206 research outputs found

    CT liver tumor segmentation hybrid approach using neutrosophic sets, fast fuzzy c-means and adaptive watershed algorithm

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    Liver tumor segmentation from computed tomography (CT) images is a critical and challenging task. Due to the fuzziness in the liver pixel range, the neighboring organs of the liver with the same intensity, high noise and large variance of tumors. The segmentation process is necessary for the detection, identification, and measurement of objects in CT images. We perform an extensive review of the CT liver segmentation literature

    Cyclic Self-Organizing Map for Object Recognition

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    Object recognition is an important machine learning (ML) application. To have a robust ML application, we need three major steps: (1) preprocessing (i.e. preparing the data for the ML algorithms); (2) using appropriate segmentation and feature extraction algorithms to abstract the core features data and (3) applying feature classification or feature recognition algorithms. The quality of the ML algorithm depends on a good representation of the data. Data representation requires the extraction of features with an appropriate learning rate. Learning rate influences how the algorithm will learn about the data or how the data will be processed and treated. Generally, this parameter is found on a trial-and-error basis and scholars sometimes set it to be constant. This paper presents a new optimization technique for object recognition problems called Cyclic-SOM by accelerating the learning process of the self-organizing map (SOM) using a non-constant learning rate. SOM uses the Euclidean distance to measure the similarity between the inputs and the features maps. Our algorithm considers image correlation using mean absolute difference instead of traditional Euclidean distance. It uses cyclical learning rates to get high performance with a better recognition rate. Cyclic-SOM possesses the following merits: (1) it accelerates the learning process and eliminates the need to experimentally find the best values and schedule for the learning rates; (2) it offers one form of improvement in both results and training; (3) it requires no manual tuning of the learning rate and appears robust to noisy gradient information, different model architecture choices, various data modalities and selection of hyper-parameters and (4) it shows promising results compared to other methods on different datasets. Three wide benchmark databases illustrate the efficiency of the proposed technique: AHD Base for Arabic digits, MNIST for English digits, and CMU-PIE for faces

    Analisis Pendpatan Pajak, Pendapatan Retribusi, Dan Pad Lain Yang Sah Terhadap Belanja Modal Kota Manado 2005-2015

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    ANALISIS PENDPATAN PAJAK, PENDAPATAN RETRIBUSI, DAN PAD LAIN YANG SAH TERHADAP BELANJA MODAL KOTA MANADO 2005-2015 Royke Reynald Anter, Debby Ch. Rotinsulu, George M.V Kawung Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Magister Ilmu Ekonomi Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado ABSTRAK Pembangunan merupakan sebuah proses menuju kea rah yang lebih baik. Pembangunan daerah terlebih di Indonesia khususnya Kota Manado masih amat bergantung pada intervensi pemerintah melalui alokasi belanja yang dimiliki. Dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana pengaruh pendapatan yang di terima pemerintah daerah dalam bentuk Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) yang terbagi dalam pendapatan Pajak, Retribusi, dan PAD lain yang sah, terhadap alokasi belanja modal pemerintah Kota Manado. Sepanjang 2005 hingga 2015. Di mana didapatkan hasil bahwa ketiga variabel independent kurang memberi pengaruh pada alokasi belanja modal Kata Kunci : Pajak, Retribusi, Belanja Modal, PAD. ABSTRACT Development is a process leading towards the better. Regional development especially in Indonesia, especially the city of Manado is still highly dependent on government intervention through budget allocations have. In this study aims to see how they affect the income received in the form of local government revenue (PAD) which is divided into income taxes, levies, and other legitimate PAD, the allocation of capital expenditures Manado city government. Throughout 2005 to 2015. Where is obtained that the three independent variables less influence on the allocation of capital expenditure Keyword : taxes, Levies, State Income, Capital Expenditur

    Short communication. In vitro oocyte maturation and fertilization rates in the Spanish Lidia bovine breed

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    The Lidia bovine breed is the most successful cattle breed on the Iberian Peninsula, also considered a hallmark of Spanish tradition and image around the world. The aims of the study were to characterize the oocyte recovery rates and to evaluate the effect of two standard in vitro maturation protocols on oocyte maturation (cumulus expansion and nuclear maturation) and fertilization rates after in vitro fertilization in this breed. For this purpose, 261 ovaries from Lidia cows were processed obtaining 1,125 viable cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs). The oocyte recovery rate obtained (4.31 viable COCs per ovary) was lower than those described previously in other studied breeds. Maturation rates were evaluated in two different oocyte maturation media with (M1) and without (M2) hormonal supplementation. The percentage of COCs with expanded cumulus cells was significantly lower in M1 (74.35%) compared with M2 (82.25%). Metaphase II (MII) rates (67.75% in M1 and 73.18% in M2) were similar to previous studies in different cattle populations. M2 significantly improved the percentage of COCs with their cumulus cells expanded (p < 0.01) and nuclear maturation rates (p < 0.05), but it did not affect the fertilization percentages obtained in this experiment. In conclusion, our study suggests that oocytes of the Lidia cattle breed can be obtained, matured and fertilized following standard protocols previously used in other cattle breeds

    Silica-Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles for Vancomycin Conjugation

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    Drug resistance is a global health challenge with thousands of deaths annually caused by bacterial multidrug resistance (MDR). Efforts to develop new antibacterial molecules do not meet the mounting needs imposed by the evolution of MDR. An alternative approach to overcome this challenge is developing targeted formulations that can enhance the therapeutic efficiency and limit side effects. In this aspect, vancomycin is a potent antibacterial agent that has inherent bacterial targeting properties by binding to the D-Ala-D-Ala moiety of the bacterial peptidoglycan. However, the use of vancomycin is associated with serious side effects that limit its clinical use. Herein, we report the development of vancomycin-conjugated magnetic nanoparticles using a simple conjugation method for targeted antibacterial activity. The nanoparticles were synthesized using a multistep process that starts by coating the nanoparticles with a silica layer, followed by binding an amide linker and then binding the vancomycin glycopeptide. The developed vancomycin-conjugated magnetic nanoparticles were observed to exhibit a spherical morphology and a particle size of 16.3 ± 2.6 nm, with a silica coating thickness of 5 nm and a total coating thickness of 8 nm. The vancomycin conjugation efficiency on the nanoparticles was measured spectrophotometrically to be 25.1%. Additionally, the developed formulation retained the magnetic activity of the nanoparticles, where it showed a saturation magnetization value of 51 emu/g, compared to 60 emu/g for bare magnetic nanoparticles. The in vitro cell biocompatibility demonstrated improved safety where vancomycin-conjugated nanoparticles showed IC50 of 183.43 μg/mL, compared to a much lower value of 54.11 μg/mL for free vancomycin. While the antibacterial studies showed a comparable activity of the developed formulation, the minimum inhibitory concentration was 25 μg/mL, compared to 20 μg/mL for free vancomycin. Accordingly, the reported formulation can be used as a platform for the targeted and efficient delivery of other drugs

    Hydroxy-Selenomethionine, an Organic Selenium Source, Increases Selenoprotein Expression and Positively Modulates the Inflammatory Response of LPS-Stimulated Macrophages

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    The role of 2-hydroxy-(4-methylseleno)butanoic acid (OH-SeMet), a form of organic selenium (Se), in selenoprotein synthesis and inflammatory response of THP1-derived macrophages stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) has been investigated. Glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activity, GPX1 gene expression, selenoprotein P (SELENOP) protein and gene expression, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production were studied in Se-deprived conditions (6 and 24 h). Then, macrophages were supplemented with OH-SeMet for 72 h and GPX1 and SELENOP gene expression were determined. The protective effect of OH-SeMet against oxidative stress was studied in H2O2-stimulated macrophages, as well as the effect on GPX1 gene expression, oxidative stress, cytokine production (TNFα, IL-1β and IL-10), and phagocytic and killing capacities after LPS stimulation. Se deprivation induced a reduction in GPX activity, GPX1 gene expression, and SELENOP protein and gene expression at 24 h. OH-SeMet upregulated GPX1 and SELENOP gene expression and decreased ROS production after H2O2 treatment. In LPS-stimulated macrophages, OH-SeMet upregulated GPX1 gene expression, enhanced phagocytic and killing capacities, and reduced ROS and cytokine production. Therefore, OH-SeMet supplementation supports selenoprotein expression and controls oxidative burst and cytokine production while enhancing phagocytic and killing capacities, modulating the inflammatory response, and avoiding the potentially toxic insult produced by highly activated macrophages. Keywords: cytokine production; glutathione peroxidase; immune response; macrophage polarization; oxidative stress; phagocytosis; selenium deprivation; selenoprotein P; 2-hydroxy-(4-methylseleno)butanoic aci

    Biological and Health-promoting Activity of Vinification Byproducts Produced in Spanish Vineyards

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    Several by-products are produced in the Spanish agricultural system. Among them, fresh and vinifiedgrape skins represent an abundant source of phenols with a potential nutraceutical value. Fresh grape skinextracts (FGSE) and vinification of grape skin extracts (VGSE) obtained by a microwave-assisted methodhave been chemically and biologically characterised. Their role in the maintenance of genetic stabilitywas stated by in vivo genotoxic and antigenotoxic evaluations (Drosophilla melanogaster wing spot test), aswell as by their potential chemopreventive effect (in an HL60 in vitro model). Total phenolic, anthocyaninand resveratrol contents were chemically characterised in the two extracts, showing some qualitativedifferences. Both extracts and resveratrol were not mutagenic in the Drosophila somatic mutation andrecombination tests, and exerted antigenotoxic activities against hydrogen peroxide. They also showedcytotoxic activity to HL60 leukaemia cells, with an IC50 of 4.5μL/mL, 4.6μL/mL and 98μM respectively andinduced apoptotic internucleosomic fragmentation in the HL60 cell line