPV-resistant apricot cultivars

    Hereditary Angioedema-Presenting as Recurrent Abdominal Pain

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    Studying domesticated species and their wild relatives allows understanding of the mechanisms of population divergence and adaptation, and identifying valuable genetic resources. Apricot is an important fruit in the Northern hemisphere, where it is threatened by the Plum pox virus (PPV), causing the sharka disease. The histories of apricot domestication and of its resistance to sharka are however still poorly understood. We used 18 microsatellite markers to genotype a collection of 230 wild trees from Central Asia and 142 cultivated apricots as representatives of the worldwide cultivated apricot germplasm; we also performed experimental PPV inoculation tests. The genetic markers revealed highest levels of diversity in Central Asian and Chinese wild and cultivated apricots, confirming an origin in this region. In cultivated apricots, Chinese accessions were differentiated from more Western accessions, while cultivated apricots were differentiated from wild apricots. An approximate Bayesian approach indicated that apricots likely underwent two independent domestication events, with bottlenecks, from the same wild population. Central Asian native apricots exhibited genetic subdivision and high frequency of resistance to sharka. Altogether, our results contribute to the understanding of the domestication history of cultivated apricot and point to valuable genetic diversity in the extant genetic resources of wild apricots

    Data for manuscript MEC-16-0220

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    This file contains two sheets: the first one describes the samples and their locations while the second sheet presents the genotypes at 20 SSR and SSLP loci as they were used for diversity and differentiation analysis in the MEC-16-0220 manuscript.N/A: missing data

    Genome-wide association links candidate genes to resistance to Plum Pox Virus in apricot (Prunus armeniaca)

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    SummaryIn fruit tree species, many important traits have been characterized genetically by using single-family descent mapping in progenies segregating for the traits. However, most mapped loci have not been sufficiently resolved to the individual genes due to insufficient progeny sizes for high resolution mapping and the previous lack of whole-genome sequence resources of the study species. To address this problem for Plum Pox Virus (PPV) candidate resistance gene identification in Prunus species, we implemented a genome-wide association (GWA) approach in apricot.This study exploited the broad genetic diversity of the apricot (Prunus armeniaca) germplasm containing resistance to PPV, next-generation sequence-based genotyping, and the high-quality peach (Prunus persica) genome reference sequence for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) identification.The results of this GWA study validated previously reported PPV resistance quantitative trait loci (QTL) intervals, highlighted other potential resistance loci, and resolved each to a limited set of candidate genes for further study.This work substantiates the association genetics approach for resolution of QTL to candidate genes in apricot and suggests that this approach could simplify identification of other candidate genes for other marked trait intervals in this germplasm