1,439 research outputs found

    Método científico e pesquisas em saúde: orientação para prática profissional

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    In the health area, research is designed to develop reliable data on problems and needs that are important to the individual/community, with a particular focus on guiding practitioners. Today, due to innumerable innovations in health, health decision-making needs to be based on scientific principles, which is a daily process that is integral to the rhythm of life, product and reason for social interests in confrontation based on learning, not summarized to mere reproduction. In this context, when considering that the quality of the research is directly linked to the presentation of the results, it is important to note the importance of the construction of research protocols that present the step-by-step techniques of organization and analysis of the data, understanding that the researcher, when in possession of collected data, must be sure that when they work respecting the chosen technique, they will indicate the evidences of the study, with possibilities to achieve a new knowledge with the minimum of bias that can happen. Thus, it is understood the importance of emphasizing the scientific method as a way for the development of scientific research in order to achieve the objectives set, increasing the rigor of the research to give visibility to information that enables the professional practices conscious and within of criteria that contribute to decision making on care based on validated scientific information.  Na área da saúde a pesquisa é projetada para desenvolver dados fidedignos sobre problemas e necessidades importantes para o indivíduo/comunidade, com foco, em especial, para orientar a prática dos profissionais. Atualmente, devido a inúmeras inovações na área da saúde, a tomada de decisão em saúde necessita estar pautada em princípios científicos que é processo cotidiano integrante do ritmo de vida, produto e motivo de interesses sociais em confronto baseado no aprendizado não resumido à mera reprodução. Nesse contexto, ao considerar que a qualidade das pesquisas está diretamente ligada à apresentação dos resultados, destaca-se a importância da construção de protocolos de pesquisa que apresentem o passo a passo de técnicas de organização e análise dos dados, ao entender que o pesquisador quando de posse de dados coletados, deve ter a certeza de que ao serem trabalhados respeitando a técnica escolhida, indicarão as evidências do estudo, com possibilidades de chegar a um novo conhecimento com o mínimo de viés que pode acontecer. Assim, entende-se a importância de dar ênfase ao método científico como caminho para desenvolvimento da pesquisa cientifica para que assim se alcance os objetivos traçados, propiciando cada vez mais a rigorosidade das pesquisas para dar visibilidade a informações que possibilitem as práticas profissionais conscientes e dentro de critérios que contribuam para tomada de decisão sobre o cuidado com base em informações científicas validadas

    Evaluation of quality parameters of rectal cancer surgery at the Coloproctology Unit of Hospital de Braga

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    Introduction: rectal cancer (rC) represents 1/3 of all diagnosed colorectal cancers. After the creation of specialized units to treat rC, it became fundamental to establish criteria to assess the quality of the service. Objective: to evaluate the surgical treat-ment provided to rC patients at the Coloproctology Unit of Hospital de Braga(bH-CU) by means of quality parameters. Methods: We conducted an observational cross-sectional descriptive study with a convenience sample of 149 patients undergoing surgical treatment in this unit, from January 1st, 2007 to June 30, 2010. results: We observed that the postoperative mortality rate (4%) and the global dehiscence rate (14.8%) were in accordance with recommended values. sphincter sparing surgery rate (65.8%) was higher than the rec-ommended minimum; however, more than 12 resected ganglia (36.6%) is inferior than what is recommended. the oncological results were analyzed by the local recurrencerate (6.7%) and the two-year survival rate (91.1%); both values are in accordance with literature. Conclusion: We conclude that the bH-CU surgical treatment has a quality level similar to that observed in literatureIntrodução: O câncer do reto (Cr) constitui cerca de 1/3 da totalidade dos casos de câncer colorretal diagnosticados. Após a criação de unidades especializadas no tratamento do Cr, tornou-se fundamental estabelecer critérios que permitam avaliar a qualidade do tratamento prestado. Objetivo: Avaliar, segundo parâmetros de qualidade, o tratamento cirúrgico prestado aos doentes com Cr, na Unidade Funcional de Coloproctologia (UFC) do Hospital de braga (Hb). Métodos: realizou-se um estudo observacional, transversal e descritivo com uma amostra de conveniência constituída por 149 doentes operados de Cr entre 1º de Janeiro de 2007 e 30 de Junho de 2010. resultados: Observou-se que a taxa de mortalidade pós-operatória (4%) e a taxa global de deiscência (14,8%) se encontram dentro dos valores recomendados. A taxa de realização de cirurgia poupadora de esfíncteres (65,8%) foi superior ao limite mínimo aconselhado; no entanto, a taxa de número de gânglios ressecados superior a 12 (36,6%), encontra-se aquém do exigível. Os resultados oncológicos foram analisados através da taxa de recidiva local, 6,7%, e da taxa de sobrevida aos 2 anos, 91,1%, ambos dentro dos valores propostos na literatura. Conclusão: Concluímos que o tratamento cirúrgico prestado na UFC do Hb apresenta um nível de qualidade semelhante ao globalmente recomendado.(undefined

    “Saber é poder”: o ‘Questionário – Islamismo’ e a governança do Islão em Moçambique (1966-1967)

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    Em meados da década de 1960 no contexto multi-étnico e multi-religioso de Moçambique foi desenhada uma estratégia de aproximação às comunidades muçulmanas, com o objectivo da sua mobilização político-militar pela administração colonial portuguesa. O questionário desenhado por Fernando Amaro Monteiro, em 1965, e levado a cabo, em 1966/67, foi um dos seus elementos fundamentais. Teve como finalidade identificar e caracterizar os dignitários islâmicos, hierarquias, lideranças e mecanismos de comunicação, a eventual permeabilidade a influências cristãs, elementos que se destinavam a uma posterior exploração pelo poder colonial. As múltiplas leituras e possibilidades de tratamento que suscita, em virtude do manancial de informações veiculado, impõem uma reflexão multidimensional que contribui para explorar o espaço dos dispositivos, agências e mediadores de saber na administração colonial portuguesa, a sua operatividade na definição de estratégias de governança, bem como a avaliação das limitações e potencialidades epistemológicas deste dispositivo de conhecimento

    Teacher professional development in higher education: the impact of pedagogical training perceived by teachers

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    This paper aims to analyze the impact of a pedagogical training program aimed to promote teacher professional development in a higher education institution in Portugal. Based on a mixedmethods approach, the study evaluates the satisfaction of 36 higher education teachers with the pedagogical training program offered and discusses its impact on teachers’ perceptions of teaching practices, conceptions, and professional development. The results from the questionnaires applied to participants, including multiple choice questions and open-ended answers, indicate high satisfaction with the implemented training program. Based on this case study, the authors discuss the implications of findings for teacher professional development and identify key characteristics for the design of successful pedagogical training programs in higher education.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Towards a public health approach for palliative care: an action-research study focused on engaging a local community and educating teenagers

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    Background: Education sessions about palliative care among teenagers are uncommon in developed countries. However, very little is known either about the impact of this type of intervention or about how this age-group perceives its impact. The purpose of this study was therefore to (i) implement an education program about palliative care among teenagers and (ii) to investigate the impact of the program on the participants. Methods: An action-research study was conducted at a local community parish in Portugal in November 2015. An education programme was purposively built about palliative care, using active educational strategies adapted for teenagers. Quantitative and qualitative techniques and instruments were used for data collection: questionnaire; reflective diaries; interviews and written testimony. The program had three stages: preparation; intervention; and evaluation. Qualitative data were analysed using thematic content analysis; quantitative data were analysed descriptively. Results: 69 people (47 teenagers) participated in the education program. Findings show that the education program contributed to creating awareness about palliative care. Both the teenagers and other participants assessed the education program positively. At the end of the program, teenagers had a constructive message about palliative care. Conclusions: The education-intervention contributed to create awareness about palliative care among the participant teenagers, who ended the program with a positive message about palliative care. Based on our findings, the following policy implications can be drawn: (1) Further research is needed to evaluate the effect of education programs about palliative care among younger age groups (teenagers and children), particularly in relation to the changing of attitudes toward palliative care. (2) Education about palliative care should be promoted to local communities, involving all age groups, to foster involvement, participation and empowerment. (3) Compassionate communities should be promoted to enhance the health and wellbeing of all citizens at the end of their life.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Use of superabsorbent polymers to mitigate autogenous shrinkage in ultra-high performance concrete

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    Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) with low w/c-ratio is very prone to the formation of cracks due to autogenous shrinkage. These cracks can lead to a decreased durability of the concrete, resulting in higher maintenance and/or repair costs in the future. Superabsorbent polymers (SAPs) can be added to cementitious materials to provide internal curing and as a result reduce or even mitigate this autogenous shrinkage. In this paper, two different types of SAPs were added to cement paste to see their influence on mitigating autogenous shrinkage. One SAP is a commercially available SAP whereas the other SAP is especially developed within the framework of the LORCENIS project by the company ChemStream, with the aim to mitigate autogenous shrinkage and induce self-healing of cracks. The SAPs from ChemStream were based on a copolymerization of sodium vinyl sulfonate (SVS) with 2-acryloylamino-2-methyl-propane-1-sulfonate (NaAMPS) and contained 1.0 mol% N,N’-methylenebisacrylamide (MBA) with respect to the monomer as cross-linker. The commercial SAP from BASF was based on poly(acrylamide-co-acrylic acid). In case SAPs were used, an additional fixed amount of water was added to mitigate autogenous shrinkage. The amount of SAPs used was determined based on their swelling capacity in cement filtrate and in order to obtain the same workability as the reference mixture. The amount of SAPs needed was in the range of 0.2-0.26 m% of the cement weight. To see whether the size of the SAPs plays a role in the efficiency of mitigating autogenous shrinkage, two average particle sizes, namely 40 and 100 µm, were tested. With the used amount of SAPs, a reduction or even complete counteraction of autogenous shrinkage was observed for the cement pastes

    Legislación y política migratoria en España. Radicalizando la precariedad social

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    This article reviews the construction of migration policies in Spain while analyzing its role as an instrument in the production of exclusion and precariousness. The changes in migration legislation-far from decreasing the number of undocumented migrants-have produced labor segmentation and social stratification. The official determination of presenting illegal immigrants as part of a vicious circIe and legal ones as part of a virtuous circIe opens the door to the criminalization of migration movements. This situation produces a radicalization in the vulnerability of certain labor forces. As opposed to the culturalist perspective, which explains inequality as the result of pre-existent cultural differences, the following analysis suggests that the discriminatory and marginalized situations suffered by part of non-communitarian immigrant population in Spain are systematically produced and reinforced by various political and legal practices

    A ludicidade digital na educação infantil

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    This study had some reflections on the use of digital games in the classroom early childhood education, since the information and communication technology (ICT) comes from the evolution and social adaptation. Thus, it was discussed how video games can contribute to the process of teaching and learning in early childhood education. We selected as specific objectives, identify studies showing the use of ICT in early childhood education; describe the technologies used and discuss the contribution that the use of video games leads to early childhood education. Therefore, this work justifies its relevance to think about new proposals for teaching and learning that include the use of electronic games for the student's development in early childhood education, and contributes to the further research in education. The methodological procedures used in this study were derived from information collected in books, scientific articles, monographs, theses and journals related to reflections on how video games can contribute to the process of teaching and learning in early childhood education, which is characterized as a literature. Thus, virtual games contribute to the promotion, motivation and learning of children in early childhood education, with its more diversified forms of interactions. It was stated in this literature review that traditional methods of teaching and learning are not effective at all, which was researched and verified is that ICT can and should be compared to additional learning tools. Some of the data showed that the use of ICT in the classroom, only yield good results if conducted by appropriate educators and aware of the educational direction that was previously planned.O presente trabalho teve algumas reflexões em torno da utilização dos jogos digitais na sala de aula da educação infantil, uma vez que a tecnologia de informação e comunicação (TIC) é proveniente da evolução e adaptação social. Desta forma, foi abordado de que maneira os jogos eletrônicos podem contribuir no processo de ensino aprendizagem na educação infantil. Elegemos como objetivos específicos, identificar estudos que apresentem a utilização das TIC na educação infantil; descrever as tecnologias utilizadas e discorrer sobre a contribuição que o uso dos jogos eletrônicos acarreta para a educação infantil. Portanto, este trabalho justifica sua relevância ao pensar sobre novas propostas de ensino aprendizagem que englobam o uso de jogos eletrônicos para o desenvolvimento do aluno na educação infantil, e contribui para a realização de mais pesquisas na área educacional. Os procedimentos metodológicos utilizados nesta pesquisa, foram oriundos das informações coletas em livros, artigos científicos, monografias, teses e revistas, relacionados a reflexões sobre como os jogos eletrônicos podem contribuir no processo de ensino aprendizagem na educação infantil, o que caracteriza-se como uma pesquisa bibliográfica. Assim, os jogos virtuais contribuem para a promoção, motivação e aprendizagem das crianças na educação infantil, com suas formas mais diversificadas de interações. Não foi afirmado nesta análise bibliográfica que os métodos tradicionais de ensino e aprendizagem não são eficazes, de forma nenhuma, o que foi pesquisado e verificado é que as TIC podem e devem ser comparadas a ferramentas adicionais da aprendizagem. Alguns dos dados apontaram que o uso das TIC em sala de aula, apenas renderá bons frutos se forem conduzidos por educadores aptos e conscientes do direcionamento educacional que foi previamente planejado