21 research outputs found

    Viking Mortuary Citations

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    Introducing the European Journal of Archaeology’s special issue ‘Mortuary Citations: Death and Memory in the Viking World’, this article outlines the justification and theoretical framework underpinning a new set of studies on Viking-age mortuary and commemorative practice as strategies of mortuary citation. The contributions to the collection are reviewed in relation to strengths and weaknesses in existing research and broader themes in mortuary archaeological research into memory work in past societies

    Assembling places and persons: a tenth-century Viking boat burial from Swordle Bay on the Ardnamurchan peninsula, western Scotland

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    A rare, intact Viking boat burial in western Scotland contained a rich assemblage of grave goods, providing clues to the identity and origins of both the interred individual and the people who gathered to create the site. The burial evokes the mundane and the exotic, past and present, as well as local, national and international identities. Isotopic analysis of the teeth hints at a possible Scandinavian origin for the deceased, while Scottish, Irish and Scandinavian connections are attested by the grave goods. Weapons indicate a warrior of high status; other objects imply connections to daily life, cooking and work, farming and food production. The burial site is itself rich in symbolic associations, being close to a Neolithic burial cairn, the stones of which may have been incorporated into the grave

    Livsnerven : om arkeologiska undersökningar vid Viskan i Veddige

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    Om "och" och forskning pÄ uppdrag

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    Författaren har i tre Är arbetat inom projektet "Uppdrags­arkeologi och forskning" vid arkeologiska institutionen i Göteborg. I artikeln ger han sin syn pÄ förhÄllandet mel­lan uppdragsarkeologisk verk­samhet och traditionell forsk­ning, och beskriver ocksÄ hur man i Göteborg valt att arbeta med att uppnÄ projektets mÄlsÀttningar - ökandet och synliggörandet av den uppdragsarkeologiska forsk­ningens resultat.

    Bortglömda förestÀllningar : begravningsritual och begravningsplats i hallÀndsk yngre jÀrnÄlder

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    Diss. Göteborg : Univ., 2001</p

    Macro Trends in Chinese Human Resources : The Effects of Human Resources on the World's Most Populous Nation

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    Makro Trender inom Kinesiska Human Resurser Medan vi gĂ„r mot en mer avancerad globaliserad ekonomi har vi ocksĂ„ utvecklats frĂ„n ett jordbrukssamhĂ€lle till ett service samhĂ€lle. Som med alla andra delar av mĂ€nsklighetens utveckling har vi fortsatt pĂ„ en stig av entreprenörskap och förĂ€ndring till det som vissa idag kallar ett ”kreativt samhĂ€lle”. Det kan vara för tidigt att sĂ€ga att vi Ă€r pĂ„ vĂ€g in i en ny era men det Ă€r klart att förĂ€ndringar hĂ€nder mycket snabbare och med en större effekt runtom jorden och det skapar ett samhĂ€lle som Ă€r annorlunda jĂ€mfört med förut. Ett samhĂ€lle dĂ€r de begĂ„vade, utbildade och kreativa Ă€r den ekonomiska utvecklingens katalysator. Men uppkomsten av denna, den kreativa klassen, och globaliserings processen innebĂ€r ocksĂ„ problem. NĂ€r mĂ€nniskor höjer sig sjĂ€lva och dem runtomkring till nya höjder genom omfattande förĂ€ndring finns en risk att de mĂ€nniskor som inte klarar omstĂ€llningen till en sĂ„dan vĂ€rld lĂ€mnas kvar. Det Ă€r Globaliseringens paradox; den ger rikedom till mĂ€nniskor som kan anpassa sig medan de andra ofta lĂ€mnas för att ta hand om sig sjĂ€lva. Den hĂ€r uppsatsen handlar om de effekterna pĂ„ vĂ€rldens mest befolkade nation, Kina. NĂ€r de kommer till dessa, Human Resurser, de mest produktiva elementen av ett modernt samhĂ€lle Ă€r Kina lĂ„ngt bakom. Det Kinesiska loppet mot att bli en global makt handlar - 3 - lika mycket om att komma ifatt resten av vĂ€rlden ekonomiskt som socialt och politiskt. Medan Kina spĂ€nner sina ekonomiska muskler för att förĂ€ndras uppstĂ„r andra problem och hastigheten som Kina förĂ€ndras med leder till mer komplicerade sociala problem som kan komma att hota landets utveckling. Kina försöker göra det som det tog de frĂ€msta utvecklade lĂ€nderna i vĂ€rlden den största delen av de senaste 300 Ă„ren att göra inom loppet av en generation. Tvingade av nödvĂ€ndigheten av reformer jonglerar kommunistpartiet dessa politiska, ekonomiska och utbildningsmĂ€ssiga problem pĂ„ mer och mer komplicerade sĂ€tt och lĂ€ngre och lĂ€ngre bort frĂ„n varandra. Den hĂ€r historien börjar dock pĂ„ ett tĂ„g mellan Washington DC och New York.Macro Trends in Chinese Human Resources As we move into a more advanced globalized economy we have developed from an agriculture society to a service society. As with every other part of human development we have continued down the path of innovation and change to what some today call the “creative society”. It might be to early to say that we are entering a new age but it is clear that changes happen faster and with greater impact across the globe and that is creating a society that is different from before. A society where the talented, educated, creative, are the catalyst of economic development in a modern economy. But the rise of this creative class and the process of globalization also offer problems. When people elevate themselves and those around them to new heights through major change the people who are unable to transit into such a world run the risk of being left behind. It is the paradox of Globalization; it brings riches to the people who can adapt to it while the others are often left to tend for themselves. This thesis is about those effects on the world’s most populous nation, China. And when it comes to these, the Human Resources, the most productive elements of a modern - 5 - society, China is far behind. The Chinese race toward becoming a major global power is as much about catching up to the rest of the world economically a socially and politically. As China masses its economical muscles to change other problems evolve and the speed of the change lead to even more complicated social problems that might come back to haunt the country’s development path. China is trying to do what it took the major developed nations of the world a larger part of the last 300 years to do in one generation. Pushed by the need for reform the communist party is juggling politics, economy, and education of their people in more and more complicated ways and further and further away from each other. The story however, starts on a train ride between Washington DC and New York