2,399 research outputs found

    Projeto de estabilidade de um edifício para uma sala elétrica em betão armado e estrutura metálica

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    Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização EstruturasO presente documento refere-se ao Trabalho Final de Mestrado em Engenharia Civil na área de especialização de Estruturas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a elaboração de um Projeto de estabilidade de um Edifício para uma Sala Elétrica e um Posto de Transformação, que permitiu pôr em prática e consolidar os conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo do percurso académico. Na elaboração deste projeto respeitou-se os critérios gerais de dimensionamento da atual regulamentação europeia, Eurocódigos Estruturais, designadamente os Eurocódigos 0, 1 e 8na definição das diversas ações (sobrecargas, vento, sismo, temperatura, etc.) e os Eurocódigos 2 e 3 no dimensionamento dos elementos de betão armado e metálicos. Os modelos estruturais estudados foram realizados num programa de cálculo automático ˝SAP2000˝, tendo em consideração as ações, as combinações de ações e as condições de ligação da estrutura ao exterior. No dimensionamento dos elementos de betão armado e metálicos recorreu-se também atabelas realizadas em ˝Excel˝, de modo a comparar e validar os resultados obtidos nosprogramas de cálculo automático utilizados neste projeto: ˝SAP2000˝, ˝Robot Structural Analysis˝, ˝GaLa Reinforcement˝ e ˝SemiComp˝.Abstract: This document is part of the final work in the Master Degree in Structural Civil Engineering. The objective of this work was the development of a stability design of a Building for an Electric Room and a Transformation Station, which allowed implementing and consolidatingthe knowledge acquired during the academic route. During the preparation of this project, the general criteria for the design of the current European Regulations, Structural Eurocodes, including the Eurocodes 0, 1 and 8 in the definition of the various actions (dead loads, live loads, wind, earthquake, temperature, etc.) and the Eurocodes 2 and 3 in the design of reinforced concrete elements, metal and foundations, were respected. The structural models were performed in a computer program ˝SAP2000˝, taking into account the actions, combinations of actions and subject to the binding conditions of the structure to the outside. In the design of reinforced concrete and steel elements also resorted to spreadsheets held in ˝Excel˝, in order to compare and validate the results in the automatic computer program used in this project: ˝SAP2000˝, ˝Robot Structural Analysis˝, ˝GaLa Reinforcement˝ and ˝SemiComp˝

    Differential expression and functional characterization of cattle tick genes in response to pathogen infection (Babesia bigemina)

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    O conceito “One health” reconhece a necessidade do trabalho conjunto de veterinários, profissionais de saúde e cientistas, dada a interface dinâmica entre pessoas, animais e ambiente. Este conceito é muito importante em zoonoses, tais como doenças associadas a carraças (DAC´s) que dependem de animais como reservatório. Os protozoários do género Babesia são agentes patogénicos transmitidos por carraças que causam a doença denominada babesiose num variado número de animais incluindo o Homem. Particularmente a B. bovis e B. bigemina são transmitidas por carraças, relacionadas com gado, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus e R. microplus sendo estas consideradas os ectoparasitas de maior importância, com largo impacto económico na produção animal. O uso tradicional de acaricidas no controlo de carraças apresenta diversas desvantagens incluindo a seleção de carraças acaricido-resistentes e contaminação ambiental com resíduos químicos. As vacinas destacam-se como uma alternativa ao uso de acaricidas. O objetivo destas vacinas é a proteção contra DAC´s através do controlo das infestações pelos vectores e redução de transmissão de doença. As proteínas envolvidas nas interações carraça-agente patogénico podem ser bons candidatos para essas novas vacinas mas a sua identificação e validação continuam a ser obstáculos. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram, primeiro, a identificação de genes de R. annulatus diferenciadamente expressos em resposta à infeção por B. bigemina, segundo, a validação da influência destes genes no processo de infeção e finalmente a caracterização dos antigénios identificados, a fim de selecionar os melhores candidatos, para o desenvolvimento de uma potencial nova vacina. A fim de alcançar os objectivos propostos, clones de uma biblioteca de hibridização subtrativa por supressão (SSH) foram sequenciados e analisados. Os genes diferenciadamente expressos com prováveis funções relacionadas com a interface carraça- agente patogénico, foram selecionadas para validação dos resultados de SSH por real time RT-PCR. A análise funcional conduzida por RNA de interferência mostra que, nas condições do presente estudo, o silenciamento dos genes que codificam para as proteínas, sérica amilóide A e TROSPA levam á redução de níveis de infecção em R. annulatus e em R. microplus em comparação com o grupo controlo. Em R. microplus é demonstrada a influência também da calreticulina (CRT). As proteínas TROSPA e CRT foram selecionadas e obtidas usando um sistema de expressão em Escherichia coli e anticorpos poli/monoclonais foram produzidos. O reconhecimento das proteínas nativas foi confirmado por Western blotting e imunofluorescência em tecidos de carraça. O efeito dos anticorpos específicos, suplementados à refeição de sangue, foi demonstrado pela avaliação do peso final e/ou ovoposição em carraças alimentadas artificialmente. Não foi observado efeito significativo na aquisição de B. bigemina. Os resultados mostram as vantagens e desvantagens do sistema in vitro de alimentação artificial de carraças por tubos capilares na caracterização de antigénios protetores de carraça. Diferentes estudos caracterizaram a interface carraça- agente patogénico a nível molecular no entanto, o presente estudo apresenta a primeira análise funcional de genes em carraças infectadas com B. bigemina. Os resultados apresentados contribuem para um maior conhecimento do papel de genes de carraça no processo de infeção/multiplicação por Babesia sp., bem como para o desenvolvimento de novas vacinas.The “One Health” approach recognizes the need for veterinarians, human health professionals, and environmental scientists to work together given the dynamic interface among people, animals, and the environment.This approach is increasingly important for zoonotic diseases, suchas tick borne diseases (TBD ́s) which rely on animals as reservoirs. Babesiaspp. are tick-borne pathogens that cause a disease called babesiosis in a wide range of animals and also humans. Particularity, B. bovisand B. bigeminaare transmitted by cattle ticks, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus andR. microplusbeing considered the most important cattle ectoparasites with major economic impact on cattle production. The traditional use ofchemicals to control ticks has serious drawbacks, including the selection of acaricide-resistant ticks and contamination of the environment with chemical residues. Research on alternatives to the use of acaricides is strongly represented by tick vaccines considered a more cost-effective and environmentally safe strategy. The ultimate goal of tick vaccines is to protect against TBD ́s through the control of vector infestations and reducing pathogen infection and transmission. Tick proteins involved in tick-pathogen interactions may provide good candidate protective antigens for these new vaccines but their identification andvalidation are still limiting steps. The objectives of this study were first to identify R. annulatusgenes differentially expressed in response to infection with B. bigemina, second to validate the influence of these genes in the infection in both R. annulatusand R. microplusticks and finallyto characterize identified antigens to select the best candidates for future vaccine development. In order to achieve these goals, suppression-subtractive hybridization (SSH) library clones were sequenced and analyzed. After molecular function gene ontology assignment differentially expressed genes with putative functions in tick-pathogen interactions were selected for validation of SSH results by real-time RT-PCR. Functional analysis by RNA interference showed that under the conditions of the present study,knockdown of trospaand serum amyloid A significantly reduced B. bigeminainfection levels in R. annulatusand R. micropluswhen compared to controls. In R. microplusalso calreticulinshowed infection reduction. TROSPA and CRT were selected, recombinant proteins were obtained using Escherichiacoliexpression system and poly/monoclonal antibodies were generated. Their specificity against tick recombinant proteins was confirmed by Western blottingand against native proteins in tick tissuesusing immunofluorescence. Capillary-fed ticks ingested antibodies added to the blood meal and the effect ofthese antibodies on tick weight and/or oviposition was shown. No significant effect was observed on pathogen acquisition. The results highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of in vitrotick capillary feeding for the characterization of candidate tick protective antigens. Several studies have characterized the tick-pathogen interface at the molecular level. However, to our knowledge this is the first report of functional genomics studies in ticks infected with B. bigemina. The results reported here increased our understanding of the role of tick genes in Babesiainfection/multiplication and contribute to the development of a vaccine with impact on both tick infestation and pathogen infection

    Liderazgo y satisfacción en la educación física

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    El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo caracterizar el comportamiento de liderazgo del profesor en la educación física, en función de su auto-percepción, así como de su preferencia y percepción de los alumnos, y relacionarlo con el nivel de satisfacción de los educandos, en el contexto escolar específico donde se da el proceso. Se entrevistaron 783 alumnos, de ambos sexos, de 3º de ESO, de la enseñanza pública, del área de la Gran Lisboa, y 40 profesores, también de ambas clases. Los instrumentos utilizados fueros la versión portuguesa de Leadership Scale for Sport (adaptación de Serpa et al., 1989) y la Escala de Satisfacción en el Deporte (adaptación de Sanches, 1991). Se concluyó que los comportamientos de interacción del tipo refuerzo y entrenamiento-enseñanza y el estilo de decisión democrática son los más valorados en la preferencia y percepción de los alumnos y en la auto-percepción de los profesores. Los alumnos se sienten satisfechos con las clases. El nivel de satisfacción tiene relación directa con la percepción de comportamientos del tipo entrenamiento-enseñanza, apoyo social, refuerzo y comportamiento democrático y relación inversa con la percepción del comportamiento de tipo autocrático. Existe relación directa entre el nivel de satisfacción y el comportamiento autocrático y relación inversa con los restantes comportamientos de liderazgo, cuando se considera la discrepancia preferencia-percepción.This study identifies the main trends of the teacher's leadership behaviour in Physical Education and compares them with students' satisfaction level, based on their preferences, perception and on teacher's self-perception. The conclusions are based on a questionnaire applied to 783 students and 40 teachers from the ninth level of the Portuguese teaching system. The respondents, of both genders, belong to public schools of Lisbon City. The adopted tools were portuguese version of the Leadership Scale for Sport (adapted by Serpa et al., 1989) and the Sport Satisfaction Scale (adapted by Sanches, 1991). The results show that the positive feedback and the training-instruction interaction behaviours, as well as the democratic decision style, are the most valued by students' preferences and perception and by teachers' self-perception. From a global perspective students are satisfied with Physical Education classes. The satisfaction level increases as they perceive more training-instruction, social-support, positive feedback and democratic behaviours and decreases with more autocratic attitudes. Taking into account the discrepancy between preference and perception, the satisfaction level is directly associated with the autocratic behaviour and inversely associated with other leadership behaviours

    Sensibility of tourmaline chemistry to granitic magma composition and oxygen fugacity

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    Extensive granitic magmatism is a dominant feature of the Central Iberian Zone (CIZ) of the Variscan Orogen. For the most part, these are S-type peraluminous granitic rocks exhibiting variable degrees of evolution and compositions ranging from granodiorites, through mon zogranites and granites to leucogranites, bearing either biotite and muscovite, or just muscovite in the more evolved facies. Tourmaline is a common and essential accessory mineral in many of these peraluminous granitic rocks. Several granite-hosted tourmaline sets from the Castelo Branco, Idanha-a-Nova and Penamacor Monsanto plutons were used to investigate how tourma line chemistry reflects granitic magma composition and oxygen fugacity. Additionally, previously published data on tourmalines and their host-granites from Rebordelo (CIZ, Portugal) and the Alamo Complex and several Araya-type granitic batholiths (CIZ, Spain) were used to test the trends obtained. Most tourmaline components and component ratios, however, seem substantially impervi ous to granitic magma composition and oxygen fugacity. Exceptions are the Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratio and Ti contents of tourmaline, which show evident variation with the degree of evolution and oxygen fugacity of host granitic rocks. From both mineralogical and petrological point of view, it seems of interest that these compositional features of tourmaline may be used as indicators of the degree of evolution and of specific characteristics of the granitic magmas that produced them(undefined

    Developing an Advanced Therapy Medicinal Product (ATMP) for the treatment of GvHD

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    Mesenchymal stem/ stromal cells (MSCs) have been proved to be capable to modulate the immune system through direct interactions target cell-MSC and secretion of soluble molecules that are induced or upregulated following cross-talk with target cells. In this study, a full biological characterization of ImmuneSafe® (IS) features including identity, potency and safety which constitute the Critical Quality Attributes (CQAs) of the product was performed with purpose of providing tools that will assure the consistency and robustness of the manufacturing process or demonstrating product/ process comparability after a particular change in the manufacturing process. In order to achieve this goal a (bio) assay panel was developed and applied to IS in two different steps of manufacturing process. IS CQAs allowed a robust and reproducible characterization of the product, demonstrating their potential to be used throughout the production stage. Similar studies were also performed with similar cell types, such as human skin fibroblasts and MSCs differentiated in adipocytes and osteocytes, which were then benchmarked with IS. The results showed that none of these cell types demonstrated a comparable level of therapeutic potency to IS. The patient enrolling protocol for IS clinical trial to treat GvHD will include the administration of immunosuppressive drugs (methylprednisolone or prednisolone) concomitantly with IS administration. The impact of these drugs on IS identity was evaluated through immunophenotype characterization and potency was evaluated through the activation of the different immunomodulatory pathways. The results showed that immunosuppressive drugs tested, methylprednisolone and prednisolone, did not seem to have a beneficial or detrimental interaction with IS. MSCs are commonly stored in cryopreservation conditions before the deliver to the patient. However, recent studies have shown that banked fresh thawed MSCs have impaired immunomodulatory properties compared to MSCs in culture. IS response to an inflammatory microenvironment was compared in different times of release and fresh thawed cells revealed to have several responses compromised under pro-inflammatory environment. Additionally, IS secretome was also affected, since the production of several cytokines were decreased or even switched off, as well as the immunosuppressive activity of the product. For these reasons the implementation of a release culture step was found to be advantageous in order to maximize the therapeutic potency of IS. Another important issue for cell-based therapies is the product delivery to the hospital. Cells should be formulated in a suitable excipient for intravenous infusion capable of maintaining the cell viability and therapeutic potential during the purposed product shelf-life. For this purpose IS was formulated in a saline solution and identity and potency tests were performed. Hypothermosol was capable of maintaining at least 70% of initial cell number population with 80% of viability, as well as its identity and potency features within a 48h-window. These studies enable a comprehensive IS characterization and the set-up of the assays to be used in the manufacturing process under GMP conditions. Additionally, no detrimental effects on the therapeutic potency of IS were associated with the interactions with the immunosuppressive drugs that will be used in the clinical trial, thus indicating the clinical results will not probably be affected by the background therapy applied to patients. The process of product release was also optimized to guarantee a cell product with maximized immunomodulatory properties and a 48-hour shelf-life was determined, which is a critical issue for the planning of IS logistics for the clinical trial

    Equity valuation : Eurocash Group

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    Equity valuation is an extremely complex and subjective process, it depends not only on the theoretical models but also on the analysis and assumptions used by the analyst. This thesis focuses on the valuation of Eurocash Group, a leading wholesale distributor of fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) in Poland. In order to present stronger conclusions we decided to use two different models: the discounted cash-flow (DCF) model and the multiples method as a complement. The combination of both lead us to a price target of roundly PLN 35,42 while shares were trading at PLN 32,96 (02/03/2015), so our recommendation was to buy. Our valuation was compared with the equity research from Wood & Company, “a leading independent investment bank in central and Eastern Europe”. The research team used also the DCF model and the multiples method to perform the valuation and reach out a price target of PLN 39 while shares were trading at PLN 32,2 (04/11/2014), so their recommendation was also to buy

    Medical image registration by neural networks: a regression-based registration approach

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    This thesis focuses on the development and evaluation of a registration-by-regression approach for the 3D/2D registration of coronary Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) and X-ray angiography. This regression-based method relates image features of 2D projection images to the transformation parameters of the 3D image by a nonlinear regression. It treats registration as a regression problem, as an alternative for the traditional iterative approach that often comes with high computational costs and limited capture range. First we presented a survey of the methods with a regression-based registration approach for medical applications, as well as a summary of their main characteristics (Chapter 2). Second, we studied the registration methodology, addressing the input features and the choice of regression model (Chapter 3 and Chapter 4). For that purpose, we evaluated different options using simulated X-ray images generated from coronary artery tree models derived from 3D CTA scans. We also compared the registration-by-regression results with a method based on iterative optimization. Different image features of 2D projections and seven regression techniques were considered. The regression approach for simulated X-rays was shown to be slightly less accurate, but much more robust than the method based on an iterative optimization approach. Neural Networks obtained accurate results and showed to be robust to large initial misalignment. Third, we evaluated the registration-by-regression method using clinical data, integrating the 3D preoperative CTA of the coronary arteries with intraoperative 2D X-ray angiography images (Chapter 5). For the evaluation of the image registration, a gold standard registration was established using an exhaustive search followed by a multi-observer visual scoring procedure. The influence of preprocessing options for the simulated images and the real X-rays was studied. Several image features were also compared. The coronary registration–by-regression results were not satisfactory, resembling manual initialization accuracy. Therefore, the proposed method for this concrete problem and in its current configuration is not sufficiently accurate to be used in the clinical practice. The framework developed enables us to better understand the dependency of the proposed method on the differences between simulated and real images. The main difficulty lies in the substantial differences in appearance between the images used for training (simulated X-rays from 3D coronary models) and the actual images obtained during the intervention (real X-ray angiography). We suggest alternative solutions and recommend to evaluate the registration-by-regression approach in other applications where training data is available that has similar appearance to the eventual test data

    Réplica adaptada dunha metodoloxía activa desenvolvida na UDC noutras titulacións e Universidades mediante a colaboración entre docentes

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    [Resumo] No curso 2016-17, desenvolveuse unha iniciativa de innovación docente na materia de Hidroloxía Aplicada ás Obras Públicas do grao en Enxeñaría de Obras Públicas da UDC. O obxectivo desta materia é asimilar os conceptos básicos de hidroloxía e as súas aplicacións ás obras de enxeñaría civil. Os alumnos e as alumnas resolveron co software VISUALCORE problemas reais simplificados do efecto de drenes e pantallas no fluxo subterráneo. Dito software é unha versión adaptada á docencia do código CORE (Samper et al., 2011) desenvolvido polo grupo de investigación Aquaterra. A actividade foi avaliada moi positivamente polos estudantes e permitiu: (1) Fixar e profundar nos conceptos estudados e (2) Motivar ao alumnado achegando a teoría a realidade e amosándolles as habilidades adquiridas na materia e a utilidade do aprendido nas aplicacións reais. Unha docente da Universidade do Miño púxose en contacto co profesorado da UDC coa intención de replicar a metodoloxía no seu centro en tres materias de diferentes titulacións: (1) Hidroxeoloxía do Grado en Bioloxía-Xeoloxía; (2) Hidroxeoloxía do Grado en Xeoloxía e (3) Xestión das Augas Subterráneas do Mestrado en Xeociencias. Traballouse conxuntamente para adaptar a metodoloxía aos contidos e ás competencias das materias. Unha profesora da UDC realizou dúas estadías cortas na Universidade do Minho, no marco do programa Erasmus+ (EU, 2018), para impartir as clases co software e mostrar ao alumnado aplicacións reais da actividade profesional dun hidroxeólogo. A avaliación dos estudantes e da profesora da Universidade do Minho foi excelente. No futuro, preténdese fortalecer esta colaboración docente interuniversitaria e posiblemente estendela nalgún Traballo Fin de Mestrad

    Teacher education towards teacher (and learner) autonomy: what can be learnt from teacher development practices?

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    Teacher education towards teacher and learner autonomy is an ideological, value-laden choice whose purpose and outcomes need to be continuously scrutinised. The authors present three case studies where pre-service student teacher development practices were investigated, and discuss their value and shortcomings as regards their transformative direction. Our experience shows that criticality and role democratisation are difficult to achieve in this context, and that we need to develop further a scholarship of teacher education, as a way to uncover the forces that impinge upon it and to envision new possibilities that best serve the interests of teacher educators, teachers and learners