149 research outputs found

    Entintar el papel sin mancha de pecado : Nithard, la controversia inmaculista y la esfera pública en la España del siglo XVII.

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    Las páginas que contienen este trabajo son una primera aproximación al análisis de las controversias religiosas en el siglo XVII. Pretende participar, de forma original, de una de las corrientes historiográficas que mayor impulso ha tomado en las últimas décadas, como es la Historia de la cultura escrita. Además, pretendemos contribuir al debate historiográfico en torno a la creación de una esfera de opinión, mediante el instrumento de la propaganda, que se gesta, al menos, desde la segunda mitad de esta centuria. Para tales fines, partimos del estudio de las controversias doctrinales, de auxiliis y la Inmaculada Concepción, en el marco político que se desarrolla durante el siglo XVII; para seguidamente, analizar cómo en torno a la cuestión inmaculista se van a desplegar toda una serie de mecanismos para crear una esfera de opinión común entre las décadas de 1650 y 1670; eso sí, siempre bajo la tutela de las altas instituciones políticas y eclesiásticas

    Weakly encoded memories due to acute sleep restriction can be rescued after one night of recovery sleep

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    Sleep is thought to play a complementary role in human memory processing: sleep loss impairs the formation of new memories during the following awake period and, conversely, normal sleep promotes the strengthening of the already encoded memories. However, whether sleep can strengthen deteriorated memories caused by insufficient sleep remains unknown. Here, we showed that sleep restriction in a group of participants caused a reduction in the stability of EEG activity patterns across multiple encoding of the same event during awake, compared with a group of participants that got a full night's sleep. The decrease of neural stability patterns in the sleep-restricted group was associated with higher slow oscillation-spindle coupling during a subsequent night of normal sleep duration, thereby suggesting the instantiation of restorative neural mechanisms adaptively supporting cognition and memory. Importantly, upon awaking, the two groups of participants showed equivalent retrieval accuracy supported by subtle differences in the reinstatement of encoding-related activity: it was longer lasting in sleep-restricted individuals than in controls. In addition, sustained reinstatement over time was associated with increased coupling between spindles and slow oscillations. Taken together, these results suggest that the strength of prior encoding might be an important moderator of memory consolidation during sleep. Supporting this view, spindles nesting in the slow oscillation increased the probability of correct recognition only for weakly encoded memories. Current results demonstrate the benefit that a full night's sleep can induce to impaired memory traces caused by an inadequate amount of sleep

    Peracetic acid can be used as a disinfectant for gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) juveniles without affecting fish welfare

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    Peracetic acid (PAA) is a European Union Commission-authorized disinfectant for use in animal health care. It has shown a strong inactivation potential for bacteria, viruses, fungi, and bacterial spores. A stress-related adaptive response after exposure to PAA has been described in different species of fish such as carp (Cyprinus carpio), and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). The present study aims to evaluate the response of gilthead seabream systemic (plasma) as mucosal (gill and skin) defenses after PAA a unique exposure (5 min), by measuring cortisol, glucose, and lactate in plasma, as well as the expression of several genes (glutathione peroxidase, glucocorticoid receptor, superoxide dismutase 2 and superoxide dismutase involved in the response to oxidative stress in mucosal tissues). study. We observe how seabream (Sparus aurata) copes with oxidative stress induced by PAA. PAA exposure did not induce an important antioxidant response in fish, whereas induced a mild response to stress, with a fast and effective recovery of basal levels after 24 h. Although PAA triggers a mild stress response, the response described in our study reflects that it can be used for sea bream in the concentration tested with no severe physiological consequencespublishedVersio

    Effects of spike anticipation on the spiking dynamics of neural networks

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    Synchronization is one of the central phenomena involved in information processing in living systems. It is known that the nervous system requires the coordinated activity of both local and distant neural populations. Such an interplay allows to merge different information modalities in a whole processing supporting high-level mental skills as understanding, memory, abstraction, etc. Though, the biological processes underlying synchronization in the brain are not fully understood there have been reported a variety of mechanisms supporting different types of synchronization both at theoretical and experimental level. One of the more intriguing of these phenomena is the anticipating synchronization, which has been recently reported in a pair of unidirectionally coupled artificial neurons under simple conditions (Pyragiene and Pyragas, 2013), where the slave neuron is able to anticipate in time the behavior of the master one. In this paper, we explore the effect of spike anticipation over the information processing performed by a neural network at functional and structural level. We show that the introduction of intermediary neurons in the network enhances spike anticipation and analyse how these variations in spike anticipation can significantly change the firing regime of the neural network according to its functional and structural properties. In addition we show that the interspike interval (ISI), one of the main features of the neural response associated with the information coding, can be closely related to spike anticipation by each spike, and how synaptic plasticity can be modulated through that relationship. This study has been performed through numerical simulation of a coupled system of Hindmarsh–Rose neurons

    Stability of neural encoding moderates the contribution of sleep and repeated testing to memory consolidation

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    There is evidence suggesting that online consolidation during retrieval-mediated learning interacts with offline consolidation during subsequent sleep to transform memory. Here we investigate whether this interaction persists when retrieval-mediated learning follows post-training sleep and whether the direction of this interaction is conditioned by the quality of encoding resulting from manipulation of the amount of sleep on the previous night. The quality of encoding was determined by computing the degree of similarity between EEG-activity patterns across restudy of face pairs in two groups of young participants, one who slept the last 4 h of the pre-training night, and another who slept 8 h. The offline consolidation was assessed by computing the degree of coupling between slow oscillations (SOs) and spindles (SPs) during post-training sleep, while the online consolidation was evaluated by determining the degree of similarity between EEG-activity patterns recorded during the study phase and during repeated recognition of either the same face pair (i.e., specific similarity) or face pairs sharing sex and profession (i.e., categorical similarity) to evaluate differentiation and generalization, respectively. The study and recognition phases were separated by a night of normal sleep duration. Mixed-effects models revealed that the stability of neural encoding moderated the relationship between sleep- and retrieval-mediated consolidation processes over left frontal regions. For memories showing lower encoding stability, the enhanced SO-SP coupling was associated with increased reinstatement of category-specific encoding-related activity at the expense of content-specific activity, whilst the opposite occurred for memories showing greater encoding stability. Overall, these results suggest that offline consolidation during post-training sleep interacts with online consolidation during retrieval the next day to favor the reorganization of memory contents, by increasing specificity of stronger memories and generalization of the weaker ones.Laboratory of Functional Neuroscience, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville 41013, SpainCIBERNED, Network Center for Biomedical Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases, Spai

    Efectividad clinica del cribado neonatal de errores congenitos del metabolismo mediante espectrometria de masas en tandem. Parte II: acidemia metilmalonica, acidemia propionica, tirosinemia tipo I

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    En cubierta aparecen logos del Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, y de la Red Española de Agencias de Evaluación de Tecnologías y Prestaciones del SN

    La polarización de “La Manada”: El debate público en España y los riesgos de la comunicación política digital

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    Diversos autores han planteado en los últimos años que el nuevo escenario que genera la comunicación digital provoca que los ciudadanos tengan un papel con mayor protagonismo en el debate público. Sin embargo, al margen de las múltiples oportunidades políticas y comunicativas surgidas de tras la irrupción de las redes sociales digitales, encontramos algunos riesgos y limitaciones relevantes para la comunicación política como la falta de civismo (Incivility). El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar, a través del estudio del caso de “La manada” (de gran repercusión social y política en España) y haciendo uso de técnicas de Big data, la posible polarización de debate público en la red social Twitter y la existencia de este tipo de prácticas negativas, en especial, cuando afectan a las mujeres. Encontramos un escenario de una extrema polarización en el que ambas partes tienden a usar el tema de debate como pretexto para reforzar las posiciones que separan a la izquierda y la derecha en España.Several authors have raised in recent years that the new scenario generated by digital communication causes citizens to have a role with greater prominence in the public debate. However, apart from the multiple political and communicative opportunities arising from the irruption of digital social networks, we find some risks and limitations relevant to political communication such as lack of civility (Incivility). The objective of this research is to analyze, through the study of the case of “La Manada” (of great social and political repercussion in Spain) and making use of Big data techniques, the possible polarization of public debate in the social network Twitter and the existence of this type of negative practices, especially when they affect women. We find a scenario of extreme polarization in which both parties tend to use the subject of debate as a pretext to reinforce the positions that separate the left and the right in Spain

    Un nuevo enfoque didáctico para la enseñanza de la Nanotecnología en titulaciones superiores y Máster Universitarios de Ciencias: MOOC en Nanotecnología

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    Habida cuenta del interés del alumnado de Ciencias, tanto a nivel bachillerato como universitario, por la Nanotecnología y tras la organización de dos cursos sobre la misma en la UVRA, el Laboratorio de Nanotecnología Molecular de la UA se embarcó en el proyecto de diseño y construcción del primer MOOC (del inglés Massive On-line Open Course) sobre Nanotecnología en España, contando con el asesoramiento de UniMOOC. El objetivo del curso es obtener una mejor comprensión de la nanotecnología y su conexión con la vida real; un nuevo enfoque didáctico para la enseñanza de la Nanotecnología en titulaciones superiores y Máster Universitarios. El sitio web es la principal guía a través de los recursos y actividades del curso, donde el estudiante dispone de una serie de herramientas gratuitas que descubrirá en las diferentes unidades, como vídeos, tutoriales, applets, etc. En este contexto, hemos creado una Red de investigación en docencia universitaria en colaboración con el Dpto. Lenguajes y Sistemas de la UA y UniMOOC, cuyo objetivo es la actualización de contenidos, actividades y recursos del mismo, su puesta en marcha y difusión, así como el análisis de su posible implantación en titulaciones afines

    Dietary supplementation of Bacillus velezensis improves Vibrio anguillarum clearance in European sea bass by activating essential innate immune mechanisms

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    Bacillus spp. supplementation as probiotics in cultured fish diets has a long history of safe and effective use. Specifically, B. velezensis show great promise in fine-tuning the European sea bass disease resistance against the pathogenicity caused by several members of the Vibrio family. However, the immunomodulatory mechanisms behind this response remain poorly understood. Here, to examine the inherent immune variations in sea bass, two equal groups were fed for 30 days with a steady diet, with one treatment supplemented with B. velezensis. The serum bactericidal capacity against live cells of Vibrio anguillarum strain 507 and the nitric oxide and lysozyme lytic activities were assayed. At the cellular level, the phagocytic response of peripheral blood leukocytes against inactivated Candida albicans was determined. Moreover, head-kidney (HK) total leukocytes were isolated from previously in vivo treated fish with LPS of V. anguillarum strain 507. Mechanistically, the expression of some essential proinflammatory genes interleukin-1 (il1b), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (tnfa), and cyclooxygenase 2 (cox2) and the sea bass specific antimicrobial peptide (AMP) dicentracin (dic) expressions were assessed. Surprisingly, the probiotic supplementation significantly increased all humoral lytic and cellular activities assayed in the treated sea bass. In addition, time-dependent differences were observed between the control and probiotic treated groups for all the HK genes markers subjected to the sublethal LPS dose. Although the il1b was the fastest responding gene to a significant level at 48 hours post-injection (hpi), all the other genes followed 72h in the probiotic supplemented group. Finally, an in vivo bacteria challenge against live V. anguillarum was conducted. The probiotic fed fish observed a significantly higher survival. Overall, our results provide clear vertical evidence on the beneficial immune effects of B. velezensis and unveil some fundamental immune mechanismpublishedVersio