28 research outputs found

    Peningkatan kapasitas dan penilaian mandiri kinerja pelayanan publik

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    The implementation of this activity aims to increase the capacity of public service providers in carrying out public services and assist in carrying out an self assessment of the performance of public services.Training and mentoring activities are followed by public service providers in Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional VIII Jawa Timur. Methods of carrying out activities that include: i) Desk documents; ii) Training; and iii) Assistance. The implementation of activities begins and is based on the evaluation results of the PANRB Ministry. The output of the implementation of this activity can contribute to improving the performance of public services with the support and availability of various public service documents including: public service standard documents, improving the implementation of public satisfaction surveys, and improving public service information on the BBPJN VIII website. The results of the training and mentoring show an increase in the performance of public services from 2.72 (Score C) to 3.50 (Score B). The evaluation of training and mentoring activities showed a result of 88.67% with very good training performance


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    People's Business Credit (KUR) is a Credit / Financing scheme specifically for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperatives whose businesses are feasible but do not have sufficient collateral required by the bank (unbankable). The research objective was to analyze the Effect of People's Business Credit (KUR) Distribution, Interest Rates on Financial Performance of Regional Development Banks Through Non-Performing Loans (NPL) and Operating Costs and Operating Revenues (BOPO) and analyze the differences in financial performance of Regional Development Banks before and after becoming KUR distribution Bank. The sample used in this study is the Regional Development Bank in Java, which has been incorporated in the KUR Distribution Bank in 2008, namely BPD in Yogyakarta, BPD East Java and BPD DKI Jakarta. The observation used data from the Regional Development Bank for the period 2005-2015. The results of the credit distribution and interest rates in the KUR distribution did not have a significant impact on the NPL and BOPO and showed that there were no better significant differences in the financial performance variables in the years BPD became the KUR distributor. The result recommends BPD to continue distributing KUR

    Pengeruh Pendinginan Udara Tiup Dibandingkan Dengan Pendinginan Udara Bebas Terhadap Kekerasan dan Struktur Mikro Pada Proses Hardening Baja K 100 Special

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    Pada suatu proses pengerasan baja (hardening), yang menggunakan pendinginan udara bebas dan udara tiup, akan terjadi perbedaan kenaikan kekerasan. Pada penelitian ini akan di/akukan analisa mengenai perbedaan kenaikan kekerasan baja K 100 Special yang mengalami hardening dengan dua metode pendinginan diatas. Pada penelitian ini digunakan baja jenis cold work tool steel dengan merk Bohler K 100 Special. Adapun kecepatan udara yang dipergunakan 16 mldt. Spesimen yang digunakan sebanyak 7 spesimen dengan 1 spesimen tetap dibiarkan pada kondisi awal dengan kekerasan 16, 10 HRC. 6 spesimen dipanaskan sampai suhu 9500 C. Basil uji kekerasan, spesimen II dengan holding time 15 menit dan pendinginan udara tiup mempunyai kekerasan yang paling tinggi, yaitu 65,46 HRC

    Pelatihan Pengelolaan Keuangan dalam Penyiapan Administrasi Pengajuan Kredit Usaha Rakyat Pada Kelompok Tani Penderes di Desa Patemon

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    Kegiatan ini bertujuan melakukan sosialisasi terkait program Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) mikro sektor petanian; melakukan pelatihan pengelolaan admistrasi keuangan kegiatan usaha para penderes; dan melakukan pendampingan penyiapan administrasi berkas pengajuan program Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) mikro sektor pertanian. Mitra kegiatan adalah kelompok tani penderes gula kelapa di Desa Patoman, Kecamatan Blimbingsari, Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelatihan ini dengan melakukan diskusi, ceramah/penyuluhan dan bantuan teknis penyusunan administrasi kredit. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini memberikan dampak terhadap peningkatan akses terhadap permodalan usaha dan perbaikan admnistrasi pengelolaan keuangan usaha dan memahami proses pemberkasan yang baik dalam rangka pengajuan kredit usaha rakyat.  Hasil evaluasi terhadap 5 (lima) indikator penilaian kegiatan pelatihan secara rata-rata sebesar 80,05 dengan kategori Sangat Baik. Rekomendasi ke depan agar pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dapat direplikasikan ke pelaku usaha  yang sejenis atau lainnya, agar dapat meningkatkan literasi keuangan, pengelolaan administrasi keuangan, akses permodalan dengan memfaatkan fasilitas kredit usaha rakyat yang telah digulirkan oleh pemerintah


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    Keberhasilan kebijakan ketahanan pangan perlu didukung ketersediaan air yang ditata dalam sistem irigasi yang baik. Perencanaan pembangunan irigasi di daerah dengan 66.391 daerah irigasi dengan dengan luasan 9.146.027 ha perlu penataan dalam data yang tersistematis.  Dashboard perencanaan pembangunan irigasi daerah menjadi media integrasi berbagai perencanaan pembangunan sumber daya air yang dilauan oleh kabupaten/kota. Perancangan mengunakan model pengembangan sistem dengan pendekatan terstruktur yaitu linier sequential model atau waterfall model. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan yang  dilaksanakan untuk mencapai keberhasilan tujuan kegiatan ini melalui  pemetaan indikator dan elemen data, survei lapangan, perancangan dashboard, focus group discussion. Lokasi pelaksanaan diskusi dan ujicoba database perencanaan pembangunan irigasi di laksanakan di 8 (delapan) kabupaten meliputi Kerawang, Subang, Indramayu, Cirebon, Purworejo, Banjarnegara, Purbalingga dan Jember.  Keluaran yang dihasilkan kegiatan ini adalah dashboard perencanaan pembangunan irigasi  daerah.  Hasil evaluasi dan ujicoba menunjukan pengelolaan Dashboard Perencanaan Pembangunan Irigasi di Daerah telah berfungsi dengan baik. Keywords: dashboard, irigasi, ketahanan panga

    Peran Perencanaan Skenario dan Flexibel Budget Pada Bisnis Kuliner dalam Menghadapi Ketidakpastian di Masa Pandemi

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    Jumlah UMK makanan minuman di Jawa Timur menempati posisi tertinggi kedua di Indonesia dengan jumlah mencapai 746.732. Namun sayangnya di masa pandemi UMKM makanan/minuman (baik home industry makanan/minuman kemasan maupun usaha warung kopi, depot dan café) mengalami rata-rata penurunan 63%. Kondisi ketidakpastian akibat pandemi yang membuat Pemerintah di setiap daerah secara periodik mengeluarkan kebijakan PPKM sesuai level kondisi penyebaran Covid-19 menyebabkan pelaku UMKM mengalami pasang surut penghasilan. Oleh karena itu, untuk membantu meminimasi kerugian usaha maka penting untuk menerapkan perencanaan berbasis skenario yang disertai dengan penetapan budget sesuai kondisi (flexible budget). Misal jika daerah berada pada level 3 (wfh 50%) maka skenario mana yang akan dijalankan dan berapa perkiraan budgetnya, begitu juga halnya jika daerah berada pada level 4 (wfh 100%) skenario mana yang akan dijalankan dan berapa perkiraan budgetnya. Sehingga UMKM mempuyai alternatif plan dan budget untuk dijalankan sesuai kondisi yang terjadi

    The Role of Quadruple Helix in Supporting Sustainability of Culinary Business

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    The number of food and beverage MSEs in East Java occupies the second highest position in Indonesia with a total of 746,732. But unfortunately, during the pandemic, food/beverage MSMEs (both packaged food/beverage home industries as well as coffee shop businesses, depots, and cafes) experienced an average decline of 63%. The condition of uncertainty due to the pandemic, which has forced the Government in each region to periodically issue PPKM policies, according to the level of conditions for the spread of Covid-19, has caused MSME actors to experience ups and downs in income. Therefore, to help minimize business losses in addition to creativity and innovation, business actors also need support from various parties, including the government, academics, and the community (Quadruple Helix). This study aims to analyze how big the role of government, academics, and the community has been shown so far and what business actors need for the role of government, academics, and the community

    Obstacles of Micro and Small Business Access to Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) Program

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    This study aims to examine the obstacles of small and micro businesses in accessing credit business programs called Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR). The method of collecting data and information is done by desk documents and interviews with local government officials, personal banks implementing KUR, the poor who still cannot access microfinance and micro and small businesses, along with micro and small business actors who have obtained KUR in 9 districts/cities in Indonesia. The data analysis method uses descriptive analysis and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Based on the results of the AHP, access to services and KUR performance can be improved by taking into account several factors including: prospective debtor prospects, technical service capacity, policies and resources of banking, and macro factors. For research related to the future distribution of Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR), it is necessary to conduct an in-depth study of the impact on the development of micro and small businesses that receive KUR and increase the economic capacity of business actors who receive KUR.Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji kendala usaha kecil dan mikro dalam mengakses program kredit usaha yang disebut dengan Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR). Metode pengumpulan data dan informasi dilakukan dengan desk document dan wawancara dengan pejabat pemerintah daerah, bank pribadi pelaksana KUR, masyarakat miskin yang masih belum dapat mengakses keuangan mikro dan usaha mikro dan kecil, serta pelaku usaha mikro dan kecil yang telah memperoleh KUR di 9 kabupaten/kota di Indonesia. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Berdasarkan hasil AHP, akses layanan dan kinerja KUR dapat ditingkatkan dengan memperhatikan beberapa faktor antara lain: prospek calon debitur, kapasitas layanan teknis,  kebijakan dan sumber daya perbankan, dan faktor makro. Untuk penelitian terkait penyaluran Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) ke depan, perlu dilakukan kajian mendalam mengenai dampak pengembangan usaha mikro dan kecil penerima KUR dan peningkatan kapasitas ekonomi pelaku usaha penerima KUR

    The Influence of Perceived Trust on the Relationship Between Image Interactive Technology and Behavioral Intention Associated with Online Purchase of Goods in Malang City

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    The high potential for growth in the digital economy through e-commerce has penetrated various aspects of business life. This research focused on image interactive technology because using animation and image design through social media can provide an attractive nuance to the viewer and generate more trust. The sale of goods online requires an active and attractive nuance of content so that customers are happy and choose online sales media as a convenient online shopping medium. This research was conducted in Malang City, East Java, with a sample of 190 respondents, all of whom have transacted online or bought their necessities online. The data were analysed through path analysis and hypothesis testing. The results demonstrate that image interactive technology influences perceived trust and behavioral intention, either directly or indirectly. Keywords: (IIT) Image Interactive Technology, behavioral intention, perceived trust, onlin

    Dinamika Kebijakan Program Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) di Indonesia

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    This study aims to: 1) analyze the development of regulations, governance and the Kredit Usaha Rakyat scheme; 2) analyzes interest subsidy policies in the Kredit Usaha Rakyat Program; and 3) analyze the development and performance of the distribution of the Kredit Usaha Rakyat Program. This type of research used associative descriptive research with research indicators are regulations, interest rates, realization and debtors on the distribution of the Kredit Usaha Rakyat Program. The research period is conducted from 2008 to 2019 with observations on banks channeling Kredit Usaha Rakyat Program. The results of the study explained that during the period 2008 to 2019 there were 37 regulations governing the governance of the Kredit Usaha Rakyat Program, there was a change in management from a credit guarantee scheme to an interest subsidy scheme that had an impact on reducing interest rates, increasing the realization of the distribution and debtors of the Kredit Usaha Rakyat