1,030 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento de método indicativo de estabilidade para detecção de produtos de degradação da associação de zidovudina e lamivudina (300 + 150 mg) em matéria-prima e comprimidos.

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    Stability can be elucidated as the period to which a proprietary product or raw material alone, remains in accordance with the limits specified over the period of storage and use, with the same conditions and characteristics that had the date of its manufa cture . In order to evaluate the stability of forced degradation test in which the product is subjected to studies provide evidence on how the quality can be varied over time are performed. The method indicative of stability must accurately measure changes in the concentration of active ingredients, without interference from other degradation products, impurities and excipients. The purpose of this study was to develop a stability indicating method, based on the methodology of The United States Pharmacopeia (USP 36) for related substances tablet zidovudine and lamivudine associated through stress tests in alkaline, acidic, neutral and oxidative. The results were analyzed based on the interpretation of the chromatograms generated by High Efficiency Liquid Chr omatography (HPLC) with diode array detector (DAD). Zidovudine was stable in the less concentrated (0.1 to 1.0 M) as raw materials and compressed acidic and basic conditions and in the neutral hydrolysis and oxidative degradation tablet. However proved to be unstable in the severest conditions of acidic and basic hydrolysis (5.0 M), as well as oxidative degradation as raw material. Lamivudine in the form of raw material was stable only in milder conditions (0.1 and 1.0M) and unstable acid hydrolysis in an a lkaline medium (0.1, 1.0 and 5.0 M) and at all concentrations in the oxidative degradation compared to their behavior in the form of tablets, remained stable under mild acidic conditions (0.1 and 1.0) and in alkaline medium (0.1 M) and hydrolysis stable in neutral and alkaline media (1.0 to 5.0 M) acid hydrolysis (5.0 M) and at all concentrations of oxidative degradation. The time of study varied at each condition according to the degree of degradation of each solution producing degradative against assets, since the law calls an extension of degradation of assets between 10 and 30%. According to the results it was found that the method indicative of stability (MIE) can detect degradation products arising from assets that may arise after the stress tests.A estabilidade pode ser elucidada como o período ao qual uma especialidade farmacêutica ou mesmo a matéria - prima isolada, permanece de acordo com os limites especificados ao longo do período de estocagem e uso, com as mesmas condições e características que possuía na data de sua fabricação. Com a finalidade de avaliar a estabili dade são realizados testes de degradação forçados em que o produto é submetido a estudos que fornecem evidências de como a qualidade pode sofrer variações no decorrer do tempo. O método indicativo de estabilidade deve medir com precisão as mudanças na conc entração de insumos ativos, sem interferência de outros produtos de degradação, impurezas e excipientes . A finalidade do trabalho foi desenvolver um método indicativo de estabilidade, baseada na metodologia da The United States Pharmacopeia (USP 36) para s ubstâncias relacionadas de comprimidos de zidovudina e lamivudina associadas, através de testes de estresse em meio alcalino, ácido, neutro e oxidativo. Os resultados foram analisados a partir da interpretação dos cromatogramas gerados por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE) com detector de arranjo de diodos (DAD ). A zidovudina mostrou - se estável nas condições ácida e básica menos concentradas (0,1 e 1,0 M) na forma de matéria - prima e comprimido, be m como na hidrólise neutra e na degradação oxidativa em comprimido. Porém mostrou - se instável nas condições mais severas das hidrólises ácida e básica (5,0 M) , assim como na degradação oxidativa na forma de matéria - prima. A lamivudina sob a forma de matéri a - prima mostrou - se estável apenas nas condições de hidrólise ácida mais branda (0,1 e 1,0 M) e in stável em meio alcalino (0,1, 1,0 e 5,0 M) e em todas as concentrações na degradação oxidativa , em relação ao seu comportamento sob a forma de comprimido, perm aneceu estável nas condições ácidas brandas (0,1 e 1,0 M), assim como em meio alcalino (0,1 M) e na hidrólise neutra e instável em meios alcalinos (1,0 e 5,0 M), hidrólise ácida (5,0 M) e em todas as concentrações da degradação oxidativa. Os tempos de estu do variaram em cada condição, conforme o grau de produzir degradação de cada solução degradativa frente a os ativos, uma vez que a legislação preconiza uma extensão de degradação dos ativos entre 10 e 30%. Conforme os resultados obtidos verificou - se que o m étodo indicativo de estabilidade (MIE) consegue detectar produtos de degradação advindo s dos ativos que venham à surgir após os testes de estress

    Mobile intelligent sensoring system

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia de InformáticaTendencialmente as pessoas idosas têm problemas cognitivos e físicos que potencializam a queda. Estudos revelam que 30% das pessoas com idades à volta dos 65 anos cai pelo menos uma vez por ano, piorando o cenário para 50% a partir dos 80 anos de idade. Quando a assistência à pessoa que caiu tarda em chegar surge evidentemente o agravamento do estado de saúde e das condições de cura e recuperação. Recorrendo a técnicas dos Sistemas Inteligentes, neste trabalho pretende-se estudar e analisar formas computacionais de deteção da queda. Para que a deteção seja correcta é necessária a utilização de sensores, e software que interprete a informação proveniente dos mesmos. Será ainda necessário estudar diferentes abordagens na utilização dos dados dos sensores para optimizar a eficácia do sistema. Neste trabalho dá-se ênfase ao uso de dispositivos de fácil aquisição e uso, e a uma abordagem não invasiva. Especificamente, estuda-se a utilização dos acelerómetros de plataformas móveis Android para a aquisição de dados sobre os padrões de movimento dos utilizadores por forma a detectar quedas e minimizar o tempo decorrido entre a queda e a chegada de ajuda.In a general way, elder people suffer from cognitive and physical disorders that potentiate falls. Studies show that 30% of people aged around 65 falls at least once a year, with this number worsening to 50% after 80 years of age. When the help to the person that fell takes time to arrive, there is an evident risk to the health of the person and a worsening of the healing and recovering conditions. Using Intelligent System techniques, in this work we aim to study technology-supported ways of detecting falls. In order for the detection to be correct, there is the need to use the appropriate sensors as well as software that correctly interprets the data generated. It will also be necessary to study different approaches on the use of the sensory data in order to optimize the efficacy of the system. In this work we focus on the use of easy to use and easy to acquire devices, and on a non-invasive approach. Specifically, we study the use of the accelerometers that make part of mobile Android platforms for data acquisition concerning user movement patterns in order to detect falls and minimize the time between a fall and the arrival of help

    Metainterpretação: Quinze Anos de Pesquisa com o Relatório da Administração

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    This paper deals with Brazilian empirical research published in journals between 2000 and mid-2015 that used, as a source of data, the Management Reports (MRs) released by publicly-traded companies together with their financial statements. MRs differ from each other, both in form as well as in substance, and due to this as well as to their other characteristics, they prove attractive for academic studies interested in official company discourse, more so because they involve documents that are public and retrievable over time, covering a substantial range of typically larger companies from different economic sectors. Driven by these characteristics, the goal of this study was to understand the way the academic world understands and uses the MR. The paper favored an interpretivist viewpoint, but used the triangulation allowed by the use of qualitative (content analysis) and quantitative (statistical, sociometric, and bibliometric analyses) methods. It was concluded that, for the core group of experts who dealt with the document, the MR is biased, incomplete, questionable, unclear, laborious, uncertain, but also useful - in the absence of another -, comprehensive, available, and retrievable over time. And it lends itself to the interest of company directors by increasing their value and at the same time legitimizing their companies, incorporating into discourse the use of contemporary management practices, consistent with the expectations of stakeholders. Finally, it suggests the possibility, unexplored in the articles analyzed, of employing the MR to study the dynamics of the institutionalization of administrative practices among companies in the country.Este trabalho lida com as investigações empíricas brasileiras publicadas em periódicos entre 2000 e meados de 2015 e que utilizaram - como fonte de dados - o Relatório da Administração (RA) divulgado pelas empresas de capital aberto junto com as demonstrações financeiras. Os RA são diversos entre si, tanto na substância quanto na forma, constituindo-se, por essa e por suas outras características, em atrativo para pesquisas acadêmicas interessadas no discurso oficial das empresas, ainda mais sendo aqueles documentos públicos e recuperáveis ao longo do tempo, cobrindo uma gama considerável de empresas, tipicamente, de maior porte, de diversos setores econômicos. Compelido por tais atributos, o objetivo deste estudo foi apreender a forma com que a academia científica entende e utiliza o RA. O trabalho privilegiou a ótica interpretativista, mas recorreu à triangulação permitida pelo uso de métodos qualitativos (análise de conteúdo) e quantitativos (análises estatísticas, sociométricas e bibliométricas). Concluiu-se que, para o grupo central de especialistas que lidaram com o documento, o RA é enviesado, incompleto, contestável, dúbio, trabalhoso, incerto, mas também útil - na falta de outro -, abrangente, disponível e recuperável ao longo do tempo; e se presta ao interesse dos diretores de empresas em, simultaneamente, valorizar-se e legitimar as suas companhias, incorporando em discurso o emprego de práticas contemporâneas de gestão, coerentes com as expectativas daqueles destinatários dos RA. Ao final, sugere-se a possibilidade, não explorada nos artigos analisados, de empregar o RA para acompanhar a dinâmica da institucionalização de práticas administrativas entre as empresas do país

    Violência obstétrica no processo do abortamento

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    Objective: To analyze health care practices in the abortion process typified as obstetric violence. Methodology: Qualitative and descriptive study, conducted in a public hospital in Brazil with 15 health professionals of medium and higher education. The data were collected in person, through a semi-structured interview script. The profile was analyzed by simple descriptive statistics and the questions opened by the thematic content technique proposed by Bardin. Results: It was evidenced that health professionals had insufficient knowledge about obstetric violence at the time they restricted it to childbirth or abortion, physical/verbal typing and identified only doctors and nurses as the main perpetrators. The practices that denote obstetric violence are related to the allocation of women in the process of abortion in the same environment as pregnant women and puerperal women and when issuing value judgments at the time of care. Conclusion: There is a need for permanent education so that the professionals can assist in a humanized and qualified way.Objetivo: Analizar las prácticas de atención a la salud en el proceso de aborto tipificadas como violencia obstétrica. Metodología: Estudio cualitativo y descriptivo, realizado en un hospital público en Brasil con 15 profesionales de salud de nivel medio y superior. Los datos fueron recogidos presencialmente, a través de un guion de entrevista semiestructurada. El perfil fue analizado por la estadística descriptiva simple y las cuestiones abiertas por la técnica de contenido temática propuesta por Bardin. Resultados: Se evidenció que los profesionales de salud presentaron conocimiento insuficiente sobre violencia obstétrica en el momento en que la restringieron al parto o aborto, a la tipificación física/verbal e identificaron solo a los médicos y enfermeras como los principales perpetradores. Las prácticas que denotan violencia obstétrica se relacionan a la asignación de las mujeres en proceso de aborto en el mismo ambiente que gestantes y puérperas, y al emitir juicios de valor en el momento de la asistencia. Conclusión: Hay necesidad de educación permanente para que los profesionales puedan asistir de manera humanizada y cualificada.Objetivo: Analisar as práticas assistenciais de saúde no processo do abortamento tipificadas como violência obstétrica. Metodologia: Estudo qualitativo e descritivo, realizado em um hospital público no Brasil com 15 profissionais de saúde de nível médio e superior. Os dados foram coletados presencialmente, através de um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada. O perfil foi analisado pela estatística descritiva simples e as questões abertas pela técnica de conteúdo temática proposta por Bardin. Resultados: Evidenciou-se que as práticas que denotam violência obstétrica relacionam-se a alocação das mulheres em processo de abortamento no mesmo ambiente que gestantes e puérperas e ao emitirem juízos de valor no momento da assistência às mulheres. Conclusão: Há necessidade de educação permanente para que as/os profissionais possam assistir de maneira humanizada e qualificada

    Enhancing ecosystem services to minimize impact of climate variability in a dry tropical forest with vertisols

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    Increased droughts and variable rainfall patterns may alter the capacity to provide ecosystem services, such as biomass production and clean water provision. The impact of these factors in a semi-arid region, especially on a dry tropical forest with Vertisols and under different land uses such as regenerated vegetation and thinned vegetation, is still unclear. This study analyzes hydrologic processes under precipitation pulses and intra-seasonal droughts, and suggests management practices for ecosystem services improvement. A local 43-year dataset showed a varying climate with a decrease in number of small events, and an increase in the number of dry days and in event rainfall intensity, in two catchments with different land use patterns and with Vertisols, a major soil order in semi-arid tropics. The onset of runoff depends on the expansive characteristics of the soil rather than land use, as dry spells promote micro-cracks that delay the runoff process. Forest thinning enhances groundcover development and is a better management practice for biomass production. This management practice shows a lower water yield when compared to a regenerated forest, supporting the decision of investing in forest regeneration in order to attend to an increasing water storage demand.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    La educación en la contemporaneidad: entre la emancipación y el retroceso

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    Desde o projeto da modernidade, criou-se a expetativa do poder libertador da educação, na lógica do progresso civilizacional, em que as conquistas da escolarização poderiam libertar o sujeito do obscurantismo, da ignorância e dos poderes políticos alienantes. Este artigo reflete sobre o par emancipação-retrocesso no âmbito do discurso educacional contemporâneo e discute se hoje faz sentido afirmar que a educação pode ainda emancipar. Parte, assim, de uma perspetiva crítica de emancipação, reflete sobre o perigo do retrocesso no contexto da pós-modernidade e, sob o signo da esperança, coloca um conjunto de interrogações e reflexões críticas, concluindo que o par emancipação-retrocesso, inserido em uma perspetiva evolutiva, expressa um tempo de mudança na reconfiguração do par emancipação-alienação.The project of modernity raised the expectation of education’s liberating power, following the logic of civilization progress. In this project, school’s achievements may liberate the individual from obscurantism and ignorance, as well as from alienating political powers. This article discusses the pair ‘emancipation-retrogression’ in the contemporary educational discourse. It also questions the meaning of the claim that education is still able to emancipate. The argument present in this article starts from a critical perspective of emancipation; proceeds with the analysis of the danger of retrogression in the frame of post-modernity, and under the sign of hope, raises questions and critical reflections, concluding that the pair ‘emancipation-retrogression’ expresses a time of change in the reconfiguration of the pair ‘emancipation-alienation’ within an evolutionary perspective.Desde el proyecto de la modernidad se creó la expectativa del poder libertador de la educación, de la lógica en el progreso de la civilización, en el que las conquistas de la escolarización podrían liberar al sujeto del oscurantismo, la ignorancia y los alienantes poderes políticos. Este artículo se profundiza en el binomio emancipación-retroceso en el ámbito del discurso educativo contemporáneo y se pregunta si, en los tiempos que corren, hay sentido afirmar que la educación es una herramienta de emancipación. Se parte, así, de una perspectiva crítica de emancipación, subrayando el peligro de retroceder en el contexto posmoderno y, bajo el signo de la esperanza, formulase una serie de interrogantes y reflexiones críticas. La conclusión es que la pareja emancipación-retroceso examinada, insertada en una perspectiva evolutiva, es la expresión de un momento de cambio en la reconfiguración de sí misma.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    This article theoretically and empirically analyzes the hypothesis of the nonlinearity of Brazilian monetary policy following the implementation of inflation-targeting regime. At the theoretical level, it discusses growth and macroeconomic regimes and their effect over Brazilian economy according to the behavior of a number of variables. Empirically, it tests the hypothesis of the nonlinearity of monetary policy in Brazil, estimating a Markov-switching vector autoregressive (MS-VAR) model. The results identify two different monetary regimes: the first regime, which primarily occurred between 2000 and 2007, and the second regime, which primarily occurred between 2007 and 2013. In the case of the second regime, a contractionary monetary policy had more persistent effects on both the public debt and the exchange rate.  This article theoretically and empirically analyzes the hypothesis of the nonlinearity of Brazilian monetary policy following the implementation of inflation-targeting regime. At the theoretical level, it discusses growth and macroeconomic regimes and their effect over Brazilian economy according to the behavior of a number of variables. Empirically, it tests the hypothesis of the nonlinearity of monetary policy in Brazil, estimating a Markov-switching vector autoregressive (MS-VAR) model. The results identify two different monetary regimes: the first regime, which primarily occurred between 2000 and 2007, and the second regime, which primarily occurred between 2007 and 2013. In the case of the second regime, a contractionary monetary policy had more persistent effects on both the public debt and the exchange rate

    Effects of physical training with different intensities of effort on lipid metabolism in rats submitted to the neonatal application of alloxan

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a chronic disease that is characterized by insulin resistance. Its development is directly connected with the inability of insulin to exert its action, not just on carbohydrate metabolism but also on primarily on lipid metabolism. The present study aimed to compare the effects of continuous, intermittent, and strength training on serum and tissue variables on the lipid metabolism of alloxan rats.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Wistar rats were divided into eight groups: sedentary alloxan (SA), sedentary control (SC), continuous training alloxan (CA), intermittent training alloxan (IA), strength training alloxan (StA), continuous training control (CC), intermittent training control (IC) and strength training control (StC). Alloxan (250 mg/kg bw) was injected into neonatal rats at 6 days of age. The continuous training protocol consisted of 12 weeks of swimming training for 1 uninterrupted hour / day, five days/ week, supporting a load that was 5% bw. The intermittent training protocol consisted of 12 weeks of swimming training with 30 s of activity interrupted by 30 s of rest, for a total of 20 min/day, five days/ week, supporting a load that was 15% bw. The strength-training protocol consisted of 12 weeks of training, five days/week with 4 sets of 10 jumps in water with 1 min rest between sets, supporting a load that was a 50% bw.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At 28 days, the alloxan animals exhibited higher insulin resistance as measured by the disappearance of glucose serum (% Kitt/min) during the ITT. At 120 days, the sedentary alloxan animals showed higher FFA values than continuous and intermittent training alloxan. In addition, the alloxan animals that underwent intermittent and strength training showed lower FFA values compared to the corresponding controls. The continuous training protocol was less effective than the strength training protocol for reducing the levels of total cholesterol in the alloxan animals. Serum total lipid values revealed that intermittent training increased serum levels in alloxan animals</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Thus, it was concluded that physical training at different intensities of effort is of great importance in attenuation and control of changes in the lipid metabolism in alloxan animals.</p

    Innovative low noise surfaces : comparison of damping and absorption

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    While sound absorption is an acoustic related property reasonably well known and currently used to characterize low noise surfaces, damping is a property commonly used in other domains to define the energy dissipation of a material but rarely used to characterize this important mechanism in road pavements. This paper compares noise related properties such as damping and absorption of five road pavement surfaces. Two of which are innovative and therefore expected to be low noise since they have high voids content, incorporate fine grading aggregates and expanded clay. Other two incorporate rubber and waste high-density polyethylene giving them an elastic and stiff behaviour respectively. The fifth is a conventional material, asphalt concrete, used for control. Sound absorption tests and mechanical impedance tests were carried out in 30x30 cm slabs at 20ºC. To measure absorption, an impedance tube with an open end was put on the surfaces. To determine damping, the response of a hammer impact measured by an accelerometer on suspended slabs was analysed. Results show that the innovative surfaces have better acoustic related properties while the surface with high-density polyethylene provided the worst results. Furthermore, a strong correlation of damping and air voids was found.(undefined