943 research outputs found

    Pemantauan Penerimaan Dosis Eksterna Dan Interna Di Instalasi Radiometalurgi Tahun 2012

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    PEMANTAUAN PENERIMAAN DOSIS EKSTERNA DAN INTERNA DI INSTALASI RADIOMETALURGI TAHUN 2012. Pemantauan penerimaan dosis eksterna dan interna di Instalasi Radiometalurgi tahun 2012 telah dilakukan. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini untuk mengetahui besarnya dosis eksterna dan interna yang diterima pekerja radiasi dihubungkan dengan kegiatan yang pekerja radiasi lakukan selama bekerja di laboratorium. Metoda yang dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi DEST yang diterima pekerja radiasi ini dengan cara menganalisis dosis eksterna yang berasal dari paparan radiasi dan dosis interna dengan cara in-vitro (pemeriksaan urine) dan in-vivo (Whole Body Counter). Ada beberapa personil yang menerima dosis eksterna triwulan 1 sebesar 0,06 mSv/thn, triwulan 3 antara 0,03 sampai dengan 0,10 mSv/thn sedangkan triwulan 2 dan 4 untuk penerimaan dosis eksterna hasil pemantauan ttd (tak terdeteksi). Hasil pemantauan dosis interna untuk triwulan 1 terpantau sebesar 0,01 mSv/thn, triwulan 4 antara 0,02 sampai dengan 0,09 mSv/thn. Untuk pemantauan triwulan 2 dan 3 hasilnya ttd (tak terdeteksi). Selama tahun 2012 penerimaan dosis eksterna dan interna untuk pekerja radiasi tersebut masih dalam kategori aman karena dosis yang diterima oleh pekerja radiasi masih jauh di bawah batas dosis yang diizinkan. Sesuai dengan Peraturan Kepala Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir No. 4 Tahun 2013 Tentang Proteksi dan Keselamatan Radiasi Dalam Pemanfaatan Tenaga Nuklir dan berdasarkan Laporan Analisis Keselamatan Instalasi Radiometalurgi (LAK IRM), Nilai Batas Dosis yang diijinkan yakni sebesar 50 mSv/thn dan rata-rata 20 mSv dalam 5 tahun

    Familial hypercholesterolemia: The Italian Atherosclerosis Society Network (LIPIGEN)

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    Primary dyslipidemias are a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by abnormal levels of circulating lipoproteins. Among them, familial hypercholesterolemia is the most common lipid disorder that predisposes for premature cardiovascular disease. We set up an Italian nationwide network aimed at facilitating the clinical and genetic diagnosis of genetic dyslipidemias named LIPIGEN (LIpid TransPort Disorders Italian GEnetic Network)

    Study of CuI thin films properties for application as anode buffer layer in organic solar cells

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    After chemico-physical characterization of CuI thin films, the structures indium tin oxide (ITO) /CuI are systematically studied. We show that the morphology of the 3 nm thick CuI film depends on its deposition rate. To obtain smooth homogeneous CuI film, it is necessary to depose it at 0.005 nm/s. After optimization of the deposition conditions of CuI, it is shown that it behaves like a template for the organic layer. For instance, when the organic film is copper-phthalocyanine, the molecules which are usually perpendicular to the plane of the substrate lie parallel to it when deposited onto CuI. In a same way, when the electron donor is a prophyrin derivative, CuI allows to double the power conversion efficiency of the cells based on the heterojunction porphyrin/C-60. When CuI is used as anode buffer layer, it increases systematically the short circuit current, the open circuit voltage, thus the efficiency of the organic solar cell. These effects are related, not only to the improvement of the band matching between the ITO and the electron donor, but also to the templating effect of the CuI. Moreover, we show that the beneficial effect of CuI. is effective, not only with ITO, but also with fluorine doped tin oxide

    Lipoprotein(a) Genotype Influences the Clinical Diagnosis of Familial Hypercholesterolemia

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    Background Evidence suggests that LPA risk genotypes are a possible contributor to the clinical diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). This study aimed at determining the prevalence of LPA risk variants in adult individuals with FH enrolled in the Italian LIPIGEN (Lipid Transport Disorders Italian Genetic Network) study, with (FH/M+) or without (FH/M-) a causative genetic variant. Methods and Results An lp(a) [lipoprotein(a)] genetic score was calculated by summing the number risk-increasing alleles inherited at rs3798220 and rs10455872 variants. Overall, in the 4.6% of 1695 patients with clinically diagnosed FH, the phenotype was not explained by a monogenic or polygenic cause but by genotype associated with high lp(a) levels. Among 765 subjects with FH/M- and 930 subjects with FH/M+, 133 (17.4%) and 95 (10.2%) were characterized by 1 copy of either rs10455872 or rs3798220 or 2 copies of either rs10455872 or rs3798220 (lp(a) score ≥1). Subjects with FH/M- also had lower mean levels of pretreatment low-density lipoprotein cholesterol than individuals with FH/M+ (t test for difference in means between FH/M- and FH/M+ groups <0.0001); however, subjects with FH/M- and lp(a) score ≥1 had higher mean (SD) pretreatment low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels (223.47 [50.40] mg/dL) compared with subjects with FH/M- and lp(a) score=0 (219.38 [54.54] mg/dL for), although not statistically significant. The adjustment of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels based on lp(a) concentration reduced from 68% to 42% the proportion of subjects with low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level ≥190 mg/dL (or from 68% to 50%, considering a more conservative formula). Conclusions Our study supports the importance of measuring lp(a) to perform the diagnosis of FH appropriately and to exclude that the observed phenotype is driven by elevated levels of lp(a) before performing the genetic test for FH

    Stereospecific generation of homochiral helices in coordination polymers built from enantiopure binaphthyl-based ligands

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    The novel enantiopure spacer 2,2′-dimethoxy-1,1′-binaphthyl-3,3′-bis(4-pyridyl-amido) has been designed to prepare helical coordination polymers here investigated by means of experimental and theoretical data

    Ten years since the introduction of therapeutic hypothermia in neonates with perinatal hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy in Spain

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    More than a decade has passed since therapeutic hypothermia (TH) was introduced in Spain; this is the only neuroprotective intervention that has become standard practice in the treatment of perinatal hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE). This article aims to provide a current picture of the technique and to address the controversies surrounding its use. In the last 10 years, TH has been successfully implemented in the vast majority of tertiary hospitals in Spain, and more than 85% of newborns with moderate or severe HIE currently receive the treatment. The factors that can improve the efficacy of TH include early treatment onset (first 6 hours of life) and the control of comorbid factors associated with perinatal asphyxia. In patients with moderate HIE, treatment onset after 6 hours seems to have some neuroprotective efficacy. TH duration longer than 72 hours or deeper hypothermia do not offer greater neuroprotective efficacy, but instead increase the risk of adverse effects. Unclarified aspects are the sedation of patients during TH, the application of the treatment in infants with mild HIE, and its application in other scenarios. Prognostic information and time frame are one of the most challenging aspects. TH is universal in countries with sufficient economic resources, although certain unresolved controversies remain. While the treatment is widespread in Spain, there is a need for cooling devices for the transfer of these patients and their centralisationSe cumple ahora más de una década del inicio de la hipotermia terapéutica (HT) en España, la única intervención neuroprotectora que ha venido a ser práctica estándar en el tratamiento de la encefalopatía hipóxico-isquémica perinatal (EHI). El objetivo de este artículo es ofrecer un panorama actual y presentar las controversias surgidas alrededor de la aplicación de esta terapia. En esta década se ha implantado con éxito la HT en la gran mayoría de los hospitales terciarios de España y más del 85% de los recién nacidos con EHI moderada-grave reciben esta terapia. Entre los aspectos que pueden mejorar la eficacia de la HT están su inicio precoz dentro de las primeras 6 horas de vida y el control de factores comórbidos asociados a la asfixia perinatal. En los pacientes con EHI moderada el inicio después de las 6 horas parece mantener cierta eficacia neuroprotectora. Una duración de la HT mayor de 72 horas o un enfriamiento más profundo no ofrecen mayor eficacia neuroprotectora y aumentan el riesgo de efectos adversos. Persiste la controversia acerca de la sedación durante la HT, la aplicación de esta intervención a los neonatos con EHI leve y en otros escenarios. La información pronóstica y su marco temporal es uno de los aspectos más desafiantes. La HT es universal en países con recursos económicos, aunque existen puntos de controversia no resueltos. Si bien es un tratamiento generalizado en nuestro país, falta disponer de dispositivos para el traslado de estos pacientes y su centralizació

    Automatic Segmentation of Mouse Images

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    Genetic engineering has enabled the generation of organisms where molecular reactions in response to patho-physiological events can be measured in real-time by means of molecular imaging. This novel technology with the generation of reporter cell systems, that is cells engineered to express a bioluminescent protein in response to selected stimuli, had a major impact in pharmacological research. The recent generation of reporter mice, where the activity of a specific drug can be studied systematically, hold the promise to strengthen preclinical studies, providing a very rapid and comprehensive view on drug pharmacokinetics and activity in whole organisms. To date, a major limitation to the use of in vivo imaging for pharmaco-toxicological purposes resides in the limited throughput of the methodology: even if up to 100 animals can be reasonably processed in a day by some imaging techniques, the analysis of the data, including the identification and quantification of signals belonging to different mouse body areas, requires time and trained personnel, to manually identify specific body areas where drug effects can be measured. For this reason, we have developed an algorithm to automatically identify (segment) the body areas of a given reporter mouse. Automatic segmentation is obtained by combining classical image processing and pattern recognition techniques. The algorithm has been tested on more than 1000 mouse images differing for sex, pose and lighting conditions, and acquired by devices of different companies. Our algorithm, not only increases processivity (the whole dataset analyzed by a trained scientist in a week was processed overnight by our software), but also provides more accurate results. In conclusion, automatic systems may outperform current manual image analysis, allowing to obtain a detailed comprehension of real-time molecular processes in living animals with a standardized, rapid, and cost-effective approach. This work was supported by EC. (STREP EWA LSHM-CT-2005-518245) NIH (RO1AG027713) to A.M

    Coordination Chemistry and Sensing Properties Towards Anions and Metal Ions of a Simple Fluorescent Urea

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    The coordination and sensing properties towards anions and transition metal ions of the simple novel fluorescent urea 1-(2-aminophenyl)-3-(naphthalen-1)-yl)urea (L) were investigated in solution, and in the solid state. An electron donating amine group in the molecular skeleton of L decreased the acidity of the urea NHs that are usually deprotonated by basic anions and allowed for a good degree of affinity towards fluoride in DMSO-d6-0.5 %H2O. Moreover, the amine moiety acted as a further binding group for metal ions. Indeed, L was able to bind Zn2+ both in solution and in the solid state, and to respond to the presence of this metal ion in MeCN with an enhancement of the fluorescence emission. Although solution studies evidenced the formation of a 1 : 1 complex of L with Zn2+, complexes with a 2 : 1 ligand-to-metal stoichiometry were isolated in the solid state. DFT calculations helped to clarify the stability reasons behind these results

    Using terrestrial LiDAR for monitoring canopy structure in cork oak trees

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    The main aim of this work was to assess the capabilities of terrestrial laser scanner in measuring both changes by the time and differences among trees of canopy characteristics of Quercus suber L. (cork oak) plants