185 research outputs found

    Per and polyfluorinated substances in the Nordic Countries:Use, occurence and toxicology

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    This Tema Nord report presents a study based on open information and custom market research to review the most common perfluorinated substances (PFC) with less focus on PFOS and PFOA.The study includes three major parts: 1) Identification of relevant per-and polyfluorinated substances and their use in various industrial sectors in the Nordic market by interviews with major players and database information. 2) Emissions to and occurence in the Nordic environment of the substances described in 1). 3) A summary of knowledge of the toxic effects on humans and the environment of substances prioritized in 2). There is a lack of physical chemical data, analystical reference substances, human and environmental occurrence and toxicology data, as well as market information regarding PFCs other than PFOA and PFOS and the current legislation cannot enforce disclosure of specific PFC substance information

    Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in the Environment: Terminology, Classification, and Origins

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    The primary aim of this article is to provide an overview of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) detected in the environment, wildlife, and humans, and recommend clear, specific, and descriptive terminology, names, and acronyms for PFASs. The overarching objective is to unify and harmonize communication on PFASs by offering terminology for use by the global scientific, regulatory, and industrial communities. A particular emphasis is placed on long-chain perfluoroalkyl acids, substances related to the long-chain perfluoroalkyl acids, and substances intended as alternatives to the use of the long-chain perfluoroalkyl acids or their precursors. First, we define PFASs, classify them into various families, and recommend a pragmatic set of common names and acronyms for both the families and their individual members. Terminology related to fluorinated polymers is an important aspect of our classification. Second, we provide a brief description of the 2 main production processes, electrochemical fluorination and telomerization, used for introducing perfluoroalkyl moieties into organic compounds, and we specify the types of byproducts (isomers and homologues) likely to arise in these processes. Third, we show how the principal families of PFASs are interrelated as industrial, environmental, or metabolic precursors or transformation products of one another. We pay particular attention to those PFASs that have the potential to be converted, by abiotic or biotic environmental processes or by human metabolism, into long-chain perfluoroalkyl carboxylic or sulfonic acids, which are currently the focus of regulatory action. The Supplemental Data lists 42 families and subfamilies of PFASs and 268 selected individual compounds, providing recommended names and acronyms, and structural formulas, as well as Chemical Abstracts Service registry numbers. Integr Environ Assess Manag 2011;7:513–541. © 2011 SETA

    Одноколейные тракторно-ледяные дороги: учебное пособие для лесотехнических вузов

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    Книга содержит описание конструкций однополозных тракторных саней, расчет основных деталей саней, краткие технические условия проектирования одноколейных тракторно-ледяных дорог, правила постройки и эксплуатации ледяных дорог и основы организации тракторного хозяйства на базе одноколейных ледяных дорог. Книга предназначена в качестве учебного пособия для лесотехнических вузов, но может также служить практическим пособием и для высшего технического персонала лесозаготовительных предприятий Наркомлеса СССР.0|7|Предисловие [c. 7]0|8|Введение [c. 8]0|11|Возникновение и развитие конструкции однополозных саней [c. 11]1|11|Первые опыты [c. 11]1|12|Принцип работы одноколейной ледяной дороги и теоретические основания проектирования однополозных саней [c. 12]1|17|Конструкция первых однополозных саней [c. 17]1|17|Однополозные сани Востокостальлеса [c. 17]1|19|Одкополозные сани ЦНИИМЭ, модель Б [c. 19]1|21|Однополозные сани на базе поковок тракторных двухполозных саней модели Д [c. 21]1|22|Однополозные сани Я. И. Гинзбурга модели 1939 г. [c. 22]1|33|Однополозные сани ГЗЯ-2 [c. 33]1|39|Варианты соединения коника с полозом [c. 39]1|39|Модернизированные однополозные сани на базе поковок саней модели Свердлеса и Востокостальлеса [c. 39]1|44|Бескониковые однополозные сани конструкции СибНИИЛХЭ [c. 44]1|46|Буферно-прицепные устройства трактора конструкции УЛТИ, Сотринского мехлесопункта и Стройлеспроекта [c. 46]1|48|Автоматическая сцепка тракторных саней [c. 48]1|49|Рама для перевозки коротья на однополозных санях [c. 49]1|51|Расчет саней [c. 51]1|51|Расчет полоза [c. 51]1|58|О форме подрезов [c. 58]0|61|Постройка одноколейных ледяных дорог [c. 61]1|61|Условия применения, сырьевая база и порядок оформления строительства [c. 61]1|62|Технические условия проектирования одноколейных ледяных дорог [c. 62]1|72|Изыскания трасс одноколейных ледяных дорог [c. 72]1|73|Строительные работы на одноколейных ледяных дорогах [c. 73]1|85|Дорожные орудия для строительства одноколейных ледяных дорог [c. 85]1|91|Цистерны для поливки ледяной дороги [c. 91]1|91|Насосные станции [c. 91]0|95|Эксплуатация ледяных дорог [c. 95]1|95|Техническая характеристика тяговых машин [c. 95]1|107|Эксплуатация газогенераторных тракторов на лесовывозке по ледяным дорогам [c. 107]1|115|Правила вождения поездов [c. 115]1|117|Формирование состава и маневры [c. 117]1|117|Содержание и ремонт пути ледяной дороги [c. 117]1|119|Техника безопасности при вывозке леса по тракторным ледяным дорогам [c. 119]1|121|Основные правила по технике безопасности для тракторного лесотранспорта [c. 121]0|123|Приложения [c. 123]1|123|Детали однополозных саней ГЗЯ-1 [c. 123]1|136|Детали модернизированных однополозных саней на базе поковок саней Свердллеса [c. 136]1|141|Краткая техническая характеристика гусеничных тракторов Челябинского тракторного завода [c. 141]0|143|Оглавление [c. 143

    Impact of maternal education on response to lifestyle interventions to reduce gestational weight gain: Individual participant data meta-Analysis

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    Objectives To identify if maternal educational attainment is a prognostic factor for gestational weight gain (GWG), and to determine the differential effects of lifestyle interventions (diet based, physical activity based or mixed approach) on GWG, stratified by educational attainment. Design Individual participant data meta-Analysis using the previously established International Weight Management in Pregnancy (i-WIP) Collaborative Group database (https://iwipgroup.wixsite.com/collaboration). Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis of Individual Participant Data Statement guidelines were followed. Data sources Major electronic databases, from inception to February 2017. Eligibility criteria Randomised controlled trials on diet and physical activity-based interventions in pregnancy. Maternal educational attainment was required for inclusion and was categorised as higher education ( 65tertiary) or lower education ( 64secondary). Risk of bias Cochrane risk of bias tool was used. Data synthesis Principle measures of effect were OR and regression coefficient. Results Of the 36 randomised controlled trials in the i-WIP database, 21 trials and 5183 pregnant women were included. Women with lower educational attainment had an increased risk of excessive (OR 1.182; 95% CI 1.008 to 1.385, p =0.039) and inadequate weight gain (OR 1.284; 95% CI 1.045 to 1.577, p =0.017). Among women with lower education, diet basedinterventions reduced risk of excessive weight gain (OR 0.515; 95% CI 0.339 to 0.785, p = 0.002) and inadequate weight gain (OR 0.504; 95% CI 0.288 to 0.884, p=0.017), and reduced kg/week gain (B-0.055; 95% CI-0.098 to-0.012, p=0.012). Mixed interventions reduced risk of excessive weight gain for women with lower education (OR 0.735; 95% CI 0.561 to 0.963, p=0.026). Among women with high education, diet based interventions reduced risk of excessive weight gain (OR 0.609; 95% CI 0.437 to 0.849, p=0.003), and mixed interventions reduced kg/week gain (B-0.053; 95% CI-0.069 to-0.037,p<0.001). Physical activity based interventions did not impact GWG when stratified by education. Conclusions Pregnant women with lower education are at an increased risk of excessive and inadequate GWG. Diet based interventions seem the most appropriate choice for these women, and additional support through mixed interventions may also be beneficial

    Variations in reporting of outcomes in randomized trials on diet and physical activity in pregnancy: A systematic review

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    AIM: Trials on diet and physical activity in pregnancy report on various outcomes. We aimed to assess the variations in outcomes reported and their quality in trials on lifestyle interventions in pregnancy. METHODS: We searched major databases without language restrictions for randomized controlled trials on diet and physical activity-based interventions in pregnancy up to March 2015. Two independent reviewers undertook study selection and data extraction. We estimated the percentage of papers reporting 'critically important' and 'important' outcomes. We defined the quality of reporting as a proportion using a six-item questionnaire. Regression analysis was used to identify factors affecting this quality. RESULTS: Sixty-six randomized controlled trials were published in 78 papers (66 main, 12 secondary). Gestational diabetes (57.6%, 38/66), preterm birth (48.5%, 32/66) and cesarian section (60.6%, 40/66), were the commonly reported 'critically important' outcomes. Gestational weight gain (84.5%, 56/66) and birth weight (87.9%, 58/66) were reported in most papers, although not considered critically important. The median quality of reporting was 0.60 (interquartile range 0.25, 0.83) for a maximum score of one. Study and journal characteristics did not affect quality. CONCLUSION: Many studies on lifestyle interventions in pregnancy do not report critically important outcomes, highlighting the need for core outcome set development