109 research outputs found

    Captive Nations: Measuring Economic Growth on Native American Reservations in California

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    A history of institutional oppression and genocide has shaped Native American communities across the United States today, reflected in large disparities of socioeconomic outcomes and infrastructure. Due to a lack of comprehensive data and macroeconomic research, alternative forms of spatial data and theories regarding human settlement are needed to develop an understanding ofthis stagnation. In our efforts to better understand growth on Native American reservations, we utilize nighttime lights data to proxy for economic output in these geographic areas, measuring the settlement characteristics ofreservations themselves and against surrounding U.S. regions. Through a series of log-log regressions that focus on Zipf’s scaling law and settlement scaling theory, we measure population and production variables to compare Native and non-Native populations in California. We find that both groups demonstrate scaling coefficients close to 1, consistent with settlement scaling theory. When measured with radiance, there is greater variation, but California demonstrates more increase in brightness as population grows. On reservations in California and throughout the country, increases in population shows no correlation with radiance increase and this measure of infrastructure is stagnated across all cross-sections. With these findings, we conclude our test of this methodology and theory to confirm that societies scale up in productivity with population and other economic growth variables. There are clear indicators of how growth has stagnated on Native American reservations, despite proximity to higher-growth regions, which calls for greater emphasis on improving economic and development outcomes for these communities

    The Struggle Over Internet Sales and Use Tax: Why the Marketplace Fairness Act Could Be the Hero for Wall Street, and the Fifty States

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    Realtime optical measurement of wastewater COD and nutrients

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    Abstract. This study successfully gathered preliminary data and developed a real-time (COD) determination method using UV-visible spectrophotometry. This method is intended to be part of a new product by Valmet that can measure multiple parameters in wastewater. Six samples from four different locations within the Taskila wastewater treatment plant were analyzed, and the data served as a foundation for creating prediction models using MATLAB. The study confirmed the potential of UV-Vis spectrophotometry as a reliable and accurate tool for COD determination in wastewater treatment. However, the MATLAB prediction models would benefit from refinement and validation with larger datasets. This research paves the way for future studies aiming to improve real-time monitoring methods in wastewater treatment for optimal environmental sustainability

    Performance contagion management

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    Structural performance of steel buildings under travelling fires and blast

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    Previous records of fire and blast incidents have shown the extensive damage that these actions can cause in building structures in general and steel buildings in particular. Therefore, it is crucial that strategic facilities are designed to withstand these extreme loads with as little damage as possible. However, the design of structures to resist blast and fire actions has typically been carried out prescriptively and without consideration for the uneven distribution of temperatures in large building compartments typical of today’s architectural practice. Blast pressures due to explosions are also likely to be followed by travelling fires in these compartments. Moreover, due to the significant level of uncertainty involved, a performance-based framework is likely to be more suited for the design and assessment of structures subjected to these loads. This thesis aims to investigate the structural performance of steel structures under travelling fires as well as multi-hazard conditions involving blast and travelling fires from a performance-based perspective. Non-linear finite element analyses are carried out on steel frames considering various travelling fires and post-blast travelling fire scenarios. The PEER performance-based framework, originally developed for seismic actions, is tailored and used to assess the building performance under these actions. The results show that the structural response could be underestimated or overestimated by up to 30 % when there is significant correlation between the maximum compartment temperature and the length of travelling fire for very low probabilities of exceedance. Under post-blast travelling fires, the first storey is likely to be the most critical storey, and blast and fire parameters can significantly affect the structural response. Moreover, correlation effects between maximum compartment temperature and blast overpressure are found to be more significant when low exceedance rates are considered. The results of this research demonstrate that a performance-based assessment can be used to examine the response of steel structures under these extreme loads and to assess the efficiency of different structural systems. It can also potentially lead to great savings in the cost of blast and fire protection required.Open Acces

    Application of ESP32-CAM for Cloud-Based Surveillance System in 3D Printing Machine

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    The working monitoring process at this time requires accuracy and foresight to maximize the work results. One of them is the process of manufacturing on a 3d Printing machine that requires monitoring, where the printing process is very susceptible to failure caused by several factors when the machine is processing. Therefore, innovations are needed to anticipate work activities by utilizing the Internet of Things (IoT) feature to perform the monitoring process anywhere and anytime. We propose the new development system using ESP32-CAM microcontroller to be used in this study by utilizing the wireless features found on the board. The working process can be adequately monitored by connecting the IP address tunnel from the local port to the ngrok Server. The design and manufacture of this tool use ESP32-CAM which has been applied to a programming language that is uploaded using the Arduino IDE. The final result of this research is the manufacturing process on 3D printing machines can be monitored in real-time and cloud-based. The monitoring process will display an image connected to the local port using tunneling from the ngrok Server

    Pengembangan zippo gallery sebagai media pembelajaran interaktif pada materi sistem periodik unsur kelas X SMA/MA

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    Media pembelajaran yang kurang menyesuaikan gaya belajar peserta didik menyebabkan keterlibatannya pasif, merasa jenuh dan pembelajaran menjadi membosankan yang berakibat pada kesulitan peserta didik dalam memahami materi sistem periodik unsur dengan persentase 34,88%. Pengembangan media zippo gallery menggunakan model pengembangan 4D yang terdiri dari define, design, develop, dan disseminate. Akan tetapi, penelitian ini hanya sampai tahap develop saja. Subjek penelitian ini melibatkan 2 pendidik serta 45 peserta didik dengan tingkat pemahaman peserta didik yang beragam. Pengembangan media zippo gallery terdiri dari 5 komponen yakni zippo book, zippodo, zippocard, zippocross dan zippoli yang kesemuanya berbasis chemo- edutainment. Berdasarkan penilaian validator ahli materi dan ahli media secara berturut-turut yaitu 0,89 dan 0,88 yang menyatakan media zippo gallery terkategori layak berdasarkan nilai koefisien (V) Aiken’s dengan signifikansi 5%. Hasil respon pendidik dan peserta didik pada sesi 1 menunjukkan kelayakan media dengan kategori baik dan layak, sedangkan pada sesi 2 kelayakan media menunjukkan kategori sangat baik dan layak dijadikan sebagai referensi sumber belajar

    Presentation of dissertation/thesis sheduling system (PDTSS)

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    In this study we will concentrate on the presentation of scheduling problems in an attempt to develop a web-based, automatic presentation scheduling system which can be employed by Advanced Informatics School, Universiti teknologi Malaysia (UTM AIS). So far this matter has been carried out manually until UTM AIS. This occurs on the event that the presentation scheduling process that was being managed turns out to be rather difficult for administration. The presentation scheduling problem is related to the scheduling of number of presentations to the venues and the limited available timeslots and also allocating some examiners for every presentation while taking the need to satisfy a group of defined constraints into consideration. Furthermore, the aforementioned system enables the staff and personnel to email or print the scheduling timetable of presentation. Implementing this system in UTM AIS is influenced by a group of presentations, the overlapping of examiners has to be avoided and the presentations have to be distributed among the examiners equally and fairly also the examiners must have the minimum possible gap between the presentations which they attend in. Greedy algorithm has been employed in this report. The software development model employed for the structuring and controlling of the developmental procedure of dissertation/thesis scheduling system’s presentation is incremental development model. The system will be implemented by C# programming language. The software documentations which were conducted in accordance with DoD-2167A standards in this study consist of Software Development Plan (SDP), Interface Requirements Specification (IRS), Software Requirements Specification (SRS) and system Design Description (SDD)

    Upaya Penanggulangan Tindak Pidana Penganiayaan Dan Pengerusakan Terhadap Barang Yang Dilakukan Oleh Anggota Perguruan Pencak Silat ( Studi Di Polres Tulungagung,Perguruan Pencak Silat Setia Hati Terate Dan Pagar Nusa Tulungagung)

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    Tindak pidana penganiayaan dan pengerusakan yang dilakukan oleh anggota perguruan pencak silat. Tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh anggota perguruan pencak silat dalam hal ini sangatlah bertentangan dengan nilai lihur dalam pencak silat suatu bentuk tindakan penyalahgunaan pencak silat dan bertentangan dengan apa yang diajarkan dalam perguruan pencak silat, tindakan yang terjadi ini jelas bertentangan dengan salah satu aspek yang terdapat dalam pencak silat yang berupa  Aspek Mental Spiritual yang cakupannya antara lain adalah berupa selalu menjalankan perintah  dan menjauhi larangan NYA, menjunjung tinggi persatuan dan kesatuan dengan menjaga keamanan dan ketertiban di dalam masyarakat, dan memiliki kepekaan dan kepedulian terhadap lingkungan sekitar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Yuridis Empiris dengan metode pendekatan Yuridis Kriminologis dan Yuridis Sosiologis. Data primer dan sekunder diperoleh melalui hasil wawancara dengan teknik purposive sampling yaitu penarikan sampel dengan cara mengambil subjek yang didasarkan pada tujuan tertentu, maupun studi kepustakaan dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisa data yang digunakan adalah yaitu metode deskriptif kualitatif. Metode ini menjelaskan dan mengambarkan, menganalisa data primer dan sekunder mengenai upaya penanggulangan tindak pidana penganiayaan dan pengerusakan yang dilakukan oleh anggota perguruan pencak silat.   Kata Kunci : Upaya Penanggulangan, Tindak Pidana, Anggota Perguruan Pencak Silat


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    Masalah kesehatan dan makanan yang diderita oleh warga binaan selama menjalani hukuman di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan, merupakan masalah yang sangat penting. Masalah kesehatan yang terjadi di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas II B Muaro Sijunjung dikarenakan beberapa faktor diantaranya yaitu: kekurangan sumber daya manusia, terlambatnya diteksi kasus, ketidaktepatan pengobatan terhadap penyakit yang diderita oleh warga binaan, kurang higienis dan sanitasi yang buruk, serta tidak cukupnya anggaran yang diberikan oleh pemerintah untuk biaya pengobatan warga binaan. Sebagaimana sesuai dengan Pasal 14 Undang-undang No 12 Tahun 1995 Tentang Pemasyarakatan, berdasarkan Pasal tersebut bahwa warga binaan memiliki Hak dalam memperoleh Pelayanan Kesehatan Dan Makanan yang Layak. Serta mengenai tata cara pelaksanaan hak warga binaan telah diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 32 Tahun 1999. Adapun yang menjadi permasalahan dalam penulisan ini yaitu: (a) Bagaimana pelaksanaan jaminan kesehatan dan makanan yang layak bagi hak warga binaan di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas II B Muaro Sijunjung berdasarkan Undang-undang No 12 Tahun 1995 Tentang Pemasyarakatan, (b) Apakah hambatan atau kendala yang dihadapi di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas II B Muaro Sijunjung dalam pelayanan kesehatan dan makanan yang layak terhadap warga binaan berdasarkan Undang-undang No 12 Tahun 1995 Tentang Pemasyarakatan. Dalam penulisan skripsi ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian hukum yaitu yuridis sosiologis. Penulisan ini bersifat deskriptif analisis yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap kondisi yang telah ada dan sedang berjalan untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai permasalahan di lapangan sejelas-jelasnya. Adapun hasil dari penelitian menyatakan bahwa pelaksanaan pelayanan kesehatan di Lapas merupakan hak setiap warga binaan. Pelayanan Kesehatan dilaksanakan dalam dua bentuk yaitu: pelayanan kesehatan bersifat segera dan pelayanan kesehatan bersifat rutin dan dalam pemberian makanan terhadap warga binaan telah sesuai dengan Keputusan Menteri Hukum dan HAM RI No M.HM-01.P.K.07.2 Tahun 2009. Hambatan yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan pelayanan kesehatan yaitu kurangnya tenaga kesehatan di Lapas Klas II B Muaro Sijunjung. Dan kurangnya anggaran untuk makan yang diberikan pemerintah untuk Lapas. Upaya yang dilakukan pihak Lapas yaitu melakukan pelelangan kepada pihak swasta