1,164 research outputs found

    Consideraciones acerca del perfil del egresado

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    En momentos tales en que con mayor intensidad algunas personas pretenden hacer abortar la participación activa de los hombres en el movimiento histórico mediante el descomunal y brutal despliegue armado y que con violenta fuerza se intenta desmoronar los últimos fundamentos de nuestra idiosincrasia y cultura pero, a la par, el progreso científico influye -con mayor ahínco en todo el conjunto de procesos sociales, a lo cual no es ajena nuestra Universidad Nacional y por ende nuestra facultad y sabiendo, además, que están ustedes empeñados en el análisis y vigilia de la academia, me he permitido poner a su digna consideración este conjunto ordenado de conceptos e ideas, originado en nuestro cotidiano estudio y quehacer docente, así como en nuestras experiencias de estudiante, años ha, en este venerable claustro, con la única pretensión, quizá atrevida, de aportar minúscula mente a la inmensa y noble tarea a ustedes encomendada

    Paradoxical skin reaction with infliximab treatment

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    Considering the increased utilization of anti-TNF medications in the treatment of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, dermatologists should be aware of the possible adverse skin reactions. We describe a case of inverted psoriasis due to the use of infliximab used in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease.Com o aumento do uso de anti-TNF no tratamento de doenças inflamatórias e auto-imunes, os dermatologistasdevem estar conscientes da possibilidade de reações cutâneas adversas. Apresentamos umcaso de psoríase invertida devido ao uso de infliximab utilizado no tratamento da doença inflamatóriaintestinal

    Epistemological Character of Sustainability

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    Epistemology has as its function, among others, to define what provides conditions for examining relations between facts and theories. The question is what does conceptual aspect contribute to awareness and improvement to the relation of capital, labor, and society? Apply the Theory U as argumentation in this relation. The general and main objective of this experiment is to deal with the epistemological aspect of sustainability against the capital, labor, and society based on the Theory U; the specific objectives are collecting the sustainability theoretical-conceptual character to explain its epistemological core (1); identify the relation of capital, labor, and society (2); and identify the conceptual innovation required from the contextualized indoctrinated constitution. Apply the Content Analysis Method and procedures such as cleavage, categorization, and criticism. As result, the conceptual aspect contributes to awareness and improvement of the relation of capital, labor, and society considering the discourses treated; in fragile environments in the western Amazon, there is a latent concern related to solid waste, deserving a conceptual highlight in which the origin of sustainability becomes the emergency; the mechanisms created by capital with domination over human labor, make the worker passive in the society marked by capitalist hegemony; lead structural changes is an epistemological question witch happen pragmatically, increasing the fragile aspect of perception and awareness resulting in innovations to sustained development, motivating learning where leaders promote changes in complex systems. This article interests researchers and others people involved in theoretical issues to delineate researches in the axis of applied social sciences

    Estudo reológico de polpa de caju em diferentes concentrações.

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    Neste estudo foi avaliado o comportamento reológico de polpa de caju em diferentes concentrações (5,5 a 25,0°Brix) na temperatura de 30°C. Os resultados indicaram um aumento da viscosidade com o aumento da concentração. A polpa de caju teve o comportamento de um fluido não Newtoniano com características pseudoplásticas. Palavras-chave: Anacardium occidentale L., reologia, viscosidade

    Minerals and potentially toxic elements in corn silage from tropical and subtropical Brazil

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    Copyright: This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Our aim was to assess the mineral composition of corn silages produced in four states of Brazil: Goiás, Minas Gerais, Paraná, and Santa Catarina. In total, seventy-three samples were analyzed. Total element content was extracted by HNO3 and H2O2 microwave-assisted digestion, and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) was used to determine concentration. Of the 31 elements analyzed (Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, S, Se, Sr, Ti, Tl, U, V, and Zn), 21 had concentrations above equipment detection limits. No elements reached the maximum tolerable concentration, but concentrations of Ca (0.14-0.15%), Cu (3.4-5.6 mg kg-1), P (0.13-0.16%), S (0.06-0.08%), and Zn (13-19 mg kg-1) were below the adequate concentration for good nutritional balance. The strong and consistent correlation observed between Fe and Ti in silage samples indicated contamination by soil. Mean concentrations of Cu, Mn, Mo, P, S, and Zn were different among states, and canonic analyses successfully discriminate samples according to their state of origin. Minerals from corn silage should be considered when formulating balanced cattle diets. To ensure silage quality, farmers must adopt strategies that reduce contamination by soil during the ensiling process

    Six new species of the widespread Brazilian millipede genus Eucampesmella (Polydesmida: Chelodesmidae)

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    This study concerns the diplopod genus Eucampesmella Schubart, 1955, widespread in Brazil. After this work, the genus includes 12 valid species, and three incertae sedis: E. pugiuncula (Schubart, 1946), E. brunnea Kraus, 1959 and E. schubarti Kraus, 1957. The type-species, Eucampesmella tricuspis (Attems, 1931), is redescribed based on the holotype, and the following six new Brazilian species are added: Eucampesmella macunaima sp. nov. from the states of Rondônia, Pará, and Piauí; E. capitu sp. nov. from the states of Piauí and Paraíba; E. brascubas sp. nov. from the state of Sergipe; E. iracema sp. nov. from the state of Pernambuco; E. pedrobala sp. nov. from the state of Ceará; and E. lalla sp. nov. from the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Furthermore, E. lartiguei ferrii (Schubart, 1956) is recognized as a junior synonym of E. lartiguei lartiguei (Silvestri, 1897), which also had its status changed, and E. sulcata (Attems, 1898) is revalidated, prevailing under the name Leptodesmus tuberculiporus Attems, 1898. In addition, drawings, diagnoses, and distribution maps for all species of the genus are provided

    Osteoblastoma clássico, osteoblastoma atípico e osteossarcoma: um estudo comparativo baseado em parâmetros clínicos, histológicos e biológicos

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the biological behavior of classical and atypical osteoblastomas in comparison to osteosarcomas. METHODS: Based on histological parameters, 30 osteoblastomas were subclassified as classical osteoblastomas (23/30) or atypical osteoblastoma (high cellularity, prominent blue osteoid, and epithelioid osteoblasts-7/30). Comparative immunohistochemical and clinical analysis was performed in 17 cases of patients with high-grade osteosarcoma. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded archival tissue was immunostained for p53 and proliferation cell nuclear antigen. Tumors with positive p53 stain underwent molecular analyses for fragments of exon 10. RESULTS: The mean proliferating cell nuclear antigen indexes for classical osteoblastoma, atypical osteoblastoma, and osteosarcoma were 33%, 61%, and 79%, respectively. The atypical subgroup showed similar results to those of the osteosarcoma group (P ; 40 (P = 0.015). CONCLUSION: These results validate atypical osteoblastoma as an entity, with p53 and proliferation cell nuclear antigen immunoexpression closer to that of osteosarcoma than of classical osteoblastoma. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen labeling index and p53 may be useful predictors of recurrence.OBJETIVOS: Investigar o comportamento biológico de osteoblastomas clássicos e atípicos comparados com osteossarcomas. MÉTODOS: Com base em parâmetros histológicos classificamos um grupo de 30 osteoblastomas nos subgrupos de osteoblastomas clássicos (23/30) e de osteoblastomas atípicos (que apresentam como característica grande celularidade, osteóide azul proeminente e osteoblastos epitelióide-7/30). Como efeito de comparação dos resultados imunohistoquímicos e análise clínica, avaliamos 17 pacientes com osteosarcoma de grau avançado. Os cortes histológicos com bloco de parafina fixado em formalina foram imunocorados para p53 e antígeno nuclear de célula em proliferação. Tumores com coloração positiva para p53 tiveram análise molecular para fragmentos do exon 10. RESULTADOS: O índice médio de antígeno nuclear de célula em proliferação para osteoblastoma clássico, osteoblastoma atípico e osteosarcoma foram de 33%, 61% e 79%, respectivamente. O subgrupo atípico demonstrou resultados similares aos dos osteosarcomas (p; 40 (p=0,015). CONCLUSÃO: Esses resultados validam os osteoblastomas atípicos como entidade real, com imunoexpressão das proteínas p53 e antígeno nuclear de célula em proliferação mais perto do osteosarcoma do que do osteoblastoma clássico. O índice de marcação pelo antígeno nuclear de célula em proliferação e o p53 podem ser úteis fatores de prognóstico da recorrência