2,710 research outputs found

    El erotismo literario en las adaptaciones cinematográficas: estudio de siete ejemplos

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    En el presente trabajo estudiamos la importancia que el erotismo adquiere cuando una obra literaria es seleccionada para ser llevada a la gran pantalla. Para ello, proponemos el estudio de siete adaptaciones cinematográficas que parten de textos con diversos tratamientos del contenido sexual. Entre las múltiples opciones que teníamos, hemos elegido siete adaptaciones realizadas por alguno de nuestros más célebres directores de cine: Vicente Aranda, Bigas Luna, Mario Camus y Pilar Miró

    Los juegos temporales en los relatos de Julio Cortázar: análisis de tres cuentos

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    El estudio del tiempo en el relato ha sido un asunto esencial para los estudios de narratología, principalmente a partir de los logros del estructuralismo y de la teoría propuesta por Gérard Genette. En el presente trabajo me propongo abordar el estado de esta cuestión, para realizar después un análisis temporal de los relatos "Ómnibus", "Las puertas del cielo" y "Bestiario", incluidos en Bestiario (1951). El estilo de Cortázar destaca por la abundancia de anacronías y juegos temporales y, por tanto, su elección resulta muy apropiada para el enfoque que se desarrolla en este estudio.The study of time throughout the story has been a key issue in narratology surveys, mainly from the achievements of structuralism and the theory proposed by Gérard Gennette. In this paper, it's my intention to deal with the state of this issue, to carry out a subsequent temporal analysis of "Ómnibus", "Las puertas del cielo" and "Bestiario", narrations included in Bestiario (1951). Cortázar's outstanding style, with abundance of anachronies and temporal plays, makes them quite a suitable choice to the approach in this study

    El desarollo rural en el contexto de la Unión Europea

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    Los espacios rurales de la Unión Europea se enfrentan a una importante encrucijada en los próximos años. La reciente aprobación del Reglamento (C.E.) 1698/2005 del Consejo, de 20 de septiembre de 2005, relativo a la ayuda al desarrollo rural a través del Fondo Europeo Agraria de Desarrollo Rural (FEADER) ha supuesto un importante punto de inflexión, apostando, de forma decidida, por los aspectos ambientales ligados a las actividades agrícola, ganadera y forestal, y por la diversificación de la actividad económica y la mejora de la calidad de vida en el conjunto de los espacios rurales. La agricultura, en este nuevo enfoque del desarrollo rural, es esencial, pero no suficiente, para lograr los objetivos y prioridades de una política de desarrollo global y ambiciosa. La participación de los actores del medio rural en la definición y gestión de las políticas es también reconocida en el Reglamento, que consolida definitivamente el enfoque LEADER. Sin embargo, el desarrollo rural sigue considerándose como una política alternativa, que necesita un mayor impulso económico, para el que la modulación de los pagos directos (y su utilización a través del FEADER) puede representar un importante acicate.The rural spaces of the European Union will be facing an important dilemma in the coming years. The recent approval of the Regulation (C.E.) 1698/2005 of the Council of December 30th 2005, relative to the help of the rural development through the Agrarian European Fund of Rural Development (FEADER) creates a key point, which is betting, ultimately, on the environmental as¬pects bound to agricultural activities, as well as on cattle raising and forest, and on the diversification of the economic activity and the improvement of the quality of life in the set of the rural spaces. Agriculture is not enough in this new approach of the rural development that seeks to achieve the goals and priorities of a global and ambitious development policy for itself. The participation of the actors of the rural environment in the definition and management of the policies is also recognized by the Regulation that definitively consolidates the approach of the program of Relations between Activities for the Development of the Rural Economy (LEADER). However, the rural development continues to be considered an alternative policy that needs a greater economic impulse, for which the modulation of the direct payments (and their utilization through Regulation of the Agrarian European Fund of Rural Development (FEADER) can represent an important incentive

    Exploración de la realidad virtual para la recreación de escenarios en la construcción

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    The huge advances in virtual reality in recent years are palpable. After years of being reserved for the early-adopters and large companies that required it for specific uses, the technology of user-level devices has finally reached the required level of development to have a proper experience at an affordable price. Week after week we find, and not only in the specialized press, tidings of new devices, new applications, new concepts that promise to set a revolution to the market and create solutions to real problems. The entertainment sector use, with video games at the top, but with other sectors such as tourism or cinema also, is the strongest one, and probably the most widespread. There are other fields for which its use is not so obvious and yet can provide substantial improvements if professional applications are developed. For this project, we have focused on one of these uses: the use of VR to recreate real scenarios and provide them with functionalities that are useful for the construction sector. With the 3D model of a real building, the B0 of UPC-CIMNE located in Campus Nord, we have implemented some use cases that can be extrapolated to other scenarios: - Freedom of movement in first person view. - Visualization of the installations through the wall: water, electricity, gas, etc. - Modifiable textures and colors of certain objects placed in the building. A sofa in our scenario. - Position labels to acknowledge at what location of the building you are in. - Inclusion of external multimedia content, shown on a TV located inside the building. 3D audio provided by 2 virtual speakers. - Realistic lighting and simulation of the solar cycle. - Guided tour of the building. We also do a study of the different RV devices that can be used to interact with these scenarios, what they add to the experience, their advantages and disadvantages

    La pervivencia de la casa de Castilla: La caza

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    Effect of graphene on the fracture behaviour of 3D printed PLA SENB specimens

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    ABSTRACT: This paper analyses the effect of graphene addition on the fracture behaviour of 3D printed PLA SENB specimens containing crack-like defects. The addition of graphene is assumed to improve the tensile behaviour of 3D printed PLA material, but the integrity of structural components strongly depends on the material fracture resistance. Tensile and fracture SENB specimens have been tested with different raster orientations (0/90, 30/-60 and 45/-45), showing that the effect of graphene addition (1 wt. %) is very sensitive to the raster orientation: this effect is significant for raster orientation 45/-45 and very limited for 0/90 (with 30/-60 providing intermediate results).The authors of this work would like to express their gratitude to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for the financial support of the project PGC2018-095400-B-I00 “Comportamiento en fractura de materiales compuestos nano-reforzados con defectos tipo entalla”

    El arte de aprender a caer

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    It was a Thursday afternoon on June 7, 2020, nearing 5 o'clock when I entered the coffee shop. The moment I sat down, I started to think about how I had reached that exact moment. It had been seven months since I had failed the urology residency entrance exam, which took place on December 5, 2019. I had dedicated years of preparation to this test, strenuous months of studying, leaving behind other aspects of my life. When I received the result, I felt like I was free falling...Era un martes casual, 7 de junio de 2020, cuando entré al café. Al sentarme, comencé a pensar en cómo había llegado a ese momento. Hacía 7 meses que mi vida había sufrido un gran golpe, un punto de inflexión, después de haber perdido el examen de ingreso a la residencia de urología. El 5 de diciembre de 2019 tuvo lugar la prueba, para la cual había dedicado años de preparación desde el inicio de mi carrera, meses intensivos de estudio, dejando completamente de lado otras esferas de mi vida. Al recibir los resultados negativos, sentí que la tierra se derrumbaba bajo mis pies, me sentí en caída libre..

    Availability, Nutritional Profile and Processing Level of Food Products Sold in Vending Machines in a Spanish Public University

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    Background. Given the lack of data about the nutritional value and other determinants of the consumption of foods and drinks sold in vending machines in European universities and the relevance of this sector in Spain, it is necessary to obtain scientific data on this topic. The present study aimed to assess the availability, nutritional profile and processing level of food products from vending machines at a Spanish public university and to investigate differences in nutritional profile according to the cost and promotion. Methods. Cross-sectional descriptive study. Data from all products available (3894) were collected and analysed using the criteria of the Spanish Agency for Consumption, Food Safety and Nutrition and the United Kingdom nutrient profiling model. The items were also classified according to the degree of industrial processing through the NOVA system. Promotion was assessed, taking into account where products were displayed in vending machines. Results. The most common products were sweets (23.4% of the total options), coffee (20.3%) and salty snacks (11.7%). According to the combination of the two criteria used to assess nutritional profile, 48.6% of the products were classified as with low nutritional quality (LNQ). In addition, 73.8% of the items were categorised as “ultra-processed”. Foods (β = 0.31, 95% CI 0.24, 0.39, p < 0.001) and hot drinks (β = 0.46, 95% CI 0.39, 0.52, p < 0.001) with high nutritional quality (HNQ) were more likely to have higher prices than alternatives with LNQ. Both foods and cold drinks that support healthy dietary recommendations were promoted to a lesser extent than those with LNQ (p < 0.001). Conclusion. Almost half of the products were of LNQ and three-quarters had a high level of processing. Moreover, foods and cold drinks with LNQ were less expensive and more often promoted than alternatives with HNQ.This project was supported by the Vice Rector for Students and Employability of the UPV/EHU and Basque Government (2016); and the Vice Rector for Innovation, Social Outreach and Cultural Activities of the UPV/EHU (funding by the contract programme formalised with the Basque government) (grant numbers of the Campus Bizia Lab project: 17ARRO, 18ARRO, 19ARRO and 20ARRO). Open Access funding provided by the Department of Nursing of the UPV/EHU and the project Campus Bizia Lab 20ARRO