322 research outputs found

    The Psychic Distance Postulate Revised: From Market Selection to Speed of Market Penetration

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    In this paper we revise the psychic distance postulate of the Uppsala Model (Johanson and Vahlne, 1977, 1990) by injecting more recent findings (i.e., distinguishing between selection of foreign markets and time needed to achieve sufficient penetration in foreign markets and the role of social capital). The model we propose posits that a higher psychic distance decreases the speed of market penetration. On distant markets, internationalizing technology-based ventures need more time to establish a position in the foreign network and to obtaining positive cash flow. Our model presents social capital as a mean to overcome the psychic distance and to increase the speed of market penetration. We build our model on four case studies on technology-based new ventures internationalizing at very early age

    A Network-based Approach on Opportunity Recognition

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    This paper argues that individuals differ in terms of their perception of opportunities because of the differences between the networks they are embedded in. We focus on two aspects of individuals' embeddedness in networks, that is, (1) individuals' belonging to residential areas that are more or less likely to be characterized by network cohesion, and (2) individuals' differential access to network contacts based on the level of human capital they hold. Our analyses show that the nature of one's residential area influences the perception of entrepreneurial opportunities. Further, we find a positive effect for education, i.e., people with a higher educational level are more likely to perceive entrepreneurial opportunities compared to those with a lower educational leve

    Rapid internationalisation enabled by the Internet: The case of a knowledge intensive company

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    In this paper we will show how knowledge intensive firms can quicken their internationalisation by using the Internet as a sales channel. When properly applied the Internet can provide a way to decrease the effects of liability of foreignness and resource scarcity, and herewith contribute to an increased speed of internationalisation. The focus of the empirical research is on a Finnish knowledge intensive company and the development of its international operations and sales channels. The study applies the longitudinal case study method when examining in-depth the development of Futuremark Corporation for a period of five year

    Wind power and reindeer industry

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    The Swedish Parliament has decided to increase the share of electricity produced by wind power. The same parliament has decided that the Sami have the right to herd reindeer over 50% of the country's land area. In this literature review the potential impact wind power development and associated infrastructure may have on reindeer husbandry conditions are examined. The unique physiology of the reindeer enables it to live out of grazing in the arctic climate in the north of Sweden. For reindeer husbandry to be long-term productive and sustainable, it is important that there is enough land for grazing. The research available on how reindeer are disturbed by human activities such as roads, mines, hikers, etc., clearly indicates that the reindeer avoids areas close to such disturbance. How sensitive the reindeer are for the disturbance varies over the year. In cases where the reindeers are forced to adapt to disturbance if no other land is available, some habituation has occurred. Similarly, some reduction in flight distance have been recorded when the reindeer regularly have been exposed to disturbance from snowmobiles and hikers. This literature review concludes that the reindeer husbandry is negatively affected when the pastures are exploited for wind power. The two industries have to find ways to coexist where the construction as well as the management of the wind turbines is done in a way that minimizes disturbance to reindeer husbandry.Sveriges riksdag har beslutat att öka andelen el som produceras genom vindkraft. Samma riksdag har beslutat att samerna har rÀtt att bedriva renskötsel pÄ 50 % av Sveriges yta. I denna litteraturstudie studeras den eventuella pÄverkan utbyggnad av vindkraft och tillhörande infrastruktur kan ha pÄ rennÀringens förutsÀttningar. Renens unika fysiologi möjliggör för den att tillgodogöra sig det bete som finns tillgÀngligt i norra Sverige. För att en renhjord skall vara lÄngsiktigt produktiv och hÄllbar Àr det viktigt att det finns tillrÀckligt mycket bete. Den forskning som finns pÄ hur renar störs av mÀnsklig aktivitet som t.ex. vÀgar, gruvor, och vandrare, pekar tydligt pÄ att renarna vÀljer bort omrÄden i nÀrheten av sÄdan störning. Hur kÀnslig renen Àr för störning varierar över Äret. I de fall dÀr renar tvingas anpassa sig pÄ grund av att annan mark inte finns att tillgÄ har habituering förekommit. LikasÄ har viss minskning i flyktavstÄnd noterats dÄ renarna regelbundet utsatts för störning av skoterförare och vandrare. Denna litteraturstudie drar slutsatsen att rennÀringen pÄverkas negativt av att betesmarker exploateras för vindkraftsutbyggnad. De bÄda nÀringarna mÄste hitta sÀtt att samexistera dÀr sÄvÀl byggande som underhÄll av vindkraftverk sker pÄ ett sÀtt som minimerar störningen för rennÀringen

    Unpacking the relationship between high-performance work systems and innovation performance in SMEs

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the black box between high-performance work systems (HPWS) and innovation performance in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Through application of the ability, motivation and opportunity (AMO) framework, the study examines the mediating roles of innovation-specific ability, motivation and voice behaviors between HPWS and SMEs’ innovation performance. Design/methodology/approach The hypotheses are tested on data collected through a self-administered questionnaire from 237 SMEs in Pakistan. Findings Findings indicate that human capital, motivation and employee voice fully mediate the relationship between HPWS and innovation performance in SMEs. Research limitations/implications The cross-sectional research design and self-reported measures warrant caution for the interpretation of findings. Future research may consider a longitudinal research design and objective measures. Practical implications SMEs need to invest in the adoption and implementation of HPWS that will develop innovation-specific abilities, motivation and voice behaviors simultaneously among employees that will lead to higher innovation performance. Originality/value This is the first study of its kind utilizing an AMO framework to investigate the underlying mechanism through which HPWS affect innovation performance in SMEs

    The relationship between oral diseases and infectious complications in patients under dialysis

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    Objectives Association was investigated between oral health before dialysis and the incidence of systemic infections during dialysis. We hypothesized that low-grade systemic inflammation caused by poor oral health associates with infectious episodes in patients on dialysis, despite earlier eradication of oral infection foci. Subjects and methods A total of 117 patients (46 with peritoneal and 71 with hemodialysis) were examined and treated at predialysis stage and followed up during dialysis. Number of infection episodes and microorganisms cultured from blood and peritoneal fluid were analyzed. Number of teeth, periodontal inflammatory burden, and total dental index scores were assessed, and salivary matrix metalloproteinase 8, triggering receptor on myeloid cells 1, peptidoglycan recognition protein 1 (PGLYRP1), and interleukin-1 beta were measured. Results In hemodialysis, 134 infection episodes were recorded, while peritoneal dialysis group had 77 peritonitis episodes. Culture-negative samples were 69% in hemodialysis and 23% in peritoneal dialysis group. Staphylococci were the most frequently associated microorganisms. Infections during dialysis did neither associate with oral health parameters nor associate with salivary inflammatory biomarkers, except for PGLYRP1, which associated with number of infection episodes during hemodialysis (p = .046). Conclusions A number of infection episodes during hemodialysis were associated with salivary PGLYRP1 but not the other salivary markers or oral infection markers.Peer reviewe

    Dual careers, time-use and satisfaction levels: evidence from the British Household Panel Survey

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    This paper empirically examines time-use and its impact on satisfaction levels among dual career households in a post-industrial economy, the UK. Analysis explores the 1993-2009 British Household Panel Survey using panel probit regression. The evidence reveals distinctions in time-use relative to gender, occupations, and employment sector. Long hours persist among managers and professionals. The uneven division of household labour, further, continues to burden women with extensive amounts of housework and care. Satisfaction with working hours and amount/use of leisure time are lower among women, especially public sector professionals. Provision of care, occupation, and partner employment characteristics represent important satisfaction determinants present among women, while income (including partner’s income) only has relevance among men. Housework does not itself generate dissatisfaction. It is the overload of household tasks, due to inequality in the household division of labour, which constrains many highly skilled working women reducing satisfaction with time-use and life overall
