21 research outputs found

    Ruang lingkup dan metode pendidikan akhlak telaah hadits-hadits Kitab Akhlak Lil Banin jilid 4

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    Penelitian yang berjudul Ruang Lingkup dan Metode Pendidikan Akhlak telaah hadits-hadits kitab akhlak lil banin jilid 4 dengan rumusan masalah, Bagaimana profil kitab Akhlaq lil banin jilid 4? Bagaimana ruang lingkup pendidikan akhlak yang terkandung dalam kitab Akhlak lil banin jilid 4? Bagaimana metode pendidikan akhlak yang diterapkan dalam kitab akhlak lil banin jilid 4? Menggunakan metode penelitian libraryresearch (kepustakaan) yaitu dengan cara melakukan penelitian terhadapsumber-sumber tertulis. Berusaha untuk mengupas secara konseptual tentang berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan akhlak Rasulullah SAW dalam studi hadist shahih. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa teknik dokumentasi atau studi dokumenter. Hasil penelitian ini bahwa ruang lingkup pendidikan akhlak dalam kitab Akhlak Lil Banin Jilid 4 (empat) yang memuat sifat rasa malu dan tidak tahu malu, sifat al-iifah dan qana’ah serta kebalikannya, kejujuran dan pengkhianatan, berbuat benar dan berdusta, kesabaran dan kegelisahan hati, bersyukur dan mengingkari nikmat, sifat menahan diri dan marah, kemurahan hati dan sifat kikir, sifat rendah hati dan kesombongan, ikhlas dan riya’, dendam dan dengki, ghibah, dan terakhir mengadu domba masuk dalam kategori atau ruang lingkup Akhlak kepada Allah, Akhlak kepada Manusia dan Akhlak kepada diri sendiri.Kitab akhlak lil banin jilid empat terdapat dua metode yang digunakan dalam pembahasan materi-materinya yaitu metode kisah dan metode keteladanan yang mana metodekisah ini merupakan metode dengan menggunakan cerita-cerita yang dapat menghubungkan materi pelajaran dengan kajian masa lampau agar dapat dan mudah dipahami oleh peserta didikdalamalamyanglebih nyata. Sedangkan metode keteladanan merupakan menunjukkan tindakanterpujibagipeserta didik,dengan harapanagar mau mengikutitindakan terpujitersebut. Sesuai dengan judul yang telah dikemukakan terkait dengan ruang lingkup dan metode pendidikan Ahlak yang di tinjau dari kitab Akhlak lil Banin Jilid empat (4) dapat diambil saran sebagai berikut. Saran bagi pembaca dapat diambil sisi positif dari adanya penelitian ruang lingkup dan metode pendidikan Ahlak yang di tinjau dari kitab Akhlak lil Banin Jilid empat (4) memberikan keilmuan serta pengetahuan akan sifat sifat apa saja yang berada di kitab akhlak lil banin jilid empat (4)

    Caractérisation phénotypique et fonctionnelle des différentes populations de Lymphocytes T CD4 Folliculaires Mémoires

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    T Helper Follicular (TFH) cells form a distinct lineage of helper T cells and they specifically control B cells and memory B cell generation. While these cells were considered as effector cells, recently it was identified in Human and in mouse, the existence of memory TFH cells. Memory TFH cells, as CD4 memory T cells, are necessary in case of antigen (Ag) rechallenge to establish a fast, efficient and high affinity Antibody (Ab) response. Indeed, their presence is correlated with the generation and the long-term maintenance of high affinity Ac during viral infections. Moreover, recent studies have shown that analysis of memory TFH cells in the blood may provide clues to understanding the mode of action of vaccines and the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases. In addition, in the context of many diseases, recent works have also suggested that the frequency and phenotype of memory TFH cells in the blood could serve as a biomarker for diagnosis. Likewise to memory B cells that are subdivided into different cell populations based on their location and the nature of their Ab, different populations of memory TFH cells have recently been identified. Some are in secondary lymphoid organs (SLO) draining the site of immunization, vaccination or infection, or circulating in the non-draining SLO or near the long-lived plasma cells (PC) in bone marrow (BM). These observations raise the question of their phenotypes, functional differences and interactions with the different subsets of memory B cells. The aim of my thesis was to study the phenotypic and functional heterogeneity between the different subsets of memory TFH cells. Due to the heterogeneity of memory B cells (draining lymph nodes or non-draining spleen) and long-lived PCs (BM), we also evaluated the cellular and functional interaction that occurs between these different memories populations. In this context, we have developed a unique experimental model of protein vaccination in unmodified wild-type mice. Specifically, after immunization, we evaluated the development of memory TFH cells and memory B cells specific for the same Ag in the draining SLO and circulating in the spleen and BM. We demonstrated that local memory TFH cells (that reside in the draining SLO) exhibit a more polarized phenotype than their circulating counterparts (present in non-draining SLO).Les LT CD4 folliculaires (TFH) forment un lignage distinct de LT contrôlant spécifiquement les lymphocytes B (LB) et la mise en place de la mémoire B. Alors que ces cellules étaient considérées comme des cellules effectrices uniquement, récemment il a été identifié, chez l'Homme et la souris, l'existence de TFH mémoires. Les TFH mémoires en tant que LT CD4 mémoires sont nécessaires, en cas de nouvelle rencontre avec l'antigène (Ag), à la mise en place d'une réponse Anticorps (Ac) rapide, efficace et de forte affinité. En effet, leur présence est corrélée à la génération et le maintien à long terme d'Ac de forte affinité lors d'infections virales. De plus, des études récentes montrent que l'analyse des TFH mémoires dans le sang périphérique peut fournir des indices pour comprendre le mode d'action des vaccins ainsi que la pathogenèse de maladies auto-immunes. Par ailleurs, dans le contexte de nombreuses maladies, de récents travaux suggèrent que l'évaluation de la fréquence et du phénotype des TFH mémoires dans le sang périphérique pourrait servir de bio-marqueur à l'établissement de diagnostique. Tout comme les cellules B mémoires qui sont subdivisées en différentes sous-populations en fonction de leur localisation et de la nature de leur Ac, différentes populations de TFH mémoires ont été récemment identifiées. Certaines se situent dans les organes lymphoïdes secondaires (OLS) drainants le site d'immunisation, de vaccination ou d'infection, ou circulantes dans les OLS non-drainants ou à proximité des plasmocytes à longue durée de vie dans la MO. Ces observations soulèvent donc la question majeure de leurs phénotypes, différences fonctionnelles et interactions face aux différentes populations de cellules B mémoires. L'objectif de mes travaux de Thèse a consisté à étudier l'hétérogénéité phénotypique et fonctionnelle présente entre ces différentes populations de TFH mémoires aux localisations diverses. De plus au vu de l'hétérogénéité existante au sein des LB mémoires (nœuds lymphatiques ou rate) et plasmocytes à longue durée de vie (MO), nous avons aussi évalué l'interaction cellulaire et fonctionnelle qui a lieu entre ces populations mémoires. Dans ce contexte, nous avons développé un modèle expérimental unique de vaccination protéique chez la souris sauvage non modifiée

    A High Frequency of HIV-Specific Circulating Follicular Helper T Cells Is Associated with Preserved Memory B Cell Responses in HIV Controllers

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    Follicular helper T cells (Tfh) play an essential role in the affinity maturation of the antibody response by providing help to B cells. To determine whether this CD4+ T cell subset may contribute to the spontaneous control of HIV infection, we analyzed the phenotype and function of circulating Tfh (cTfh) in patients from the ANRS CO21 CODEX cohort who naturally controlled HIV-1 replication to undetectable levels and compared them to treated patients with similarly low viral loads. HIV-specific cTfh (Tet+), detected by Gag-major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC-II) tetramer labeling in the CD45RA- CXCR5+ CD4+ T cell population, proved more frequent in the controller group (P = 0.002). The frequency of PD-1 expression in Tet+ cTfh was increased in both groups (median, >75%) compared to total cTfh (<30%), but the intensity of PD-1 expression per cell remained higher in the treated patient group (P = 0.02), pointing to the persistence of abnormal immune activation in treated patients. The function of cTfh, analyzed by the capacity to promote IgG secretion in cocultures with autologous memory B cells, did not show major differences between groups in terms of total IgG production but proved significantly more efficient in the controller group when measuring HIV-specific IgG production. The frequency of Tet+ cTfh correlated with HIV-specific IgG production (R = 0.71 for Gag-specific and R = 0.79 for Env-specific IgG, respectively). Taken together, our findings indicate that key cTfh-B cell interactions are preserved in controlled HIV infection, resulting in potent memory B cell responses that may play an underappreciated role in HIV control.IMPORTANCE The rare patients who spontaneously control HIV replication in the absence of therapy provide a unique model to identify determinants of an effective anti-HIV immune response. HIV controllers show signs of particularly efficient antiviral T cell responses, while their humoral response was until recently considered to play only a minor role in viral control. However, emerging evidence suggests that HIV controllers maintain a significant but "silent" antiviral memory B cell population that can be reactivated upon antigenic stimulation. We report that cTfh help likely contributes to the persistence of controller memory B cell responses, as the frequency of HIV-specific cTfh correlated with the induction of HIV-specific antibodies in functional assays. These findings suggest that T follicular help may contribute to HIV control and highlight the need for inducing such help in HIV vaccine strategies that aim at eliciting persistent B cell responses

    Phenotypic and functional characterization of different populations of memory folicular helper T cells

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    Les LT CD4 folliculaires (TFH) forment un lignage distinct de LT contrôlant spécifiquement les lymphocytes B (LB) et la mise en place de la mémoire B. Alors que ces cellules étaient considérées comme des cellules effectrices uniquement, récemment il a été identifié, chez l'Homme et la souris, l'existence de TFH mémoires. Les TFH mémoires en tant que LT CD4 mémoires sont nécessaires, en cas de nouvelle rencontre avec l'antigène (Ag), à la mise en place d'une réponse Anticorps (Ac) rapide, efficace et de forte affinité. En effet, leur présence est corrélée à la génération et le maintien à long terme d'Ac de forte affinité lors d'infections virales. De plus, des études récentes montrent que l'analyse des TFH mémoires dans le sang périphérique peut fournir des indices pour comprendre le mode d'action des vaccins ainsi que la pathogenèse de maladies auto-immunes. Par ailleurs, dans le contexte de nombreuses maladies, de récents travaux suggèrent que l'évaluation de la fréquence et du phénotype des TFH mémoires dans le sang périphérique pourrait servir de bio-marqueur à l'établissement de diagnostique. Tout comme les cellules B mémoires qui sont subdivisées en différentes sous-populations en fonction de leur localisation et de la nature de leur Ac, différentes populations de TFH mémoires ont été récemment identifiées. Certaines se situent dans les organes lymphoïdes secondaires (OLS) drainants le site d'immunisation, de vaccination ou d'infection, ou circulantes dans les OLS non-drainants ou à proximité des plasmocytes à longue durée de vie dans la MO. Ces observations soulèvent donc la question majeure de leurs phénotypes, différences fonctionnelles et interactions face aux différentes populations de cellules B mémoires. L'objectif de mes travaux de Thèse a consisté à étudier l'hétérogénéité phénotypique et fonctionnelle présente entre ces différentes populations de TFH mémoires aux localisations diverses. De plus au vu de l'hétérogénéité existante au sein des LB mémoires (nœuds lymphatiques ou rate) et plasmocytes à longue durée de vie (MO), nous avons aussi évalué l'interaction cellulaire et fonctionnelle qui a lieu entre ces populations mémoires. Dans ce contexte, nous avons développé un modèle expérimental unique de vaccination protéique chez la souris sauvage non modifiée.T Helper Follicular (TFH) cells form a distinct lineage of helper T cells and they specifically control B cells and memory B cell generation. While these cells were considered as effector cells, recently it was identified in Human and in mouse, the existence of memory TFH cells. Memory TFH cells, as CD4 memory T cells, are necessary in case of antigen (Ag) rechallenge to establish a fast, efficient and high affinity Antibody (Ab) response. Indeed, their presence is correlated with the generation and the long-term maintenance of high affinity Ac during viral infections. Moreover, recent studies have shown that analysis of memory TFH cells in the blood may provide clues to understanding the mode of action of vaccines and the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases. In addition, in the context of many diseases, recent works have also suggested that the frequency and phenotype of memory TFH cells in the blood could serve as a biomarker for diagnosis. Likewise to memory B cells that are subdivided into different cell populations based on their location and the nature of their Ab, different populations of memory TFH cells have recently been identified. Some are in secondary lymphoid organs (SLO) draining the site of immunization, vaccination or infection, or circulating in the non-draining SLO or near the long-lived plasma cells (PC) in bone marrow (BM). These observations raise the question of their phenotypes, functional differences and interactions with the different subsets of memory B cells. The aim of my thesis was to study the phenotypic and functional heterogeneity between the different subsets of memory TFH cells. Due to the heterogeneity of memory B cells (draining lymph nodes or non-draining spleen) and long-lived PCs (BM), we also evaluated the cellular and functional interaction that occurs between these different memories populations. In this context, we have developed a unique experimental model of protein vaccination in unmodified wild-type mice. Specifically, after immunization, we evaluated the development of memory TFH cells and memory B cells specific for the same Ag in the draining SLO and circulating in the spleen and BM. We demonstrated that local memory TFH cells (that reside in the draining SLO) exhibit a more polarized phenotype than their circulating counterparts (present in non-draining SLO)

    Dampak Media Elektronik Terhadap Timbulnya Delik Kesusilaan Di Kabupten Jeneponto

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    Dampak Media Elektronik Terhadap Timbulnya Delik Kesusilaan Di Kabupten Jeneponto

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    ix, 55 hl

    Al-majaz fi syi'ri al-imam as-syafi dirasah tahliliyah Majariyah fi syi'rihi

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    Ruang lingkup dan metode pendidikan akhlak telaah hadits-hadits Kitab Akhlak Lil Banin jilid 4

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    Penelitian yang berjudul Ruang Lingkup dan Metode Pendidikan Akhlak telaah hadits-hadits kitab akhlak lil banin jilid 4 dengan rumusan masalah, Bagaimana profil kitab Akhlaq lil banin jilid 4? Bagaimana ruang lingkup pendidikan akhlak yang terkandung dalam kitab Akhlak lil banin jilid 4? Bagaimana metode pendidikan akhlak yang diterapkan dalam kitab akhlak lil banin jilid 4? Menggunakan metode penelitian libraryresearch (kepustakaan) yaitu dengan cara melakukan penelitian terhadapsumber-sumber tertulis. Berusaha untuk mengupas secara konseptual tentang berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan akhlak Rasulullah SAW dalam studi hadist shahih. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa teknik dokumentasi atau studi dokumenter. Hasil penelitian ini bahwa ruang lingkup pendidikan akhlak dalam kitab Akhlak Lil Banin Jilid 4 (empat) yang memuat sifat rasa malu dan tidak tahu malu, sifat al-iifah dan qana’ah serta kebalikannya, kejujuran dan pengkhianatan, berbuat benar dan berdusta, kesabaran dan kegelisahan hati, bersyukur dan mengingkari nikmat, sifat menahan diri dan marah, kemurahan hati dan sifat kikir, sifat rendah hati dan kesombongan, ikhlas dan riya’, dendam dan dengki, ghibah, dan terakhir mengadu domba masuk dalam kategori atau ruang lingkup Akhlak kepada Allah, Akhlak kepada Manusia dan Akhlak kepada diri sendiri.Kitab akhlak lil banin jilid empat terdapat dua metode yang digunakan dalam pembahasan materi-materinya yaitu metode kisah dan metode keteladanan yang mana metodekisah ini merupakan metode dengan menggunakan cerita-cerita yang dapat menghubungkan materi pelajaran dengan kajian masa lampau agar dapat dan mudah dipahami oleh peserta didikdalamalamyanglebih nyata. Sedangkan metode keteladanan merupakan menunjukkan tindakanterpujibagipeserta didik,dengan harapanagar mau mengikutitindakan terpujitersebut. Sesuai dengan judul yang telah dikemukakan terkait dengan ruang lingkup dan metode pendidikan Ahlak yang di tinjau dari kitab Akhlak lil Banin Jilid empat (4) dapat diambil saran sebagai berikut. Saran bagi pembaca dapat diambil sisi positif dari adanya penelitian ruang lingkup dan metode pendidikan Ahlak yang di tinjau dari kitab Akhlak lil Banin Jilid empat (4) memberikan keilmuan serta pengetahuan akan sifat sifat apa saja yang berada di kitab akhlak lil banin jilid empat (4)

    Interconnected subsets of memory follicular helper T cells have different effector functions

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    Tfh cells can differentiate into memory cells. Here the authors describe distinct functional and phenotypic profiles of these memory Tfh cells dependent on their anatomical localization to the lymphoid organs or to the circulation

    Tumor-associated high endothelial venules mediate lymphocyte entry into tumors and predict response to PD-1 plus CTLA-4 combination immunotherapy

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    International audienceRecruitment of lymphocytes into tumors is critical for anti-tumor immunity and efficacious immunotherapy. We show in murine models that tumor-associated high endothelial venules (TA-HEVs) are major sites of lymphocyte entry into tumors at baseline and upon treatment with anti-PD-1/anti-CTLA-4 immune checkpoint blockade (ICB). TA-HEV endothelial cells (TA-HECs) derive from post-capillary venules, co-express MECA-79+ HEV sialomucins and E/P-selectins, and are associated with homing and infiltration into tumors of various T cell subsets. Intravital microscopy further shows that TA-HEVs are the main sites of lymphocyte arrest and extravasation into ICB-treated tumors. Increasing TA-HEC frequency and maturation increases the proportion of tumor-infiltrating stem-like CD8+ T cells, and ameliorates ICB efficacy. Analysis of tumor biopsies from 93 patients with metastatic melanoma reveals that TA-HEVs are predictive of better response and survival upon treatment with anti-PD-1/anti-CTLA-4 combination. These studies provide critical insights into the mechanisms governing lymphocyte trafficking in cancer immunity and immunotherapy