23 research outputs found

    Estudi de la dinàmica de la població de l'espècie de briozou Pentapora fascialis de la Reserva Marina de les Illes Medes. Informe tècnic per al Parc Natural del Montgrí, les Illes Medes i el Baix Ter.

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    Estudi realitzat per la Universitat de Barcelona per encàrrec del Parc Natural del Montgrí, les Illes Medes i el Baix TerAquesta memòria presenta els resultats del grup de treball del Departament d’Ecologia de la UB respecte a l’estudi de les comunitats de briozous de la Reserva Marina de les Illes Medes amb l’objectiu d’estudiar i caracteritzar la dinàmica del briozou Pentapora fascialis i establir les bases per a utilitzar aquesta espècie com a indicadora de l’efecte dels submarinistes sobre les comunitats bentòniques

    Seguiment del medi marí al Parc Natural del Cap de Creus i al Parc Natural del Montgrí, les Illes Medes i el Baix Ter. Memòria 2016

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    Aquesta memòria recull els resultats del grup de treball del Departament d’Ecologia de la Universitat de Barcelona relatiu al seguiment del medi marí al Parc Natural del Cap de Creus i al Parc Natural del Montgrí, les Illes Medes i el Baix Ter de l’any 2016, tal i com consta al plec de prescripcions amb expedient PTOP-2016-451 en compliment de la llei 19/1990 de 10 de desembre del Parlament de Catalunya, i amb les millores proposades a l’oferta tècnica homònima Els resultats dels treballs de camp tenen com a objectiu central l’avaluació de l’estat de les poblacions i dels hàbitats marins en relació tant amb les activitats humanes que es duen a terme als espais naturals estudiats com amb els factors ambientals. Així mateix s’analitza la seva evolució en el temps dels descriptors i s’intenta avaluar l’efecte de la protecció. El darrer objectiu és de detectar altres situacions de risc pel patrimoni natural com podrien ser l’arribada d’espècies alienes o invasores o bé els possibles efectes del canvi climàtic

    Land- and water-based exercise intervention in women with fibromyalgia: the al-andalus physical activity randomised controlled trial

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    Background The al-Andalus physical activity intervention study is a randomised control trial to investigate the effectiveness of a land- and water-based exercise intervention for reducing the overall impact of fibromyalgia (primary outcome), and for improving tenderness and pain-related measures, body composition, functional capacity, physical activity and sedentary behaviour, fatigue, sleep quality, health-related quality of life, and cognitive function (secondary outcomes) in women with fibromyalgia. Methods/Design One hundred eighty women with fibromyalgia (age range: 35-65 years) will be recruited from local associations of fibromyalgia patients in Andalucía (Southern Spain). Patients will be randomly assigned to a usual care (control) group (n = 60), a water-based exercise intervention group (n = 60) or a land-based exercise intervention group (n = 60). Participants in the usual care group will receive general physical activity guidelines and participants allocated in the intervention groups will attend three non-consecutive training sessions (60 min each) per week during 24 weeks. Both exercise interventions will consist of aerobic, muscular strength and flexibility exercises. We will also study the effect of a detraining period (i.e., 12 weeks with no exercise intervention) on the studied variables. Discussion Our study attempts to reduce the impact of fibromyalgia and improve patients' health status by implementing two types of exercise interventions. Results from this study will help to assess the efficacy of exercise interventions for the treatment of fibromyalgia. If the interventions would be effective, this study will provide low-cost and feasible alternatives for health professionals in the management of fibromyalgia. Results from the al-Andalus physical activity intervention will help to better understand the potential of regular physical activity for improving the well-being of women with fibromyalgia.This study was supported by the Consejeria de Turismo, Comercio y Deporte (CTCD-201000019242-TRA), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (I + D + I DEP2010-15639, grants: BES-2009-013442, BES-2011-047133, RYC-2010-05957, RYC-2011-09011), the Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation (20090635), the Spanish Ministry of Education (AP-2009-3173), Granada Research of Excelence Initiative on Biohealth (GREIB), Campus BioTic, University of Granada, Spain and European University of Madrid. Escuela de Estudios Universitarios Real Madrid. 2010/04RM

    Contribució al coneixement dels fongs i mixomicets de l'Illa de Tabarca i de les dunes del Pinet (La Marina, Elx, Espanya)

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    Se presentan 17 taxones encontrados entre septiembre del 2019 y julio del 2020 en dos cuadriculas correspondientes a dos localidades poco estudiadas desde la perspectiva micológica como son la Isla de Tabarca (30SYH22) y el ecosistema dunar de El Pinet, en la pedanía ilicitana de la Marina (30SYH02). De estas 17 especies, 6 corresponden a nuevas citas para Alicante: Peziza ammophila, Agaricus aridicola, Leucocoprinus flos-sulphuris, Mallocybe heimii, Psathyrella ammophila y Rhodocybe malenconii. Además, se presentan dos nuevas citas para el País Valenciano: Leucocoprinus ianthinus y Tulostoma fimbriatum

    Mixed‐Valence Ce/Zr Metal‐Organic Frameworks: Controlling the Oxidation State of Cerium in One‐Pot Synthesis Approach

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    The preparation of MOFs including a metal with an easily exchangeable oxidation state, while maintaining the same crystal structure and stability, is of paramount importance for myriad applications. In this work, a new synthesis method is reported that can be used to prepare Ce/Zr‐MOFs (UiO‐66 structure) having only Ce(III), a mixed‐valence Ce(IV)/Ce(III), or only Ce(IV) cations, as desired. The materials are characterized using a large number of techniques, including X‐ray absorption and X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopies.Authors acknowledge financial support by MINECO (Spain) through projects, MAT2017-86992-R and MAT2016-80285-P. EVRF acknowledges MINECO for his Ramón y Cajal fellow RYC-2012-11427. The authors also would like to thank Diamond Light Source (I20-Scanning beamline) for the beamtime given at the proposal SP19114


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    Estudi realitzat per la Universitat de Barcelona per encàrrec del Parc Natural del Montgrí, les Illes Medes i el Baix TerAquesta memòria presenta els resultats del grup de treball del Departament d’Ecologia de la UB respecte a l’estudi de les comunitats de briozous de la Reserva Marina de les Illes Medes amb l’objectiu d’estudiar i caracteritzar la dinàmica del briozou Pentapora fascialis i establir les bases per a utilitzar aquesta espècie com a indicadora de l’efecte dels submarinistes sobre les comunitats bentòniques

    Funga Valentina: notes 13-19

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    13. Acarospora cervina (Ach.) A. Massal., Ricerche sull'autonomia dei licheni crostosi 28 (1852) [MB375509] Taxonomia: Fungi > Dikarya > Ascomycota > Pezizomycotina > Lecanoromycetes > Acarosporomycetidae > Acarosporales > Acarosporaceae > Acarospora Diagnosi: Tal·lus crustaci, epilític, areolat-esquamulós, que pot assolir més de 10 cm de diàmetre; les esquàmules són poligonals o arrodonides, amb la cara superior de color gris verdós o bru claret, i els marges més erosionats i blanquinosos; les esquàmules del marge poden estar coberts d'una fina capa pruïnosa. Es reprodueix sexualment, formant apotecis característicament enfonsats i aïllats a les esquàmules, els quals presenten un disc bru vinós, bastant pla i no pruïnós. Els ascs solen contenir més d'un centenar de petites espores simples i incolores. El micobiont de Barracas s'associa amb una microalga encara no descrita del gènere Trebouxia (Trebouxia sp. "A53"), que fins ara s'havia trobat en associació amb líquens calcícoles a les muntanyes boliviane

    Global consortium for the classification of fungi and fungus-like taxa

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    The Global Consortium for the Classification of Fungi and fungus-like taxa is an international initiative of more than 550 mycologists to develop an electronic structure for the classification of these organisms. The members of the Consortium originate from 55 countries/regions worldwide, from a wide range of disciplines, and include senior, mid-career and early-career mycologists and plant pathologists. The Consortium will publish a biannual update of the Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa, to act as an international scheme for other scientists. Notes on all newly published taxa at or above the level of species will be prepared and published online on the Outline of Fungi website (https://www.outlineoffungi.org/), and these will be finally published in the biannual edition of the Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa. Comments on recent important taxonomic opinions on controversial topics will be included in the biannual outline. For example, 'to promote a more stable taxonomy in Fusarium given the divergences over its generic delimitation', or 'are there too many genera in the Boletales?' and even more importantly, 'what should be done with the tremendously diverse 'dark fungal taxa?' There are undeniable differences in mycologists' perceptions and opinions regarding species classification as well as the establishment of new species. Given the pluralistic nature of fungal taxonomy and its implications for species concepts and the nature of species, this consortium aims to provide a platform to better refine and stabilise fungal classification, taking into consideration views from different parties. In the future, a confidential voting system will be set up to gauge the opinions of all mycologists in the Consortium on important topics. The results of such surveys will be presented to the International Commission on the Taxonomy of Fungi (ICTF) and the Nomenclature Committee for Fungi (NCF) with opinions and percentages of votes for and against. Criticisms based on scientific evidence with regards to nomenclature, classifications, and taxonomic concepts will be welcomed, and any recommendations on specific taxonomic issues will also be encouraged; however, we will encourage professionally and ethically responsible criticisms of others' work. This biannual ongoing project will provide an outlet for advances in various topics of fungal classification, nomenclature, and taxonomic concepts and lead to a community-agreed classification scheme for the fungi and fungus-like taxa. Interested parties should contact the lead author if they would like to be involved in future outlines