328 research outputs found

    Formação E Transformação: Para Além Do Capital

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    Resenha do livro de István Mészáros, A Educação para Além do Capital. 11p. 171-175FilosofiaEducaçãoPolític

    Trabalho, educação e a produção e reprodução social da condição humana em Marx

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    O modo como Marx tratou a educação tem sido objeto de instigantes estudos, no interior das mais variadas vertentes teóricas marxistas e em diferentes campos do conhecimento. Com efeito, o autor não se ocupou, ao longo de sua produção, de uma formulação exclusivamente educacional, nem mesmo pedagógica, muito embora a educação ocupe lugar de destacada importância no conjunto de sua obra. O presente texto busca analisar o sentido amplo da concepção de educação desenvolvida por Karl Marx. No interior da obra marxiana, pretende-se indicar as profundas e intricadas relações que se estabelecem entre educação e trabalho, tanto do ponto de vista das relações estruturais que unem estas duas categorias, quanto do ponto de vista das formas como o trabalho se organiza e realiza historicamente e suas interferências no processo de humanização dos seres humanos

    The effects of diazepam on the elevated T-maze are dependent on the estrous cycle of rats

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    In order to determine the modulation of anxiolytic and panicolytic-like effects of diazepam by the hormonal cycle of female rats, male and female rats - the latter divided per estrous cycle phase (estrus, diestrus, metaestrus and proestrus) - were tested in the elevated T-maze, a behavioral model of panic and anxiety. Diazepam (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mg/kg) or saline solution was injected in individual animals that were submitted to one session in the elevated T-maze 25 min after drug/saline administration. The test consisted of three avoidance trials and one escape trial, separated by a 30 s interval, during which the animals were isolated in individual cages. The avoidance trials began with the animal being placed at the end of the maze's enclosed arm. The time necessary for the animal to leave the central square was considered as the response's latency. The trials that exceeded 300 s were considered as failures. Results demonstrate a decrease in the effects of diazepam in inhibitory avoidance (anxiety) trials in females in diestrus and proestrus, but no relation of gender or estrous cycle on diazepam effects on escape trials (fear). The results support the hypothesis that down-regulation of GABA A receptors by activation of nuclear estrogen receptors and induction of PKC-mediated GABA A receptor phosphorylation by activation of surface estrogen receptors in raphe neurons underlie the modulation of diazepam sensitivity by estrogen

    Electronic nature of the aromatic adamantanediyl ions and its analogues

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    The relative stability of the 1,3-dehydro-5,7-adamantanediyl dication is ascribed to its tridimensional aromaticity. However, its electronic nature is not well known. In order to improve its understanding, dicationic and monocationic adamantanedyil species and some key analogues were studied by atoms in molecules (AIM) theory. They were compared to non-aromatic adamantane analogues. AIM results indicate that the density in center of the cage structure and the average of all delocalization indexes involving its bridged atoms are higher in aromatic than in non-aromatic compounds. Degeneracy in energy of the bridged atoms, uniformity and magnitude of their shared charge distinguish the dications 1,3-adamantyl and the 1,3-dehydro-5,7-adamantanediyl. However, both are aromatic as well as the 1,3-dehydro-5,7-diboroadamantane. The 1,3-dehydro-7-adamantyl cation has a characteristic planar homoaromaticity

    Identification of carbonium and carbenium ions by QTAIM

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    The Gassman-Fentiman tool of increasing electron demand was used to identify carbonium and carbenium ions. Nonetheless, due to its ambiguous understanding, it was pivot of a historical dispute. We applied the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (QTAIM) metodology to characterize the carbonium and carbenium ions on an easier and more effective way. By comparing selected topological information of reference carbenium ions the QTAIM metodology can be used to evaluate whether a carbocation is classical or not. In addition, it is possible to rank a set of carbonium ions in order of their corresponding σ or π delocalization. There are few differences between our QTAIM-based model and Gassman-Fentiman tool. Unlike Gassman-Fentiman tool results, 7-anisyl-7-norbornenyl and 2-anisyl-2-norbornyl cations are non-classical, although they are the least nonclassical ions in their corresponding set of studied cations


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    It is noted a lack of integration between information of the Land Registration (LR) and of the Urban Cadastre in various Brazilian municipalities. Due to the lack of regulations at national level that define a conceptual model to organize the data from different entities, the design of integration systems geared to such a purpose is made difficult. Therefore, this study aims at developing an exchange prototype of the mentioned data from a previous research conducted by Paiva et al. (2016), concerning the modeling of the data resultant from LR and Urban Cadastre. To this end, we used the existing situation in the municipality of São José dos Pinhais, Curitiba metropolitan region, as a case study. There, the exchange of information between both entities is similar to that of many Brazilian municipalities. A conceptual model was generated and used to create an object-relational database, which then was used to develop an administrative and geospatial data consultation and editing prototype, based on technologies known as open-source. The use of such programs allowed us to verify the reproducibility possibility of the computational solutions referred herein to other cities with different economic situations

    Análise faunística de coleópteros em sistema silvipastoril

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    The aim of this study was to conduct a survey of beetles (Coleoptera) in a silvicultural-pastoral system, estimating constancy, abundance, richness, diversity of families and seasonality, from July 2006 to June 2008. The study was carried out at the Embrapa Dairy Cattle station, in Coronel Pacheco, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The beetles were collected in Malaise traps, every two weeks, and taken to the laboratory for analysis. A total of 26 families, 294 morphospecies and 1,606 specimens were found. The Elateridae, Mordelidae, Chrysomelidae, Coccinellidae and Curculionidae families were the most abundant, rich and diverse. The Scarabaeidae and Scolytidae families were also among the most abundant, and the Cerambycidae family was among the richest, while the Bruchidae and Carabidae families presented high diversity.  The largest number of individuals and morphospecies sampled occurred during the period of rain. November 2007 presented the most (n = 535 specimens) captures of any month, followed by October 2006, September 2007, March and April of 2008.O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar o levantamento da fauna coleóptera em sistema silvipastoril, com intuito de se obter a constância, abundância, riqueza e diversidade das famílias, tal como a sazonalidade de julho de 2006 a junho de 2008. O experimento foi conduzido no campo experimental da Embrapa Gado de Leite, em Coronel Pacheco-MG. Os coleópteros foram coletados em armadilha Malaise, quinzenalmente, e encaminhados ao laboratório para análise. Foram encontrados 1.606 espécimes, divididos em 26 famílias e 294 morfoespécies. As famílias Elateridae, Mordellidae, Chrysomelidae, Coccinellidae e Curculionidae foram as que apresentaram os maiores índices de abundância, riqueza e diversidade; somado a estas Scarabaeidae e Scolytidae também estiveram entre as mais abundantes; assim como Cerambycidae incluída naquelas de maior riqueza e, Bruchidae e Carabidae entre as de maior diversidade. O período de chuvas abrangeu maior número de indivíduos amostrados, assim como de morfoespécies. O principal pico populacional de coleópteros ocorreu no mês de novembro de 2007, com 535 espécimes registrados, seguido de picos constatados nos meses de outubro de 2006, setembro de 2007, março e abril de 2008

    To be or not to be a tibial comb: A discussion on the (past) use of tibial armature in tribal/subtribal organization in Cholevinae (Coleoptera: Leiodidae)

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    Detailed studies of microstructure has recently been shown to provide phylogenetic signals at several supraspecific levels within leiodid coleopterans, as well as in other insects. The tribe Ptomaphagini (Leiodidae: Cholevinae), with a Holarctic-Neotropical-Oriental distribution, has been characterized, among other things, by having a comb of equal-sized, flat spines around the apex of the tibiae of all legs, with a row of spines extending along the outer edge of the protibiae in the subtribes Baryodirina and Ptomaphaginina (but not in Ptomaphagina). A pattern similar to the one in Ptomaphaginina also occurs in the Neotropical cholevine tribe Eucatopini, and this has been used to indicate a phylogenetic relationship between the two tribes (but recent phylogenetic studies have not supported such a close relationship). We here review and revise the presence and structure of periapical (here called an ‘apical crown’) and marginal (here called an ‘external comb’) combs of spines on tibiae in Ptomaphagini, using other cholevines (with and without apical tibial combs) for comparison. We find a phylogenetic signal in an apical crown of tibial spines not interrupted at the outer spur, which seems to be an additional synapomorphy of Ptomaphagini, differing from the pattern in Eucatopini and remaining cholevines with an apical comb of spines, in which the comb is interrupted. We highlight differences not previously noticed between the apical protibial armature of Ptomaphaginina and Eucatopini

    Faunistic analysis of beetles (coleoptera) in a silvopastoral system

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar o levantamento da fauna cole\uf3ptera em sistema silvipastoril, com intuito de se obter a const\ue2ncia, abund\ue2ncia, riqueza e diversidade das fam\uedlias, tal como a sazonalidade de julho de 2006 a junho de 2008. O experimento foi conduzido no campo experimental da Embrapa Gado de Leite, em Coronel Pacheco-MG. Os cole\uf3pteros foram coletados em armadilha Malaise, quinzenalmente, e encaminhados ao laborat\uf3rio para an\ue1lise. Foram encontrados 1.606 esp\ue9cimes, divididos em 26 fam\uedlias e 294 morfoesp\ue9cies. As fam\uedlias Elateridae, Mordellidae, Chrysomelidae, Coccinellidae e Curculionidae foram as que apresentaram os maiores \uedndices de abund\ue2ncia, riqueza e diversidade; somado a estas Scarabaeidae e Scolytidae tamb\ue9m estiveram entre as mais abundantes; assim como Cerambycidae inclu\uedda naquelas de maior riqueza e, Bruchidae e Carabidae entre as de maior diversidade. O per\uedodo de chuvas abrangeu maior n\ufamero de indiv\uedduos amostrados, assim como de morfoesp\ue9cies. O principal pico populacional de cole\uf3pteros ocorreu no m\ueas de novembro de 2007, com 535 esp\ue9cimes registrados, seguido de picos constatados nos meses de outubro de 2006, setembro de 2007, mar\ue7o e abril de 2008.The aim of this study was to conduct a survey of beetles (Coleoptera) in a silvopastoral system, estimating constancy, abundance, richness, diversity of families and seasonality, from July 2006 to June 2008. The study was carried out at the Embrapa Dairy Cattle station, in Coronel Pacheco, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The beetles were collected in Malaise traps, fortnightly, and taken to the laboratory for analysis. A total of 26 families, 294 morphospecies and 1,606 specimens were found. The Elateridae, Mordellidae, Chrysomelidae, Coccinellidae and Curculionidae families were the most abundant, rich and diverse. The Scarabaeidae and Scolytidae families were also among the most abundant, and the Cerambycidae family was among the richest, while the Bruchidae and Carabidae families presented high diversity. The largest number of individuals and morphospecies sampled occurred during the period of rain. November 2007 presented the most (n = 535 specimens) captures of any month, followed by October 2006, September 2007, March and April of 2008

    Novo modelo de negócio da indústria do entretenimento interativo: uma análise do novo modelo de mercado empregado pela indústria de entretenimento de jogos eletrônicos

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio Econômico, Administração.Esta monografia tem como objetivo elaborar uma análise setorial, estruturada com base em ferramentas acadêmicas – Estratégias Competitivas Genéricas de Porter, Matriz do Poder de Cox et al – para que pudessem facilitar a compreensão do mercado em análise e os modelos de negócios aplicados no mesmo. O foco dessa análise está na análise do mercado mundial da indústria de entretenimento interativo: macro análise de mercado, o sistema de valor - “fornecedores” e “compradores” - e os competidores. Comparando-o com demais setores concorrentes, como a indústria cinematográfica, e apresentando dados de crescimentos exponenciais desse setor. O resultado desse trabalho foi a elaboração de uma macro análise que busca abordar os principais temas estratégicos de um setor e o entendimento detalhado da dinâmica e funcionamento do mercado mundial de jogos eletrônicos, abordando também o funcionamento do mais recente modelo de negócio da indústria de entretenimento interativo, os jogos como serviçosThis monograph aims to elaborate a sectorial analysis, structured based on academic tools - Porter's Generic Competitive Strategies, Cox et al's Power Matrix - so that they could facilitate the understanding of the market under analysis and the business models applied in it. The focus of this analysis is on the analysis of the global market for the interactive entertainment industry: macro market analysis, the value system - "suppliers" and "buyers" - and the competitors. Comparing it with other competing sectors, such as the film industry, and presenting data of exponential growth in that sector. The result of this work was the elaboration of a macro analysis that seeks to address the main strategic themes of an industry and a detailed understanding of the dynamics and functioning of the world market for electronic games, also addressing the operation of the latest business model of the entertainment industry. interactive, games as service