3,349 research outputs found

    New results from an extensive aging test on bakelite Resistive Plate Chambers

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    We present recent results of an extensive aging test, performed at the CERN Gamma Irradiation Facility on two single--gap RPC prototypes, developed for the LHCb Muon System. With a method based on a model describing the behaviour of an RPC under high particle flux conditions, we have periodically measured the electrode resistance R of the two RPC prototypes over three years: we observe a large spontaneous increase of R with time, from the initial value of about 2 MOhm to more than 250 MOhm. A corresponding degradation of the RPC rate capabilities, from more than 3 kHz/cm2 to less than 0.15 kHz/cm2 is also found.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, presented at Siena 2002, 8th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors 21-24 October 2002, Siena, Ital

    Pengaruh Promosi Jabatan dan Hubungan Interpersonal terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Pegawai PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Divre II Sumatera Barat

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    ABSTRACTDika Yuliastuti, 2009 / 09090127: "Influence of Interpersonal Relations Campaign Against the Occupation and Job Satisfaction Employee PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Division II West Sumatra". Main Supervisor : Yolanda Hayu Utami, SE, MBA Secon Supervisor : Arnaldi, SE, M.Si.This study aims to analyze: 1) The extent to which the effect of promotions on job satisfaction of employees of PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Division II West Sumatra. 2) The extent to which the influence of interpersonal relationships on the job satisfaction of employees of PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Division II West Sumatra. 3) The extent to which the effect of promotion and interpersonal relationships on the job satisfaction of employees of PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Division II West Sumatra.This type of research is descriptive associative. This research was carried out for 1 month. The population of this study were all employees at PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Division II West Sumatra totaling 87 people. The sampling technique of this study is total sampling technique that means the whole population sampled, because its population is less than 100 respondents, the sample size was 87 employees. This type of data is the primary data (ie, questionnaires) and secondary data. Data analysis was descriptive and inferential analysis through hypothesis testing using the F test and t test with α = 0.05. The results of this study menunjuikkan that: 1) a significant difference between Interpersonal Relations Campaign Against Occupation in PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Division II West Sumatra, significance of 0.000, 2) a significant difference between Interpersonal Relations Against Employee Satisfaction in PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Division II West Sumatra, significance of 0,000, 3) Promotion of Employment and Relations Intepersonal significant effect simultaneously on Job Satisfaction in PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Division II West Sumatra, significance of 0.000.In this study the authors suggested that among employees further enhance interpersonal relationships with employees, namely mutual respect among fellow employee or supervisor and filled with a sense of responsibility towards the mandated employment and occupation, so that the boss can give promotions to employees in a fair, trust is based on the formation and procedures in accordance with the relevant agencies. In cooperation should be compact and harmonious team. As such conditions as it will directly impact both for employee satisfaction in PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Division II West Sumatra, so as to achieve the goals and objectives as desired or expected by the agency

    Recent Heavy-Flavor results at STAR

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    We present the recent results on non-photonic electron (NPE) yields from RHIC run8 p+p collisions. The e/πe/\pi ratio as a function of pTp_T in run8 with a factor of 10 reduction of the inner detector material at STAR is found to be consistent with those results from run3 taking into account the NPE from charm leptonic decay and the difference of photonic electron yield from photon conversion in detector material. \Jpsi spectra in \pp and \cucu collisions at \sNN = 200 GeV with high sampled luminosity \Jpsi spectrum at high-\pT follows xTx_T scaling, but the scaling is violated at low \pT. J/ψJ/\psi-hadron correlations in \pp collisions are studied to understand the \Jpsi production mechanism at high pTp_T. We observed an absence of charged hadrons accompanying \Jpsi on the near-side, in contrast to the strong correlation peak in the di-hadron correlations. This constrains the BB-meson contribution and jet fragmentation to inclusive \Jpsi to be <17{}^{<}_{\sim}17%. Yields in minimum-bias \cucu collisions are consistent with those in \pp collisions scaled by the underlying binary nucleon-nucleon collisions in the measured \pT range. Other measurements and future projects related to heavy-flavors are discussed.Comment: 8 pages 4 figures, proceedings of the International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter 2008 - Beijing, China, Oct. 6-10, 200

    Electromagnetic Probes

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    A review is presented of dilepton and real photon measurements in relativistic heavy ion collisions over a very broad energy range from the low energies of the BEVALAC up to the highest energies available at RHIC. The dileptons cover the invariant mass range \mll = 0 - 2.5 GeV/c2^2, i.e. the continuum at low and intermediate masses and the light vector mesons, ρ,ω,ϕ\rho, \omega, \phi. The review includes also measurements of the light vector mesons in elementary reactions.Comment: To be published in Landolt-Boernstein Volume 1-23A; 40 pages, 24 figures. Final version updated with small changes to the text, updated references and updated figure

    Clinical and MRI Predictors of Conversion From Mild Behavioural Impairment to Dementia

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    As an analogy with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), the mild behavioral impairment (MBI) construct has been proposed as a diagnostic label for those presenting late-onset behavioral symptoms. To date, however, the clinical, cognitive, and structural imaging features associated with an increased risk of conversion from MBI to dementia are poorly understood. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed the cognitive performance and structural brain MRI of 113 subjects, with a clinical follow-up of at least 4 years available. Subjects were randomly assigned to a Group A (56 subjects; age: 65.4 \ub1 7.9 years, 15 females, MMSE score: 28.4 \ub1 2.3)) or to a Group B (57 subjects, age: 66.6 \ub1 6.4, 17 females, MMSE score: 28.0 \ub1 1.4). In the Group A, cognitive and structural variables were compared between converters (at 4 years) and nonconverters and then verified in the Group B group. RESULTS: In the Group A, 14 patients converted to behavioral-variant of frontotemporal dementia (bv-FTD) and 4 to Alzheimer's Disease (AD). Converters presented at baseline lower executive function scores and total Theory of Mind (ToM scores), as well as more severe focal frontal atrophy. In the Group B, 13 subjects converted to bv-FTD and none to AD. The combination of the variables identified in the Group A significantly (p &lt;0.001) discriminated between converters and nonconverters in the Group B with a sensitivity of 0.615 and a specificity of 1 (total accuracy 91.22%). CONCLUSION: The combined presence of executive deficit, impaired ToM, and presence of isolated frontal atrophy was associated with risk of progression from MBI to a clinically evident neurodegenerative condition, mainly bv-FTD, over a 4-year period

    Comparative study of MRI biomarkers in the substantia nigra to discriminate idiopathic Parkinson disease

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Several new MR imaging techniques have shown promising results in patients with Parkinson disease; however, the comparative diagnostic values of these measures at the individual level remain unclear. Our aim was to compare the diagnostic value of MR imaging biomarkers of substantia nigra damage for distinguishing patients with Parkinson disease from healthy volunteers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-six patients and 20 healthy volunteers were prospectively included. The MR imaging protocol at 3T included 3D T2-weighted and T1-weighted neuromelanin-sensitive images, diffusion tensor images, and R2* mapping. T2* high-resolution images were also acquired at 7T to evaluate the dorsal nigral hyperintensity sign. Quantitative analysis was performed using ROIs in the substantia nigra drawn manually around the area of high signal intensity on neuromelanin-sensitive images and T2-weighted images. Visual analysis of the substantia nigra neuromelanin-sensitive signal intensity and the dorsolateral nigral hyperintensity on T2* images was performed. RESULTS: There was a significant decrease in the neuromelanin-sensitive volume and signal intensity in patients with Parkinson disease. There was also a significant decrease in fractional anisotropy and an increase in mean, axial, and radial diffusivity in the neuromelanin-sensitive substantia nigra at 3T and a decrease in substantia nigra volume on T2* images. The combination of substantia nigra volume, signal intensity, and fractional anisotropy in the neuromelanin-sensitive substantia nigra allowed excellent diagnostic accuracy (0.93). Visual assessment of both substantia nigra dorsolateral hyperintensity and neuromelanin-sensitive images had good diagnostic accuracy (0.91 and 0.86, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The combination of neuromelanin signal and volume changes with fractional anisotropy measurements in the substantia nigra showed excellent diagnostic accuracy. Moreover, the high diagnostic accuracy of visual assessment of substantia nigra changes using dorsolateral hyperintensity analysis or neuromelanin-sensitive signal changes indicates that these techniques are promising for clinical practice

    On the background in the γpω(π0γ)p\gamma p \to \omega(\pi^0\gamma) p reaction and mixed event simulation

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    In this paper we evaluate sources of background for the γpωp\gamma p \to \omega p, with the ω\omega detected through its π0γ\pi^0 \gamma decay channel, to compare with the experiment carried out at ELSA. We find background from γpπ0π0p\gamma p \to \pi^0 \pi^0 p followed by decay of a π0\pi^0 into two γ\gamma, recombining one π0\pi^0 and one γ\gamma, and from the γpπ0ηp\gamma p \to \pi^0 \eta p reaction with subsequent decay of the η\eta into two photons. This background accounts for the data at π0γ\pi^0 \gamma invariant masses beyond 700 MeV, but strength is missing at lower invariant masses which was attributed to photon misidentification events, which we simulate to get a good reproduction of the experimental background. Once this is done, we perform an event mixing simulation to reproduce the calculated background and we find that the method provides a good description of the background at low π0γ\pi^0 \gamma invariant masses but fakes the background at high invariant masses, making background events at low invariant masses, which are due to γ\gamma misidentification events, responsible for the background at high invariant masses which is due to the γpπ0π0p\gamma p \to \pi^0 \pi^0 p and γpπ0ηp\gamma p \to \pi^0 \eta p reactions.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    The degree of urinary hypercortisolism is not correlated with the severity of cushing’s syndrome

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    Cushing syndrome (CS) is characterized by increased morbidity and mortality compared to the general population. However, there are patients who have moreclinical aggressive forms than others. Aim of the study is to evaluate whether the degree of hypercortisolism, defined by the number of times urinary free cortisol (UFC) levels exceed the upper limit of the normal range (ULN), is related to the worsening of phenotypic features, as well as metabolic and cardiovascular parameters, in a cohort of CS patients. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 192 patients with active CS, consecutively presenting at the outpatients’ clinic of the University Hospitals of Ancona, Naples, and Palermo. Patients were grouped into mild (UFC not exceeding twice the ULN), moderate (2–5 times the ULN), and severe (more than 5 times the ULN) hypercortisolism. Thirty-seven patients (19.3 %) had mild, 115 (59.8 %) moderate, and 40 (20.9 %) severe hypercortisolism. A significant trend of increase among the three groups was demonstrated for 8-, 16-, and 24-h serum cortisol levels (p.001) and serum cortisol after low dose of dexamethasone suppression test (p = 0.001). No significant trend of increase was found regarding phenotype and comorbidities. The degree of hypercortisolism by itself does not appear to be a sufficient parameter to express the severity of CS. Therefore, estimating the severity of CS according to biochemical parameters remains a challenge, while the clinical phenotype and the associated comorbidities might be more useful to assessing the severity of the CS

    NA60 results on thermal dimuons

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    The NA60 experiment at the CERN SPS has measured muon pairs with unprecedented precision in 158A GeV In-In collisions. A strong excess of pairs above the known sources is observed in the whole mass region 0.2<M<2.6 GeV. The mass spectrum for M<1 GeV is consistent with a dominant contribution from pi+pi- -> rho -> mu+mu- annihilation. The associated rho spectral function shows a strong broadening, but essentially no shift in mass. For M>1 GeV, the excess is found to be prompt, not due to enhanced charm production, with pronounced differences to Drell-Yan pairs. The slope parameter Teff associated with the transverse momentum spectra rises with mass up to the rho, followed by a sudden decline above. The rise for M<1 GeV is consistent with radial flow of a hadronic emission source. The seeming absence of significant flow for M>1 GeV and its relation to parton-hadron duality is discussed in detail, suggesting a dominantly partonic emission source in this region. A comparison of the data to the present status of theoretical modeling is also contained. The accumulated empirical evidence, including also a Planck-like shape of the mass spectra at low pT and the lack of polarization, is consistent with a global interpretation of the excess dimuons as thermal radiation. We conclude with first results on omega in-medium effects.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Eur. Phys. J.

    Chiral Symmetry and light resonances in hot and dense matter

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    We present a study of the ππ\pi\pi scattering amplitude in the σ\sigma and ρ\rho channels at finite temperature and nuclear density within a chiral unitary framework. Meson resonances are dynamically generated in our approach, which allows us to analyze the behavior of their associated scattering poles when the system is driven towards chiral symmetry restoration. Medium effects are incorporated in three ways: (a) by thermal corrections of the unitarized scattering amplitudes, (b) by finite nuclear density effects associated to a renormalization of the pion decay constant, and complementarily (c) by extending our calculation of the scalar-isoscalar channel to account for finite nuclear density and temperature effects in a microscopic many-body implementation of pion dynamics. Our results are discussed in connection with several phenomenological aspects relevant for nuclear matter and Heavy-Ion Collision experiments, such as ρ\rho mass scaling vs broadening from dilepton spectra and chiral restoration signals in the σ\sigma channel. We also elaborate on the molecular nature of ππ\pi\pi resonances.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures. Contribution to Hard Probes 2008, Illa de A Toxa, Spain, June 8th-14th 200