444 research outputs found

    Fittonia verschaffeltii Response to Artificial Light Treatments: BIOMASS, Nutrient Concentrations and Physiological Changes

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    The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of different light treatments on biomass, nutrient concentrations and physiological parameters of Fittonia verschaffeltii (Lem) Van Houtte. The aim was to establish a methodology to evaluate the effect of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) emitted by lamps on biomass. The light treatments used were tube luminescent Dunn (TL-D), tube luminescent Dunn + light emitting diodes (LEDs) and Tube luminescent 5 (TL-5). At the end of the experimental period, biomass, nutritional, biochemical, and physiological parameters were assessed. A clear reduction in total plant dry weight under TL-D + LEDs at the end of the experiment was recorded. With respect to nutrient concentration in the different organs assessed, there was no clear response under the different light treatments. The growth under TL-D lamps resulted in the highest concentration of total soluble sugars and starch in leaves, whereas the highest value of indole 3-acetic acid concentration was under TL-5 lamps. Plants grown under TL-D + LEDs showed the lowest values of chlorophyll a, b and a + b. The relationship proposed between integrated use of spectral energy (IUSE) and total dry weight (TDW) showed a good correlation with an R2 value of 0.86, therefore we recommend this methodology to discern the effects of the different spectral qualities on plant biomass

    High-pressure eo-Hercynian metamorphism and development of an inverted metamorphic gradient in the schists from the Santiago Unit (Ordenes Complex, NW Iberian Massif, Spain)

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    [Resumen] La evolución tectonotermal de la Unidad de Santiago, situada en el margen occidental del Complejo de Ordenes, está caracterizada por el desarrollo de un episodio de metamorfismo eo-hercínico de alta -P y baja a intermedia -T. Las condiciones P-T para las paragénesis del evento de alta presión (que se conservan esencialmente como una Si = SI muy fina incluida en porfidoblastos de albita de esquistos semipelíticos) han sido estimadas en 493 ± 9°C y 14,7 ± 0.7 kbar (presión mínima). El desarrollo del metamorfismo de alta presión y la ausencia de reequilibrios significativos en su mineralogía característica, sugiere que la unidad (probablemente un fragmento del margen continental de Gondwana) ha sido elevada inmediatamente después de su subducción en el comienzo de la Orogenia Hercínica. El ascenso sin-F2 de la Unidad de Santiago induce una trayectoria P-T marcadamente descompresiva y ligeramente prograda. Esta trayectoria sugiere muy probablemente que la mayor parte de la historia ascensional de la unidad tuvo lugar en un contexto de extensión dúctil, relacionada con la subducción progresiva del margen continental de Gondwana y el desarrollo contemporáneo de extensión compensatoria por encima. La disposición actual de las zonas metamórficas sin-F2 es inversa, con la zona de la estaurolita (que representa el pico térmico) ocupando el techo de la unidad.[Abstract] A high-pressure-Iow to intermediate-temperature eo-Hercynian metamorphic event characterizes the tectonothermal evolution of the Santiago Unit, in the western margin of the Ordenes Complexo P-T conditions for the mineral assemblages of the high-pressure event (wich is essentially preserved as a very thin Si =SI included in albite porphyroblasts from semipelitic schists) have been estimated at 493 ± 9°C and 14.7 ± 0.7 kbar (minimum pressure). The development of the high-pressure metamorphism and the lacking of significative reequilibrium of their characteristic mineralogy, suggests that the unit (probably a fragment of the continental margin of Gondwana) has been uplifted inmediately after undergoing subduction in the beginning of the Hercynian Orogeny. The syn-D2 uplift of the Santiago Unit cause a markedly decompressive-slightly prograde P-T path. This path very likely suggests that the majority of the rising history of the unit took place in a context of ductile extensión, related to the continued underplating of the continental margin of Gondwana and compensating extension aboye. The actual disposition of the syn-D2 metamorphic zones is inverse, with the staurolite zone (which represents the thermal peak) occupying the top of the uni

    Docencia de arquitectura orientada a servicios

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    Este trabajo presenta los contenidos del curso “Web 2.0: Arquitectura Orientada a Servicios en Java” de la Escuela de Posgrado de la Universidad de Granada. El objetivo del curso es familiarizar al alumno con la programación de ServiciosWeb. Dada la gran variedad de técnicas disponibles para utilizar Arquitectura Orientada a Servicios, se presentan los siguientes temas: utilización de protocolos bien definidos para comunicación y contrato (SOAP y WSDL), creación de Web Services con JAX-WS y orquestación de ServiciosWeb con BPEL. Al final del curso, el alumno será capaz de crear, utilizar y mantener Servicios Web para el desarrollo de aplicaciones interempresariales, utilizando servicios creados o ya disponibles en la web, así como la orquestación lógica de los mismos.SUMMARY: This work presents the contents of the course “Web 2.0: Service Oriented Architecture on Java” from the Graduate School of the University of Granada. The course objective is to familarize students with Web Services programming. Due to the wide variety of available technologies, several subjects are presented: the usage of well-defined protocols to contract and communication (SOAP and WSDL), web services creation using JAX-WS, and service orchestration with BPEL. At the end of the course, students will be capable to create, use and manage Web Services for business applications, using new or available services in the web, and also their logical orchestration.Peer Reviewe

    Zygomycosis in Two Hematologic Cases

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    Zygomycosis are invasive mould infections, rarely diagnosed in hematologic patients. Most of the cases published are in patients with prolonged neutropenia, along with other risk factors such as the use of prior broad-spectrum antibiotics (including new antifungal agents, such as voriconazole), diabetes mellitus (with or without ketoacidosis), malnutrition, iron overload (with or without the use of deferoxamine). These infections have poor prognosis due to the involvement of vital anatomic structures and late diagnosis. Until recent years, the treatment was based on high doses of amphotericin B plus surgical debridement. Here we present two patients with hematologic diseases (one with leukemia, the second with aplastic anemia) with an impaired immune system and the diagnosis of zygomycosis. The survival of one of them was mainly due to early diagnosis and surgical debridement; unfortunately the second was misdiagnosed as an extensive ecchymosis due to thrombocytopenia and died with CNS involvement

    Comparative analyses of holder pasteurization vs. HTST pasteurization for donor milk: a cost-minimization study applicable to human milk banks

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    BACKGROUND: High-temperature short-time (HTST) pasteurization (72-75 °C, 15 s) is an alternative treatment to traditional Holder pasteurization (HoP) (62ºC, 30 min) for donor milk. HTST pasteurization guarantees the milk's microbiological safety and retains more of its biologically and nutritionally active compounds, but the cost of implementing this technology for a human milk bank is unknown. METHODS: A cost-minimization study was carried out on the facilities of a regional human milk bank in a public hospital. Total production costs (fixed plus variables) were quantified using HTST pasteurization and HoP in three hypothetical scenarios: (1) costs of the first 10 L of pasteurized milk in a newly opened milk bank; (2) costs of the first 10 L of pasteurized milk in an active milk bank; and (3) costs using the maximum production capacity of both technologies in the first two years of operation. The following costs were analyzed: health care professionals, equipment and software, external services, and consumables. RESULTS: In scenario 1, the total production costs were 228,097.00 for the HTST method versus 154,064.00 for the HoP method. In scenario 2, these costs were similar ( 6,594.00 for HTST pasteurization versus 5,912.00 for HoP). The cost of healthcare professionals was reduced by more than half when pasteurization was carried out by the HTST method versus the Holder method ( 84.00 and 191.00, respectively). In scenario 3, the unit cost of milk pasteurized by the HTST method decreased from the first to the second year by 43.5%, while for the HoP method, it decreased by 30%. CONCLUSIONS: HTST pasteurization requires a high initial investment in equipment; however, it provides a significant minimization of production costs in the long term, pasteurizes large quantities of donor milk per working day and achieves a more efficient management of the time of the health care professionals in charge of the bank's operation compared to HoP

    Linfoma angiocéntrico centrofacial

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    El linfoma angiocéntrico centrofacial es una neoplasia linfoide rara, con un diagnóstico a menudo difícil, debido al cuadro clínico inespecífico y a que muchas veces son necesarias varias biopsias para llegar a un diagnóstico correcto. Se trata de un linfoma no Hodgkin(LNH) agresivo, de localización preferente en el tracto respiratorio superior (sobre todo en cavidad nasal), y con un pronóstico ominoso, ya que la supervivencia media es de 12-18 meses aproximadamente(1). Predomina en orientales y sudamericanos, entre los 50-60 años de edad, y con ligera preferencia por el sexo masculino (2:1). Se presenta el caso de una paciente ecuatoriana que acude a nuestro servicio con edema hemifacial, rinorrea achocolatada y obstrucción respiratoria nasal de 1 mes de evolución, sin respuesta al tratamiento antibiótico y antiinflamatorio, que tras realizar varias pruebas diagnósticas se evidenció histológicamente la presencia de un linfoma T extranodal de tipo nasal (también llamado linfoma de células T angiocéntrico).The centrofacial angiocentric lymphoma is a rare lymphoid neoplasm, with an often-difficult diagnosis due to the non-specific clinical picture. On many occasions it is necessary to perform various biopsies to reach the correct diagnosis. This lymphoma is an aggressive Non-Hodgkin's (NHL) type, which is normally found in the upper respiratory tract (predominantly in the nasal cavity), and has an ominous prognosis, as the average survival rate is between 12 and 18 months (1). It is predominantly found in subjects of oriental and South American extraction, who are between the ages of 50 and 60 years and with a slight tendency towards males (2:1). This is the case study of a female Ecuadorian patient who was referred to our department with a hemifacial edema, chocolate- like rhinorrhea and nasal respiratory obstruction, which had been treated with antibiotics and anti-inflammatories for a month without success. After performing a number of diagnostic tests, it was found histologically that the patient had an extranodal T-cell lymphoma of the nasal type (also known as T-cell angiocentric lymphoma)

    Convolución paralela con GPU

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    Este trabajo presenta un proyecto de fin de carrera realizado en la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Informática y Telecomunicación de la Universidad de Granada donde se pone de manifiesto el potencial de la computación paralela en la GPU mediante el uso de dos tecnologías concretas: CUDA y OpenCL, tomando para ello, como ejemplo real, el algoritmo de la convolución para imágenes. Se analizaron las diversas implementaciones propuestas para cada una de las técnicas y se realizó un estudio sobre los resultados obtenidos tras la ejecución de éstos en función de las imágenes y filtros de entrada. Así mismo, se tratará el presente documento como la elaboración de un pequeño manual que pueda servir de apoyo al uso que dicho proyecto de fin de carrera tiene en el actual curso académico para la asignatura Arquitectura y Computación de Altas Prestaciones.This paper presents a thesis undertaken in the ETSIIT of the University of Granada where the potential of the parallel computing on the GPU is illustrated by using two different kinds of technology: CUDA and OpenCL, taking as a real example the Convolution algorithm for images. Several proposals of algorithm will be analyzed as well as the possible explanations about the obtained outcomes based upon various input images and filters. Additionally, the present document is intended to be conceived as a manual for starters, which could potentially become a support during the current academic year for the course "Arquitectura y Computación de Altas Prestaciones".Universidad de Granada: Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores; Vicerrectorado para la Garantía de la Calidad

    Source identification for mobile devices, based on wavelet transforms combined with sensor imperfections

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    One of the most relevant applications of digital image forensics is to accurately identify the device used for taking a given set of images, a problem called source identification. This paper studies recent developments in the field and proposes the mixture of two techniques (Sensor Imperfections and Wavelet Transforms) to get better source identification of images generated with mobile devices. Our results show that Sensor Imperfections and Wavelet Transforms can jointly serve as good forensic features to help trace the source camera of images produced by mobile phones. Furthermore, the model proposed here can also determine with high precision both the brand and model of the device

    Validity of student satisfaction surveys to assess teaching quality: the UPCT case study (Cartagena, Spain)

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    [ES] El programa DOCENTIA de ANECA se de­sarrolló como base para los modelos me­diante los cuales las universidades espa­ñolas evalúan la docencia del profesorado, una necesidad ligada a los requerimientos de transparencia y de mejora continua que están en la esencia del EEES. Entre los in­dicadores habituales en estos modelos destacan las encuestas de satisfacción de los estudiantes, cuya validez es objeto de debate desde el origen de su utilización. Una de las opiniones críticas más extendi­das sostiene que las encuestas no son una buena referencia, porque contienen ses­gos inasumibles. Con el objetivo de com­probar si existen realmente esos sesgos, se ha realizado un estudio estadístico a partir de los datos de indicadores de calidad en la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Se ha empleado la regresión lineal múlti­ple, mediante el procedimiento conocido como regresión hacia atrás, para identifi­car las variables que pudieran influir en las valoraciones que hacen los estudiantes y cuantificar su efecto. El principal resultado del estudio es que las variables analizadas, que suelen citarse como causas de sesgo, muestran una influencia poco o nada signi­ficativa sobre los resultados de las encues­tas. Por otra parte, es importante subrayar que hay aspectos de la actividad docente que solamente pueden evaluarse a partir de la observación sistemática que hacen los estudiantes. Por todo ello considera­mos que las encuestas de satisfacción son un indicador indispensable, y es funda­mental que el peso que se les asigna en el modelo de evaluación docente refleje su importancia.[EN]  ANECA´s DOCENTIA program was developed to support the evaluation of teaching by the Spanish universities. Nowadays, teaching quality evaluation is a need linked to the transparency and continuous improvement requirements inherent to the European Higher Education Area. The indicators on the quality models frequently include student evaluation of teaching (SET), whose validity is the subject of a broad debate from the beginning of its use. One of the most widespread critical opinions argues that student surveys are not a good reference, as they contain non-assumable biases. With the aim of verify whether these biases actually exist, a statistical study has been carried out based on quality indicators data from the Technical University of Cartagena. Multiple linear regression has been used, through backward stepwise regression, to identify variables that may influence students’ opinions and to quantify their effects. The main result is that the variables analyzed, many of which are often cited as causes of bias, show little or no significant influence on student satisfaction with teaching. It is also important to remark that there are aspects of the teaching activity that can only be evaluated from the systematic observation made by students. Therefore, we believe that student surveys are an essential indicator, and their weight within teaching evaluation models should reflect their relevance.García Martín, A.; Montero Cases, T.; García León, J.; Vázquez Arenas, G. (2020). Validez de las encuestas de satisfacción de los estudiantes para evaluar la calidad docente: el caso de la UPCT (Cartagena). REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 18(1):275-290. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2020.12996OJS275290181Abadía, A.R., Bueno, C., Ubieto-Artur, M.I., Márquez, M.D., Sabaté, S., Jorba, H., Pagès, T. (2015). Competencias del buen docente universitario. Opinión de los estudiantes. REDU, Revista de Docencia Universitaria, 13(2), 363-390. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2015.5453Benton, S.L., Cashin, W.E. (2013). Student ratings of instruction in college and university courses. 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