128 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la calidad de los diagnósticos premortem de causas de muerte en las autopsias del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia (1985-1992)

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    Se estudiaron 998 autopsias realizadas en el Servicio de Anatomía Patológica del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia entre 1985 y 1992, introducidas y procesadas en el Sistema Automatizado de Registro y Control de Anatomía Patológica (SARCAP) en el Hospital «Hermanos Ameijeiras» de La Habana, Cuba. Los principales resultados fueron: predominio del sexo masculino y las edades avanzadas; las principales causas básicas de muerte fueron los tumores malignos, la ateromatosis coronaria, la cirrosis hepática y el SIDA, y las principales causas directas de muerte fueron la bronconeumonía, la extensión del cáncer y el tromboembolismo pulmonar. Hubo 10,6% de discrepancias diagnósticas premortem y postmortem en la Causa Básica de Muerte (CBM) y 30,7% en la Causa Directa de Muerte (CDM). Se destaca la importancia del estudio multicausal de la muerte y la utilidad del SARCAP para la creación de una base de datos de todas autopsias realizadas en el Hospital Universitario de Valencia y que forme parte de una base de datos de todas las autopsias Iberoamericana.998 necropsies carried out in the Department of Pathology of the University Hospital of Valencia between 1985 and 1992 were evaluated and the data obtained was analyzed by the Pathology Registry and Automated Control System (PRACS) at the «Hermanos Ameijeiras» Hospital in La Habana (Cuba). The results showed a predominance of elderly males and that the principal, basic causes of death (BCD) were malignant tumours, coronary atheromatosis, hepatic cirrhosis and AIDS. The major direct causes of death (DCD) were broncopneumonia, tumour progression and thromboembolism in the lung. A 10.6% discrepancy was found between the pre- and post-mortem results of BCD and a 30.7% discrepancy in the results of DCD. It was concluded that a multicausal study of death is important and that the PRACS is a useful tool for creating a common database of all the necropsies performed in the University Hospital of Valencia within an Iberoamerican network.Llombart Bosch, Antonio, [email protected] ; Ferrandez Izquierdo, Antonio, [email protected]

    La representación del éxodo rural en el cine español (1900-2020): evolución, causas y consecuencias territoriales

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    Rural depopulation has been a constant feature of contemporary Spanish history and has been amply studied from the perspective of geography. Recently, however, there has been considerable media attention given to the consequences of internal migration. Behind the alarming demographic statistics lies a nexus of processes which have been reflected in the cinema since its beginning. This paper explores these processes at work in the rural sending environment and receiving urban destination through an analysis of six representative Spanish films. The fictional representation through film of a complex reality provides insights into the internal and contextual keys to understanding the phenomenon of ‘empty Spain’ or ‘hollowed-out Spain’. The films illustrate the persistence of two conflicting ideas (the rural and urban), divergence about what constitutes development and the quality of life, and the processes leading to ‘demotanasia’.La despoblación rural ha sido una constante en la historia contemporánea de España, y ha sido ampliamente estudiada desde la perspectiva de la Geografía. Sin embargo, en los últimos tiempos se ha prestado una gran atención mediática a las consecuencias de las migraciones interiores. Detrás de las alarmantes estadísticas demográficas se esconde un nexo de procesos que se han reflejado en el cine desde sus inicios. Este trabajo explora estos procesos en funcionamiento en el entorno rural de envío y en el destino urbano de recepción a través del análisis de seis películas españolas representativas. La representación ficcional a través del cine de una realidad compleja permite conocer las claves internas y contextuales para entender el fenómeno de la “España vacía” o “España vaciada”. Las películas ilustran la persistencia de dos ideas contrapuestas (lo rural y lo urbano), la divergencia sobre lo que constituye el desarrollo y la calidad de vida, y los procesos que conducen a la “demotanasia”.Project of the State R&D&I Plan of the Ministry of Science and Innovation. Spanish cities in audiovisual fiction. Documentary record and territorial and audiovisual analysis (FACES-50). Reference: 2019/00436/001

    La ganadería extensiva en el desarrollo territorial valenciano. Reconocimiento público y experiencias sociales

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    El pastoreo es un modelo de producción ganadera así como una forma de vida con importantes implicaciones sobre los territorios rurales a escala global. Sin embargo, el declive de los sistemas de explotación tradicionales y su conversión en formatos intensivos e industrializados ha abierto el debate sobre la sostenibilidad del sector ganadero. Por este motivo, las políticas públicas se han visto obligadas a elaborar estrategias y normativas que reconozcan los servicios prestados por el pastoreo extensivo, con medidas que apuestan por su protección y recuperación. En el presente texto se analiza el reconocimiento público del pastoreo en la Comunitat Valenciana, región admirativa que durante más de tres décadas ha reivindicado, en apariencia, la importancia de la ganadería extensiva en su acción política. Sin embargo, ante las limitaciones institucionales y burocráticas, en los últimos años emergen iniciativas que promueven enfoques nuevos y desconocidos en torno a la actividad pastoril, recuperando el anclaje territorial de los sistemas extensivos y tradicionales

    Characterization of soil mineralogy by FTIR: application to the analysis of mineralogical changes in soils affected by vegetation patches

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    Aims The objective of this paper was to develop a method based on infrared spectroscopy to compare mineral content in soils and apply it to evaluate soil mineralogical variations in pairs of inter-patch and patch soils in a semi-arid area. Methods Mixtures of several minerals were analyzed by infrared spectroscopy, the second derivative of the spectra was calculated and the spectra normalized respect to calcite or quartz signals (711 cm−1 or 800 cm−1 respectively). The intensities of representative signals of each mineral were related to their concentration in the mixtures. Pairs of patch and inter-patch soils from five different sites were analyzed by this method. Elemental analysis and total lime analysis were performed in some soil pairs. Results Soils were dominated by calcite and quartz, or by montmorillonite and kaolinite. Inter-patch soils were richer in calcite and poorer in quartz or clays than patch soils. Calcite losses in patch soils might be related to soil acidification by CO2 from respiration and/or organic matter. Elemental analysis showed high values of S, Cl, and K in patch soils with respect to inter-patch soils. Conclusions The proposed FTIR method was useful to compare soil mineralogy in specific areas. Fertile spots by accumulation of water, soluble salts and sediments may favor plant growth in semi-arid regions and these plants may increase the fertility of the spot. Changes in soil mineral composition could be used to monitor the biological activity of soil in arid and semi-arid zones.Research funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (projects UNCROACH, CGL2011–30581- C02–01 and GRACCIE Programa Consolider-Ingenio 2010, CSD2007–00067), Spanish Ministry of the Environment, Rural and Marine Areas (Project RECUVES; 077/RN08/04.1) and Generalitat Valenciana (Programa G. Forteza; FPA/2009/029)

    Ergogenic effects of quercetin supplementation in trained rats

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    [Background] Quercetin is a natural polyphenolic compound currently under study for its ergogenic capacity to improve mitochondrial biogenesis. Sedentary mice have exhibited increased endurance performance, but results are contradictory in human models. [Methods] We examined the effects of six weeks of endurance training and quercetin supplementation on markers of endurance performance and training in a rodent model. Rats were randomly assigned to one of the following groups: placebo+sedentary (PS), quercetin+sedentary (QS), placebo+endurance training (PT) and quercetin+endurance training (QT). Quercetin was administered at a dose of 25 mg/kg on alternate days. During six weeks of treatment volume parameters of training were recorded, and after six weeks all groups performed a maximal graded VO2 max test and a low-intensity endurance run-to-fatigue test. [Results] No effects were found in VO2 peak (p>0.999), nor in distance run during low-intensity test, although it was 14% greater in QT when compared with PT (P = 0.097). Post-exercise blood lactate was increased in QT when compared with PT (p=0.023) and also in QS compared with PS (p=0.024). [Conclusions] This study showed no effects in VO2 peak, speed at VO2 peak or endurance time to exhaustion after six weeks of quercetin supplementation compared with placebo in trained rats. Quercetin was show to increase blood lactate production after high-intensity exercise

    Shelf life prediction of expired vacuum-packed chilled smoked salmon based on a KNN tissue segmentation method using hyperspectral images

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    Ready-to-eat foods that does not receive a heat treatment before being consumed can be at risk of foodborne hazards and spoilage, so it would be of great interest to have a method for monitoring their safety. This work expands on and enhances previous successfully studies with hyperspectral imaging in the SW-NIR range. Specifically, a k-nearest-neighbours model was developed to classify the salmon tissue into white myocommata stripes (fat) and muscle (lean) tissue. Partial Least Squares models developed confirm that a spatial segmentation should be performed before a shelf life model can be calculated. Employing the fat spectra and only the 7 most correlated wavelengths, a support vector machine model was calculated to classify into days 0, 10, 20, 40 and 60 with 87.2% prediction accuracy. These results make the method developed very promising as a non-destructive method to analyse the shelf life of vacuum-packed chilled smoked salmon fillets.This work has been partially funded by the Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria de Espana (INIA - Spanish National Institute for Agriculture and Food Research and Technology) through research project RTA2012-00062-C04-02, support of European FEDER funds and DPI2013-44227-R project.Ivorra Martínez, E.; Sánchez Salmerón, AJ.; Verdú Amat, S.; Barat Baviera, JM.; Grau Meló, R. (2016). Shelf life prediction of expired vacuum-packed chilled smoked salmon based on a KNN tissue segmentation method using hyperspectral images. Journal of Food Engineering. 178:110-116. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2016.01.008S11011617


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    The aim of this study was to examine acute physiological responses, physical fitness parameters and timemotion characteristics associated with a 4-a-side small-sided game in amateur level players. Sixteen male football players (age 23.9±4.2 years) completed one 4-a-side small sided game with the aim of maintaining ball possession as long as possible. The participants were monitored for external load and physiological parameters, and tested before and after for physical fitness assessment. A Student’s paired t-test was conducted to determine the differences in physical fitness assessment. A repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA), with Bonferroni post-hoc test, was used to determine the dynamics of physiological parameters in players, their RPE and time-motion characteristics of SSG. A significant difference was found in 20 m sprint time between before and after the SSG (Δ=+1.3%). No significant differences were found between bouts or recovery periods for THb and SmO2, nor between HR-related variables (ES=.005-.383). Compared to RPE in bout 1, greater values were observed in bouts 2, 3, and 4 (Δ=+5.3%, p=.008, ES=.40; Δ=+9.6%, p=.002, ES=.98; Δ=+15.1%, p=.000, ES=1.29; respectively). No significant differences were found between bouts for time-motion characteristics. The results demonstrated that RPE responses increased throughout bout periods, whereas the rest of physiological parameters were maintained over the entire protocol. Due to possible fatigue accumulation, physical fitness performance was impaired (sprint) and the external load was reduced over the course of the protocol

    Sleep Quality, Anxiety, and Depression Are Associated with Fall Risk Factors in Older Women

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    Gait, dynamic balance, and functional mobility problems are well-known fall risk factors. Furthermore, sleep disturbances, anxiety, and depression are prevalent among older women. This study aimed to analyze the associations of sleep quality, anxiety, and depression with functional mobility, gait speed, and dynamic balance in community-dwelling postmenopausal women aged >= 60 years. A total of 271 women (69.18 +/- 5.69 years) participated in this study. Functional mobility (Timed Up-and-Go Test), dynamic balance (3-meter tandem walk test), gait speed (OptoGait (R) optical detection system), sleep quality (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index), and anxiety and depression (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) were assessed. Our results showed that poor sleep efficiency and the use of sleeping medication were related to decreased gait speed (R-2 = 0.072). Poor functional mobility was linked to depression and the use of sleeping medication (R-2 = 0.159). Additionally, increased symptoms of anxiety and depression were associated with worsened dynamic balance (R-2 = 0.127). In conclusion, poorer sleep quality is associated with slower gait speed and reduced functional mobility, which is also related, along with impaired dynamic balance, to higher levels of anxiety and depression

    Contribución a la Eficiencia Energética en la Empresa SEATEC

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    This study was carried out at SEATEC, located at the following coordinates 2°13' 39.5 "S and 80°54' 38.1" W in the canton of La Libertad, province of Santa Elena, Ecuador. The entity is dedicated to the execution of projects for the aquaculture sector and the commercialization of hardware products for both the naval and industrial sectors. This paper focuses on elaborating the improvement plan that would contribute to elevate the energetic efficiency, using instruments of measurement of electrical parameters, to determine the situation of the energy in the organization. It highlights how ISO 50001 standard is used to evaluate the behavior of the company's energy policy. The use of these tools have helped us to ascertain that the electric motors installed were the cause of about 60% of the company's total electricity consumption and that the calculated real efficiency with which these teams were working as an average was 85.9%. This is very below the manufacturer's plate data (90.2%). In addition, a series of surveys and trainings based on the ISO 50001 standard were applied, which allowed us to determine opportunities for improvement in the production processes. Hence, this had a significant impact on the improvement of the energy efficiency indexes. La investigación, se desarrolló en la empresa SEATEC, ubicada en las siguientes coordenadas 2°13'39.5"S y 80°54'38.1"W en el cantón La Libertad, provincia Santa Elena, Ecuador. La entidad se encuentra dedicada a la ejecución de proyectos para el sector acuícola y a la comercialización de productos de ferretería tanto para el sector naval como industrial. El objetivo perseguido fue la elaboración de un plan de mejoras que contribuyera a elevar la eficiencia energética, utilizando instrumentos de medición de parámetros eléctricos para determinar la situación de la energía en la organización; y la norma ISO 50001 para evaluar el comportamiento de la política energética empresarial. El uso de estas herramientas permitió conocer que los motores eléctricos instalados eran los causantes de cerca del 60% del consumo eléctrico total de la empresa y que la eficiencia real calculada con la que se encontraban trabajando estos equipos como promedio era del 85.9%, valor muy debajo del dato de placa del fabricante (90.2%). Además, se aplicaron una serie de encuestas y capacitaciones basadas en la norma ISO 50001 que permitieron determinar oportunidades de mejora en los procesos de producción, esto repercutió de manera significativa en la mejora de los índices de eficiencia energética

    Hyperspectral image control of the heat-treatment process of oat flour to model composite bread properties

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    [EN] A hyperspectral image analysis was used to characterize heat treatment in oat flour, performed by treating oat flour at 80, 100 and 130 °C for 30 min. Images from both original oat and treated flours were captured, and hyperspectral information was collected. Oat flours were used to obtain composite flours based on two different substitution levels (10 and 20%) of wheat flour. Composite breads were produced from the obtained flours. A battery of analyses was run to characterize them in terms of physical properties. The hyperspectral information of oat flours was analyzed by multivariate statistics and a pattern evolution-depending temperature was observed. Similarly, a set of the physical properties of breads was analyzed based on multivariate statistics, and a pattern of temperature-dependent evolution, in addition to the substitution level, was also recognized. Multivariate non linear regressions were done between both data sets to study their relationship and high values in the calibration and cross-validation results obtained. The changes undergone by oat flour during treatment were characterized with hyperspectral information, which could represent a non destructive monitoring tool to then regulate it until oat flours are obtained that confer composite bread adequate properties.Verdú Amat, S.; Vasquez-Lara, F.; Ivorra Martínez, E.; Sánchez Salmerón, AJ.; Barat Baviera, JM.; Grau Meló, R. (2017). Hyperspectral image control of the heat-treatment process of oat flour to model composite bread properties. Journal of Food Engineering. 192:45-52. doi:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2016.07.017S455219