17 research outputs found


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    In the dry period, cows have fetoplacental insufficiency caused by endocrine metabolism disorder and antioxidant protection systems disturbance, which affects fetal development and leads to complications of labor and postnatal processes. Еру specimens based on humic substances and probiotics are widely used to correct the metabolic status of cows during the critical physiological periods. The research implies application of Cytogumat® to the experimental groups of animals when they were injected 30 - 40 days before calving during three weeks; Fometrin was applied during 3 days after birth. The animals in the control group received Gabivit-Se 2 times before calving with an intervals of 15 days, and Rebavagin specimen after calving 4 suppositories 3 times a day. The authors found that the cholesterol parameter increased by 27.1 and 16.9% in the 1st and 2nd experimental groups of cows by the 15th day after calving and exceeded that in the control group by 20% averagely, while the activity of aspartataminotransferase (ACT) was lower by 18.4 - 25.9%, and the coefficient of de Rytis was 1.5 times lower than in the control group. On the 40th day of the postnatal period, the authors observed higher concentrations of bilirubin in the experimental groups a decrease in level by 1.8 - 2.6 times, triglycerides - by 13.6 - 22.7%, while the cholesterol/triglyceride ratio was 1.6 - 2 times higher than in the control group. Lower concentrations of cholesterol and higher concentrations of ACT in blood serum of the control group cows are explained by the increased functional load on the liver in the early lactation period accompanied by the hormonal rearrangement and increase in milk productivity. The authors observed faster recovery and strengthening of metabolic processes in the experimental groups of animals.В сухостойном периоде у коров на фоне расстройства эндокринного обмена и нарушения систем антиоксидантной защиты возникает фетоплацентарная недостаточность, что негативно отражается на развитии плода и приводит к осложнениям родового и послеродового процессов. Для коррекции метаболического статуса у коров в критические физиологические периоды широко используются препараты на основе гуминовых веществ и пробиотиков. В ходе исследований животным опытных групп вводили препараты Цитогумат® за 30 – 40 дней до отёла на протяжении трёх недель и Фометрин в течение 3 дней после родов. В контрольной группе применяли перед отёлом Габивит-Se 2 раза с интервалом 15 дней, а после отёла – Ребавагин 3 раза по 4 суппозитория ежедневно. В результате было выявлено, что в 1-й и 2-й опытных группах коров к 15-му дню после отёла уровень холестерина поднялся на 27,1 и 16,9%, превысив в среднем на 20% этот показатель в контрольной группе, в то же время активность аспартатаминотрансферазы (АСТ) была ниже на 18,4 – 25,9%, а коэффициент де Ритиса в среднем в 1,5 раза меньше, чем в контроле. На 40-е сутки послеродового периода в опытных группах отмечалось снижение уровня билирубина в 1,8 – 2,6 раза, триглицеридов – на 13,6 – 22,7%, при этом соотношение холестерин/триглицериды было в 1,6 – 2 раза больше, чем в контрольной группе. Пониженное содержание холестерина и высокий уровень АСТ в сыворотке крови коров контрольной группы, вероятно, объясняются повышенной функциональной нагрузкой на печень в ранний лактационный период на фоне гормональной перестройки и увеличения молочной продуктивности. В опытных группах животных отмечено более быстрое восстановление организма и усиление обменных процессов

    The use of digital technology in palliative care

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    Due to the rising need for palliative care in Russia, it is crucial to provide timely and high-quality solutions for patients, relatives, and caregivers. A methodology for remote monitoring of patients in need of palliative care and the requirements will be developed for a hardware-software complex for remote monitoring of patients' health at home

    Mental health, minority stress and discrimination against transgender people: a cross-sectional survey in Russia

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    Mental health needs of transgender people in Russia remain unmet and stigmatised as in many other countries around the globe. The aim of this study was to assess the stressors and perceived need for mental health care among transgender people in Russia. A structured online survey was conducted in November 2019. A total of 588 transgender adults (mean age: 24.0 ± 6.7) was included in the final analysis. An overwhelming majority of respondents (95.1%) reported stress in their lives. Financial burden (73.5%), relationships with relatives (59.4%), and intimate relationships (37.9%) were among the most frequently reported sources of stress. Most of respondents (71.8%) indicated that the psychological distress they perceived interfered with their ability to lead a fulfilling social life. More than half of the respondents (52.4%) had visited a mental health professional prior to their gender transition. Virtually half of them (49%) reported problems related to seeking mental healthcare attributed to stigma. Over one third (37.8%) reported taking non-prescription or off-label medications to improve their well-being or mood. Our study confirmed high rates of psychiatric problems in this vulnerable group and problems in help-seeking. The article also discusses the challenges of providing psychiatric care to transgender people in Russia

    Katherine Dunham: Decolonizing Anthropology Through African American Dance Pedagogy

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    This study focuses on the African American dance pedagogy designed by Katherine Dunham and how this story is linked to the intellectual genealogy of African American anthropology. Dunham is argued to be a “decolonizing dance pedagogue” to describe how she recovered important dance epistemologies relevant to people of the African diaspora. Reconciling the consequences of colonization and racism in the “new world,” she engaged in a “critical postcolonial dance recovery.” Dunham\u27s dance education developed from ethnographic research was used to disseminate relevant cultural and spiritual capital in the United States (Cruz Banks, 2009b). Her dance pedagogy is connected to historical and current discourses on racism, colonialism, and practices of decolonizing research