37 research outputs found

    Optimización de la programación de tareas en remanufactura de pino

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    116 p.En este trabajo se aborda un problema de programación de máquinas paralelas no relacionadas, considerando tiempos de setup, fechas de entrega, y disponibilidad de tiempo (capacidad) de las máquinas. Es un problema de complejidad NP-hard, por lo que se justifica el uso de métodos heurísticos para obtener soluciones aproximadas. Se clasifica como Scheduling de máquinas paralelas no relacionadas, considerando tiempos de setup, con un criterio de optimalidad de la minimización del makespan (Rm/Sijk/Cmax). El problema se basa en un caso real y el objetivo es reducir al mínimo la suma del makespan. Se propone un modelo lineal de programación entera mixto y desde el modelo se consideran restricciones realistas. Se utiliza una Búsqueda Local Multi-inicios como método de solución para este problema. En la fase inicial se construye una solución aleatoria mientras se cumpla con la condición de capacidad de cada máquina, luego se utiliza una regla de despacho para ordenar las tareas. En la fase de búsqueda local, se mejora la solución a través de un algoritmo de búsqueda local 2-Opt. Para efectos de la experimentación numérica y la medida de la calidad de los algoritmos diseñados, se compara la solución obtenida por el método multi-inicios con un algoritmo de Búsqueda Local. El método multi-inicios presenta mejores resultados que la Búsqueda Local, a un costo computacional un poco mayor, con una desviación promedio de 2,2% con respecto al óptimo, mientras que la Búsqueda local presenta una desviación de 10,4% con respecto al óptimo. Se comparan programaciones reales, con las obtenidas por el método multi-inicios, en un escenario con 3 moldureras y 101 tareas y un horizonte de planificación de 1 semana. Este método logra una mejora del 7,85% en el tiempo total de producción y un aumento de la capacidad de producción de 164 m3 en el mes bajo las mismas condiciones, sólo por el hecho de programar y secuenciar de una mejor forma. Palabras clave: Programación de tareas, Tiempo de setup, Máquinas paralelas, Métodos Multi-Inicios/ABSTRACT:This work presents a scheduling problem unrelated parallel machines, considering setup times, due dates, and time availability (capacity) of the machines. It is a problem of NP-hard complexity so that it justifies the use of heuristic methods to obtain approximate solutions. Scheduling is classified as unrelated parallel machines, setup times considering with an optimality criterion of minimizing the makespan (Rm / Sijk / Cmax). The problem is based on a real case and the objective is to minimize the sum of the makespan. A linear mixed integer programming model is proposed and realistic constraints are considered. A multi start local search is used as a method of solution for this problem. In the initial phase builds a random solution while complying with the capability condition of each machine, then uses a dispatchin rukes to sort the jobs. In the local search phase, the solution is improved through a local search algorithm 2-Opt. For purposes of numerical experimentation and measurement of the quality of the algorithms, compares the solution obtained by multi start local search (BLM) heuristic with a local search algorithm. BLM presents better results than Local Search, to a greater computational cost, with an average deviation of 2,2% from the optimal, while local search has a deviation of 10,4% compared to the optimal. Real schedules are compared with those obtained by the BLM heuristics in a scenario with 3 moulders and 101 jobs and a planning horizon of 1 week. BLM achieves an improvement of 7,85% on the total production time and increasing production capacity of 164 m3 in the month under the same conditions, just for the sake of scheduling and sequencing of a better way. Key words: Scheduling, Setup time, Parallel machines, multi-start method

    On the structure and properties of silver nanoparticles

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    Silver tetrahedral nanoparticles (NP) were synthesized using the inert gas condensation technique. We performed morphological and optical characterization of the nanoparticles (NPs) using atomic force microscopy (AFM), mass spectroscopy (MS), and UV-visible spectroscopy. The Ag NPs were produced by modified magnetron sputtering, followed by thermalization and condensation in a high pressure zone. Along the synthesis process, the size of the NPs was controlled through the handling of the gas flow (Ar and He), the magnetron power, and the length of the aggregation zone. We optimized the synthesis parameters to obtain a peak on the size distribution of Ag NPs around of 5 nm (as measured with AFM and MS). The AFM measurements show that the particles have tetrahedral shape, with a fair correspondence with a 2925-atoms ideal tetrahedron. We performed a set of Molecular Dynamics (MD) calculations using the Embedded Atom potential model to simulate the dynamics of particles with different shapes, obtaining that, at sizes close to that of the particles produced experimentally, the tetrahedra may be as energetically stable as cuboctahedra of roughly the same size, and that their melting point is below but close to that of the bulk. We also found that both the size and shape of the nanoparticles determine the shift of the UV-visible absorption spectrum. Finally, we observed the formation of atomic islands above the faces of the Ag tetrahedral NPs, in agreement with the results obtained from the MD simulations

    Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) present in a section of the Balsas riverbed in the Tierra Caliente region

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    Se logró conocer la biología de Hypophthalmichthys molitrix a pesar de estar carente de literatura, y solo es mencionada junto con otras especies de carpas, las claves dicotómicas fueron fundamentales para que no exista margen de error y confusión sobre la especie que se investigó. Las encuestas reportadas brindan respuestas positivas, ya que Hypophthalmichthys molitrix cuenta con una gran importancia en la Región calentana, y con el paso del tiempo un atractivo de consumo para todos y cada uno de los habitantes de dicha región. De acuerdo a su aparición, todos concuerdan que Hypophthalmichthys molitrix llego de forma accidental a los ríos de la Región Tierra Caliente, lo cual la hace una especie invasora y literalmente estas especies traen consigo negatividad ecológica pero actualmente las investigaciones dicen lo contrario y no existe riesgo alguno de causar estragos con otras especies que habitan en los ríos calentanos. Las condiciones comparadas con literatura y presentes en la región calentana, muestran posibilidades de reproducción, además de ser una especie invasora posee adaptación rápida. It was possible to know the biology of Hypophthalmichthys molitrix despite the lack of literature, and it is only mentioned together with other species of carp. The dichotomous keys were essential so that there was no margin of error and confusion about the species that was investigated. The surveys reported provide positive responses, since Hypophthalmichthys molitrix has great importance in the Calentana Region, and over time an attractive consumption for each and every one of the inhabitants of said region. According to its appearance, everyone agrees that Hypophthalmichthys molitrix accidentally arrived in the rivers of the Tierra Caliente Region, which makes it an invasive species and these species literally bring with them ecological negativity but currently research says the opposite and there is no risk. some of wreaking havoc with other species that live in the Calevano rivers. The conditions compared to literature and present in the Calenta region show possibilities of reproduction, in addition to being an invasive species, it has rapid adaptation and is a plus point for which it has a great future

    Repensando la innovación educativa

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    El Libro "Repensando la innovación educativa" constituye una obra que consta con la participación de destacados profesores y especialistas en la materia, bajo la dirección de la profesora Dra Cobas Cobiella. Han intervenido también como colaboradores de la misma estudiantes de la Universidad de Valencia, bajo la dirección de sus tutores, así como estudiantes del Master en Mediación y Arbitraje en solución de Conflictos ( curso 2017-2018), con los trabajos sobre mapas conceptuales presentados en el aula. Esta obra se enmarca dentro del ProyectoUV SFPIE_GER17-586365. SFPIE_GER17:Grupos Estables y Redes de Innovación, de la Universidad de Valencia, y constituye un trabajo con colaboración nacional e internacional de lectura obligatoria para los maestros y formadores.The book "Rethinking educational innovation" is a work that consists of the participation of leading professors and specialists in the field, under the direction of Professor Dra Cobas Cobiella. Students of the University of Valencia under the direction of their tutors, as well as students of the Master in Mediation and Arbitration in Conflict Resolution (course 2017-2018), with the works on conceptual maps presented in classroom were included. This work is part of the UV Project SFPIE_GER17-586365. SFPIE_GER17: Stable Groups and Innovation Networks, of the University of Valencia, and it is a work with national and international collaboration of mandatory reading for teachers and trainers.El libro cuenta con la colaboración de un grupo de estudiantes: Luisa María Brito Nieto, María Amalia Fadul Núñez Galo Daniel Guevara CorderoFernando David Zambrano Quimís,Paula Soler Cerdá, Patricia Aure Porres, -Maria José Castells Donat,Blanca Vanaclocha Gonzalez, Germán Sapena Giménez-Paula Valor Gil. Ana María Niculae, Ana María Vaduba, Bábara Oliver Barceló .Belén Lillo López, Carles Ramon Catala, Mario Andrés Carrascosa. Álvaro Agulló Marco, Lidia Alonso de la Torre Miriam Fernández Picazo Vicente Gabriel García Aviñó Mª Pilar Gorostizaga Ramos, Lola Martínez Arribas. Fernando Rodrigo Molina Silvera.Pablo Penella Baixauli, Carla Pla Díaz Aida Saez Castella, Alba Salvador Cano., Ana Marco de la Iglesia., Paola Alarcón Haro.Sarai Salvador Rodrigo. Sandra Alberola Pérez, Francesca Caputo Redondo María Pamblanco Sena, Jorge Bonora Esteve. Niccolò Fidale Christian Proaño Guzmán Blanca M. Esteban Millas Andrea Aguayza Rubio, Marta García Pérez, Héctor Asterio Aparicio Peñarrubia, Jorge Serrano Gomez, Pablo Sanchez Piles Antonio Amado Ruz - Andrés Bolás Colveé, Marta Aparisi Arias. Paula Carbonell Aparisi. Nerea Femenia Cervera. Paula Jiménez Pérez., María Vázquez Diego, Jorge Andújar Escudero. Alejandro Hernández Barthelemy. Vicent Campos Vicent. Marta Domingo Pérez, Paolo Zuco Mónaco Virginia Soriano Hernández Beatriz Campillos Font Paula Molla Llorens, Laia Yuste Badía, Mireia Gallart Domínguez, Beatriz López García Belinda Parrilla Llopis, Mónica Amorós Fogués, Ángela Bernabéu González, Estefanía Martín - Toledano Martínez., Almudena Martínez Cano Mireia Castells Poquet Pauline Thomas Almudena Sánchez Gascón, Enrique Otero Tejedor, Patricia Ghanem Sebastia, Rosa Nouvilas Costa, Marta Higueras Garcia. Juan Francisco Garcia Ortiz Jorge Cortés Obiol Javier Tejedo Vicent Pedro José Martín Bueno Carlos Tarazona Alcacer, Nuria García Frías. Daniela Rodríguez Cuenca, Estefanía Abarca Eva Iborra Oltra, Laura PeñaCristina Ruipérez, Patricia Mata, Nuria Ruiz Valera Laura Rincón BlázquezIsabel Rincón Blázquez Ana García Sanjuán, Danay Cabrera Vara. Luana Alves Dos Santos. María Esteso Calatayud. Nerea Fernández Mata Beniamin Cojocaru Eusebiu, Víctor Rivas Murgui. Marisa Rovira Deborah Herrera Alexandra Ibáñez, Alya Laypanova, Amadeo de Miguel Boiye Bokokó. Jordi González Guerra, Javier Alberto Esteve, Ana Fernández Tena. David Rubio Díaz.David Pérez Antón Eva Romero Ferrer Carolina Tirado Garrido, Roberto Duato Caballer,Angela Ponce García. Yana Nikiforova Laura Sánchez. Vicente Jiménez Marco, Andrea Gómez Chamorro Nieto. Vega Giner Sancho. Alberto Lastella Ortega. Rafa Llopis Llario. Francisco Andrés Pérez, Noelia López López, María García Auñon Juan Vte Langa Lahoz, Javier Yuste Pérez, Alejandro Jiménez Moreno, - Elena de Blas Mora, Annaïs Sisternas Aliena, Dayana Borja Roselló, Elena Clarí Romaní, David Morro Cuenca. Ismael Heskouri Benlemlih, Paloma De Juan Escandell. Clara González Eslava.Timea Krisztina Iokh, Daniel Fernández Guillot Isabel Maicas Alcaine Marisol mari Julián Raúl González Peris Rosario Fernández padilla, Carmen Fuster Escriva Angel Rodriguez Urbano, Yixi Muñoz Mesa. Gabriela Ngonde. Ayléen Núñez García, Yannara Perez Alvarez. Norma Santana Pérez. Anna Kostareva Ana Raquel Lombardo Román Alba Moreno Ibán Jesica Rodriguez Ortiz Guillermo Van Den Broeck Raez,Andres GonzaleZ Albuixech,Maria Jose Garcia Calaforra,Pablo Xaixo Peyro,Mirella Pere Lara,Andrea Araiz Caceres,Jorge Corral Frechina,Ana Amores González,Cayetano Obiang Bengono,Henar Puertas Duras Elena Ruiz Oliva

    High relative abundance of firmicutes and increased TNF-α levels correlate with obesity in children

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    Objective. To investigate the correlation among pro- or anti-inflammatory cytokines and the two main gut microbiota phyla in obese children. Materials and methods. Anthropometric data were obtained from 890 children under 14 years old to determine the degree of obesity. Serum cytokine concentration was measured by ELISA. Relative abundance of gut microbiota in feces was evaluated by quantitative RealTime PCR assays. Results. Anthropometric and biochemical parameters were statistically higher in overweigth/ obese children (OW/O) than in lean (NW), Increased TNF-α levels were found in obese children that also have a high relative abundance of Firmicutes. Conclusions. Obese children have a high relative abundance of Firmicutes that correlates with increased levels of TNF-α. This is the first study that shows a relation between Firmicute abundance and TNF-α serum concentration in obese children

    Multiomics integrative analysis identifies APOE allele-specific blood biomarkers associated to Alzheimer's disease etiopathogenesis

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia, currently affecting 35 million people worldwide. Apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4 allele is the major risk factor for sporadic, late-onset AD (LOAD), which comprises over 95% of AD cases, increasing the risk of AD 4-12 fold. Despite this, the role of APOE in AD pathogenesis is still a mystery. Aiming for a better understanding of APOE-specific effects, the ADAPTED consortium analysed and integrated publicly available data of multiple OMICS technologies from both plasma and brain stratified by APOE haplotype (APOE2, APOE3 and APOE4). Combining genome-wide association studies (GWAS) with differential mRNA and protein expression analyses and single-nuclei transcriptomics, we identified genes and pathways contributing to AD in both APOE dependent and independent fashion. Interestingly, we characterised a set of biomarkers showing plasma and brain consistent protein profiles and opposite trends in APOE2 and APOE4 AD cases that could constitute screening tools for a disease that lacks specific blood biomarkers. Beside the identification of APOE-specific signatures, our findings advocate that this novel approach, based on the concordance across OMIC layers and tissues, is an effective strategy for overcoming the limitations of often underpowered single-OMICS studies

    New insights into the genetic etiology of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias

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    Characterization of the genetic landscape of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and related dementias (ADD) provides a unique opportunity for a better understanding of the associated pathophysiological processes. We performed a two-stage genome-wide association study totaling 111,326 clinically diagnosed/'proxy' AD cases and 677,663 controls. We found 75 risk loci, of which 42 were new at the time of analysis. Pathway enrichment analyses confirmed the involvement of amyloid/tau pathways and highlighted microglia implication. Gene prioritization in the new loci identified 31 genes that were suggestive of new genetically associated processes, including the tumor necrosis factor alpha pathway through the linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex. We also built a new genetic risk score associated with the risk of future AD/dementia or progression from mild cognitive impairment to AD/dementia. The improvement in prediction led to a 1.6- to 1.9-fold increase in AD risk from the lowest to the highest decile, in addition to effects of age and the APOE ε4 allele

    A genetic history of the pre-contact Caribbean

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    Humans settled the Caribbean about 6,000 years ago, and ceramic use and intensified agriculture mark a shift from the Archaic to the Ceramic Age at around 2,500 years ago1,2,3. Here we report genome-wide data from 174 ancient individuals from The Bahamas, Haiti and the Dominican Republic (collectively, Hispaniola), Puerto Rico, Curaçao and Venezuela, which we co-analysed with 89 previously published ancient individuals. Stone-tool-using Caribbean people, who first entered the Caribbean during the Archaic Age, derive from a deeply divergent population that is closest to Central and northern South American individuals; contrary to previous work4, we find no support for ancestry contributed by a population related to North American individuals. Archaic-related lineages were >98% replaced by a genetically homogeneous ceramic-using population related to speakers of languages in the Arawak family from northeast South America; these people moved through the Lesser Antilles and into the Greater Antilles at least 1,700 years ago, introducing ancestry that is still present. Ancient Caribbean people avoided close kin unions despite limited mate pools that reflect small effective population sizes, which we estimate to be a minimum of 500–1,500 and a maximum of 1,530–8,150 individuals on the combined islands of Puerto Rico and Hispaniola in the dozens of generations before the individuals who we analysed lived. Census sizes are unlikely to be more than tenfold larger than effective population sizes, so previous pan-Caribbean estimates of hundreds of thousands of people are too large5,6. Confirming a small and interconnected Ceramic Age population7, we detect 19 pairs of cross-island cousins, close relatives buried around 75 km apart in Hispaniola and low genetic differentiation across islands. Genetic continuity across transitions in pottery styles reveals that cultural changes during the Ceramic Age were not driven by migration of genetically differentiated groups from the mainland, but instead reflected interactions within an interconnected Caribbean world1,8.This work was supported by a grant from the National Geographic Society to M. Pateman to facilitate analysis of skeletal material from The Bahamas and by a grant from the Italian ‘Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation’ (Italian archaeological, anthropological and ethnological missions abroad, DGPSP Ufficio VI). D.R. was funded by NSF HOMINID grant BCS-1032255, NIH (NIGMS) grant GM100233, the Paul Allen Foundation, the John Templeton Foundation grant 61220 and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.Peer reviewe

    Multiancestry analysis of the HLA locus in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases uncovers a shared adaptive immune response mediated by HLA-DRB1*04 subtypes

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    Across multiancestry groups, we analyzed Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) associations in over 176,000 individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) versus controls. We demonstrate that the two diseases share the same protective association at the HLA locus. HLA-specific fine-mapping showed that hierarchical protective effects of HLA-DRB1*04 subtypes best accounted for the association, strongest with HLA-DRB1*04:04 and HLA-DRB1*04:07, and intermediary with HLA-DRB1*04:01 and HLA-DRB1*04:03. The same signal was associated with decreased neurofibrillary tangles in postmortem brains and was associated with reduced tau levels in cerebrospinal fluid and to a lower extent with increased Aβ42. Protective HLA-DRB1*04 subtypes strongly bound the aggregation-prone tau PHF6 sequence, however only when acetylated at a lysine (K311), a common posttranslational modification central to tau aggregation. An HLA-DRB1*04-mediated adaptive immune response decreases PD and AD risks, potentially by acting against tau, offering the possibility of therapeutic avenues