221 research outputs found

    Detection of nework attacks using graph neural networks

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    The last few years have seen an increasing wave of attacks with serious economic and privacy damages, which evinces the need for accurate Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS). Recent works proposed the use of Machine Learning (ML) techniques for building such systems (e.g., decision trees, neural networks). However, existing ML-based NIDS do not generalize well to other network scenarios and they are barely robust to common adversarial attacks. This TFM will explore the potential of using graph representations of network flows together with Graph Neural Networks for building more robust NIDS that can better generalize to other networks

    Detection of nework attacks using graph neural networks

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    The last few years have seen an increasing wave of attacks with serious economic and privacy damages, which evinces the need for accurate Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS). Recent works proposed the use of Machine Learning (ML) techniques for building such systems (e.g., decision trees, neural networks). However, existing ML-based NIDS do not generalize well to other network scenarios and they are barely robust to common adversarial attacks. This TFM will explore the potential of using graph representations of network flows together with Graph Neural Networks for building more robust NIDS that can better generalize to other networks

    Strategies for the synthesis of enantiopure compounds focused on organocatalysis

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    Podeu consultar el llibre complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/32393The preparation of enantiomerically pure compounds (EPC) is a continuous social demand due to the clinical advantages that enantiopure drugs offer over the racemic forms. Here, the best well-established synthetic strategies to access to single-enantiomer compounds are briefly described and compared. In particular, the enantioselective catalysis is introduced paying special attention to the organocatalysis, an emerging and fruitful area in the EPCsynthesis. Of particular interest is the use of small organic molecules as catalysts in cascade reactions. Organocascade reactions involve the formation of several chemical bonds and often generate stereogenic centers with excellent stereoselectivity. Such one-pot reactions avoid time-consuming and costly step-bystep processes and are environmentally friendly as they occur in the absence of metals. Additionally, the chemical waste of the organocatytic cascade reactions is drastically reduced since the intermediates are not isolated and purified

    Joke identification, comprehension and appreciation by Spanish intermediate ESL learners: an exploratory study

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    This paper reports on an exploratory study examining joke identification, appreciation and comprehension by Spanish intermediate ESL learners. The study is based on a relevance-theoretic classification of jokes, which assumes that humorousness results from manipulation of three parameters: make-sense frames, cultural information and utterance interpretation. It firstly ascertains whether Spanish ESL learners recognise orally-delivered samples of seven types of purportedly jocular texts. Secondly, it examines whether these learners actually regard such texts as comical and why. Finally, it looks into the learners’ interpretative problems in order to single out which joke type(s) is/are more challenging. The study relies on quantitative and qualitative data elicited through an online questionnaire comprising four tasks. The results indicate no correlation between joke identification and appreciation, and independence of successful joke recognition from sophisticated interpretative skills. Jokes involving invalidation of an activated make-sense frame were most easily identified and found most funny, but jokes exploiting cancellation of an initial, seemingly plausible, interpretation posed more difficulties


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    Elikadura osasuntsua eta jasangarria sustatzen duen unitate didaktikoaren proposamena

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    83 p. : il.-- Bibliogr.: p. 31-40[EN] The objective of this Final-Year Dissertation is to design a didactic unit that promotes a healthy and sustainable diet. For this purpose, information on the subject has been sought in different bibliographical sources and research has been carried out at the Larrabetzu public school in order to identify and analyse students’ knowledge deficiencies on the subject. Two quantitative questionnaires were used to carry out the study, one aimed at teachers and the other at students. A total of 86 students and teachers participated in the study and the results were very useful for the design of the teaching unit. Once the answers have been analysed, it has been established that the main objective of the didactic unit is to promote the consumption of fruit and vegetables in order to encourage a healthy and sustainable diet. Furthermore, in order to take advantage of the resources available at the school, a large part of the focus of the didactic unit is on the school garden.[EUS] Gradu amaierako lan honen helburua elikadura osasuntsua eta jasangarria sustatuko duen unitate didaktiko bat diseinatzea da. Horretarako, gaiari buruzko informazioa bilatu da iturri bibliografikoetan eta ikerketa bat egin da Larrabetzuko eskola publikoan, ikasleek gaiaren inguruan dituzten gabeziak aztertzeko. Azterketa egiteko bi galdetegi kuantitatibo erabili dira, bata irakasleentzat eta bestea ikasleentzat. Guztira 86 ikaslek eta irakaslek hartu dute parte azterketan eta emaitzak oso erabilgarriak izan dira unitate didaktikoa diseinatzeko. Erantzunak aztertu ondoren, egiaztatu da unitate didaktikoaren helburu nagusia fruta eta barazkien kontsumoa sustatzea dela, elikadura osasuntsua eta jasangarria sustatzeko. Gainera, eskolak dituen baliabideak aprobetxatzeko, unitate didaktikoaren ikuspegiaren zati handi bat eskolako baratzean oinarritu da.[ES] El objetivo de este Trabajo Fin de Grado es diseñar una unidad didáctica que fomente una alimentación sana y sostenible. Para ello se ha buscado información sobre el tema en distintas fuentes bibliográficas y se ha realizado una investigación en la escuela pública de Larrabetzu con el fin de analizar las carencias del alumnado en el tema. Para la realización del estudio se han utilizado dos cuestionarios cuantitativos, uno dirigido a los profesores y otro al alumnado. En total han participado en el estudio 86 alumnos y profesores y los resultados han servido de gran utilidad para el diseño de la unidad didáctica. Una vez analizadas las respuestas, se ha constatado que el objetivo principal de la unidad didáctica es fomentar el consumo de frutas y verduras para poder fomentar una alimentación sana y sostenible. Además, para aprovechar los recursos con los que cuenta la escuela gran parte del enfoque de la unidad didáctica está centrado en la huerta escolar

    Esperientzia gogor goiztiarrak izan dituzten haurren eskolaratze prozesuak. Kasu azterketa bat.

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    49 p. -- Bibliogr.: p. 37-43[EUS] Ikasle bakoitzak bere bizitzan zehar bizipen eta egoera desberdinak bizi behar izan ditu, kasu askotan bere ikaskuntza prozesuan eragina izanik. Honi, ACE kontzeptuak egiten dio erreferentzia, euskaraz “haurtzaroko esperientzia kaltegarri goiztiarrak” bezala ezagutzen dena. Esperientzia eta egoera horiek (familia barruko arazoak, abusua eta abandonua) eragina izan dezakete ikasleen garapenean; hori dela eta, lan honen helburua eskola bateko kideek, lagin modura hartuta, gai honi buruz dakitena jakitea, errealitatea behatzea eta adituekin informazioa alderatzea izango da, benetan honako egoera baten aurrean egin beharko litzatekeena ikasi nahian.[ES] Cada alumno y alumna a lo largo de su vida, ha tenido que pasar por diferentes experiencias y situaciones, viendo afectado en muchos casos su proceso de aprendizaje. A ello se refiere el concepto de ACE, que en castellano se define como “experiencia adversa en la primera infancia”. Estas experiencias y situaciones (problemas familiares, abuso y negligencia) pueden afectar el desarrollo del estudiante; por lo tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo será averiguar qué saben los miembros de una escuela sobre este tema, observar la realidad y comparar la información con diferentes expertos, tratando de aprender qué es lo que realmente se debe hacer en estas situaciones.[EN] Each student throughout their lives has had to go through different experiences, in many cases affecting their learning process. This is what the concept of ACE (Adverse Chilhood Experiences) refers to. These experiences and situations (family problems, abuse and neglect) can affect the student's development; therefore, the objective of this work will be to find out what the members of a school know about this subject, observe the reality and compare the information with different experts, trying to learn what should really be done in those situations