707 research outputs found

    Cuantificación de los flujos de asistencia: un nuevo enfoque

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    (Disponible en idioma inglés únicamente) La discusión sobre la eficacia de la asistencia externa se ha intensificado en los últimos años, en la medida en que la asistencia ha venido experimentando cada vez más presiones presupuestarias en los países donantes. Independientemente de los méritos de los argumentos en contra, el problema de fondo surge de si las medidas de asistencia que se emplean convencionalmente, tales como la ODA, que agrupa las donaciones y los préstamos, reflejan con precisión los flujos de asistencia reales. En este trabajo se analizan las deficiencias metodológicas de las medidas convencionales de la asistencia y se propone un nuevo enfoque de valoración que cuantifique los flujos de asistencia oficial como la suma de las donaciones y los equivalentes de donaciones de los préstamos oficiales. Esta medición de la asistencia, conceptualmente superior, puede distanciarse considerablemente de los agregados convencionales y dar una idea muy distinta de las principales tendencias de la asistencia.

    ToyLIFE: a computational framework to study the multi-level organisation of the genotype-phenotype map

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    The genotype-phenotype map is an essential object to understand organismal complexity and adaptability. However, its experimental characterisation is a daunting task. Thus, simple models have been proposed and investigated. They have revealed that genotypes differ in their robustness to mutations; phenotypes are represented by a broadly varying number of genotypes, and simple point mutations suffice to navigate the space of genotypes while maintaining a phenotype. Nonetheless, most current models focus only on one level of the map (folded molecules, gene regulatory networks, or networks of metabolic reactions), so that many relevant questions cannot be addressed. Here we introduce toyLIFE, a multi-level model for the genotype-phenotype map based on simple genomes and interaction rules from which a complex behaviour at upper levels emerges - remarkably plastic gene regulatory networks and metabolism. toyLIFE is a tool that permits the investigation of how different levels are coupled, in particular how and where mutations affect phenotype or how the presence of certain metabolites determines the dynamics of toyLIFE gene regulatory networks. The model can easily incorporate evolution through more complex mutations, recombination, or gene duplication and deletion, thus opening an avenue to explore extended genotype-phenotype maps.This work was supported through projects FIS2011-22449 (CFA, PC and JAC) and FIS2011{27569 (SM) of the Spanish MINECO.Publicad

    Influence of Ceramic Recycled Aggregates on the Properties of Prestressed Precast Concrete Elements

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    This work presents the results of an experimental study performed on the mechanical behavior of concrete manufactured with ceramic recycled aggregates (CRA), from precast ventilation ducts, that once made have been rejected by defective. The ultimate objective is to use these wastes to manufacture prestressed concrete joists used in building floors. The coarse fraction and the fine fraction have been considered. The work has been carried out in three phases: characterization of the material, characterization of concrete with CRA and manufacturing and testing of prestressed joists. With the results obtained it is determined the influence of the ceramic recycled aggregate on the properties analyzed. There are not enough studies about prestressed elements that include the replacement of the aggregate in the fine fraction. In view of the results obtained could both of fine and coarse fraction can be used in these applications

    VP2 potentiates the proteccion induced by VP6 against the rotavirus infection in a DNA vaccine model

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    Viruses like particles (VLPs) composed of VP2/VP6 are very effective in inducing protection against the rotavirus infection in animal models. Individually, VP6 also can induce protection against the infection; however, there is no information about the immunogenicity of VP2. The aim of this work was to evaluate the efficacy of DNA vaccines that codify for VP2 and VP6 alone or combined to induce protection against the rotavirus infection. Murine rotavirus VP2 and VP6 genes were cloned into the pCDNA-3 vector. Adult BALB/c mice were inoculated 3 times by intramuscular injections with 100 or 200 mg of pCDNA-3VP2 and pCDNA-3VP6, alone or combined. Two weeks after the last inoculation, mice were challenged with the murine rotavirus EDIM. We found that both plasmids pCDNA-3VP2 and pCDNA-3VP6 were able to induce rotavirus-specific serum antibodies, but not intestinal rotavirus-specific IgA. Only pCDNA-3VP6 at 200 mg could induce 30 % protection against the infection. Co-administration of 100 mg of pCDNA-3VP2 with 100 mg of pCDNA-3VP6 induced 35 % protection. When different ratios of pCDNA-3VP2/pCDNA-3VP6 were used, it was found that the co-administration of 10 µg pCDNA-3VP2/ 100 µg pCDNA-3VP6 gave the best result with up to 55 % protection. These results indicate that the DNA plasmid expressing VP6 is a better vaccine candidate that the one expressing VP2 but co-administration of both plasmids is a good alternative to potentiate the protection induced by VP6, probably by the formation of VLPs VP2/VP6 in vivo

    Comparative analysis of the serve in volleyball between the spanish championships 2005-2010

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    El objetivo fue analizar los cambios que ha experimentado el saque desde el Campeonato de España cadete masculino de 2005 al de 2010. Mediante la observación sistemática se analizaron 1594 acciones, en las cuales se midieron las siguientes variables: zona de origen, eficacia, tipo de saque, zona de recepción, función del receptor, dirección y temporalidad. Los resultados reflejaron que en los últimos años, el saque realizado por jugadores de categoría de formación ha sufrido modificaciones relevantes, tales como, mejora de la eficacia, incremento del empleo del saque en salto, y realización del saque con un carácter más táctico. Pese a la mayor aproximación del saque a los perfiles existentes en alto nivel, se recomienda que el saque de voleibol en categorías de formación se entrene en función de las características y nivel de los jugadores, evitando el mimetismo de lo que acontece en alto nivelThe aim of this research was to analyze the changes in the characteristics of the serve between the male Under-16 Spanish Championships that took place in 2005 and 2010. Through systematic observation 1594 actions were analyzed. The measured variables were: serve zone, effectiveness, serve type, reception zone, in-game role of the receptor, serve direction and timing. The results showed that in recent years, the serve performed by players at training stages has undergone significant changes, such as improved efficiency, increased use of jump serve, and execution of the serve with a more tactical role. Despite of the closest approach of the serve to the existing high level profiles, it is recommended to train the serve in volleyball training stages according to the characteristics and level of players, avoiding mimicry of what happens at a high levelEste trabajo ha sido realizado gracias al apoyo del Programa de Formación de Personal Investigador (FPI) de la Consejería de Empleo, Empresa e Innovación del Gobierno de Extremadura (España), y gracias al Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación en el Plan Nacional de I+D+I 2008-2011 (ref. DEP2011-27503

    Efficient RDF Interchange (ERI) format for RDF data streams

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    RDF streams are sequences of timestamped RDF statements or graphs, which can be generated by several types of data sources (sensors, social networks, etc.). They may provide data at high volumes and rates, and be consumed by applications that require real-time responses. Hence it is important to publish and interchange them efficiently. In this paper, we exploit a key feature of RDF data streams, which is the regularity of their structure and data values, proposing a compressed, efficient RDF interchange (ERI) format, which can reduce the amount of data transmitted when processing RDF streams. Our experimental evaluation shows that our format produces state-of-the-art streaming compression, remaining efficient in performance

    Variational collocation for systems of coupled anharmonic oscillators

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    We have applied a collocation approach to obtain the numerical solution to the stationary Schr\"odinger equation for systems of coupled oscillators. The dependence of the discretized Hamiltonian on scale and angle parameters is exploited to obtain optimal convergence to the exact results. A careful comparison with results taken from the literature is performed, showing the advantages of the present approach.Comment: 14 pages, 10 table

    Fracturas por fatiga del cuello femoral: A propósito de un caso tratado quirúrgicamente

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    Se presenta un caso de fractura por fatiga de cuello femoral en un paciente de 26 años. Fue tratado quirúrgicamente realizándose osteosíntesis con 3 tornillos. La evolución fue satisfactoria, encontrándose el paciente sin dolor ni repercusión funcional a los 4 años de la lesión.A case of stress fracture of the femoral neck in a 26-year-old patient is presented. Surgical treatment was indicated by means of internal fixation with three screws. At four-year follow-up there was no pain or functional impairment