58 research outputs found

    Reconstrucción del significado de ciudadanía en la vida cotidiana de una comunidad de inmigrantes venezolanos en la ciudad de Concepción

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    Tesis (Terapeuta Ocupacional)La presente investigación consiste en la realización del análisis de la re-construcción del significado de ciudadanía en la vida cotidiana de una comunidad de inmigrantes venezolanos en la ciudad de Concepción, Chile; donde se realizó un estudio cualitativo con éstos, quienes deciden emigrar en búsqueda de oportunidades para una mejor calidad de vida tras la situación en la que se encuentra su país de origen. Para ello fue necesaria la descripción del significado que éstos le otorgan al ejercicio al derecho a la participación social, trabajo y cultura, en torno al contexto sociopolítico de su país de origen, luego se realizó la descripción de estos en base a sus vivencias cotidianas y finalmente se desarrolló una relación entre la construcción y reconstrucción del significado de los componentes de ciudadanía en la vida cotidiana de esta comunidad de inmigrantes en Concepción, para ello se recolectaron los datos de cada participante a través de entrevistas semi estructuradas y la realización de grupo focal. Al analizar el significado del concepto de ciudadanía, es posible identificar que éste se reconstruye en base a los acontecimientos sociopolíticos de ambos países, en donde al considerarse sujetos de derecho deciden emigrar buscando mejores oportunidades, sin embargo, el tener mejores oportunidades en Chile hace que los inmigrantes no visualicen las vulneraciones de derecho existentes en su vida cotidiana. De este modo, la investigación entrega herramientas para intervenir en esto desde una Terapia Ocupacional Social Crítica, en donde el fenómeno de la migración es una de las problemáticas emergentes en el campo social que ha ido en aumento con los años.The present investigation consists in the realization of the analysis of the re-construction of the meaning of the concept of citizenship in the daily life of a community of Venezuelan immigrants in the city of Concepción, Chile; where a qualitative study was conducted with these, who decide to emigrate in search of opportunities for a better quality of life after the situation in which their country of origin is located. To do this, it was necessary to describe the meaning that they give to exercise the right to social participation, work and culture, around the sociopolitical context of their country of origin, then the description of it was made based on their daily experiences and finally, a relationship was made between the construction and reconstruction of the meaning of the components of citizenship in the daily life of this immigrant community in Concepción, for this, the data of each participant was collected through semi-structured interviews and the realization of a focus group. When analyzing the meaning of the concept of citizenship, it is possible to identify that it is reconstructed based on the sociopolitical events of both countries, where when considering themselves subjects of law they decide to emigrate looking for better opportunities, however, having better opportunities in Chile means that Immigrants do not visualize the violations of law that exist in their daily lives. In this way, the research provides tools to intervene in this from a Social Occupational Critical Therapy, where the phenomenon of migration is one of the emerging problems in the social field that has been increasing over the years

    Valorización social del patrimonio arqueológico para un desarrollo turístico de la provincia de Petorca

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    This study aims to identify relevant aspects for the construction of a tourism development model in the province of Petorca. The archaeological assets in the territory, its social valorization by the community and its suitability degree for tourism use were analyzed. In addition, a review of theories and literature associated with these areas was made, which provides a knowledge base to discuss the development of the territory based on the results obtained. The work was based on a mixed approach methodology, with field techniques and interviews to local actors. As result, the inhabitants' valorization of their archaeological heritage was high, but their initial level of suitability for tourism use of these same assets was low, which allows us to propose some guidelines for the construction of a tourism development model based on archaeological heritage.El objetivo de este estudio apunta a identificar aspectos relevantes para la construcción de un modelo de desarrollo turístico en la provincia de Petorca, para lo cual se analizaron los bienes arqueológicos existentes en el territorio, la valorización social de los mismos por parte de la comunidad, y el grado de adecuación de dichos bienes para ser utilizados en la actividad turística. Además, se hizo una revisión de teorías y literatura asociadas a estas áreas, lo que permitió generar una base de conocimiento para discutir acerca del desarrollo del territorio considerando los resultados obtenidos. El trabajo se fundamentó en una metodología de enfoque mixto, con técnicas de campo y entrevistas a actores locales. Como resultado se obtuvo una alta valorización de los habitantes acerca de su patrimonio arqueológico, pero un nivel de adecuación inicial para uso turístico de estos mismos bienes, lo que permite plantear algunas orientaciones para la construcción de un modelo de desarrollo turístico basado en el patrimonio arqueológico

    Descripcion de la situacion de salud de los adultos mayores pertenecientes a la posta rural "Mercedes" de la comuna de Talca, VII region del Maule

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    87 p.El proceso de envejecimiento poblacional se caracteriza por un aumento de la natalidad con un incremento de la esperanza de vida, y la disminución de la población infantil. Junto a esto se acompaña la transición epidemiológica de enfermedades contagiosas a no contagiosas. Esto sumando a los cambios fisiológicos del envejecimiento hace de la población adulto mayor (AM) más vulnerable a deterioro y pérdida de la autonomía ante el medio, causando a nivel mundial grandes costos en las políticas públicas y sanitarias. Si bien para hacer frente a esta problemática se han implementado programas y valorado la situación de salud de los AM, estos en su mayoría se han enfocado en un contexto urbano. A nivel internacional estudios recientes describen la situación de salud y funcionalidad del AM en el contexto rural, en Chile solo se describen de forma global algunas características de esta población. Con el fin de ser un aporte en el ámbito kinésico, el objetivo de esta memoria es describir la situación de salud de los adultos mayores, que se atienden en la Posta rural Mercedes, en la comuna de Talca. El estudio es de tipo descriptivo, observacional y transversal. La muestra incluyó las fichas de 63 AM (34 hombres y 29 mujeres) sobre 65 años, de estas se extrajeron los datos del examen de medicina preventiva del adulto mayor ( EMPAM). Se utilizó estadística descriptiva y los resultados se expresan en gráficos. Dentro de los resultados la familia es la principal red de apoyo (82,5%). Se observó un bajo nivel de escolaridad (68%),, alto porcentaje de AM estaba con exceso de peso (55%), y altos índices de sedentarismo (76%). Las enfermedades crónicas con mayor prevalencia en esta población fueron la Hipertensión arterial (HTA)(36,4%) y la Diabetes Mellitus (DM)(35%). Según el EFAM, se observó que el 53,8% de los AM eran autovalentes con riesgo y el test de estación unipodal mostró que el 42,8% de los AM presentaban riesgo de caída. A pesar de las dificultades para obtener la muestra se puede concluir que los AM de la Posta rural de Mercedes cuentan con escaso apoyo de organizaciones y se da en estos AM la tendencia de sedentarismo, baja escolaridad, de obesidad y sobrepeso y enfermedades crónicas como HTA Y D

    Sex-differences in the oxygenation levels of intercostales and vastus lateralis muscles during incremental exercise

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    This study aimed to examine sex differences in oxygen saturation in respiratory (SmO2-m.intercostales) and locomotor muscles (SmO2-m.vastus lateralis) while performing physical exercise. Twenty-five (12 women) healthy and physically active participants were evaluated during an incremental test with a cycle ergometer, while ventilatory variables (lung ventilation [V ̇E], tidal volume [Vt], and respiratory rate [RR]) were acquired through the breath-by-breath method. SmO2 was acquired using the MOXY devices on the m.intercostales and m.vastus lateralis. A two-way ANOVA (sex × time) indicated that women showed a greater significant decrease of SmO2-m.intercostales, and men showed a greater significant decrease of SmO2-m.vastus lateralis. Additionally, women reached a higher level of ΔSmO2-m.intercostales normalized to V ̇E (L·min-1) (p<0.001), whereas men had a higher level of ΔSmO2-m.vastus lateralis normalized to peak workload-to-weight (watts·kg-1, PtW) (p=0.049), as confirmed by Student's t-test. During an incremental physical exercise, women experienced a greater cost of breathing, reflected by greater deoxygenation of the respiratory muscles, whereas men had a higher peripheral load, indicated by greater deoxygenation of the locomotor muscles

    High-Fat-Diet-Induced Obesity Produces Spontaneous Ventricular Arrhythmias and Increases the Activity of Ryanodine Receptors in Mice

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    Ventricular arrhythmias are a common cause of sudden cardiac death, and their occurrence is higher in obese subjects. Abnormal gating of ryanodine receptors (RyR2), the calcium release channels of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, can produce ventricular arrhythmias. Since obesity promotes oxidative stress and RyR2 are redox-sensitive channels, we investigated whether the RyR2 activity was altered in obese mice. Mice fed a high fat diet (HFD) became obese after eight weeks and exhibited a significant increase in the occurrence of ventricular arrhythmias. Single RyR2 channels isolated from the hearts of obese mice were more active in planar bilayers than those isolated from the hearts of the control mice. At the molecular level, RyR2 channels from HFD-fed mice had substantially fewer free thiol residues, suggesting that redox modifications were responsible for the higher activity. Apocynin, provided in the drinking water, completely prevented the appearance of ventricular arrhythmias in HFD-fed mice, and normalized the activity and content of the free thiol residues of the protein. HFD increased the expression of NOX4, an isoform of NADPH oxidase, in the heart. Our results suggest that HFD increases the activity of RyR2 channels via a redox-dependent mechanism, favoring the appearance of ventricular arrhythmias.Fil: Pecchi Sanchez, Gina Angela. Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina. Institutos de Ciencias Biomédicas; ChileFil: Araneda, Felipe. Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina. Institutos de Ciencias Biomédicas; ChileFil: Peña, Juan Pedro. Universidad de Viña del Mar. Escuela de Ciencias Veterinarias; ChileFil: Finkelstein, Jose Pablo. Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina. Institutos de Ciencias Biomédicas; ChileFil: Riquelme, Jaime A.. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Montecinos, Luis. Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina. Institutos de Ciencias Biomédicas; ChileFil: Barrientos, Genaro. Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina. Institutos de Ciencias Biomédicas; ChileFil: LLanos, Paola. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Pedrozo, Zully. Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina. Institutos de Ciencias Biomédicas; ChileFil: Said, Maria Matilde. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares "Dr. Horacio Eugenio Cingolani". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Centro de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares "Dr. Horacio Eugenio Cingolani"; ArgentinaFil: Bull, Ricardo. Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina. Institutos de Ciencias Biomédicas; ChileFil: Donoso, Paulina. Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina. Institutos de Ciencias Biomédicas; Chil

    Determination of the respiratory compensation point by detecting changes in intercostal muscles oxygenation by using near-infrared spectroscopy

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    This study aimed to evaluate if the changes in oxygen saturation levels at intercostal muscles (SmO2-m.intercostales) assessed by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) using a wearable device could determine the respiratory compensation point (RCP) during exercise. Fifteen healthy competitive triathletes (8 male; 29±6 years; height 167.6±25.6 cm; weight 69.2±9.4 kg; V ̇O2-máx 58.4±8.1 mL·kg-1·min-1) were evaluated in a cycle ergometer during the maximal oxygen-uptake test (V ̇O2-máx), while lung ventilation (V ̇E), power output (watts, W) and SmO2-m.intercostales were measured. RCP was determined by visual method (RCPvisual: changes at ventilatory equivalents (V ̇E·V ̇CO2-1, V ̇E·V ̇O2-1) and end-tidal respiratory pressure (PetO2, PetCO2) and NIRS method (RCPNIRS: breakpoint of fall in SmO2-m.intercostales). During exercise, SmO2-m.intercostales decreased continuously showing a higher decrease when V ̇E increased abruptly. A good agreement between methods used to determine RCP was found (visual vs NIRS) at %V ̇O2-máx, V ̇O2, V ̇E, and W (Bland-Altman test). Correlations were found to each parameters analyzed (r=0.854; r=0.865; r=0.981; and r=0,968; respectively. p<0.001 in all variables, Pearson test), with no differences (p<0.001 in all variables, t-student test) between methods used (RCPvisual and RCPNIRS). We concluded that changes at SmO2-m.intercostales measured by NIRS could adequately determine RCP in triathletes

    Oxygenation of respiratory and locomotor muscles during maximal exercise in two marathon runners

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    A high work of breathing (WOB) associated with pulmonary hyperventilation during physical exercise, may limit sports performance in long-distance runners (e.g. marathon). The assessment of changes in WOB during maximal oxygen consumption test (V̇O2-máx.) allows knowing the intensity of exercise at which the higher WOB limits the delivery of nutrients and oxygen in muscles involved during locomotion. The non-invasive assessment of muscle oxygenation (SmO2) by the interpretation of wavelengths of near-infrared range (Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, NIRS) is a useful and new method to quantify muscle work, used at intercostal muscles (SmO2-m. intercostales) to the WOB, and at locomotor muscles (SmO2-m.vastus laterallis) to external load. Thus, as the intensity of exercise increases, a higher decrease in SmO2 is showed. However, until now is unknown how the ventilatory strategy used to achieve pulmonary hyperventilation affects the SmO2 of these muscle groups, whose muscle work affects them reciprocally through the metabolic reflex. As a report-case, we present the changes in SmO2-m.intercostales (WOB) and peripheral (SmO2-m.vastus laterallis) during the V̇O2-máx. test. in two competitive marathon runners with similar anthropometric characteristics, physical performance, training regimen and sports history. The objective is to give new information for identifying that the ventilatory strategy used during exercise can affect the local oxygenation in muscles with high demand during exercise. To evaluate this aspect, helping to coach improving the exercise performance in their athletes

    A hypoperfusion context may aid to interpret hyperlactatemia in sepsis-3 septic shock patients: a proof-of-concept study

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    __Background:__ Persistent hyperlactatemia is particularly difficult to interpret in septic shock. Besides hypoperfusion, adrenergic-driven lactate production and impaired lactate clearance are important contributors. However, clinical recognition of different sources of hyperlactatemia is unfortunately not a common practice and patients are treated with the same strategy despite the risk of over-resuscitation in some. Indeed, pursuing additional resuscitation in non-hypoperfusion-related cases might lead to the toxicity of fluid overload and vasoactive drugs. We hypothesized that two different clinical patterns can be recognized in septic shock patients through a multimodal perfusion monitoring. Hyperlactatemic patients with a hypoperfusion context probably represent a more severe acute circulatory dysfunction, and the absence of a hypoperfusion context is eventually associated with a good outcome. We performed a retrospective analysis of a database of septic shock patients with persistent hyperlactatemia after initial resuscitation. __Results:__ We defined hypoperfusion context by the presence of a ScvO2 < 70%, or a P(cv-a)CO2 ≥6 mmHg, or a CRT ≥4 s together with hyperlactatemia. Ninety patients were included, of whom seventy exhibited a hypoperfusion-related pattern and 20 did not. Although lactate values were comparable at baseline (4.8 ± 2.8 vs. 4.7 ± 3.7 mmol/L), patients with a hypoperfusion context exhibited a more severe circulatory dysfunction with higher vasopressor requirements, and a trend to longer mechanical ventilation days, ICU stay, and more rescue therapies. Only one of the 20 hyperlactatemic patients without a hypoperfusion context died (5%) compared to 11 of the 70 with hypoperfusion-related hyperlactatemia (16%). __Conclusions:__ Two different clinical patterns among hyperlactatemic septic shock patients may be identified according to hypoperfusion context. Patients with hyperlactatemia plus low ScvO2, or high P(cv-a)CO2, or high CRT values exhibited a more severe circulatory dysfunction. This provides a starting point to launch further prospective studies to confirm if this approach can lead to a more selective resuscitation strategy

    Recomendaciones para la atención kinésica respiratoria en el contexto de paciente sospechoso y confirmado para Covid-19 en las unidades de Hospitalización Domiciliaria

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    PorpuseGiven the health crisis that the country and the world are currently experiencing, this document was prepared by the autonomous initiative of kinesiologists from twelve Hospital at Home units of public hospitals in Chile, in order to unify criteria based on their experiences and the available scientific evidence in order to carry out safe respiratory physiotherapy care in patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19. In addition, this document is intended to be a guide for those who need to protocolize and / or standardize their care at Hospital at home, and can be adapted according to the need and availability of resources and infrastructure of each unit. It is important to note that this document may vary depending on the evolution of this pandemic and the updating of scientific evidence.ScopeThis document is designed to be applied in the home of adult and pediatric patients admitted to Hospital at Home Units (UHD) with suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection or with a positive result for COVID-19PropósitoAnte la crisis sanitaria que vive el país y el mundo actualmente, se confeccionó este documento por la iniciativa autónoma de kinesiólogos de doce unidades de Hospitalización Domiciliaria (HD) de hospitales públicos de Chile, con el fin de unificar criterios en base a sus experiencias y la evidencia científica disponible para poder realizar una atención kinésica respiratoria segura en pacientes con sospecha o confirmados para COVID-19. Además, este documento tiene el objetivo de ser una guía para quienes tengan la necesidad de protocolizar y/o estandarizar su atención en HD, pudiendo ser adaptado según la necesidad y disponibilidad de recursos e infraestructura de cada unidad. Es importante señalar, que este documento puede variar según la evolución de esta pandemia y la actualización de la evidencia científica.Campo de aplicaciónEste documento está diseñado para ser aplicado en el domicilio de los pacientes adultos y pediátricos ingresados a las Unidades de Hospitalización Domiciliaria (UHD) con sospecha de infección por SARS-CoV-2 o con resultado positivo para COVID-19