1,105 research outputs found

    Aproximación matemática a la música

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    El presente trabajo profudiza sobre las nociones de nota musical e intervalo musical en sentido geométrico y aritmético. El concepto aritmético de nota musical aporta a los alumnos la idea de que una misma cosa (una nota) se puede mostrar con distintas apariencias(diferentes frecuencias), el concepto de nota musical se expone a partir del movimiento de dos móviles con movimiento uniforme. A partir de estos problemas dinámicos se da un procedimiento geométrico para determinar cuatro puntos en cuaterna armónica. Esta construcción proporciona un método para dividir armónicamente el intervalo de una octava mediante las notas tercera y quinta y permite construir acordes perfectos y comprender la razón de la diferente separación entre los trastes de una guitarra

    Valoración dietética, calidad de la dieta y asociación entre dieta y densidad mamográfica en mujeres participantes en programas de cribado de cáncer de mama en España

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública y Microbiología. Fecha de lectura:18-12-201

    Zuloaga y su ascendencia armera

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    El artículo analiza la ascendencia armera del artista Ignacio de Zuloaga, así como el arte del damasquinado, creación de su abuelo Eusebio. Desde fines del S. XVI, los Zuloaga se han dedicado a la profesión de armeros. Eusebio de Zuloaga viendo las incrustaciones que se hacían en las armas de lujo, desarrolló la técnica del damasquinado. Posteriormente su hijo Plácido va a perfeccionar esta técnica y la va a aplicar a todo tipo de objetos. El artículo pretende demostrar que fue en Euskadi donde se desarrolló esta técnica que luego se expanderá a otras zonas como Toledo. En las fábricas de armas vascas existían buenos grabadores para llevar a cabo las incrustaciones de metales nobles que se realizaban en las armas de lujo y espadas. Esto demuestra que desde el S. XVI se desarrolló una pujante industria armera en Eibar, Placencia y Elgoibar. Aparte de los Zuloaga, también destacaron otras familias: Guisasola, Astiazarain, Gabiol

    Critical rainfall conditions for the initiation of torrential flows: results from the Rebaixader catchment (Central Pyrenees)

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    Torrential flows like debris flows or debris floods are fast movements formed by a mix of water and different amounts of unsorted solid material. They generally occur in steep torrents and pose high risk in mountainous areas. Rainfall is their most common triggering factor and the analysis of the critical rainfall conditions is a fundamental research task. Due to their wide use in warning systems, rainfall thresholds for the triggering of torrential flows are an important outcome of such analysis and are empirically derived using data from past events. In 2009, a monitoring system was installed in the Rebaixader catchment, Central Pyrenees (Spain). Since then, rainfall data of 25 torrential flows (“TRIG rainfalls”) were recorded, with a 5-min sampling frequency. Other 142 rainfalls that did not trigger torrential flows (“NonTRIG rainfalls”) were also collected and analyzed. The goal of this work was threefold: (i) characterize rainfall episodes in the Rebaixader catchment and compare rainfall data that triggered torrential flows and others that did not; (ii) define and test Intensity–Duration (ID) thresholds using rainfall data measured inside the catchment by with different techniques; (iii) analyze how the criterion used for defining the rainfall duration and the spatial variability of rainfall influences the value obtained for the thresholds. The statistical analysis of the rainfall characteristics showed that the parameters that discriminate better the TRIG and NonTRIG rainfalls are the rainfall intensities, the mean rainfall and the total rainfall amount. The antecedent rainfall was not significantly different between TRIG and NonTRIG rainfalls, as it can be expected when the source material is very pervious (a sandy glacial soil in the study site). Thresholds were derived from data collected at one rain gauge located inside the catchment. Two different methods were applied to calculate the duration and intensity of rainfall: (i) using total duration, Dtot, and mean intensity, Imean, of the rainfall event, and (ii) using floating durations, D, and intensities, Ifl, based on the maximum values over floating periods of different duration. The resulting thresholds are considerably different (Imean = 6.20 Dtot-0.36 and Ifl_90% = 5.49 D-0.75, respectively) showing a strong dependence on the applied methodology. On the other hand, the definition of the thresholds is affected by several types of uncertainties. Data from both rain gauges and weather radar were used to analyze the uncertainty associated with the spatial variability of the triggering rainfalls. The analysis indicates that the precipitation recorded by the nearby rain gauges can introduce major uncertainties, especially for convective summer storms. Thus, incorporating radar rainfall can significantly improve the accuracy of the measured triggering rainfall. Finally, thresholds were also derived according to three different criteria for the definition of the duration of the triggering rainfall: (i) the duration until the peak intensity, (ii) the duration until the end of the rainfall; and, (iii) the duration until the trigger of the torrential flow. An important contribution of this work is the assessment of the threshold relationships obtained using the third definition of duration. Moreover, important differences are observed in the obtained thresholds, showing that ID relationships are significantly dependent on the applied methodology.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Monitoring of rainfall and soil moisture at the Rebaixader catchment (Central Pyrenees)

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    The instrumental monitoring of torrential catchments is a fundamental research task and provides necessary information to improve our understanding on the mechanisms of debris flows. While most monitoring sites include meteorological sensors and analyze the critical rainfall conditions, only very few contain soil moisture measurements. In our monitoring site, the Rebaixader catchment, 11 debris flows and 24 debris floods were detected during the last nine years. Herein, the initiation mechanisms of these torrential flows were analyzed focusing on the critical rainfall conditions and the soil water dynamics. Comparing the temporal distribution of both rainfall episodes and torrential flows, the Kernel density plots showed maximum values for rainfalls at the beginning of June, while the peak for torrential flows is at July 20th. This means that highest probability of debris flows and debris floods triggering is about 1.5 months later than the one of rainstorms in the catchment. Thus, the antecedent rainfall and especially the soil moisture conditions may influence the triggering of torrential flows. In a second step, a new updated rainfall threshold was proposed including total rainfall duration and mean intensity. The analysis of soil moisture data was more complicated and no clear trends were observed in the dataset. Therefore, additional data has to be recorded in order to quantitatively analyze the role of soil moisture on the triggering of flows and for the definition of thresholds. Some preliminary results show that the soil moisture at the beginning of a rainfall event affects the maximum increase of soil moisture, while a slight trend was visible comparing the initial soil moisture with the necessary rainfall amount to trigger a torrential flow.Postprint (published version

    Wireless monitoring for cliff stabilization at La Clua (Pre-Pyrenees, Spain)

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    La Clua is a village at the foot of a conglomerate cliff (Pre-Pyrenees, Spain), eventually af-fected by rockfalls. After last big event, in 2009, that affected a house of the village, a rope net was installed to protect the village. In order to obtain information about the performance of the protecting net, but also to gain knowledge on the triggering mechanism a wireless mon-itoring system was installed. The system is equipped with sensors (4 crackmeters, 2 biaxial tiltmeters, 2 rope tension load cells and 2 thermistors) that are measuring the changes on two unstable boulders (one protected with the net, the other not). Sensors are connected to wire-less dataloggers, installed next to the sensors and send data to the gateway. In this site, gate-way is located 250 m far from the furthest logger, but thanks to the long range technology of the system, loggers can be up to several km far from the gateway and the data which is pushed to an internet server every 15 minutes. Preliminary results show that no relevant movements have been observed in the boulders, since February 2016. Only some slight changes of around 0.15º have been observed after heavy rainfall events in spring.Postprint (published version

    FGF-2 and anosmin-1 are selectively expressed in different types of multiple sclerosis lesions

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    Multiple sclerosis is a demyelinating disease that affects ~2,000,000 people worldwide. In the advanced stages of the disease, endogenous oligodendrocyte precursors cannot colonize the lesions or differentiate into myelinating oligodendrocytes. During development, both FGF-2 and Anosmin-1 participate in oligodendrocyte precursor cell migration, acting via the FGF receptor 1 (FGFR1). Hence, we performed a histopathological and molecular analysis of these developmental modulators in postmortem tissue blocks from multiple sclerosis patients. Accordingly, we demonstrate that the distribution of FGF-2 and Anosmin-1 varies between the different types of multiple sclerosis lesions: FGF-2 is expressed only within active lesions and in the periplaque of chronic lesions, whereas Anosmin-1 is upregulated within chronic lesions and is totally absent in active lesions. We show that the endogenous oligodendrocyte precursor cells recruited toward chronic-active lesions express FGFR1, possibly in response to the FGF-2 produced by microglial cells in the periplaque. Also in human tissue, FGF-2 is upregulated in perivascular astrocytes in regions of the normal-appearing gray matter, where the integrity of the blood-brain barrier is compromised. In culture, FGF-2 and Anosmin-1 influence adult mouse oligodendrocyte precursor cell migration in the same manner as at embryonic stages, providing an explanation for the histopathological observations: FGF-2 attracts/ enhances its migration, which is hindered by Anosmin-1. We propose that FGF-2 and Anosmin-1 are markers for the histopathological type and the level of inflammation of multiple sclerosis lesions, and that they may serve as novel pharmacogenetic targets to design future therapies that favor effective remyelination and protect the blood-brain barrier. © 2011 the authors.Peer Reviewe