545 research outputs found

    A Content Analysis of the Representation of the European Uprising in Turkish News Media

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    The study covers content analysis of the european uprising news represented in Turkish Media . 12 mainstream Turkish newspapers has been analysed between the dates of 1th – 30th July 2011. Correspodence analysis and mosaic plots has been used in order to develop a better picture. The news about “European uprising” found in only 65 newspapers of 236. As the main result, it can be stated that The uprising news in different newspapers on the same date are associated with the newspaper's perspective about democracy, human rights and global citizenship

    Kütüphanelerimiz göz göre göre soyuluyor...

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 111-Kütüphanelerİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    A critical view of sustainable architecture in Turkey: a proposal for the municipality of Seyrek

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    Thesis (Doktoral)-İzmir Institute of Technology, Architecture, İzmir, 2003Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 417-463)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishxxv, 540 leavesThis dissertation aims at developing a sustainable design process prioritizing locality in social, cultural, ecological, political, economic, technological, legalistic,and architectural terms. To this end, it aims first of all at developing an approach for elimination of misconceptions.primarily informed by technological, morphological and numerical indicators.about what constitutes the concept of sustainability in architectural practice today and therefore starts out from a critical historical overview of approaches and practices for sustainability in the world and in Turkey. The thesis undertakes the critique of sterile projects in sterile environments and calibrates the replicable and exemplary aspects of international and national sustainable design practices so as to introduce, promote and guide realistic, practicable, and case-specific sustainable architectural solutions. The specific focus in both the critical evaluation of extant sustainable practices abroad and the proposed process for the municipality of Seyrek in Menemen, Izmir, Turkey, is the distinction between the assets and needs of industrialized northern geographies and southern geographies which are in the process of industrialization and which are frequently misguided by economic exigencies imposed by the industrialized north. As a village located in an Important Bird Area, in the vicinity of a Ramsar Site and on the edge of a First-Degree Natural Conservation Area, the case area in question provides a trenchant example for the study of the meaning of sustainability in a southern socio-politico-economic zone and a challenge for the architectural designer. Seyrek is a mirror of global as well as local problems today. It is located in the middle of Gediz Delta, the large agricultural land as well, and on the edge of several specialized industrial districts of the urban sprawl of Izmir.Placing the analysis of the case area in the context of the wider framework of international policy, the thesis proceeds to propose specific design tools for a sustainable housing development project in a crucial typical new residential segment of the semi-rural settlement of Seyrek

    Efektivitas Undang-undang No 13 Tahun 2006 Tentang Jaminan Perlindungan Saksi (Studi Kasus Pengadilan Negeri Toli-toli)

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    Undang-Undang tentang perlindungan saksi dan korban dapat dikatakan Efektiv dalam memberikan perlindungan terhadap seorang saksi apabila saksi sudah merasa aman dari berbagai ancaman yang dapat muncul baik dari pihak terdakwa, hukum dan juga pihak dari keluarga terdakwa. Namun pada Kenyataanya di Pengadilan Negeri Toli-Toli saksi tidak mendapatkan perlindungan dikarenakan tidak adanya LPSK (Lembaga Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban) sesuai yang diamanatkan oleh UU No 13 Tahun 2006 yang bertugas untuk memberikan perlindungan terhadap saksi yang merasa dirinya terancam. Sehinggah begitu banyak masyarakat yang takut untuk menjadi seorang saksi atas suatu perkara yang disidangkan di pengadilan, selain harus berhadapan dengan ancaman yang datang dari pihak terdakwa, saksi juga merasa dirugikan mulai dari waktu yang terbuang cukup lama dalam proses persidangan serta biaya yang harus mereka keluarkan untuk datang ke pengadilan cukup banyak. Tidak efektivnya UU ini di Pengadilan Negeri Toli-Toli karna tidak adanya LPSK serta tidak adanya lembaga lain yang khusus ditunjuk oleh LPSK untuk memberikan perlindungan terhadap seorang saksi yang bersaksi dipengadilan khususnya di Kabupaten Toli-Toli

    Quo Vadis Indonesian Agrarian Reform: Implementation of UUPA in the President Regulation No. 86 of 2018

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    Law Number 5 of 1960 concerning Basic Regulations on Agrarian Principles (UUPA) is widely praisedas the great work of the Indonesian nation which is revolutionary and responsive, combining good elements between individualism and communalism. However, the unachieved objectives of the UUPA is hard to deny and the majority of the defense of its failure tends to be normative and ideological. This paper aims to bring the study of the UUPA to a more empirical direction by using theories of public policy implementation, as introduced byGrindle (1980) about content variables and policy contexts, and the theory of critical implementation researchers who use a bottom-up perspective and highlight the actions of implementing bureaucrats. The research used qualitative methods through the study of literature and focused on executive policy, bureaucrats’ actions and the context that surrounds them. The study found that the executive policy with the issuance of Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 86 of 2018 was precisely not in line with several provisions of the UUPA. The presidential regulation has a paradox, wants to accommodate many variables but is confused about the main purpose of agrarian reform. As a relatively top-down policy, the implementation of the UUPA requires the existence of a dominant actor. However, the actions of implementing bureaucrats have long reducedthe purpose of the law to merely being an act of legalization of accounting transactions for land that are running according to market mechanisms. Now, the increasing number of Indonesians living in urban areas makes the issue of land more complex, related to land use change and various challenges of sustainable development


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    The aims of this research are: 1) to determine and analyze simultaneous influence of organizational climate, education, and work culture on the performance of civil servants at The Bahodopi District Office; 2) to determine and analyze the influence of organizational climate on civil servants’ performance; 3) to determine and analyze the influence of education on civil servants’ performance; 4) to determine and analyze the influence of work culture on civil servants’ performance. Based on these aims, the research employs associative explanatory approach by involving 30 respondents who are selected with census method. The results of multiple linear regressions test show that: 1) organizational climate, education, and work culture simultaneously have positive and significant influence on the performance of civil servants at The Bahodopi District Office; 2) organizational climate has positive and significant influence on civil servants’ performance; 3) education has positive and significant influence on civil servants’ performance; 4) work culture has positive and significant influence on civil servants’ performance


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    xix, 154 hlm. :ilus, ;tab, ; 30 cm

    Web-Based Internet Mobile Application to Manage Organization

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    Information world today’s, where the internet and web technology are used widely. Most of the organizations acknowledge the importance of SMS system and WEB in reaching and interacting with their users. However, there is much discussion regarding the effectiveness when it comes to SMS system. This study helped organization’s students, users of organization, and willing to accept, reading and using SMS messages: effective is SMS messages compared to traditional communications. The goal of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of SMS messages compared to traditional ways for different aspects and on the other hand, to develop prototype by using Web and SMS technology to apply this system and extent students are willing to accept SMS messages on their mobile phone, since the effectiveness of SMS messages highly depends on this willing. The results of this research indicate that the use of the web and SMS for the benefit of the organization and students in all aspects instead using traditional ways to contact

    Pola pengasuhan anak secara tradisional daerah Bengkulu

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengungkapkan bentuk atau pola pengasuhan anak pada keluarga-keluarga pedesaan yang masih tradisional, serta faktor-f aktor yang mempengaruhinya. Hasil dari penelitian ini diupayakan menjelaskan segi-segi yang mendukung pembinaan masyarakat dalam rangka menanamkan nilai-nilai; norma-norma dan aturan-aturan dalam mencapai pendidikan dan masa depan anak yang baik. Selain itu tujuan penelitian ini juga untuk mengungkapkan mengenai hakekat pengasuhan anak sesuai dengan kondisi yang berlaku


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    This study is purposed to analyze the store layout, store services, and store atmosphere on store loyalty of Samsung experience store Semarang city. This study used three independent variables there are store layout, store services, and store atmosphere. This study aims to examine and analyze the effects of store layout, store services, and store atmosphere on store loyalty of Samsung experience store Semarang city. Data collection methods used in this study are questionnaires using random sampling method, the sample used in this study were students of faculty of economics and bussines Diponegoro University, Semarang and customer of Samsung experience store paragon mall Semarang consist of 120 respondents. This study uses data analysis methods include validity test, reliability test, classic assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, coefficient determination test, F test and t test. The result showed that the variables of store layout, store services, and store atmosphere affect positively on store loyalty of Samsung experience store Semarang city. These variables have an impact of 61% on store loyalty. While the remaining 39% is influenced by other varibales outside of this study