18,367 research outputs found

    STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN PARIWISATA DALAM MEMPERKENALKAN WISATA DAERAH (Studi pada Dinas Kebudayaan Pemuda Olahraga dan Pariwisata Kab. Sumenep)

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    Current technological developments make it easier to promote on social media. Factors such as the use of social media, collaboration with local influencers, and unique experiences are important in designing interesting and relevant strategies. This research uses a naturalism paradigm and interview and documentation methods. This research aims to find out the strategies used by the District Youth, Sports and Tourism Culture Service. Sumenep in introducing regional tourism. This research also uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The results of the research show that the Sumenep Regency Culture, Youth, Sports and Tourism Office has implemented a pull, push and pass strategy. However, according to researchers, DISBUDPORAPAR Kab. Sumenep still requires evaluation of the website and realization of activities in collaboration with Instagram, TikTok and YouTube influencers


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    This research aims to describe communication skills and mathematical literacy using the TSTS learning model assisted by the codular application. This type of research is qualitative. The subjects of this research were 32 students from class VII-C MTS Muhammadiyah 1 Malang City. The type of data used in this research is qualitative data. Data collection techniques in this research were observation sheets, questionnaires and tests. Observation sheets are used to observe teacher and student activities while using the media-assisted TSTS learning model, questionnaires to determine student responses to the media used, tests to determine students' communication skills and mathematical literacy. The results of this research are that the teacher's ability to manage learning in the classroom using the media-assisted TSTS learning model obtained a final score of 74% in the good category, and student activities during learning scored 70% in the good category. Student response questionnaire to media with a score of 82.58% in the agree category. Students' abilities in answering test questions vary. Based on the results of calculations, students' overall mathematical communication skills obtained an average percentage of 80.73% in the high category. Meanwhile, students' mathematical literacy skills obtained an average percentage of 78.91% in the high category


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    This research aims to examine political connection as a moderating variable on the influence of transfer pricing and capital intensity on the effective tax rate. The research population is manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) using the purposive sampling method to produce a research sample of 62 companies. The analysis technique for this research uses panel data regression tested with the STATA 14.2 program. The results of this research show that transfer pricing and capital intensity influence the effective tax rate. The political connection variable is unable to moderate the influence of transfer pricing and capital intensity on the effective tax rate


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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui serta menganalisis pengaruh iklim organisasi terhadap intention to stay pada PT Musla Trans Utama dengan employee engangement sebagai variabel intervening. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini dengan menggunakan teknik proportionate random sampling dengan jumlah sampe sebanyak 98 karyawan. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis jalur dengan program Smart-PLS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa iklim organisasi tidak berpengaruh terhadap intention to stay, iklim organisasi berpenagruh positif dan signifikan terhadap employee engangement, employe engangement berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap intention to stay, iklim organisasi berpengaruh secara positif fan signifikan terhadap intention to stay dengan employee engangement sebagai variabel intervening


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    The objectives of this research are (1) to identify the types of commands employed by the main character in the film entitled Elizabeth: the Golden Age, (2) to find out the forms of commands used by the main character in the film entitled Elizabeth: the Golden Age, and (3) to know the strategies of how commands are expressed by the main character in the film entitled Elizabeth: the Golden Age. This research applied a descriptive qualitative approach. The data of this research were in the forms of dialogues in the transcript or text of the film Elizabeth: the Golden Age which indicate speech act of commands. The sources of the data were the film Elizabeth: the Golden Age and its script. In collecting the data, the film was watched; the transcript was reread and re-transcribed comprehensively and interpretatively. The data were, then, identified using the limitation provided, coded into the data sheets, interpreted as what are found based on the context of each datum, discussed into a deeper story lined explanation, and then concluded for the research questions. The results of the research are as follows. Firstly, there are two types of commands uttered by the main character in Elizabeth: the Golden Age. The most dominant of the types is direct commands. It shows that most of commands in this film are to show the authority of the main character. Secondly, there are seven forms of commands which occur in Elizabeth: the Golden Age. The forms which are included in direct commands are base form of verb, imperative + modifier and let + first person pronoun, while the forms which are indirect commands are you + imperatives, embedded agent, verb ellipsis, and hints. In the application of the forms, the main character mostly applies base form of verb in commanding people since it is the simplest and clearest form. Lastly, in the way of expressing commands, the main character proposes four strategies. They include bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off record. Bald on record is mostly applied by the main character since she is a queen and has the greater authority among the others. Keywords: the film Elizabeth: the Golden Age, speech acts of commands, politeness strateg


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    Jual beli online adalah proses transaksi bisnis melalui jaringan internet. Tidak seperti jual beli konvensional yang dilakukan secara fisik dengan pergi ke toko dan membeli produk yang diinginkan, jual beli online memudahkan penggunanya untuk menghemat kerja fisik dan waktu. Namun dalam prakteknya, jual beli online khususnya online internasional tidak terlepas dari masalah. Dari segi hukum akan timbul masalah mengenai keabsahan suatu kontrak elektronik dalam perjanjian jual beli online internasional. Selain itu pilihan hukum (choice of law) menjadi hal yang sangat perlu diperhatikan sebagai wujud dari perlindungan hukum para pihak yang bertransaksi. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan yuridis normatif, dengan menggunakan data sekunder yang pengumpulan datanya berupa perjanjian/kontrak elektronik perjanjian jual beli yang terkait, dan dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode penafsiran hukum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa validitas hukum dalam perjanjian jual beli online internasional ini dapat dilihat dari kontrak elektronik yang memuat transaksi jual beli online. Kontrak yang memenuhi syarat adalah yang memenuhi syarat keabsahan perjanjian berdasarkan Pasal 1320 KUHPerdata dan dipatuhi oleh penjual dan pembeli. Kontrak jual beli online yang memenuhi syarat sah perjanjian tersebut memberi akibat hukum bagi pihak yang membuatnya sebagai undang-undang dan tidak dapat dibatalkan secara sepihak serta harus dilaksanakan dengan itikad baik. Penyelesaian sengketa transaksi jual beli online yang bersifat internasional ditentukan berdasarkan pada asas Hukum Perdata Internasional untuk menentukan hukum mana yang berlaku bagi suatu kontrak perjanjian jual beli internasional. Bentuk penyelesaian sengketa jual beli online internasional dilakukan dengan menggunakan mekanisme Penyelesaian Sengketa Alternatif berupa arbitrase, negosiasi, mediasi dan konsiliasi. Pada pelaksanaannya penyelesaian Sengketa jual beli di Indonesia belum sepenuhnya bersifat online, namun UU Arbitrase memberikan kemungkinan penyelesaian sengketa secara online dengan menggunakan e-mail, maka para pihak yang bersengketa dapat menyelesaikan sengketanya secara online tanpa harus bertemu satu sama lain


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    The objective of this action research study was to improve the speaking skills of the tenth grade students of the UJP (Unit Jasa Pariwisata) class at SMKN 7 Yogyakarta in the academic year of 2011/2012 through the use of cooperative learning. This action research was conducted in two cycles involving cooperative learning methods such as two stray two stay, think-pair-share, numbered heads together, and inside outside circle as the main activities. Conducting role play, giving feedback, brushing up the materials, asking the students to bring a dictionary, giving a handout and reward were the complement of the main activities. The data were obtained by observing the teaching and learning process, interviewing the students and collaborators, holding discussions with the collaborators, giving questionnaires to the students, taking pictures, and recording the teaching and learning process. The instruments used in this research were observation guidelines, interview guidelines, and questionnaires. Data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification were used to analyze the data. The research results show that the students’ speaking skills improved through the use of cooperative learning. The students made a good improvement in some aspects of speaking skills such as pronunciation, fluency, and interactive communication. They were more confident to speak English. They had more chances to speak up. They easily learnt the materials with a group. They actively participated during the teaching and learning process. They were more aware of the mistakes or errors made as they always gave feedback to others’ performance. The various activities made the class atmosphere enjoyable. The students’ motivation to bring a manual and electronic dictionary helped them learn the materials. The group work activities applied improved the students’ understanding towards the materials and the teacher’s classroom management

    Perbandingan Jumlah Koloni Bakteri Klebsiella Pneumoniae Pada Media Eosin Methylene Blue (Emb) Dan Media Endo Agar Plate (Eap)

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    Background: Klebsiella pneumoniae is a normal flora bacteria which commonly found on tractus digestivus. The laboratory measurement can be conducted by calculating the number of germ or bacteria which is inoculated on Eosin Methylene Blue and Endo Agar Plate culture medium. The present study aims to compare the number of bacterial colonies of Klebsiella pneumoniae which is regrown on Eosin Methylene Blue Agar and Endo Agar Plate culture medium. Method: This present study is true experiment research which uses Klebsiella pneumoniae as the main sample. The study began by regrowing Klebsiella pneumoniae on Eosin Methylene Blue and Endo Agar Plate. All the deposited- Klebsiella pneumoniae is incubated at the temperature of 37oC for 48 hours and calculated. Furthermore, the experiment is repeated for 16 times to prove all the obtained data repeatable. All the obtained data is statistically analyzed using paired T-test with a confidence level of 95%. Result: The result shows that the average number of Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria colonies grown on Eosin Methylene Blueand Endo Agar Plate are 67 colonies forming unit (CFU)/ml and 64 colonies forming unit (CFU)/ml, respectively. Furthermore, statistical analysis using paired T-test confirmed that there is no significant difference of Klebsiella pneumoniae colonies number grown on Eosin Methylene Blue and Endo Agar Plate culture mediums. It is based on the significance value (p-value) showing 0,664 which is higher than the significant level (α = 0,05) (p-value > 0,05). Conclusion: There is no significant difference of Klebsiella pneumoniae colonies number grown on Eosin Methylene Blue and Endo Agar Plate culture medium

    Is Virtual Marriage Acceptable? A Psychological Study Investigating The Role of Ambiguity Tolerance and Intimacy Illusion in Online Dating among Adolescents and Early Adults

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    Marriage is one of the most important topics in the education field since life in this world is structured by interaction among families and between families and other social institutions. Dissatisfaction and unsustainability of marriage have led the urgency of premarital education in various countries. The problem is that the spread of virtual reality has made marriage itself to become more complex and experience reinterpretation and reconfiguration, moreover with the emergence of new kind of marriage in the digital era, i.e. virtual marriage. Everybody who has observed, known, or even tried, certainly asks the question, “Could (or: should) I accept virtual marriage?” . This study was aimed to investigate the role of tolerance of ambiguity and illusion of intimacy in online dating in predicting the acceptance of virtual marriage. There were 420 adolescents and young adults (212 males, 208 females; Mage=21.10 years old, SDage=1.459 years; 338 students, 82 employees or entrepreneurs) in the Greater Jakarta, Indonesia, participated in this study. It was found that the acceptance was not predicted by the ambiguity tolerance, but by the illusion of intimacy in online dating. The psychometric issues, substantive discussion, and recommendation are presented at the end of this article. The trend of virtual marriage should not be allowed to roll away, by autopilot, without loaded by strategies in designing an online game as one of the pivotal educational technologies that needs to shape appropriate character and attitude for it


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    Sedekah adalah perbuatan yang dianjurkan dalam Agama Islam. Jika dikaitkan dengan kondisi negara kita, yang mana kemiskinan masih menjadi masalah hampir di setiap daerah, maka sedekah termasuk salah satu hal yang sangat diharapkan bagi rakyat miskin khususnya bagi para pengemis yang banyak berkeliaran di jalan-jalan dan tempat-tempat umum lainnya. Jakarta memiliki segudang masalah yang dilatarbelakangi masalah ekonomi. Jumlah pengangguran terus meningkat dan jumlah pengemis pun bertambah. Hal ini merupakan masalah yang dilematik bagi Pemprov DKI Jakarta. Salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi masalah ini, ialah dengan disahkannya Perda No. 8 Tahun 2007 tentang Ketertiban Umum. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah konsep sedekah dalam Islam? Bagaimanakah konsep fakir miskin dan pengemis dalam Islam? Bagaimanakah pandangan Hukum Islam terhadap larangan pemberian sedekah kepada pengemis sebagaimana diatur dalam Perda DKI Jakarta Nomor 8 Tahun 2007? Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pandangan Islam tentang konsep sedekah, fakir miskin dan pengemis, juga larangan memberi sedekah kepada pengemis dalam Perda DKI Nomor 8 Tahun 2007. Metode penelitian dalam skripsi ini yaitu metode penelitian pustaka (library research) yaitu bentuk penelitian yang sumbernya diperoleh dari kepustakaan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode dokumentasi, yaitu cara mengumpulkan data yang dilakukan dengan mempergunakan bahan-bahan tertulis mengenai hal-hal atau variabel yang berupa catatan, trankrip, buku, surat kabar, majalah, prasasti, notulen rapat, legger, agenda dan sebagainya. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sedekah memiliki aturan yaitu etika sedekah yang baik dan ada orang yang berhak ataupun yang tidak berhak menerimanya. Islam juga mengemukakan adanya perbedaan pengemis dan fakir miskin yaitu orang miskin ialah orang yang tidak memiliki cukup uang untuk hidupnya tetapi tidak meminta-minta seperti pengemis. Perda ini tidak secara totalitas melarang umat Islam bersedekah, hanya berlaku pada lokasi-lokasi tertentu saja. Yang mana, di lokasi-lokasi inilah para pengemis professional menjalankan pekerjaannya. Menurut penulis, larangan ini tidak bertentangan dengan syari’at Islam karena pengemis-pengemis tersebut telah melakukan tindakan yang tidak sesuai dengan ajaran Islam yaitu, pengemis tersebut tidak berusaha menjaga kehormatan diri mereka dengan meminta-minta yang sudah jelas diharamkan oleh Rasul. Banyak juga dari pengemis-pengemis tersebut yang tidak berhak menerima sedekah karena Islam juga telah menetapkan siapa-siapa saja yang berhak menerima sedekah. Islam sendiri tidak memungkiri adanya aturan baru jika aturan tersebut demi kemaslahatan umatnya. Islam juga tidak memungkiri adanya perubahan hukum seiring perubahan zaman
