432 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Penilaian Rumah Sehat Untuk Evaluasi Bidang Penyehatan Lingkungan Dan Promosi Kesehatan Di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Pontianak

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    Kegiatan evaluasi penilaian rumah sehat belum bisa dilaksanakan oleh Dinas Kesehatan Kota Pontianak.Dalam rangka untuk mendukung evaluasi dari kegiatan penilaian rumah sehat, seksi penyehatan lingkunganpemukiman memerlukan informasi yang berkualitas sehingga perencanaan dan pengambilan keputusandapat dilakukan dengan tepat. Akan tetapi, selama ini pengelolaan data masih menggunakan sistem yangmanual sehingga masih ditemukan berbagai macam kekurangan pada sistem yang ada. Diantaranyapengolahan data masih manual dan memerlukan waktu yang lama, sulitnya untuk memperoleh dan mengaksesinformasi, informasi yang disajikan masih belum lengkap, laporan yang sering terlambat, dan keakuratandata tidak terjamin. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk Pengembangan Sistem Informasi PenilaianRumah Sehat Untuk Evaluasi Bidang Penyehatan Lingkungan dan Promosi Kesehatan Di Dinas KesehatanKota Pontianak.Jenis penelitian ini merupakan Pre-Eksperimental Design (One-Group Pretest- Posttest Design).Pengembangan sistem menggunakan metode FAST (Framework for the Application of System Thinking).Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 5 responden. Penelitian ini dilaksankan mulai bulan Desember 2014 sampaibulan September 2015.Hasil observasi dan wawancara dilakukan dengan metode analisis isi dan deskriptif dengan menggunakanrata-rata tertimbang. Hasil analisis data secara deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata tertimbangsecara keseluruhan kualitas informasi sebelum pengembangan sistem 7,51 dan setelah pengembangansistem 21,87 dengan selisih 14,36. Hasil uji statistik juga menunjukkan p<0,05 yang artinya terdapatperbedaan aksesibilitas, kelengkapan, kejelasan, kecepatan, ketepatan waktu, dan keakuratan informasisebelum dan sesudah pengembangan sistem.Sistem informasi penilaian rumah sehat setelah dikembangkan telah mampu mengatasi masalah aksesibilitas,kelengkapan, kejelasan, kecepatan, ketepatan waktu, dan keakuratan informasi. untuk itu, disaranakankepada Dinas Kesehatan Kota Pontianak untuk memanfaatkan sistem informasi penilaian rumah sehatsebagai sumber informasi untuk mendukung evaluasi kegiatan penilaian rumah sehat di Dinas KesehatanKota Pontiana


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    Kerupuk R&b (Snack Sehat dengan Pengolahan Modern)

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    Kerupuk (crackers) is a familiar food in Indonesia because many people liked it. The fact, some products of kerupuk have a dangerous subtances for human body. So, there is an idea to make kerupuk called Kerupuk R&amp;B (fRuit and vegetaBle). The purpose of this program is hygienic kerupuk with modern processed. Preparing session of production must be conducted in begining and this processed until Kerupuk R&amp;B has been packed. Results from this program are Kerupuk R&amp;B with collards, guavas, spinachs, and carrot taste. The originality of this product is have natural colours and health educational content in the packaging

    Constitutional Analogies in the International Legal System

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    This Article explores issues at the frontier of international law and constitutional law. It considers five key structural and systemic challenges that the international legal system now faces: (1) decentralization and disaggregation; (2) normative and institutional hierarchies; (3) compliance and enforcement; (4) exit and escape; and (5) democracy and legitimacy. Each of these issues raises questions of governance, institutional design, and allocation of authority paralleling the questions that domestic legal systems have answered in constitutional terms. For each of these issues, I survey the international legal landscape and consider the salience of potential analogies to domestic constitutions, drawing upon and extending the writings of international legal scholars and international relations theorists. I also offer some preliminary thoughts about why some treaties and institutions, but not others, more readily lend themselves to analysis in constitutional terms. And I distinguish those legal and political issues that may generate useful insights for scholars studying the growing intersections of international and constitutional law from other areas that may be more resistant to constitutional analogies

    (E)-Methyl 2-({2-eth­oxy-6-[(E)-(hy­droxy­imino)­meth­yl]phen­oxy}meth­yl)-3-phenyl­acrylate

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    In the title compound, C20H21NO5, the dihedral angle between the mean planes through the two rings is 47.1 (8)°. The enoate group assumes an extended conformation. The hy­droxy­ethanimine group is essentially coplanar with the benzene ring, the largest deviation from the mean plane being 0.061 (1) Å for the O atom. In the crystal, mol­ecules are linked into cyclic centrosymmetric dimers with an R 2 2(6) motif via pairs of O—H⋯N hydrogen bonds. Inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds form a C(8) chain along the b axis. The crystal packing is further stabilized by C—H⋯π inter­actions

    Outcomes of less invasive J-incision approach to aortic valve surgery

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    ObjectiveLess invasive approaches to aortic valve surgery are increasingly used; however, few studies have investigated their impact on outcome. We sought to compare clinical outcomes after these approaches with full sternotomy using propensity-matching methods.MethodsFrom January 1995 to January 2004, a total of 2689 patients underwent isolated aortic valve surgery, 1193 via upper J-hemisternotomy and 1496 via full sternotomy. Because of important differences in patient characteristics between these groups, a propensity score based on 42 variables was used to obtain 832 well-matched patient pairs (70% of possible cases).ResultsIn-hospital mortality was identical for propensity-matched patients, 0.96% (8 in each). Occurrences of stroke (P > .9), renal failure (P = .8), and myocardial infarction (P = .7) were similar. However, 24-hour mediastinal drainage was a third less after less invasive surgery (median, 250 vs 350 mL; P < .0001), and fewer patients received transfusions (24% vs 34%; P < .0001). More patients undergoing less invasive surgery were extubated in the operating room (12% vs 1.6%; P < .0001), postoperative forced 1-second expiratory volume was higher (P = .009), and fewer had respiratory failure (P = .01). Early after operation, pain scores were lower (P < .0001) after less-invasive surgery and postoperative length of stay shorter (P < .0001).ConclusionsWithin that portion of the spectrum of isolated aortic valve surgery where propensity matching was possible, minimally invasive aortic valve surgery had not only cosmetic advantages, but blood product use, respiratory, pain, and resource utilization advantages over full sternotomy, and no apparent detriments. Less invasive aortic valve surgery should be considered for most aortic valve operations

    Structural analysis and corrosion studies on an ISO 5832-9 biomedical alloy with TiO2 sol–gel layers

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    The aim of this study was to demonstrate the relationship between the structural and corrosion properties of an ISO 5832-9 biomedical alloy modified with titanium dioxide (TiO2) layers. These layers were obtained via the sol–gel method by acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of titanium isopropoxide in isopropanol solution. To obtain TiO2 layers with different structural properties, the coated samples were annealed at temperatures of 200, 300, 400, 450, 500, 600 and 800 C for 2 h. For all the prepared samples, accelerated corrosion measurements were performed in Tyrode’s physiological solution using electrochemical methods. The most important corrosion parameters were determined: corrosion potential, polarization resistance, corrosion rate, breakdown and repassivation potentials. Corrosion damage was analyzed using scanning electron microscopy. Structural analysis was carried out for selected TiO2 coatings annealed at 200, 400, 600 and 800 C. In addition, the morphology, chemical composition, crystallinity, thickness and density of the deposited TiO2 layers were determined using suitable electron and X-ray measurement methods. It was shown that the structure and character of interactions between substrate and deposited TiO2 layers depended on annealing temperature. All the obtained TiO2 coatings exhibit anticorrosion properties, but these properties are related to the crystalline structure and character of substrate–layer interaction. From the point of view of corrosion, the best TiO2 sol–gel coatings for stainless steel intended for biomedical applications seem to be those obtained at 400 C.This study was supported by Grant No. N N507 501339 of the National Science Centre. The authors wish to express their thanks to J. Borowski (MEDGAL, Poland) for the Rex 734 alloy