166 research outputs found

    Stilbene synthase gene transfer caused alterations in the phenylpropanoid metabolism of transgenic strawberry (Fragaria×ananassa)

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    The gene encoding stilbene synthase is frequently used to modify plant secondary metabolism with the aim of producing the self-defence phytoalexin resveratrol. In this study, strawberry (Fragaria×ananassa) was transformed with the NS-Vitis3 gene encoding stilbene synthase from frost grape (Vitis riparia) under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S and the floral filament-specific fil1 promoters. Changes in leaf metabolites were investigated with UPLC-qTOF-MS (ultra performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry) profiling, and increased accumulation of cinnamate, coumarate, and ferulate derivatives concomitantly with a decrease in the levels of flavonols was observed, while the anticipated resveratrol or its derivatives were not detected. The changed metabolite profile suggested that chalcone synthase was down-regulated by the genetic modification; this was verified by decreased chalcone synthase transcript levels. Changes in the levels of phenolic compounds led to increased susceptibility of the transgenic strawberry to grey mould fungus

    CoExpNetViz: comparative co-expression networks construction and visualization tool

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    Motivation: Comparative transcriptomics is a common approach in functional gene discovery efforts. It allows for finding conserved co-expression patterns between orthologous genes in closely related plant species, suggesting that these genes potentially share similar function and regulation. Several efficient co-expression-based tools have been commonly used in plant research but most of these pipelines are limited to data from model systems, which greatly limit their utility. Moreover, in addition, none of the existing pipelines allow plant researchers to make use of their own unpublished gene expression data for performing a comparative co-expression analysis and generate multi-species co-expression networks. Results: We introduce CoExpNetViz, a computational tool that uses a set of query or "bait" genes as an input (chosen by the user) and a minimum of one pre-processed gene expression dataset. The CoExpNetViz algorithm proceeds in three main steps; (i) for every bait gene submitted, co-expression values are calculated using mutual information and Pearson correlation coefficients, (ii) non bait (or target) genes are grouped based on cross-species orthology, and (iii) output files are generated and results can be visualized as network graphs in Cytoscape. Availability: The CoExpNetViz tool is freely available both as a PHP web server (link: http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/webtools/coexpr/) (implemented in C++) and as a Cytoscape plugin (implemented in Java). Both versions of the CoExpNetViz tool support LINUX and Windows platforms

    A hairy-root transformation protocol for Trigonella foenum-graecum L. as a tool for metabolic engineering and specialised metabolite pathway elucidation

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    The development of genetic transformation methods is critical for enabling the thorough characterization of an organism and is a key step in exploiting any species as a platform for synthetic biology and metabolic engineering approaches. In this work we describe the development of an Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated hairy root transformation protocol for the crop and medicinal legume fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum). Fenugreek has a rich and diverse content in bioactive specialised metabolites, notably diosgenin, which is a common precursor for synthetic human hormone production. This makes fenugreek a prime target for identification and engineering of specific biosynthetic pathways for the production of triterpene and steroidal saponins, phenolics, and galactomanans. Through this transformation protocol, we identified a suitable promoter for robust transgene expression in fenugreek. Finally, we establish the proof of principle for the utility of the fenugreek system for metabolic engineering programs, by heterologous expression of known triterpene saponin biosynthesis regulators from the related legume Medicago truncatula in fenugreek hairy roots

    Metabolomics should be deployed in the identification and characterization of gene-edited crops

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    Abstract Gene editing techniques are currently revolutionizing biology allowing far greater precision than previous mutagenic and transgenic approaches. They are becoming applicable to a wide range of plant species and biological processes. Gene editing can rapidly improve a range of crop traits including disease resistance, abiotic stress tolerance, yield, nutritional quality and additional consumer traits. Unlike transgenic approaches, however, it is not facile to forensically detect gene-editing events at the molecular level, as no foreign DNA exists in the elite line. These limitations in molecular detection approaches are likely to focus more attention on the products generated from the technology, than the process per se. Rapid advances in sequencing and genome assembly increasingly facilitate genome sequencing as a means of characterizing new varieties generated by gene editing techniques. Nevertheless, subtle edits such as single base changes or small deletions may be difficult to distinguish from normal variation within a genotype. Given these emerging scenarios, downstream ‘omics’ technologies reflective of edited affects, such as metabolomics, need to be utilized in a more prominent manner to fully assess compositional changes in novel foodstuffs. To achieve this goal, metabolomics or “non-targeted metabolite analysis” needs to make significant advances to deliver greater representation across the metabolome. With the emergence of new edited crop varieties we advocate; (i) concerted efforts in the advancement of ‘omics’ technologies such as metabolomics and (ii) redress the use of the technology in the regulatory assessment for metabolically-engineered biotech crops

    <em>In vitro</em> microbiotic fermentation causes an extensive metabolite turnover of rye bran phytochemicals

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    The human gut hosts a microbial community which actively contributes to the host metabolism and has thus remarkable effect on our health. Intestinal microbiota is known to interact remarkably with the dietary constituents entering the colon, causing major metabolic conversions prior to absorption. To investigate the effect of microbial metabolism on the phytochemical pool of rye bran, we applied an in vitro simulated colonic fermentation where samples were collected with intervals and analyzed by LC-MS based non-targeted metabolite profiling. The analyses revealed extensive metabolic turnover on the phytochemical composition of the bran samples, and showed effects on all the metabolite classes detected. Furthermore, the majority of the metabolites, both the precursors and the conversion products, remained unidentified indicating that there are numerous yet unknown phytochemicals, which can potentially affect on our health. This underlines the importance of comprehensive profiling assays and subsequent detailed molecular investigations in order to clarify the effect of microbiota on phytochemicals present in our everyday diet

    Теоретические основы интенсификации работы грануляционных устройств с усовершенствованной гидродинамикой

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    Одним із способів зменшення габаритів грануляційного обладнання є вдосконалення гідродинамічних умов перебування в ньому дисперсної фази. Цього можна досягти, зокрема, за рахунок застосування вихрових і високотурбулізованних потоків. Представлена робота присвячена обґрунтуванню можливості створення алгоритму управління рухом дисперсної фази в робочому просторі грануляційного пристрою, на підставі якого буде визначена його оптимальна конструкція з мінімальними габаритами.Одним из способов уменьшения габаритов грануляционного оборудования является усовершенствование гидродинамических условий пребывания в нём дисперсной фазы. Этого можно достичь, в частности, за счет применения вихревых и высокотурбулизованных потоков. Представленная работа посвящена обоснованию возможности создания алгоритма управления движением дисперсной фазы в рабочем пространстве грануляционного устройства, на основании которого будет определена его оптимальная конструкция с минимальными габаритами

    GAME9 regulates the biosynthesis of steroidal alkaloids and upstream isoprenoids in the plant mevalonate pathway

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    Steroidal glycoalkaloids (SGAs) are cholesterol-derived molecules produced by solanaceous species. They contribute to pathogen defence but are toxic to humans and considered as anti-nutritional compounds. Here we show that GLYCOALKALOID METABOLISM 9 (GAME9), an APETALA2/Ethylene Response Factor, related to regulators of alkaloid production in tobacco and Catharanthus roseus, controls SGA biosynthesis. GAME9 knockdown and overexpression in tomato and potato alters expression of SGAs and upstream mevalonate pathway genes including the cholesterol biosynthesis gene STEROL SIDE CHAIN REDUCTASE 2 (SSR2). Levels of SGAs, C24-alkylsterols and the upstream mevalonate and cholesterol pathways intermediates are modified in these plants. Delta(7)-STEROL-C5(6)-DESATURASE (C5-SD) in the hitherto unresolved cholesterol pathway is a direct target of GAME9. Transactivation and promoter-binding assays show that GAME9 exerts its activity either directly or cooperatively with the SlMYC2 transcription factor as in the case of the C5-SD gene promoter. Our findings provide insight into the regulation of SGA biosynthesis and means for manipulating these metabolites in crops

    CoExpNetViz : comparative co-expression networks construction and visualization tool

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    MOTIVATION : Comparative transcriptomics is a common approach in functional gene discovery efforts. It allows for finding conserved co-expression patterns between orthologous genes in closely related plant species, suggesting that these genes potentially share similar function and regulation. Several efficient co-expression-based tools have been commonly used in plant research but most of these pipelines are limited to data from model systems, which greatly limit their utility. Moreover, in addition, none of the existing pipelines allow plant researchers to make use of their own unpublished gene expression data for performing a comparative co-expression analysis and generate multi-species co-expression networks. RESULTS : We introduce CoExpNetViz, a computational tool that uses a set of query or “bait” genes as an input (chosen by the user) and a minimum of one pre-processed gene expression dataset. The CoExpNetViz algorithm proceeds in three main steps; (i) for every bait gene submitted, co-expression values are calculated using mutual information and Pearson correlation coefficients, (ii) non-bait (or target) genes are grouped based on cross-species orthology, and (iii) output files are generated and results can be visualized as network graphs in Cytoscape. AVAILABILITY : The CoExpNetViz tool is freely available both as a PHP web server (link: http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/webtools/coexpr/) (implemented in C++) and as a Cytoscape plugin (implemented in Java). Both versions of the CoExpNetViz tool support LINUX and Windows platformsSupplementary File 1. CoExpNetViz user and development manuals.The work in the AA lab was supported by the European Research Council grant SAMIT (no. 204575). We thank the Tom and Sondra Rykof Family Foundation for supporting the AA lab activity. AA is the incumbent of the Peter J. Cohn Professorial Chair. KV and YP acknowledge the Multidisciplinary Research Partnership “Bioinformatics: from nucleotides to networks” Project (no 01MR0310W) of Ghent University. YVdP also acknowledges support from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under European Research Council Advanced Grant Agreement 322739 “DOUBLE-UP.”http://www.frontiersin.orgam2016Genetic

    The ancient CYP716 family is a major contributor to the diversification of eudicot triterpenoid biosynthesis

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    Triterpenoids are widespread bioactive plant defence compounds with potential use as pharmaceuticals, pesticides and other high-value products. Enzymes belonging to the cytochrome P450 family have an essential role in creating the immense structural diversity of triterpenoids across the plant kingdom. However, for many triterpenoid oxidation reactions, the corresponding enzyme remains unknown. Here we characterize CYP716 enzymes from different medicinal plant species by heterologous expression in engineered yeasts and report ten hitherto unreported triterpenoid oxidation activities, including a cyclization reaction, leading to a triterpenoid lactone. Kingdom-wide phylogenetic analysis of over 400 CYP716s from over 200 plant species reveals details of their evolution and suggests that in eudicots the CYP716s evolved specifically towards triterpenoid biosynthesis. Our findings underscore the great potential of CYP716s as a source for generating triterpenoid structural diversity and expand the toolbox available for synthetic biology programmes for sustainable production of bioactive plant triterpenoids