1,418 research outputs found

    Andreas Kapsner, “Logics and Falsifications: A New Perspective on Constructivist Semantics”, Series Trends in Logic, vol. 40, Springer

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    Andreas Kapsner, Logics and Falsifications: A New Perspective on Constructivist Semantics, Series Trends in Logic, vol. 40, Springer, Cham, 215 pages, ISSN 1572-6126, ISBN 978-3-319-05205-2

    Ensinar e aprender através da banda desenhada digital – Pixton : no 1º CEB

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    A comunicação apresenta uma investigação realizada no âmbito da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada do mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º CEB que foi implementado na Escola Básica da Boa Esperança de Castelo Branco, numa turma de 3º ano que incluiu 21 alunos. O principal objetivo da investigação foi o de averiguar e compreender os potenciais contributos, no processo de ensino/aprendizagem, através da utilização do Software «Pixton» (suporte digital que permite a criação de uma banda desenhada digital). Os resultados da investigação vieram demonstrar que a utilização do «Pixton» despertou nos alunos o prazer em realizar as atividades, mantendo-os mais motivados para as aprendizagens, não tendo sido necessário recorrer a estratégias diferenciadas para que resolvessem as atividades propostas. Dado que os alunos referiram, através do questionário, que as atividades que mais gostavam de fazer no computador era jogar, o «Pixton» conseguiu-lhes transmitir esse ambiente lúdico que muito apreciaram. Contudo, foi sempre intenção expressa utilizar o recurso digital como forma de complementar o papel do professor, recorrendo ao professor ou ao recurso digital sempre que tal se entendesse mais pertinente.The paper presents an investigation under the Master Supervised Teaching Practice in Preschool Education and the 1st Cycle (Basic Education) which was implemented in the Basic School of «Boa Esperança» at Castelo Branco, a 3rd grade class that included 21 students. The main objective of the research was to investigate and understand the potential contributions in the process of teaching /learning through the use of software "Pixton" (digital support that enables the creation of a digital comic). The research results have shown that the use of 'Pixton’ aroused the students happy to carry out the activities, keeping them more motivated for learning and has not been necessary to use different strategies to solve the proposed activities. Since the students mentioned, through the questionnaire, that the activities they liked to do on the computer was playing the 'Pixton’ succeeded them convey this playful environment that is greatly appreciated by them. However, it was always stated intention to use digital resource as a way to complement the role of the teacher, using the teacher or digital resource whenever it is understood more relevant.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Four-Valued Logical Framework for Reasoning About Fiction

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    In view of the limitations of classical, free, and modal logics to deal with fictional names, we develop in this paper a four-valued logical framework that we see as a promising strategy for modeling contexts of reasoning in which those names occur. Specifically, we propose to evaluate statements in terms of factual and fictional truth values in such a way that, say, declaring ‘Socrates is a man’ to be true does not come down to the same thing as declaring ‘Sherlock Holmes is a man’ to be so. As a result, our framework is capable of representing reasoning involving fictional characters that avoids evaluating statements according to the same semantic standards. The framework encompasses two logics that differ according to alternative ways one may interpret the relationships among the factual and fictional truth values

    Cultural and religious tourism - the case of the Tesouro da Misericórdia Museum

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    This paper describes the process of implementation and development of “Tesouro da Misericórdia Museum”, a museum that was born in the building of the Misericórdia church in the city of Viseu (Portugal) and has contributed to improvement the tourism activity in the region. The methodology of the study was based on a structured interview with the director of the museum and on surveys of visitors of the museum, in order to perceive the profile of the tourist who visits the museum. A total of 101 questionnaires were collected and analyzed. Finally, future development strategies are presented in an interdisciplinary perspective, with the aim of showing how the cultural and religious heritage in the region of Viseu, specially the Misericórdia museum, is a fundamental axis to define a local and regional development strategy, driven by tourism

    The retirement process from the perspective of meaningful social networks of retirees

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    Research on retirement have traditionally been centered on the individual perspective of the phenomenon. This qualitative study aimed at understanding the relational dynamics in meaningful social networks during the retirement process, as perceived by members of retirees’ networks. Nine people indicated by retirees as members of their social networks (spouses, siblings, friends, and former coworkers) participated in this study. Data collection was performed through the Focus Group technique, and field notes were recorded. Data organization and analysis were based on the Grounded Theory and aided by the Atlas.ti software (Mac version 1.6.0). Results show that retirement triggers a recursive process to break, maintain, or redevelop bonds, with repercussions on the relational issues and proposals among the network of retirees. The study data suggest that the relational dimension greatly affects the retirees’ experience as well as their relational network.As pesquisas sobre aposentadoria, tradicionalmente, centraram-se na ótica individual desse fenômeno. Este estudo qualitativo teve por objetivo compreender a dinâmica relacional das redes sociais significativas no processo de aposentadoria, na perspectiva de membros das redes de aposentados. Participaram 09 pessoas indicadas por aposentados como membros de suas redes (cônjuges, irmão, amigos e ex-colegas de trabalho). Para a coleta de dados utilizou-se a técnica de Grupo Focal e foram efetivados registros em diário de campo. A organização e a análise dos dados fundamentou-se na Grounded Theory e contou com o auxílio do software Atlas.ti versão 1.6.0 for Mac. Os resultados evidenciaram que a aposentadoria desencadeia um processo recursivo de ruptura, manutenção e/ou reconstrução de vínculos, produzindo repercussões nas propostas relacionais entre os membros da rede dos aposentados. Os dados deste estudo sugerem que a dimensão relacional afeta decididamente as experiências tanto do aposentado quanto da rede configurada em torno do mesmo.La investigación sobre la jubilación se ha centrado tradicionalmente en la perspectiva individual del fenómeno. Este estudio cualitativo tuvo como objetivo comprender la dinámica relacional de las redes sociales en el proceso de jubilación, desde la perspectiva de los miembros de las redes de jubilados. Participaron 09 personas nombradas por jubilados como miembros de sus redes. Los datos fueron recolectados usando la técnica de grupo focal y registro de diario de campo. La organización y el análisis de los datos se basaron en la teoría fundamentada y fueron respaldados por el software Atlas.ti versión 1.6.0 para Mac. Los resultados mostraron que la jubilación desencadena un proceso recursivo de ruptura, mantenimiento y/o reconstrucción de enlaces, produciendo repercusiones en la propuesta relacional entre los integrantes de la red. Los datos de este estudio sugieren que la dimensión relacional incide decisivamente en las vivencias tanto del jubilado como de su red social

    Information mining in patent filings on injectable antineoplastics as a contribution to Health Policy

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    Introduction: According to data from the United Nations, cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world. Currently, information management has been increasingly difficult due to the large amount of data to be managed. In general, the databases that store patent documents make it possible to read them in full, but do not allow the extraction and treatment of large amounts of data. In this sense, it is necessary to use management software. Objective: To identify, extract, process the data, organize,and make available, in the form of graphical interfaces, the technological information on injectable oncology described in the current patents. Methodology: Patents deposited between January 2002 and July 2022 were analyzed using the ORBIT Intelligence® platform. In the “Advanced Search” field, the “Title, Abstract” filters were applied and the search terms: “injectable AND cancer” were used. Results and Discussion: 115 patent families were identified. The USA stands out in the number of patent documents filed, presenting a total of 56 documents. Inventors Ivan Edward Hofman, Farber Michael, Franco Rodriguez Guillermo and Gutierro Aduriz Ibon were the most productive, each with 3 documents deposited. The institutions Bespoke Bioscience (USA), Immunocore Holdings (United Kingdom) and Mountain Valley MD Holding (Canada) stood out, each holding 3 documents. In the documents analyzed, the most recurrent technological domain went beyond the "pharmaceutical" technological domain, which obtained 109 documents and others such as chemical, biological, electrical, micro and nanotechnology. Final Considerations: The results obtained by mining the data extracted from patent documents proved to be efficient and, can be useful as an effective tool to analyze, compare and monitor research and innovation activities in injectable oncology.publishersversionpublishe

    Políticas de patrimônio cultural imaterial : O caso da ayahuasca

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    This paper analyzes, on the one hand, the construction of the policies on intangible cultural heritage in Brazil. On the other hand, it maps the disputes that emerge from the implementation of such policies through a case study on the patrimonialization of the religious use of ayahuasca. In the first part of the paper, we describe the emergence and consolidation of public policies on intangible cultural heritage in the country. Then, we map the disputes surrounding the recognition of the religious use of ayahuasca as intangible heritage of Brazilian culture and the repercussions of the recent protagonism of indigenous peoples in the debate. Thus, the article invests in two central objectives. To understand the construction and consolidation of policies on intangible heritage from the convergence of a series of social, historical and institutional processes. To show that the subsequent process of implementation of such policies can give rise to the emergence of a new set of dynamics, tensions and claims unforeseen in the projects of the proponents of public policies.Este trabajo analiza, por un lado, la construcción de un acuerdo institucional en torno a las políticas sobre el patrimonio inmaterial de la cultura brasileña. Por otro lado, mapea las disputas que surgen de la implementación de dichas políticas a partir de un estudio de caso sobre la patrimonialización del uso religioso de la ayahuasca en Brasil. En la primera parte del documento se describe el surgimiento y la consolidación de las políticas públicas sobre el patrimonio cultural inmaterial en el país. A continuación, mapeamos las disputas en torno al proceso de reconocimiento del uso religioso de la ayahuasca como patrimonio inmaterial de la cultura brasileña y las repercusiones del reciente protagonismo de los pueblos indígenas en el debate. Así, el artículo se centra en dos objetivos centrales. Aprehender la construcción y consolidación de las políticas sobre el patrimonio inmaterial a partir de la convergencia de una serie de procesos sociales, históricos e institucionales. Evidenciar que el proceso posterior de implementación de dichas políticas puede dar lugar a la aparición de un nuevo conjunto de dinámicas, tensiones y reivindicaciones no previstas en los proyectos de los proponentes de las políticas públicas.O presente trabalho analisa, de um lado, a construção de um arranjo institucional em torno das políticas sobre o patrimônio imaterial da cultura brasileira. De outro lado, mapeia as disputas que emergem a partir da implementação de tais políticas a partir de um estudo de caso sobre a patrimonialização do uso religioso da ayahuasca no Brasil. Na primeira parte do trabalho descrevemos a emergência e consolidação das políticas públicas sobre o patrimônio cultural imaterial no país. Em seguida, mapeamos as disputas em torno do processo de reconhecimento do uso religioso da ayahuasca como patrimônio imaterial da cultura brasileira e as repercussões do recente protagonismo dos povos indígenas no debate. Assim, o artigo investe em dois objetivos centrais. Apreender a construção e consolidação das políticas sobre o patrimônio imaterial a partir da convergência de uma série de processos sociais, históricos e institucionais. Evidenciar que o processo posterior de implementação de tais políticas pode dar margem à emergência de um conjunto novo de dinâmicas, tensões e reivindicações imprevistas nos projetos dos proponentes de políticas públicas